Chapter 93: Day 10
I wake with a jolt, the cough that tears from my chest rips through me like a freight train. Blood sputters from my lips, staining the dusty stone beneath me. My world is a blurry mess, my vision swaying and shifting like I'm underwater. My ears ring with a high-pitched whine, throbbing in time with my heartbeat.
My body... it hurts. God, it hurts so much. Every bone, every muscle feels like it's being crushed under the weight of my own existence. I want to move, to escape the torment but even the thought of movement sends fresh waves of pain radiating through me.
I can't... can't think straight. My mind is caught in a foggy state of semi-consciousness, tangled thoughts twisting and turning, eluding my grasp. I'm aware... but not. Drifting on the edge of consciousness, teetering on the precipice of oblivion.
A voice reaches me, distorted and distant as if muffled by layers of thick cotton. "Damn, just what the hell happened to you? Tsk, you're lucky I can't make fun of you right now, she seems really angry."
Who? I try to focus on the sound, to discern who it is that's speaking but it hurts. It hurts so bad. The figure draws nearer, a shifting blob of colors in my compromised vision. My eyes sting, ache, rebel against the effort to keep them open.
The shape coalesces, and for a moment, I'm sure it's Isadora. But... that face she's making. Why? Why is she...? But my thoughts scatter, torn apart by a sudden wave of pain that leaves me gasping. The image of her face is lost in the chaos, leaving only confusion and a pang of unease in its wake.
But before I can make sense of it, the darkness creeps in from the corners of my vision, blotting out the world. I struggle against it, clawing at the fringes of consciousness but it's useless. Too weak, too tired, too...
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"Ugh, he passed out," I groan, bending over to check his pulse. "Just what the hell happened to you?" His skin is cold under my fingertips, but the steady rhythm beneath tells me he's not completely gone. I scowl down at him. "Tsk, you're fine. What a bastard, making me clean up all this blood. You better make me some good food when you wake up, you hear me!?" I poke his forehead, harder than necessary.
Standing up, I dust off my hands, rolling my eyes at the bloody mess. "To think we'd find you in this stupid maze after we split for... what, three days? Or was it four?" I shake my head, memories of the last few days flooding my mind. "Just what the hell did you do to yourself, V? You're a lucky bastard, honestly. I thought you were dead. Do you have any idea how worried I was? Not seeing any more of your weird culinary masterpieces, that would've been a tragedy!"
With a huff, I turn around, looking for a place to sit down. "Shitty Isadora won't let me sleep, though," I grumble. "We had to fight a bloody ghoul, V. Do you have any idea how annoying that was? I had to add new runes to her sword!" I glance back at him, still unconscious on the ground. "Wake up already," I grouse, flopping down on a nearby boulder.
Isadora, standing a little way off, turns a cold gaze on me. I feel it more than I see it, but it's enough to shut me up. I roll my eyes, mumbling under my breath. "Just what is wrong with that cold bitch? As soon as we found you, she got all mad and shit. Why'd she have to take her anger out on me, huh, V? You're making my life a living hell."
I groan, stretching out my legs, my eyes narrowed at Isadora. "What's her deal?" I mutter to myself. "Still wearing that cold bitch face, but why's she all jumpy? So annoying." I peek over at V. His breaths are even, pulse steady. His injuries aren't anything he can't handle. It's just the loss of blood that's worrisome. And speaking of blood, why the hell is his so dark? "Gross," I shudder. "I just want to sleep. How much longer are we stuck in this damn place?"
I heave a sigh, running a hand through my unruly hair. "Oi, can you stop pacing around like a lost puppy?" I snap at Isadora. "It's getting on my nerves!" She gives me one of her patented icy glares, the kind that could freeze the sun. It sends an involuntary shiver down my spine. "Tsk, she really thinks I'm scared of her, huh?" I scoff, sitting up straighter. "No chance. I could beat her any day, but I don't want to hurt her precious pride."
My attention shifts back to V. "Okay, it looks... well, edible, I guess," I grumble, eyeing the unappetizing porridge concoction I managed to whip up. "V, I can't cook for shit, but I'm sure you won't die from this." I kneel next to him, forcing the semi-solid gloop down his throat, making sure to follow each spoonful with water. Wouldn't want him to choke, that'd just be more mess for me to clean.
"To think I'd be babysitting someone..." I sigh, pushing the spoon against his lips. "Where did I go wrong in life? No, it's not my fault." A bitter laugh escapes me. "It's all my damn mother's fault! Why did she have to push me into this stupid academy?!"
I shake my head, shoving another spoonful into V's mouth. "You owe me for this, V,"
I sigh, my hand sticky with that gory mess that somehow passed for food. What a chore this was turning out to be. He better not be faking, though. I lightly slap his face. "Hey, V, you better not be pretending to sleep just to get out of eating my food!"
Just as my grin widens and I raise my hand to give him a more solid whack, a firm grip stops me. Damn it, Isadora. Always with the perfect timing. I click my tongue, pulling my hand back. "I was just joking around," I say, raising my arms in mock surrender. "No need to get all serious."
