Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

I’m B̵̞̈́a̵͈͑c̴͎͐k̵͇̄

N practically skips through the frozen waste land of a city as Izy and Uzi follow behind him. Izy's eyes are hollow as she looks around, shaking in fear, as she holds her lucky screwdriver in one hand and Uzi's hand in the other.

"Um, so where are we going?" Uzi calls out as she looks up to the dark sky.

N smiles as he looks back at the sisters. "To see my Boss, Y! He was kinda... pretty damaged a couple months ago, so me and the others were trying to fix him."

Uzi's eyes hollow. "So we're going to go see the leader of the Murder Drones? Someone that could, potentially, very much Murder me and Izy."

N thinks for a second before nodding in affirmation. "Yup!"

"Dear Robo-Jesus." Izy mutters in fear.

"So what damaged him?" Uzi asks.

N shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea! I think it must have been a bear!"

"But all organic life is dead on this planet."

"...A Robo-bear." N narrows his eyes as he mutters.

The sisters glance at each other while a question mark appears on Izy's visor.


N rounds a corner. "Ahh, we're here!"


The two girls round a corner to see a large dome made from Worker Drone parts. And far behind it are several large concrete towers.

The two girls eyes go hollow as N walks towards the Corpse Dome. They step past several ripped apart bodies of dead Worker Drones, Izy gulps as she nearly steps on the visor of a dead Drone.

"Y, I'm back and I brought some friends!" N calls out as he enters the dimly light dome.

The two Worker Drones enter in behind N and they see a massive silhouette in the darkness.

"Hang on, let me get the lights." N walks off to the side where a large generator is with a couple levers. "Let there be light!" N slams down on of the levers and the generator turns on with a few sparks.

Flood lights flash on and start to light up the Dome, then several Flood Light shine onto the large silhouette in the darkness. The two Worker Drone's eyes hollow and shrink as they take a few steps back.

In the middle of the Dome is two half arches made from the parts of Worker Drones, and hung in the middle of them is a large Murder Drones.

The Murder Drone has short silver hair that's parted to the right and slightly hangs over its right eye. A black headband with five sections of blank lights rests on top of his head. Y's visor is blank, but there's a large crack over his right eye. He wears an unzipped coat that has rolled up sleeves and a fur collar. He wears a large black belt around his waist. A limp tail hangs down with a syringe that contains Nanite Acid. His mouth hangs slightly open, showing off his sharp teeth.

There are several large tubes hooked up on Y's back that lead outside the dome and into one of the massive concrete towers. There's a large tube above Y that holds oil, that has several tubes connected to it and Y, supplying him with Oil.

"This is Y!" N motions to the powered down Murder Drone.

The two girls blink in surprise and then gain a look of fear.

"He's so big..." Izy quietly mutters.

"Wow.... This is very ominous." Uzi states.

"Well, let's power him on!" N heads over to the generator and puts his hand on the second lever.

"Wait, wait!" Uzi shouts. "Are we still sure this is a good idea?!" She motions to Y. "He could come alive and still kill me and Izy.

N thinks for a second, then smiles. "We'll never know if we don't try!" He slams down the lever.

A humming sound vibrates from the concrete tower as a blue glow emanates from it. Sparks travel up the wires and tubes connected to Y and they slam into him, making him jolt and twitch as his visor power on and red text appears. The lights on his headband flash red rapidly.

Powering On
System Rebooting

Both the girls swiftly jump back and hide behind a large lump of Drone bodies. They barely peer out as N watches the scene with excitement. They all watch as Y's body violently twitches as electricity courses through him, sparks fly out from the crack on his visor.

Reboot at 25%

Suddenly everything starts to spark as several Flood Light explode.



Error 404
Seriousness and Bullshit gauge not found.

Everything goes dark as a few sparks ring out, Y's visor keeps repeating error.

"Darn, always happens." N frowns as he rubs his chin. "Eh, maybe next time."

"What was that?!" The sisters shout together as lights flicker around them.

