After Dressing as a Male Cross-dresser

Chapter 202

Chapter 179:

The figure of Jin Xiangjun when he left, almost fled away, with her maid.

So when the rest of Qiuping came over, he gave his master a suspicious look.

Originally, she was still thinking about the strangeness of her co-age Ziye talking about the county lord of Yongning, and reminded her that she was far away from the county lord of Yongning, but looking at the appearance of the county lord of Yongning just now, it seemed that she didn’t need to remind her.

I don’t know what Shi Ziye said to the county lord of Yongning, Qiu Ping couldn’t help being afraid of the county lord of Yongning with such an ugly expression on his face.

Qiu Ping was curious, and quickly walked towards where Li Qingyan was.

When I got closer, I found that Li Qingyan’s face was unusually calm, not the usual high coldness in front of outsiders, but the light and breezy clouds after all things settled.

At this moment, Li Qingyan blinked gently.

Qiuping’s heart jumped inexplicably.

As if in that moment of opening and closing, something settled down.

Qiuping paused, still unable to hold back his curiosity, and asked aloud.

“Shi Ziye, what’s the matter with Yongning County Lord?”

Hearing that, Li Qingyan didn’t look at Qiuping either, but looked straight ahead lightly and calmly, looking in the direction Jin Xiangjun left.

After a while, Li Qingyan said slowly.

“She’s just sober.”

Soberly realize that Li Qingyan and Xia Qian are in love with each other.


However, after Jin Xiangjun left that day, although Li Qingyan was calm, her heart was suspended.

She did not forget the last glance Jin Xiangjun looked at her.

Full of shock, unwillingness, frustration and shame.

With Li Qingyan’s understanding of Jin Xiangjun, she would never just give up so easily.

Fortunately, Jin Xiangjun’s wings are not yet full now. Even if he is unwilling to be frustrated and hates her and Xia Qian, it should be difficult to get rid of them without a trace for a while.

But Li Qingyan’s choice is equivalent to completely standing on the opposite side of Jin Xiangjun.

From now on, although she and Jin Xiangjun could not see anything on the surface, Li Qingyan knew that she had chosen an extremely powerful opponent and enemy for herself.

Moreover, the growth rate is extremely fast.

Therefore, she couldn’t relax, Li Qingyan narrowed her eyes slightly, and felt a little firm in her heart.

But because of thinking about Jin Xiangjun, Li Qingyan went to find Xia Qian who had returned that day. She thought that she would be happier, but she was too heavy on her mind to be happy.

Xia Qian on the side seemed to be silent and tight, and didn’t talk to Li Qingyan much.

However, Li Qingyan at the time was thinking about Jin Xiangjun, and didn’t care about Xia Qian’s weirdness.


The affairs of Xia Ziyue and Zuo Weizheng went very smoothly. Zuo Weizheng was a little nervous at the beginning. After all, when he first visited Xia’s house, Xia Ziyue’s father looked at him and the eyes were not friendly.

In the end, being able to agree so smoothly was also beyond the expectations of the Left.

Later, Zuo Weizheng and Xia Ziyue really became a family, knowing that it was Li Qingyan’s praise that made his marriage journey so smooth, they even wanted to introduce Li Qingyan as a lifelong confidant.

Only at that time, for some reasons, the idea of a left-handed government can only be thought of.

At this time, Zuo Weizheng, who was still unaware of it, only regarded himself as having a great fortune.

After a life-long event, Zuo Weizheng was naturally happy, and he heard that his only friend Li Qingyan had recovered from a serious illness.

Simply put a banquet in the largest restaurant in Hangzhou.

One is the joy of marriage, and the other is to clean up Li Qingyan.

Although Zuo has very few friends in politics, he has previously gained the limelight in his lectures and opened up the circle of talents in Hangzhou. In addition, he will soon become the son-in-law of the Xia family of poetry and rituals. There are many talented students in Hangzhou. , From the perspective of the Xia family, he will get closer and closer to him.

Moreover, Zuo Weizheng also invited Li Qingyan, which made the students who wanted to get close to Li Qingyan, but because she had always said that she could not see a lot of talented students, became even more excited.

To be honest, although Zuo Weizheng and Xia Ziyue’s second lecture was full of gimmicks and enough tension, in the hearts of this group of talents, Li Qingyan and Chu Zhi’s lecture was more interesting.

Moreover, as a disciple of Mr. Yanyu, Li Qingyan was appreciated by the Nanchuan layman.

Suddenly gathered the recognition of the two big celebrities in the world, Li Qingyan’s reputation in the south of the Yangtze River is not low.

Therefore, there are not many people who come back to participate in the Zuo Weizheng banquet.

Although Zuo Weizheng is not wealthy in his family, he usually likes to be thrifty, but he also knows when to spend money. This time he is not stingy. In the restaurant, he has a pretty good garden, and he has good wine and good food to entertain him. This group of guests came.

As the other protagonist of this banquet, when Li Qingyan appeared, he naturally attracted everyone’s attention.

After a few days, Li Qingyan’s demeanor has become more and more different.

There are people who are caring about it, but the face is still the same, how do you feel that the whole body is calmer and calmer.

In the past, Li Qingyan was a bit shy about being politically left, but now she herself talks with Jin Xiangjun, breaking peace, and there is no need to shy away from it.

Anyway, one more left is not a lot of politics, and one less left is a lot of politics.

In fact, although Jin Xiangjun has been pushed to the opposite side, there are many drawbacks, and Li Qingyan does not know whether he can contend in the future, but there is an advantage that Li Qingyan can appreciate right now.

That is, easy.

She finally got rid of the top priority that had been hanging in her heart since she wore the book.

She used to wear books at the beginning, and didn’t know anything about the situation. The overbearing and cruel shadow of the female emperor kept on her heart, so that she wanted to run when she saw the female emperor. Like it, she can keep her whole body and retreat. After that, even if her mentality begins to change and she begins to grow up and stand alone, she can’t think of a solution to this matter. She just subconsciously avoids or forgets Jin Xiangjun.

As if so, she can face this matter without having to deal with it.

Until the matter was naked in front of her, until she heard Jin Xiangjun’s murderous intentions against Xia Qian.

At that moment, Li Qingyan’s heart to protect Xia Qian defeated everything.

Jin Xiangjun’s feelings for her, or his feelings for the original body, are between Li Qingyan and Jin Xiangjun.

If it is because of this feeling, to involve others, that other person is still Li Qingyan’s sweetheart.

She will never allow it.

Of course, if it hadn’t been for the involvement of Xia Qian, Li Qingyan wouldn’t be able to clarify it with Jin Xiangjun so early, but now that’s the end, let’s face the difficulties.

At this moment, Li Qingyan, who was growing up, was finally able to summon the courage to pick up the sharp-knife armor and face Li Qingyan, the real biggest BOSS and BUG in the book.

The heroine Mary Su who is against the sky-

Jin Xiangjun.

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