I look around our temporary campsite. "Well, let's rest here for now. V needs to regain some energy without being moved around. When his blood levels increase, we can start moving again." I can't help but giggle. What a flawless plan. Isadora will have no choice but to let me sleep as well. I am a genius.
Finding a relatively flat rock, I lay down, intending to catch some sleep. But it's not comfortable enough, not by a long shot. With a sigh, I sit up. "You know, I'm too kind for my own good," I grumble, drawing out a broken arrow from my quiver. "You should count yourself lucky, V. You're finally useful for something."
I start drawing some runes on the rock V is sprawled on. The first one is for pain relief, followed by another to keep him warm. Ugh, I roll my eyes, snapping the arrow in half. "That's more than enough," I say, tossing the broken pieces aside. "We're not exactly best friends, after all."
I stretch, my joints popping loudly. "And now, it's time for my beauty sleep," I announce, before collapsing onto the rock beside V's.
Just as the waves of exhaustion start to pull me under, I hear a muffled "Tsk," from Isadora, which I respond to with a low grumble of dismissal. My world starts to shift, change, the hard stone beneath me morphing into something softer, warmer.
In my dream, I'm standing on a beautiful mosaic floor, intricate patterns of colored tiles swirling beneath my feet. The light around me is a soft, ethereal glow, casting long shadows that dance and flicker across the grand hall I'm in. Rows upon rows of chairs filled with blankets and pillows of every color, size, and pattern stretch on either side of the aisle. A stunning chandelier hangs overhead, with crystals made of sparkling icicles. There's a buzz of excitement in the air, filled with warmth and joy.
I'm wearing a gown of the softest satin and tulle, like a blanket spun from moonlight. My hair, usually unkempt and unruly, is perfectly styled, falling in soft waves down my back. My bare feet sink into the plush carpet of pillows as I walk down the aisle. It feels... comfortable.
There, at the altar, stands the groom. He's handsome in his own unique way, I guess. For a pillow. He's got a big, heart-shaped face and two buttons for eyes. A bowtie adorns his plush body, lending an air of dignity to his appearance. We are a match made in... well, in a dream.
The priest waiting to officiate the ceremony is a blanket. It's a beautifully embroidered, fringed-edge piece of textile, with two holes cut out for its eyes. It lifts a corner to greet me, a murmur of approval rustling through the crowd.
"Do you, Biana, take this pillow to be your lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?" the blanket priest asks, its voice is soft and muffled, like whispers from a comforter.
I glance at the pillow standing beside me, he looks so... so squishy. I turn back to the priest, a grin spreading across my face. "Yeah, I do. Why not?"
A ripple of laughter sweeps through the crowd as I shrug, showing my lack of care.
"And do you, Mr. Pillow, take Biana to be your lawful wedded wife, promising to be there for her in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"
The pillow bobs its top in a nod, and there's a collective sigh from the crowd. "I do," it says, its voice a soft mumble, like someone talking through a cushion.
"Now you may sleep with each other for all eternity," the blanket priest declares, waving its corner.
As everyone cheers, I lean against the pillow, feeling the soft squish of its body against mine. The world starts to spin around me, but I don't care. I feel warm, comfortable, and as the dream shifts again, I find myself sinking into an ocean of pillows, my new husband wrapped around me, offering me the warmth and comfort I crave.
My eyes snap open with a gasp. My breath heaves, chest rising and falling in the rhythm of a panicked drumbeat. "Aaaah! Don't eat me you evil Pillow!" I yelp, flinging my arm out, as if to ward off the horrific image from my dreams.
Isadora, ever the icy statue, whips her head around to look at me. The "what the fuck is wrong with you?" look plastered all over her face is almost enough to make me burst into laughter. I stifle the bubbling amusement in my chest and instead let out a long, tired sigh.
"Thank god I knew a real pillow wouldn't betray me like that," I say, rubbing at my eyes. "Should've known he was evil when he said he wasn't tired."
Groaning, I push myself off the ground. My body feels heavy, uncooperative, my eyes blinking rapidly in an attempt to get rid of the lingering sleep. I take a quick glance at V, noting that his skin looks a shade healthier. "Not as pale as before, eh? Guess my cooking didn't kill you after all," I murmur with a smug smirk.
"Damn, how long did I sleep for?" I yawn, my gaze shifting to the now faintly lit hallway. "Not enough, that's for sure." The stiffness in my body only confirms it. I need at least another six hours to be fully recharged.
But before I can even begin to plot a way to snag some more shut-eye, Isadora interrupts my train of thought. Her arm is outstretched, pointing at the damn hallway. I groan, rubbing my temples. "Tsk, can't a girl catch a break around here?" I mumble, but I'm already getting to my feet.
Just as I'm about to stretch, a snicker bubbles up in my throat. Isadora, without a word, has moved towards V and, with surprising gentleness, lifted him into her arms. The sight is too comical, too precious. I can't help it. A giggle slips past my lips before I can stop it. She's holding him like a damn princess.
"Oh, man," I laugh, biting my lip to keep the rest of my giggles in check. "V is going to hate this." I take a moment to etch this picture into my memory. I'll need all the ammunition I can get to make fun of him later.
Shaking off my amusement, I follow Isadora, heaving a dramatic sigh. "Onwards, I guess."