Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

Falling… For You?

Wind howls in the night. Thunder and lighting follow not long after. Outside a cathedral, two Sentinels stay chained as a "FORE LEASE" sign hands out, indicating that this cathedral was converted into a lab.

Inside, human scientists scatter about, hard at word.

"Science holding strong, sir!" Ridley informs, then speaks dramatically. "Math..."

Above, a Drone is being held via chains, a card floats around her neck.


Nori gives a large toothy smile as her yellow eyes shine, indicating she is under control by the Absolute Solver. A scientists looks up, thinking she is staring at him.

"Dr. Chambers!" Ridley calls out.

Said man she was talking to gasps and looks down at his name tag. This is in fact not Dr. Chambers, it is an intern named, Mitchell.

"O-Oh, no - I-I-I'm not..." Mitchell looks back at the lockers and realizes he accidentally put on the doctor's uniform. He then whispers. "Is this guy important?"

Suddenly shadow claw appendages detach Nori from her chains. She lashes out at Mitchell, knocking his clipboard out of his hands. The other scientists begin to attempt to contain her by activating an EMP like device she's standing on. She falls to the ground and an error symbol appears on her visor.

They also turn on lights revealing her shadow appendages, yet the heat from the lights force them to disappear back into disappear back into Nori's body.

"Chambers!" Ridley tosses a card to Mitchell. "Get 48!"

Mitchell looks at the card and it says 'YEVA'. "Right, so..." He chuckles nervously. "This doctor-specific thing?"

"The bishop, Ridley,walks up to Nori and pulls out a crucifix, and spins out around to show a USB on the end of it. The Absolute Solution symbol appears on Nori's visor and she smiles, without Ridley noticing.

"'Cause I'm on it!" Mitchell flees the cathedral.

Mitchell rushes outside into the rain. He looks back to see Nori's crazed face staring at him as the doors close. After narrowly avoiding two Sentinels, he makes his way to a mine-like shaft.

Inside, he passes by some lockers until he notices one with the number 48 on it. Yeva's locker. He opens it to find Yeva inside. Apparently, she was playing Tetris on her visor when he interrupted. Mitchell indicates she is needed, much to her chagrin.

Mitchell unchains her and rushes her to the cathedral, but on his way he notices the two Sentinels are not chained up and are missing.

Mitchell rushes into the cathedral, with Yeva standing outside. He looks around, feeling as if something isn't right. Ridley is examining Nori's body, with the crucifix in her visor. he closes the doors behind him, leaving Yeva outside.

Ridley notices Mitchell. "Chambers! Get over here!"

"Y-Yep, um..." Mitchell steps back, holding the door from being opened by Yeva. "So, I... couldn't find 48?"


"R-Right. Uh..." Mitchell slowly makes his way towards her. "Here I... come..." He looks around and notices parts of his surroundings glitching.

Mitchell stops as he notices the crucifix on the ground, with a small puddle of blood under it. He then notices a trail of blood leading to the side into the shadows. He looks in the shadows and notices the bishop, without her right hand.

Before Mitchell could react, the bishop is dragged by the Absolute Solver into a large hole leading underground, where the EMP platform was.

Mitchell looks around as the computers start to glow red, noticing many human skeletons and their flesh melting off them. The cathedral starts to quake and fall apart.

Mitchell grabs the crucifix and rushes to avoid being crushed. He looks forward and sees Nori, under the control of the Absolute Solver, rise up from the abyss, with the bishops head in hand. Nori then churches the bishops severed head.

Nori advances towards Mitchell. "Thanks for the new host... intern." She summons the crucifix her way. "Macguffin."

Nori flings it back at Mitchell, presumably killing him.



Static plays on a screen, showing that what just happened was security footage being played. The crucifix then floats up in front of the screen with a purple Absolute Solver symbol.

A heart creature, listening to music, is sitting in front of the monitor, examining the crucifix.

A heart creature, listening to music, is sitting in front of the monitor, examining the crucifix

The creature then tosses the crucifix to the side. It clears the items off the desk, save for a map. It examines it, and makes its way off the desk and onto the floor.

The creature crawls away, bringing a hammer and a picaxe.  It walks past a monitor displaying an elevator crashing to the ground floor. The creature makes its way to the hole in the cathedral.

On the other side of the underground, the two Murder Drones, two Workers and Human and flung out of the elevator as it crashes. Rocks fall and block their exit.

Y lays on the floor limp as text is on his visor.

[Bitch Over Heated]

Uzi coughs up some oil as her right eye is yellow. Izy groans and sits up as her eyes glitch from purple to yellow a few times.

Izy notices Y and panics. "Y! Crawling in fear." She crawls over to him.

N stands up and looks at the block elevator with shaking, hollow eyes. He then grits his teeth and fires several rockets at the cave in, in hopes of getting back up there to save V. He then starts to claw at the boulders, he throws a couple lose ones back.

"Uzi! Izy!" N throws more boulders back. "Help! Use your Solver!"

"N, watch it!" Tessa shouts.

N looks back to see he accidentally tosses some rocks at the two sisters, who had to use their Solves to protect themselves. The two gasp and pant.

Red liquid spills from Uzi's right eye. "I... don't think... I sh-should... I'm sorry, N-"

Izzy's eyes change to yellow X, before glitching back to purple. "S-S-So-Sorry, N."

Y's visor glitches as he comes to.

"Oh, no, no. It's okay." N calls out as he walks towards them "Uzi, Izy, I -- I am sor-"

Tessa brandishes her blade, putting it between N and the sisters. "Enough, N. We'll save V after we finish here."

"This isn't a free vacation?" Y questions as he looks around in confusion.

"Y!" Izy hugs him sightly as he sits up.

"Izy, wha-" Y's visor glitches and he grows sad. "Oh, right."

