Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

After Kominato Haru played.

Immediately sent a code word to Sawamura Eijun.


Sawamura Eijun, a fool who does not know baseball, directly asked out loud.

The meticulous preparations that caused Kominato Haru City to be destroyed in an instant.


“Let’s challenge it head-on…”

Kominato Haruichi sighed.

But in order to score, he still raised a finger and shouted to Sawamura Eijun: “I will definitely send you back to home plate!” ”

“The two of us, let’s get 1 point together!”

An ambitious scoring statement.

The audience outside the venue couldn’t help but laugh.

But Sawamura Eijun believed it and was ready to start early.


When a pitcher in the second and third grades throws the ball.

Sawamura immediately ran to second base as fast as he could.

And Kominato Haruichi did not live up to Sawamura’s trust, he used a wooden bat, hit the ball accurately, and flew to the right field touchline.

As everyone knows!

The outfield area is divided into three parts: left, center and right!

And the right field is the farthest outfield position from third base!


Kominato Haruichi’s score declaration just now is serious!

And in order to realize this sentence, he also specially aimed at the right field to hit!


Sawamura, who was running fast, came to second base when the baseball landed!

But he didn’t stop for half a minute!

Still running to third base at the fastest speed!

“Hurry up!”

“The runner passed second base!”

Second basemen in second and third grade reminded loudly.


Hearing this, the right fielder who picked up the baseball immediately passed the ball to third base with maximum strength!


“That kid didn’t stop when he reached third base!”

“His goal is home plate!”


When the audience outside the venue saw Sawamura’s behavior, they were all shocked.

Just a right-field hit who wants to run back to home plate from first base?

This new student is also too arrogant!

“What a mess!”

“Too late!”

“It’s over!”

Many freshmen in the rest area stood up in a panic.

One by one, he felt that Sawamura would fail, but he also sincerely hoped that Sawamura could run back to home plate.

After all!

Since the first inning!

Their freshman team hasn’t even scored 1 point!

Sawamura at this time!

It has become the only hope for the freshman team to break the egg!

“Stinky boy!”

“Hugh wants to go back to home plate!”

At this time, the second- and third-year catchers had already received a pass from their teammates.

But according to the rules of baseball!

To stop your opponent from scoring, you must kill!

The so-called touch kill refers to the defensive behavior of the defender holding the ball firmly with gloves or hands, and at the same time touching the body of the runner with the ball or the hand/glove holding the ball to make him out!

Other words!

Sawamura wants to score successfully.

It is necessary to avoid the ball held by the catcher or the hand/glove holding the ball.


Sawamura shouted as he slid and rushed to home plate.


The body twists forcibly to avoid the catchers of the second and third grades!

This moment!

Sawamura Eijun’s soft shoulder joint played a key role!

Dodge moves that others can’t make, he did easily!

And because of this!

Successfully avoided the touch kill and returned to home plate!

“Get on the base safely!”

With a shout from the head coach.

The freshman team finally broke the egg.

“Has this guy completely forgotten that he’s a pitcher?”

The corner of the cowshed, Miyuki Kazuya’s mouth twitched slightly.

In his impression.

No pitcher has ever done that.

Even in order to protect his dominant hand, the running base is slow and leisurely, and he is afraid of bumping.

“It’s not that I forgot, but I simply want to score!”

“Although the price of scoring is injury, with his character, he definitely won’t care!”

Lin Tian smiled and spoke.

Let’s be honest.

For this character of Sawamura, Lin Tian is very admirable.

Not everyone dares to make such a dangerous move in order to score.

Or rather.

Sawamura is a pure athlete.


Although admiration.

But Lin Tian would never do that.

Still that sentence!

Once injured, the bright future will collapse in an instant!


Because of Sawamura’s desperate scoring.

The momentum of the new students finally perked up.

But right now.

Head coach Kataoka, however, gave the order to ‘line up’, apparently wanting to end the game early.


Kataoka Tetsushin looks harsh though.

But in fact, he is a very tolerant coach.


Want to keep playing?

No problem, but agree to one condition!

“If all the freshmen have the idea of continuing to play, they can continue.”

Face this inquiry.

The freshmen quickly nodded.

“We’re going to continue!”


“Please let’s keep playing!”

“Please, Coach!”


After Lin Tian’s point.

Even without Sawamura’s mouth.

The freshmen began to cherish the game too.

They don’t want to lose their chance to perform in front of the manager.

“Since you all have the idea of continuing, why should you treat it perfunctorily before?”

“There’s no next time in high school baseball!”

Head coach Kataoka said coldly.


The freshmen were silent for an instant.

Some people who did not try their best before felt extremely ashamed and wanted to find a hole to drill into.

Looked at.

Kataoka shook his head in hatred that iron was not steel.

But do what you say.

Since the freshmen all want to continue, he will naturally not stop the competition.

But except for Sawamura.

Other first-year pitchers, he’s seen them all.


Kataoka made Sawamura the pitcher for the next few rounds.

Hear this instruction.

Sawamura was so happy that he couldn’t believe it.

“It’s not easy, after three weeks on the team, I finally climbed the pitcher’s hill!”

Lin Tian watched Sawamura walk towards the pitcher’s mound and showed a relieved smile.

Shin said, “I can finally see Sawamura’s unique pitching style on the spot.” ”

“If the fans of Diamond A knew, they would probably envy me, right?”

With endless expectations.

Lin Tian watched the game intently.


The game continues.

Since Sawamura was discussing tactics.

Say out loud that you want to throw all the straight balls in the middle.


The seniors in the second and third grades were very annoyed.

They felt that Sawamura was too arrogant, a rookie, and actually dared to underestimate the senior.

Of course.

Some people also feel that Sawamura is bluffing.


Despite this conjecture.

But most people feel that no matter how much bravado a rookie is, he cannot threaten them.


When Sawamura throws the ball!

The second and third grade batters swung the bat very decisively!


“Right in the middle…”

“Is this kid crazy?”

Looking at the flying baseball, the batter standing in the batter’s seat knocked the ball out in surprise.

And yet….

I thought I could hit a home run….


The baseball lost power when it flew to the center field, then began to fall, and finally in the air, it was caught by the center fielder….

Follow the rules of baseball.

The attacking batter, the ball hit is caught in the air by the defender before it lands.

Whether the ball is inside or outside the boundary, the attacking player will be eliminated.

Other words!

The senior who hit the ball was eliminated by one goal!

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