"Well, he can't seem to stay powered on by himself, so me, J and V decided to hook him up to what humans call a Nuclear Reactor." N informs. "It seems to do the job, but he always seems to break down once he's 20% of the way done with rebooting." N smiles. "But he made it to 25% today!" N walks over to the girls. "I guess we should just try again another day. Darn-" He snaps his fingers. "-I guess he needs more parts. Or maybe a hug..."

Uzi wipes some digital sweat away. "I feel kinda relieved, dealing with two Murder Drones is hard enough."

"Nodding in agreement." Izy nods and text appears on her visor.

I'm relieved too.

"Aww, come on guys." N and the girls stand at the entrance of the Corpse Dome, the humming of the Nuclear Reactor hangs in the air. "Y, isn't that bad. He can be kinda serious and attractive at times but he... Um... He takes care of us!" He gives a thumbs up.

The two girls look at each other, then raise an eyebrow.

In the background yellow electricity sparks around Y, as text appears on his visor.

Running A.S.B Program: A.S.

A yellow three arrowed symbol with a ring around it appears on Y's visor, as he twitches a couple times and all the oil in the tube above him drains into Y. His visor glitches as more text appears.

S̶̖͌õ̵͔͉̝̀͜l̵̞̠̀̆͝ȕ̵̯͇̞̏t̶̙̜͊i̷̡̙͌ǫ̷̨̜͒͠n̴̡̪̅ ̷̞̄̿f̸̨̹̭̉̀̽o̶̠̓u̵̹̻͎͓͠n̷̲̑͜d̷̘̋͘͘ͅ
Overriding Reboot

Yellow electricity shoots out of Y, burning off the tubes and wires attached to him. The large tub above him cracks and grasses to the ground, causing the three Drones nearby to slightly jump. They all slowly turn to the side to see Y rip his right arm out of the arc, then rip his left out of the arch and land on the ground with a thud.

Y slowly walks forward, as if controlled by a puppeteer. His movement is all clumsy as his visor glitches. He stands at a tall, for a Drone, 5'6''. One of the lights on his headband are yellow as the other four are red.

"Oh, boy!" N smiles happily. "He's awake!"

"Oh, boy..." Uzi's eyes hollow in fear. "He's awake."

"Oh, boy..." Izy blushes as text appears on her visor.

He's hot.

Y stops halfway to the three Drones, his body twitches as yellow Text appears on his visor.

Running System Check: Problem Found...
Solution Found

Yellow saliva drips from Y's mouth as he smiles. His visor glitches and the three yellow arrowed symbol appears with a ring around it. He begins to give an echoey launch as his wings speard.

"Um.... Y?" N calls out. "You seem, more-" He struggles to find a word. "-Different then usual?"

Y suddenly shoots off into the sky and crashes through the dome and into the night sky. The three Drone's eyes hollow as they watch him fly off as he laughs.

"That's no good." Izy quickly mutters.

N grabs onto Uzi and wraps his tail around Izy. "We need to catch up with him."

"Wait!" The two sisters shout, but N just takes off into the sky after Y. The two girls scream as N follows after Y.

With in the city, Y laughs as he crashes into the side of a building, before pushing off of it and further into the sky. He clumsily flaps his wings as he laughs, yellow saliva dripping from his mouth.

He then starts falling towards the ground and crashes, but he keeps on flapping his wings as he runs on all fours, ramming into the side of a car. He uses the car to boost himself up into the air, and flies high up.

He then slams onto the roof of a building and comes to a rolling stop at the edge. He pulls himself up and his laugh glitches for a few seconds as the symbol on his visor glitches. He looks down towards the street below where two Worker Drones are walking, flashlights in hand, his hands change into claws and he starts to crawl down the side of the building.

The two Drones down below shine their flashlights around.

"Hey..." A drone with red eyes calls out.

"Ya?" A drone with orange eyes calls out.

"...You know in horror movies, where two guys are walking alone."