Tessa glances over to Y. "You good, Y?"

"...Yeah." Y's eyes glance up at Tessa.

Reboot at 80%

A fourth light on Y's headband turns yellow, only one red left.

Izy helps Y off the ground and he dusts himself off, and rubs his head. He then looks at his hands as Izy smiles at him. She then goes over to Uzi and crouches down beside her.

Tessa then turns to the sisters and speaks sweetly. "Uzi, Izy, let's have you two sit this one out, eh?" He looks over to the side where a light lantern and a large box is. "Box over there. Robots like boxes, right?"

"W-What?" Izy questions.

"No, I-" Uzi tries to speak.

"N?" Tessa glances over to him, Y growls confused as he looks between Tessa and N.

"Uzi, Izy, there, um..." N starts. "...might be some stuff down here that you two don't want to see."

Uzi stares at N as Izy helps her up. "Ohhhh, what the hell is going on?"

"Um, Tessa?" Y calls out as he walks over to her. "What is going on?"

"Nothing!" N claims. "We don't know everything yet, but..." He looks at Tessa. "We're not gonna hurt you two, ok?"

Uzi grabs Izy's hand and slightly backs up in fear. "Hurt me?"

Text appears on Izy's visor.

What... do you mean?

N realizes he made a mistake, but it's to late as the two sisters accidentally activate their Solver. A NULL ball appears in Uzi's hand, causing everyone to panic. Izy tries to use her Solver to help contain it, but it just ends up causing a large explosion that causes the mine to collapse, separating the Sisters from the Murder Drones.

Back on the surface, Thad and Lizzy are walking towards the Corpse House.

"Aaaand you won't tell me why we're wandering around 'cause...?" Thad asks.

"I'm a good friend, and secrets are blackmail." Lizzy slightly pushes Thad away as she taps away at her phone. She then turns to him a second later. "And it's not about football."

"Okay." Thad shrugs his shoulders. "Does your secret friend want to know about football, or...?"

The ground trembles, sending the nearby car alarms to go off, and the two Worker Drones to be lifted a little bit into the air. After a few seconds, they land on the ground.

They look very to see that Tessa's ship has made its away over to the Corpse House and lands. J flies out of the pod and into the tower in front of the Workers.

"...So, is that related to the thing you're looking fo-" Thad gets interrupted by Lizzy.

"No." Lizzy then laughs. "Yeah, yeah. No, it is."

Back underground Y is all by himself as he's knocked out.

Knocked out... Again


Y's visor glitches as his eyes appear. He looks around swiftly and finds himself along and his legs trapped under some boulders.

"IZY!" Y calls out, a small rock falls onto his head. "UZI! N! ANYONE?!"

Y gets no response and he sighs and looks down to his legs. One is absolutely crushes and barely held together under a boulder, while the other is stuck under a large pile of rocks.

"Darn..." Y mutters. "I feel as if I deserve this."

Y's right arm changes into a large glowing knife and he cuts off his mangled left leg, which it slowly starts to repair. Y bites his lip as digital tears fall.

"Who gave Drones pain receptors!" Y shouts in pain.

Y then goes to gut off his right leg, when a robotic giggle echoes down the shaft. Y's visor glitches as he looks back to see Cyn, in a maid outfight down the hall, under a flickering light.

Y's right eye flashes the Absolute Solution symbol a few times as he stares at the maid Cyn smiling at him. Something large moves behind her.

Y then screams. "WHAT THE FU--"

In another part of the mine Uzi and Izy are catching their breath. Izy's visor glitches yellow as she bends over and coughs up some oil.

Izy then wipes her mouth as her eyes return to normal and she looks at the board next to her and her sister. They see a notice with a picture of their mother on the bottom.

Dear OF Staff (Human).
Due to lack of progress in units (sans 048), Team 06 (Ridley) is tasked with reattempting 002's recovery VIA failsafe USB (660b)
Sept. 27, 11:59.

Don't all die and almost let it out again lol
We're pretty mad but mostly scared about that.

Uzi then looks down the hall and sees a Directory, and the way they are heading is the Holding Chamber (1 - C). Uzi grabs Izy's hand and they move on and come across some skeletons, one of which is holding a lit lantern.

The two sisters glance at each other, before Uzi forms her tail and uses its mouth to grab the lantern. Uzi gives the skeleton a peace sign and she takes off running, bringing Izy with her.

Text appears on Izy's face.

Should Have Brought My Pistol

Back with Y.

He's panicking while trying to saw off his one leg.

"Y, I'm so glad you're alright." Cyn? calls out to Y.

"Please stay back, ghost! Ma'am! THING!" Y screams

"You were always my favorite." Cyn? walks towards Y.

"H-AHhaha!" Y hacks and slices at his leg faster.

"You were the first one I chose to help me rid of our problem."

Y slowly comes to a stop of his visor glitches.

Reboot at 85%

"I... was the first..." Y's visor glitches. "I-I remember... that..."

Cyn? stands under a singular light nearby, before shattering it. Her yellow eyes shining in the darkness. "You loved helping me, love finding a Solution to our problems."

Y looks down at his shaking arms as his face flashes with the Absolute Solution symbol. He then looks at his hands in horror.

"I... I'm the cause of..."

Cyn? hugs Y from behind. "You were always perfect. You are my key to my problems."

Y's visor glitches as a large X appears.

Y, in Huntmode, suddenly finds himself in a large crumbling city. He laughs as he rips apart a human and tosses the lower half on the mountain of corpses he's standing on. The screams of humans echo around the city, as well as gunfire and explosions.

Y then suddenly stops right before he goes to eat the top half of the human's body. He looks around and sees many Murder Drones flying about, attacking and eating humans.

A tank pulls up around a corner and swings its turret towards Y. When suddenly a tentacle grabs onto the tank and repeatedly smashes it into the ground, blowing it up.

Y then slowly turns around and sees a large black hole. He drops the corpse in his hand and looks up to the sky, rain pelting his visor.

Y's then back in the shaft, his eyes large and hollow, before text flashes onto his visor.


Y takes several deep breaths as Cyn? smiles at him.

"You helped cleared the way on Earth, and now here. So lets celebrate!"

Cyn? then disappears, revealing it was a hologram, and a large claw grabs onto Y.

"Aww, piss." Y mutters.

The claw then pulls onto Y, ripping his last the off and dragging him down the shaft.


On the other side of the underground.

Uzi and Izy have made their way to the abandoned cathedral. Izy's visor glitches yellow for a second as text pops up for a mere second.


Izy shakes her head and her purple eyes return.

The two glance at each other before walking inside. Once inside Uzi looks around, before picking up Izy and flies to the top of a partially ruined chandelier.

"Cautious gl-glance rou-nd-nd-nd." Izy whispers as she looks around.

The two sisters then stare down at the large fleshy hole in the ground. Then some techno music catches their attention. Uzi carries Izy down to where the music is and they find a monitor with a video pauces.

Izy pauses the music and Uzi starts to rewind the video. Uzi then presses play and the sister watch the video, their eyes hollow and widen in fear.

In the mineshaft Y screams as he gets pulled along.

Y changes his right arm into a mini-gun and tries to shoot at the claw, it it starts to shake him around, sending his aim everywhere. Then he gets pulled into a junction and meets a familiar Drone also behind pulled.

"Oh, hi N." Y waves calmly.

"Oh, Y!" N smiles and waves back. "How are you?"

"Being pulled by an Eldritch abomination, could be better." Y states as he crosses his arms.

"Yeah, same."

The two Murder Drones go quiet, before resuming screaming as they start getting pulled towards a fleshy hole with several robotic arms clawing towards them.

They try to stop themselves, but they get pulled in and through a large fleshy like tunnel, until a picaxe slams down onto the appendages holding them, setting them free.

The Heart shows up, throwing the crucifix at N's face. The cross his N and he falls back, Y points and laughs at N. Y picks up the cross and looks at it, only for the Heart to jump onto his hands.

"Why is Cyn after her own murder-pets?" The Heart questions. "You two stupid or something?"

N sits up and rubs his head. "Oh, yeah."

Y's eyes blinks separately. "I have no idea!" Y looks down as his repair legs and sighs in relief.

"Cool by me, then." The Heart jumps onto N's head. "Drive!"

A loud monstrous scream comes from further down the fleshy cavern, coming towards them. The two Murder Drones jump up and flee.

Y changes his hand into a grenade launcher and fires several projectiles behind him. They blow up and cause the fleshy cavern to collapse. They keep running as something crashes though the collapse behind them.

"Hey, you looks familiar." The Heart says to N, as he looks down a t it. "Watch the dog." N looks back up. "You two got wings?"

Y pulls N to the side and down another hallway.

"Um, I guess-" N gets interrupted by the Heart.

"Focus! Left!" The Heart points at the cross in Y's hand. "Think you two can get this cross to the surface? I'm lookin' for a hunk named Khan."

"Uzi and Izy's dad?" Y questions.

The Heart uses her Solver ability to shove N and Y to the side, into another hallway, as the Absolute Solver passes by them. N is being held up by a picaxe at his throat.

The Heart turns to Y. "How do you know my daughters?"

Y and N glance at each other.

Back on the surface with Thad and Lizzy, the two are hiding outside the Corpse Tower.

"So, how do we--" Thad gets interrupted by Lizzy.

"Punch." Lizzy holds up a fist.

"Can't her hands be guns?"

"Kick, also." Lizzy gets up and heads for the tower.

Thad chuckles sinisterly. "Yeah."

The two advance towards the entrance when an explosion goes off, flinging them back. J flies out and back into Tessa's ship, which takes off. The two look back at the tower entrance, which is now up in flames. They peak in and see the original Landing Pod blown up.

Lizzy snaps a picture with her phone. When Khan shows up, he takes Lizzy's phone and hands Thad a blue print.

"Part 2A, check the perimeter." Khan orders.

Thad opens the blueprints and sees it's for Uzi's railgun. Which has notes on it such as, "Sick af", "cool", and "Doesn't suck".

Thad looks up at Khan. "M-Mr. Doorman, sir?"

Khan holds up an incomplete version of the Izy's pistol. "Bad crowd, those Murder Drones." He starts to shift through some parts on the ground. "Destroying ways off the planet... My Wife... my daughters having interests beyond cannibalism and... 'nightcore'?"

Khan finds a right parts for the pistol when a rumbling occurs. The three start to lift off the ground, with the two teens panicking, but Khan isn't worried. Then they drop back onto the ground.

Khan puts the part on the energy pistol. "It's the end times!" He chuckles and walks past the teens. "If my wife's closet is right, the planet's gonna try to eat us soon." He turns to the teens.

Thad holds up a finger and goes to speak, but Lizzy motions not to speak.

Underground Tessa is searching some lockers, then reaches a computer. Tessa taps a few keys and a "I Am Not A Robot" test pops up. Which is just a biometric scanner.

Tessa takes off a glove and puts her finger on the scanner, which turns green, giving her access to the computer after saying "Ur Alright."

A list pops up and Tessa scrolls to the top, which shows Nori and Yeva as, respectively, "In Progress" and "Patch 2.1.8." She taps a key and everything turns red as a timer starts to beep. Tessa walks away from the computer as she fixes her glove, when suddenly the computer blows up, destroying the data and the lockers.

Tessa turns around to look at her handiwork, which is up in flames, when Doll suddenly arrives. Throwing a cleaver at Tessa, but said Human leans back as it flies past her, and she catches it.