"Dude, you're already making this weird."

The robot with red eyes smacks the other Drone. "Let me finish!"

The orange eyed Drone rolls his eyes.

"There's usually a point in the movie where when two guys are alone, the camera zooms in on one of the guys. And while he's talking his friend beside him disappears and dies without the other guy noticing, only leaving behind a flashlight or something... You know what I mean?" He doesn't get a response. "Dude?"

The red eyed Drone stops and looks back only to see his friends flashlight on the ground, with some oil beside it.

"Huh?" A snap goes off behind the Drone. "It's behind me, isn't it." Y drools heavily as he stands behind the Drone. "It is!" He throws up his arms. "Hahaha! I win!" He then realizes. "Aww, I win."

Y lunges onto the Drone as it screams loudly. He begins to tear into it with his sharp teeth and eat at the Worker Drones entrails. His glitchy laugh echoes around him as oil shoots everywhere.

N lands nearby and sets the disorientated Uzi and Izy on the ground. Izy sways a bit before falling face first into the snow with a groan. Uzi helps her up as N takes a few steps towards Y.

"Hey, Y... You good boss?" N asks as he takes a couple more steps towards the feral Y.

Y stops mid bit and sits up, wires falling out of his mouth. He then stands up, lite being controlled by a puppeteer. The two sisters walk over to N and hide behind him and peak out.

Y slowly turns to N and the tall Drones smiles with his tongue lolled out. Oil and yellow saliva drips from Y's mouth as he gives a glitchy laugh. He suddenly appears in front of N with his claws helped up high.

Izy and Uzi let out a scream. "We're gonna die."

"Good to have you back, Y!" N smiles as he waves.

Y stares down at N as his sharp teeth shine in the moonlight and yellow saliva drips. The symbol on his face glitches and turns into a large X. He starts to huff and puff before a pair of yellow eyes appear and look down at N.

Y smiles and waves to N as his hands return to normal as well. "Hello, N!"

N gasps in excitement. "You're back!"

Y rubs the back of his head as his visor glitches for a few seconds. "I guess I am, kinda... I really don't remember much over the past... few years?"

"Wait, I thought you said he was serious and... stuff." Uzi walks out from behind N and studies Y.

Y tilts his head as he looks at Uzi. His visor glitches slightly. He goes into hunt mode. "I am still a little hungry."

"Uzi!" Izy screams.

N pulls Uzi back as Y slams his claws into the ground. "Y, these two are... friends now." He pushes Izy and Uzi forward.

Izy grows very scared as Uzi glares up at Y, as he returns to normal.

"Bite me!" Uzi shouts at Y.

"Well, I did try to." Y points out. "Well, let me introduce myself. I am À̶͇b̴̘̫͑̚ś̷̲̻ȯ̵̘͔----" He glitches for a few seconds as yellow sparks shoot out from the crack over his right eye. "I am Serial Designation Y. I... am the Leader?- of these Disassembly Drones in this section. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Uzi..." Uzi stares at Y, then motions to Izy. "That's Izy, my younger sister."

Y looks at Izy." Aww, aren't you a cute short Drone." He pats Izy on the forehead.

"Hey!" Izy pouts. "I'm not short, Bite me!"

Suddenly yellow static shoots out of Y's hand and shocks Izy. Both their visor's glitch for a couple seconds. Izy blinks a few times and shakes her head.

"That was weird." Izy mutters.

"So what's happened to you, Y?" N asks in worry. "Are you okay now?"

Y shrugs. "I have no idea, like I said I don't remember much. But let me do a quick scan." Text appears on his visor.

System Scan

A loading bar appears on Y's face and it slowly moves across, before getting stuck at 90% Y taps on his visor several times before it goes to 100% Text appears on his face as he talks.

Memory Files: Corrupted

"My memory seems to be corrupted." Y informs. "I can remember a few things, like people I've met and someplace I've been, but that's kinda all."

Weapon Systems: Offline

"It seems I can only use my claws as of now."