"Где фиксы, Человек?" [Where's the patch, human?] Doll asks.

Tessa turns around, holding up the cleaver. "Hmm... Not sure what you me-" Doll teleports behind her and attacks her with a large knife, but Tessa blocks it with her sword and the cleaver.

"Чтобы избавиться от Вычислителя! Где он?" [The USB Patch. To exorcise the Solver's possession. Where is it?]

Tessa resists Doll's attacks. "So, that's what they were doing down here, huh? Crucifix-lookin' thing?"

"Так ты не знаешь?" [Wouldn't you know?] Doll asks as she narrows her eye at Tessa.

"Had my suspicions." Tessa points her sword at Doll. "But they kept cutting my feed."

Tessa slices the eye patch on Doll's right eye. Doll holds a hand over her right eye before lowering it, revealing a hold in her visor with red liquid seeping out of it. The Solver Symbol flashes on her visor where the hole is.

"Patch to save yourself, huh?" Tessa asks as she spins the clever on the tip of her finger.

Doll points her knife at Tessa. "Я не позволю Вычислителю использовать меня, поглотить планету!" [I will not let it use me to consume the planet!]

Tessa hims and tosses up the cleaver. "Not sure it needs you, buddy." Tessa catches the cleaver and throws it at Doll.

The cleaver knocks the knife out of Doll's making her slightly stumble back and looks at her fallen knife. She looks forward to see Tessa suddenly gone.

The Absolute Solver symbol appears behind her and dissipates the fire behind her, making everything go dark. Doll's eye goes hollow as she starts to get scared. A muffled scream echoes down the mineshaft and Doll looks over.

Something large starts to approach her as she summons her Solver ability. She looks around as the screams and footsteps echo around her.

Doll takes a few steps back as the noise gets louder and louder, making her grow even more scared. Then is all suddenly stops, and the only thing heard is Doll's rapid panting.

Then a light tapping noise approaches Doll, it's faint at first, then it starts to rapidly approach. Doll sees something in the darkness and she tries to use her abilities on it, but a question mark covers the figure and text appears in her vision.

--// ERROR: absoluteSolver_trn
[like objects non-interactive]

Doll starts to panic as the small object rapidly approaches her. She picks up a broken locker door and tosses it at the small figure, only for it to be blown in half and the figure to jump right at her.

Everything goes dark



"Thanks for the new host... intern." Possessed Nori, summons the crucifix her way and out of Mitchell's hands. "MacGuffin."

The Absolute Solver flings the cross right back at Mitchell, only it to be stopped midair, right in front of his face; but the force shatters the glass on his gasmask.

Mitchell looks back as sees Yeva using her Solver ability to hold the crucifix. She spins it around and finds it right back into Nori's visor.

"O-O-Ow." Nori's voice glitches out. " ₩Ⱨ₳₮ ł₦ ₮ⱧɆ ₴₵łɆ₦₵Ɇ...?"

Nori yanks the crucifix out of her eye and flings it into the pit behind her as she falls to the floor. Mitchell signals a "Thank you" to Yeva and flees the scene.

Yeva walks up to Nori and holds a hand out to her. Nori looks up with a painted expression as the Solver tries to take back control of her. It summons a NULL ball on her right arm. Nori holds up her right arm and Yeva swiftly cuts it off, causing the arm and NULL ball to fall into the pit behind them.

Yeva helps Nori to her feet. Suddenly, a bright flash emits from the pit behind them. Computers flash warnings of the core's collapse.

Then a large explosion goes off, blowing up half of Copper 9, sending it into an ice age.

In the Mineshaft the Heart, which is actually Nori, is explaining the story to the two Murder Drones. N is still being held against the wall by the picaxe at his throat, while Y sits on the ground, invested into eh story.

"Then, the planet kinda half-imploded anyway. The humans all..." The Heart makes a slicing sounds and then gags. She shows the two a photo of her and Khan. "Woke up on the surface, brain scrambled enough to have a couple kids, and the rest is dumb, stupid history."

Y and N clap at Nori's dramatization of events.

"Stop that." Nori orders and flings rocks at the two. "Now, the Solver's found its way back to finish the job. Who's its host?"

"Um... like, Uzi and Izy?" Y informs. "Well, Izy has the back up program, the Absolute Solution."

"And a red-eyed, uh-" N thinks for a second.

"Yeva's kid." Nori finishes. "I know, dummy. Which one was just trying to eat us?"

Y and N don't respond.

In the cathedral.

The two sisters have just finished watching the tape on the monitor. They just stand there,s till as a statue. Their eyes are replaced with the Solver Symbols, as the screen displays static.

Suddenly the screen cracks breaking the two out of their trance. Izy holds her right eye as she panics, red liquid seeping through her hands. She stumbles back as yellow static sparks off her hands a few times.

Uzi panics and takes the collar off her neck and drops it onto the floor. Lighting flashes and thunder rumbles a few times as movement catches their eyes.

They look towards the hole and see Doll walking towards them, oil spilling onto the floor from a large wound on her chest. Doll then collapses to the floor as her eyes are replaced with two words.

ДАЙ ОТПОР [Fight Back]

Izy's eyes shake and hollow in horror, before her visor glitches for a few seconds.

"Yikes." Tessa's voice is heard and the two sisters turn to face her in the doorway. "Someone's been busy."

Back underground.

Nori tosses the crucifix at N's head. "Just hurry, stupid."

Y and N high five before they start to take off.

"O-Of course!" N gives a two fingers salute. "Uzi and Izy are gonna freak out when we tell th-"

Nori stops the two, by shoving them to the wall with a picaxe using her Solver Ability. "Tell them I'm alive, you both die."

"Sorry, ma'am." Y apologies.

N then speaks. "I won't keep secrets from them anymore... Even if you say it might hurt them."

Nori drops the two. "Nuance alert, ma'am. I caused every horror in their life. Destroyed the planet, got you things sicced here-"

"Gave them ungodly eldritch genetics!" N adds which rewards him with a crucifix to the face.

"Part of that is my fault." Y whispers to himself.

"No time. Promise." Nori orders to Drones.

N tries to promise, but is muffed by the crucifix.

Y hides a hand behind his back. "I promise."

Nori moves the crucifix from N's face.

"I promise..." N claims. "To wait until you're ready to tell them yourself?"

Nori groans. "Ugh. Bite me!"

Back in the cathedral Tessa advances towards the sisters, who start backing up in fear.

"T-Tessa, W-We didn't-- Sh-She just-" Uzi tries to explain as she changes into Huntmode, not by her own violation.

Izy starts to panic as Tessa drags her blade across the floor, her  eldritch appendages start to form as her right eye goes yellow. "We didn't- Do this... to Doll!" 

Tessa yet keeps moving towards the sisters, which makes Izy more scared and tries to use her ability on Tessa, but she gets an error message.

--// ERROR: absoluteSolution_trn
[like objects non-interactive]

Izy's eyes shrink in realization as she stares up at Tessa, only to be sent crashing into a pillar with a large gash in her chest.

"Izy!" Uzi shouts in worry.

Izy looks down at her wound as red liquid falls from her mouth. Uzi turns to Tessa in fear.

"No worries." Tessa says to Uzi. "Makes my job easier." She kicks Uzi to the floor, and drags her sword across her wing. "Thought there'd be more for you silver freaks anyway."

Uzi tries to stop Tessa with her Solver abilities, but Tessa stops on her arm. Uzi whimpers as Tessa brings up her blade. Izy watches in horror as her visor glitches yellow and yellow static travels around her, stopping her from moving.

Tessa puts the blade on Uzi's chest and starts to push down. Uzi grabs the blade and tries to stop it, with her eyes flashing yellow and purple. Tessa goes to pound the handle of her blade, which would force it fully into Uzi's chest, but a blade it put at her throat.

"You knew about the patch. Yes, or no?" N asks threateningly. His left eye is an X and he has the crucifix in hand. "One chance."

Tessa looks towards Izy and spots Y helping her stand up. Y looks at Izy in worry as he holds a hand over her chest as it slowly repairs.

Tessa moves the blade away from her throat. "Cute." She turns around to look at N. "You know why I keep your around, N--"

N swings his blade, cutting off Tessa's head as she stumbles back. Tessa collapses onto the floor and her helmeted head starts to roll towards the hole, leaving a trail of blood behind.

N starts to paint at what he has done, his visor glitches slightly. Uzi pulls the blade out of her chest and tosses it to the side. Uzi reaches up and grabs the crucifix in N's hand.

Y stiffens up a little as the Absolute Solution symbol flashes onto his visor. Izy takes out her lucky screw driver and pokes at the hole in her chest. Static travels from Y's hands onto Izy's arms and up to her head, causing her to slightly go limp.

Y's visor returns to normal and he blinks a few times, then looks down at the limp Izy. "Hey, Izy, you alright? Look, I'm sorry if I scarred you earlier today, but I'm so glad, you're alright... Well, mostly." Y grabs's Izy's free hand. "Izy, you good?"

Y hears maniacal laughter from the side and his eyes hollow. He looks over to N and Uzi to see her use her ability to destroy the crucifix.

N looks up to Y with fear in his eyes. Y tries to go over, but Izy suddenly tightens the grip around his hand, forcing him to stay put.

"Izy?" Y calls out, but his eyes shrink in fear as he hears the Absolute Solver talk out of Uzi.

"That's really sweet, big brother." The Solver tosses N and pins him against a column. "Too bad you've served your purpose. Don't worry. You backups will forgive me."

"N!" Y screams as she tries to move, but Izy's Eldritch appendages wrap around him. He shakily turns his head to the side to look at Izy. "Izy?"

Izy uses a hand to push her head up. "Head tilt." A robotic voice comes out of her as her yellow text appears on her visor.

Running Absolute Solver Backup Program:
Absolute Solution

Yellow X eyes then stare into Y's with a crazed look. "Hello, big Brother, Y."


"Sorry, but I can't let you interfere." Izy uses a claw to hold up a hand and point at Y. "Nor, can I kill you. I only have one of you."

Y struggles and looks to the side and sees Solver Uzi about to kill N. "Crap! N!"

Suddenly Nori shows up and slices up Uzi's blades, and the appendages holding Y. Y falls onto the ground, visor first.


The two possessed daughters look at Nori's heart and grow confused as they both speak. "Nori? You're Dead."

Nori points to the two. "You're both frickin' grounded."


Y pushes himself up and looks over to see Izy fly rapidly crawl towards him with her claws.

"AHHHHH!" Y screams as he changes his hands into a mini-gun and rocket launcher. "It's like a horror movie!"

Izy laughs as she uses her Solver ability to flash between the bullets and explosives. Izy the appears right in front of Y, making him panic.

"I guess I'll have to kill you after all. Unhappy look." Izy frowns. "I can always try to rebuild you afterwords."

Izy uses her claws to send Y flying through the roof.

"WAAAAHAHAHA!" Y slams onto the roof and groans.

Izy climbs through the roof and starts giggling and crawls towards Y, whose face down on the roof. She looks over Y ready to pierce a claw through his head, but he swiftly spins around with a rocket launcher ready.

"SURPRISE!" Y yells.

"Oh, you son of a-"

Y fires the rocket into Izy's chest, sending her flying high into the air. Y jumps up and spreads his wings, taking off after her.