Repair System: Offline

"Uh, that's not good, guess I need to be careful now."

Ocular Systems: Damaged

"I can't see very well out of my right eye with this crack."

The a diagram of Y appears on his visor, with his right arm, left leg being a light red and his head being a dark red. The rest of his body is white.

"It seems my body is still damaged, I must get my repair System online to fix this." Y's face returns to normal and he looks at the three in front of him with a smile. "I seem fine."

N gives a double thumbs up. "That's great!"

"How is that great?" Izy asks. "He sounds like a complete mess."

"A cool complete mess!"

"So what are we doing now?" Y asks, as he goes into huntmode. "Are we still killing those Worker Drones?"

Izy and Uzi take a step back.

Digital sunglasses appear on N visor. "No, we are rebelling against the company and siding with the Worker Drones."

Y goes back to normal and blinks a few times. "Rebelling against the company?" Text appears across his visor.

Reboot at 30%

Y gives N finger guns as sunglasses appear on his visor. "That sounds totally radical!"

"What the heck is going on here?" Uzi whispers to Izy, said girl just shrugs.

N grabs Y's hand. "Hey, let's take you to V. Oh! She'll be so excited!"

"What about, J?" Y asks.

N looks to the side and gives a nervous laugh. "Hehehe, she... um..."

"We blew her up!" Uzi shouts with a smile.

"A-After kicking her butt!" Izy shouts in a slight stutter.

"You Worker Drones... killed a Disassembly Drone?" Y asks in confusion and the two girls nod. "Huh... That actually kinda cool."

"I know, right." N smiles.

The two Worker Drones deadpan.

N then starts to drag Y away. "Come one, lets go see V!"

"Yay!" Y throws an arm up as he laughs.

Uzi scoffs as she follows after the two while Izy tilts her head.

Izy's visor glitches for a few seconds before yellow text appears on her visor.

Backup Complete

An hour later the four Drones arrive back at the Corpse Tower.

Y stares up to the tower as his visor glitches a couple times. N then calls out to him.

"Y, hurry up!"

"C-Coming." Y's speech glitches as he runs up to N, Uzi and Izy are off to the side talking.

N opens up the door to the pod, and V groans as she swivels her chair around.

"Ugh, finally!" V shouts. "What too-" She notices Y and gains a look of shock. "Y?! Y-You're actually repaired."

Y smiles and he waves to V. "Hiya V! How are you?"

V blinks a few times before narrowing her eyes at N. "What did you do to him?" She calmly asks.

N swiftly shakes his hands. "Nothing! He just... ended up like this!" He motions to Y, who waves.

"Hello again!" Y gives a large smile and his visor slightly glitches.

V's jaw drops, before she spins her chair away from the two Murder Drones. "I hate this planet?"

Y titles his head in confusion, and then leans to N as he whispers. "Did I do something wrong."

N whispers back to Y. "It must be that time of the month."

"What does that mean?"

"I have no idea."

The two Murder Drones laugh together, while V grows a tick mark.

"...So now what?" Y asks.

N blinks a few times. "I honestly didn't think I'd get this far."

Y notices he has a tail. "OH!" He spins around to try and catch it. "Come here!" He keeps spinning around.

One of V's eyes twitch as a tick mark appear on her forehead. "I'm so gonna kill you, N."

"HUH?!" N grows confused.

Outside the pod Izy and Uzi sit a few meters away. Uzi uses a severed hand to write in the snow.

Uzi the groans and throws the arm away. "I can't believe we have to deal with three of them now!"

"Hey, at least two of them are nice." Izy quietly points out.

"For now." Uzi rests her chin on her palm.

"Hey we're still alive, I think that's what matters the most."

Uzi sighs. "I guess you're right. But I do have a feeling that big changes are about to happen."

Izy look up and through a hole in the Corpse House. "So do I." Her visor glitches for a second and yellow text appear for a split second.

A.S.B Program: On standby.



3082 words

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