The Possessed Izy uses her ability to right herself and summons a large symbol below her, making her float. She looks around for Y with a toothy smile.

"Scanning. Scanning."

Izy turns around only to be face to face with Y. He waves, before pulling back his fist and delivering a hard punch to Izy's visor. Izy yelps as she launched into the ground below.

Izy uses her claws to pushes herself off the ground, but Y delivers a kick into her stomach and pushes her back onto the ground. He then uses his glowing hot knife to cut off all her appendages.

Y then glares down at the possessed Izy as he summons his mini-guns and points them directly into her visor. "Give me back, Izy, Cyn! NOW!"

Izy gives a large smile. "Sorry, but Izy isn't here right now."

"I said-" Y coughs up some oil as he looks down to see Izy stabbing her hand, which changed into claws, right into his stomach. "Shoulda seen that coming."

Izy then kicks Y into the side of the cathedral, cracking the wall, as oil spills from Y's wound. He lands on his feet and pants a few times as he forces his wound to rapidly heal by using his Solver ability.

But in using his Solver ability his vision glitches and distorts, causing him some pain. But he rapidly changes his hand into a sword and blocks Izy's claws.

Izy giggles as yellow saliva drips from her mouth. Y grunts as he wraps his tail around her neck and slams Izy in the wall beside him, then into the ground.

Y then throws Izy off to the side and changes his hands into rocket launchers, firing several missiles. Possessed Izy uses her ability to stop herself mid-air and drop onto the ground, she then waves her hand and catches the missiles mid-air.

She then spins her hand and the missiles turn around and face Y. Y grits his teeth as he holds his right hand out and a large sniper rifle forms with a Lazer.

Izy flicks a finger at Y and the missiles go flying towards him, but Y easily shoots them mid-air before they even get close to him. He turns his sights onto Izy but she teleports in front of him and uses one of her repaired eldritch claws to cut the gun in half.


Y ducks under a claw that flies above his head, then jumps back as he changes his hand into a mini-gun and fires onto Izy again. She holds up a hand and uses her ability to make the bullets curve around her. But a singular round slams into her visor, causing her to stumble back and glare at Y.

Blood pours out of the hole in the middle of Izy's visor, which starts to rapidly repair.

She then waves her hand at the ground and lifts up several large pieces of the cathedral and throws them at Y. The Murder Drone takes off flying towards Izy with his wings and cuts the rubble in half, he yells as he brings his sword down onto the possessed Izy.

Izy smiles as she just holds her arms to the side, giving Y an easy kill. Y's eyes go hollow as he changes his trajectory and slams the sword into the ground right in front of Izy.

Possessed Izy laughs as she swipes her claws as Y, but he parries them with his sword. Then blocks another claw attack with his sword, and brings his wings in front of him to stop her eldritch claws from stabbing him.

"Menacing giggles." Izy giggles as yellow drool falls from her mouth.

Y's visor glitches slightly as he stares into Izy's yellow eyes. He notices her eyes slightly glitching and change to purple, then back to yellow.

Y's eyes slightly widen, before they grow determined. "Sorry, Izy!"


Izy's eyes widen as Y shoots forward and locks his lips with her.

Possessed Izy slightly goes limp as Y kisses her. Her visor glitches and her eyes shrink. Y wraps his arms around Izy as she slowly brings up her hands.

Izy pushes Y away and he stumbles back.

"What the he-" Her speech glitches. "Hey, wait a minut-" Izy's eyes go purple as she starts to scream and cover her face. "Stop that-"

Izy removes her hands to reveal her purple eyes glaring at Y with a massive blush on her face. "YOU CAN'T JUST GO KISSING A GIRL LIKE THAT!"

Y smiles as he's not even paying attention. "So that's what a kiss is like... Nice!" He's suddenly launched by a Izy kicking him.

"Are you even taking this seriously!"

Y lands next to the cathedral doors as Izy stomps towards him, her eldritch appendages disappear. Y swiftly stands up and smiles at Izy.

"Izy, I'm glad you're back!" Y gives a double thumbs up.

Izy stops a few feet away, she then remembers what happened. "Oh... Th-Thank you... for saving me.... again."

Y nods as he gives Izy finger guns. "Anytime."

Izy rubs her right arm as she looks away with a blush. "H-Hey, about that-"

Y grabs Izy's arm. "We need to check on the other."


Y drags Izy inside , just as they see Uzi kick Nori right into the pit. Y and N scream in panic.

Izy's panics as text appears on her visor.


"Uzi!!!" Y and N scream.

"WHAT?!" Uzi stomps up to N. "We did NOT discuss being gross and-" She shrieks in frustration.

"THAT WAS YOUR MOM!" N screams.

"WHAT?!" IZY and UZI scream

"Wait, no!" Y and N scream

Uzi and N turn to Y and Izy. "YOU'RE BOTH OKAY!"

Everyone begins shriek in terror, before they all run into each other's arm for a large group hug. Digital tears run down each of their visors.

Tessa's head reaches the edge of the pit, and it's about to roll in... until Tessa's foot stops it. She picks it up and puts it back onto her head, twisting in on. They make their way towards the four as they start taking off their armor.

The armor is tossed to the side and the helmet is set on top of it. It then drags Doll's body away from the four as they break their embrace.

They all smile at each other, until their eyes hollow as they hear munching. The four look over towards the put and see Cyn, wearing Tessa's skin as a suit, munching on Doll's corpse. She eats Doll's heart as oil spills everywhere.

They watch in horror as Cyn stands up and looks back at them.

They watch in horror as Cyn stands up and looks back at them

Cyn laughs. "Oh, yes. Get snuck-up on." Her voice glitches as she makes her way over to them. "₦Ɇ₵₭ ฿ł₮Ɇ."

Cyn launches onto N and bites as his neck. Y swiftly changes his hand into a mini-gun, but Cyn holds a hand out to him as a she uses her Solver ability on him.

Y's visor glitches as yellow static sparks around him. Y falls to the ground as the Absolute Solution symbol appears on his visor.

Both the Sisters go to use their powers, but get stabbed by on of Cyn's claws.


Cyn lifts the four into the air. "It's been fun." She throws them back into the ground as she moves back towards the hole. "And, also, that's sarcasm. Honestly, I'm starving."

Cyn falls down into the pit. Suddenly, a bright light flashes as tentacles emerge from below setting off alarms. The lights shoots up into the sky, clearing away some clouds in the night sky.

Meanwhile Tessa's ship lands outside the lab and J exits.

"Ride's good to go, boss." J says into a radio. "Just say..."

A rapidly approaching school bus slams into J, sending her back, and flinging the keys to the landing pod down below. J picks herself up.

She then points a weapon towards the bus. "Who are you idiots?"

A cloud of smoke shows the silhouettes of Lizzy and Thad. Lizzy's leaning on the newly built railgun and Thad spins a pipe on his finger. J sees the railgun and one of her eyes labels "Prior Hazard".

Down below Izy groans as she tries to stand up, but yellow static shoots around her. She looks very to her sister to see tentacles wrap around her and N's, who's knocked out, legs. The tentacles start to drag them towards the hole.

Izy gasps as she starts to get drag and looks over, only for he eyes to go hollow. Y, with the Absolute Solution symbol on his visor, is limply dragging Izy towards the pit.

"Y!" Izy shout as she tries to grab onto something. "Y, snap out of it!" She looks over to see Uzi grabs onto a ledge on the side of the hole.

"Y!" Izy screams. "Come on, don't let her control you! You snapped me out of it, so you can snap out of it as well! COME ON!" Y suddenly stops at the edge of the hole. "Y, please, just come back to me."

Y's visor suddenly glitches as text appears.

Playing_Memory:// File_Number - [1001]...

"I am Serial Designation Y. I... am the Leader?- of these Disassembly Drones in this section. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Uzi..." Uzi stares at Y, then motions to Izy. "That's Izy, my younger sister."

Y looks at Izy." Aww, aren't you a cute short Drone." He pats Izy on the forehead.

"Hey!" Izy pouts. "I'm not short, Bite me!"


Y pats Izy on the head. "Don't worry, shorty we'll get your murder plan up and running." He gives her a gentle smile, before a crunch is heard. "OW!" He pulls his hand away and nurses his finger.

"Bite me!" Izy glares at Y. "I'm not short!"


"You two good?" N asks the sisters.

"I'm good." Uzi responds. "Stop asking!" She pushes N away.

"I-I think?" Izy questioningly says.

"Are you sure?" Y gets right up into Izy's face, making her blush.

"YUP!" Izy whispers shouts and covers her face as she looks away.

Y just tilts his head in question.


Y grabs onto Izy and jumps into the sky with his wings, as N and Uzi get thrown into a wall by a large claw. Then the Solver's claw grabs Thad and leaves.

Y lands on the ground and collapses his wings, he then looks at Izy. "You okay?"

Izy blushes. "Y-Yup!"

Y looks towards N and Uzi and sees N with chainsaw hands. "AWWW! I want chainsaw hands!"


Izy swiftly speaks. "N-No, we r-really need to help."

Uzi nods. "Of you two... being there... with us..."

Y slightly jumps as Izy grabs his hand, she looks up to him with a small blush. "...Please." She asks.

Y looks down at Izy, and a blush grows on his visor as he rubs the back of his head. "I-I, uh... YES!"

N then brings everyone into a hug. "Dapper buddies!"

Izy chuckles with a smile, making Y start to laugh. Uzi nudges N away, but is still happy to be friends with the two again.


"Bite me!" Uzi shouts.

"Yeah!" Izy throws up her right arm, which is holding onto her screwdriver.

"Whoever started this wants us to fight. I'm not dealing with anything well, but I'm done dealing with everything alone." Uzi looks at N, and they smile softly at each other.

Izy looks back at Y and he gives her a thumbs up. She gives him a determined look and also gives a thumbs up.

Uzi then continues. "We move forward together, or not at all."


Y rips the microphone stand off Izy and helps her off the ground.

"Th-Thank you!" Izy takes several deep breathes.

Y grabs Izy and spins around as several knives fly past them. He then dips her low as another pair of knives fly overhead. Izy gains a blush as this happens. Y then lifts her up and spins her away, while holding onto her hand, as several more knives fly by. He then spins her back towards him and holds her close.

"Man, I have some moves!" Y chuckles as he ducks under a knife.


"A... Lucky screw... driver?" Y questions as he narrows his eyes.

"Yup!" Izy gains a proud look. "Never leave home without it!" Her eyes then change into stars. "Wait, do you want one?!"

"Um... sure?" Y shrugs his shoulders.

Izy squeals and zips over to her desk and starts throwing tools around, looking for the right one. Y bobs and weaves through several tools flying towards him. Until a wrench slams into his face, causing his visor to glitch.

"AHAHA!" Izy shouts. "Got it!"

Y slams his visor a few times and his eyes reappear. He looks in front of him to show Izy holding a screw driver, with a purple handle, towards him. He slowly grabs it and looks at the screw driver.

"Um... thanks?" Y puts the screw driver into his pocket.

Izy nods several times quickly. "Yup, yup, yup. Anytime. Now let's watch some movies!"


Izy and Y sits on the girl's bed as they watch a movie on a small screen. Y is very invested in the movie as Izy slightly hides behind a pillow as they watch a horror movie.

A loud scream is heard from the TV and Izy yelps and hugs onto Y. Y snaps out of it and looks down to Izy, who look up to him.

Izy grows a blush as she looks at Y in the eyes, and the Murder Drone also grows a blush.

"Uh... Sorry." Izy slides away as her eyes hollow.

Y looks down as his eyes hollow in nervousness. "It-it's fine."

The two look at each other and try to speak, but they just nervously laugh as they nearly speak over each other. They look away and Izy hides her face behind a pillow. Y nervously taps his pointer fingers together.

"I... uh..." Y starts. "Thanks... for everything today."

"Anytime." Izy peaks out from behind the pillow. "It's nice someones interested in my hobbies and the stuff I do."

Y turns to Izy and smiles. "I'm glad to have a new friend to talk too!"

Izy's blush grows on her visor and she stuffs her face into her pillow again. "I-I do too!"


What, why-" Y stops as he notices Izy glaring heavily at him and he hops off the ceiling.

Izy pats the bed beside her with a blush, Y slowly walks over with a small blush and sits on the bed.

"Lay down silly." Izy says as he lays down with her back turned towards Y. She closes her eyes and enters sleep mode.

Y watches Izy for a few seconds, before laying down with his back turned to her. He closes his eyes and enters sleep mode.


Y rubs the back of Izy's palm. "I eat people, and rip them to shreds. I find it fun and delicious too. So I'm a freak, just like you."

Izy wipes her digital tears away and uncovers herself. "W-What?" A few more tears appear.

Y scoots up next to Izy, grabbing her other hand. "I'm a Disassembly Drone, Izy. I do everything you just said. I'm not ashamed of it, really, I might not like it, but its who I am."

Y brings up a hand and wipes some of Izy's tears away, and rest his palm on her cheek Izy smiles and leans into his touch.

"I can help you, Izy. If you don't like this, I'll find a way to fix you. From the bottom of my circuits I promise, I'll cure you." he gives her a big and soft smile.

Izy tears up again and slams into Y, giving him a large hug as she cries into his chest. Her eldritch appendages slowly disappearing.

"Thankyou!Thankyou!Thankyou!" Izy continues to cry.

Y wraps his arms around Izy and pats her back. "There, there, let them all out."


As Tessa walks, she accidentally kicks a severed Murder Drone arm. it rolls as she sees the piles of corpse. Everyone looks around at their besmirched setting. N looks like he's ready to vomit.

Izy does vomit, and Y pats her back to comfort her.

"Riiight..." Tessa walks over to a computer. "Might be some security, specifically against... you guys." She points at the Drones.

Y looks behind him to spot nothing, then points at himself as he looks at Tessa. They all look at some screens mentioning an Anti-Drone Program Sentinels. And their status is Free Roam.

Izy looks around and unknowingly grabs Y's hand in fear. Y blinks a few times and grows a blush.


Y starts to panic as he notices the claws of the Sentinel grip onto the top of their cubicle. It starts to peer over, but a loud noise distracts it and it runs off.

Y looks down at Izy who's claimed down and clutching onto her Screw Driver. Izy also has a blush on her face and Y lets go of her with a sigh.

"Sorry." Izy apologizes.

"At least we're alive." Y whispers.


Izy grits her teeth and hisses. "Who hit me?" She notices Y's carrying her and blushes, but hugs him tighter. "Tight hug..." She whispers.


Izy grabs onto Y's hand and holds it tight, with her screw driver in her other hand. Y uses his thumb to rub the back of Izy's hand, making her feel calm, yet Y has digital sweat falling down his visor.

--------------------------    -----------------------------------------    ---------------------------   ---------------------------

Y's visor glitches as he lets go of Izy's foot. His eyes return, but all glitchy, he looks down at his hands, before reaching into his right coat pocket.

Reboot at 90%

"Y?" Izy calls out.

Y's speech glitches as he talks. "I am Cyn's back up..."

Reboot at 91%

"I'm a danger to everyone and everything..." Y pulls out his purple handle screw driver.

Reboot at 92%

Y's hands spark and shake as he grows a soft smile. "I... I... The only time I was able to actually lived for myself was before I met Cyn..."

Reboot at 93%

"And when I met you..." Y looks back with a smile at Izy.

Reboot at 94%

"Y, what- what are you talking about?" Izy asks in fear.

Reboot at 95%

"If... I want everyone to be safe... I can't let Cyn control me... I'm too dangerous."

Reboot at 96%

Y walks right up to the edge of the hole, he looks down at Uzi, who's holding onto the edge of the hole. The two nod to each other.

Reboot at 97%

"Y, stop!" Izy shouts as she grunts and tries to stand up, but falls back down, tears start to fall down her eyes. "Come on, we can figure this out together."

Reboot at 98%

Y gives a soft chuckle and smile. "I... I want to keep you safe Izy... you mean everything to me now." He looks down at the hole, then to the screwdriver in his hand. "And if that means... I have to do this..."

His visor glitches as he uses his Absolute Solution ability to lift up the screw driver.

"To keep you safe... I'm willing to do it."

Reboot at 99%

"Goodbye, Izy..." Y smiles as her as he aims the screw driver towards his right eye. "...I love you."

Y holds a hand towards Izy and tosses her back, towards the entrance of the cathedral.

"Y!!!!" Izy screams.

Y gives Izy one last smile, as he looks at the screw driver aimed towards him. "Never leave home without it."

He forcefully launches the screw driver into his right eye. The force blows out the back of his head, causing oil to spill everywhere. The Absolute Solution symbol appears over the hole, and another small explosion goes off on the back of his head. Sending oil everywhere.

Y stumbles back and falls into the hole as text appears on his visor.

Fatal Error

Uzi falls right after Y as she launches N out of the cathedral.




Uzi opens her eyes as she notices she's floating in space. Before her lies a large, orange light.

The inner core of Copper 9.

The inner core of Copper 9






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