A World Unwritten

Chapter 107: Duel part 2

The dust around us hadn't even settled before my nose betrayed me. Damn you, dusty arena!

I sneeze, loud and mighty, with enough force to blow away some of the dust cloud. Even in the midst of our fight, my body apparently has a sense of comedic timing.

Lysandra, hair now coated in a layer of dirt and some leaves, groans as she rises, rubbing the back of her head. She looks at me, then at the gun, then back at me. "Fucking shit... Ugh, what the hell was that?" she growls, wiping away some of the grime from her face. With a swift motion, she swings her hand to clear the dust around her, glaring daggers at me.

"Ha ha... hey, you brought it upon yourself, you know? We're still dueling," I offer with an awkward laugh, realizing it might not be the best time for humor.

Lysandra's irritation becomes palpable as she begins walking towards me. Not a word. Not a sound. Just a silent, deadly approach. Oh, great! When did things get so... silent?

Suddenly, the silent moment shatters. The tips of her fingers morph into razor-sharp claws, glinting in the sunlight. Even from here, they looked sharper than any blade I've ever seen. Not the manicure I was expecting, but hey, dragons have style.

Looking at my gun, I switch it to full auto and start blasting in her direction, knowing deep down this might be a futile attempt. Bullets fly, but instead of dodging, Lysandra starts blocking them with newly appeared scales on her hands. Like swatting flies.

"Tsk, I knew this would be useless," I groan. I try one last diplomatic effort. "Hey, how about we take a breather? Aren't you tired?"

She continues her approach, not uttering a word. The tiny stream of blood trickling from her forehead is the only sign she's even been affected by our scuffle.

"Ugh, what a hassle," I think, rolling my eyes. My shield suddenly melts, enveloping my clothes in a protective layer. With the items Eira gave me and Umbra, I might stand a chance of reducing any damage coming my way. It's going to be a dance, alright. One where I'm pretty sure I'll get stepped on. Repeatedly.

Suddenly, Lysandra is engulfed in a powerful, blazing mana. Her energy is raw, potent, and... utterly terrifying.

"Wow~ How scary~" I say, feigning shock with a sarcastic tone. Fuck this isn't good, how much more mana is she planning on using?

I sigh, realizing that Lysandra's insane mana output means I have to step up my game. Gathering my mana, my aura flares to life, emanating a powerful blue/red hue. "I guess it's time to change my footwork, huh?"

Not a heartbeat later, Lysandra's on me like a freight train on steroids. I don't even get a full second to revel in my newfound power. She's lightning fast. A silver streak of power and fury. I narrowly avoid her claws – damn those look sharp – but she compensates by introducing her foot to my side.

"Shit! That hurt!" I groan, wincing. The wind's been knocked out of me, but she doesn't give me even a microsecond to catch it back. Lysandra's a flurry of scales, claws, and pissed-off lizard energy. Tsk, Umbra can only do so much, should I try absorbing her mana? No, its still too early.

For someone as skilled as me – okay, maybe "skilled" is pushing it – it's like trying to dodge a tornado while blindfolded. Every swing of her claw is like a gust of wind, every snap of her teeth like a bolt of lightning. Despite the huge amount of mana I've pumped into my feet, she's practically dancing circles around me. Dammit, her power is no joke.

She lunges, but instead of going for another swipe, she tries to punch me straight in the face. My inner monologue screams, "Are you freaking kidding me?" In a desperate move, I manage to redirect her, and by some absolute stroke of misfortune – or is it fortune? – I send a punch back. It lands right on her nose.

"Holy shit, did I just do that? I thought she would block it." I think in shock. And she has a nosebleed, no less! But as expected, it's like I did nothing at all.

Before I can even finish processing that, she's back on me again, a one-dragon wrecking crew. The next punch she throws is so fierce, so damn fast that even with all my energy focused on blocking, I'm sent skidding back. Hell, it's like trying to block a car with a paper shield!

She's on me in an instant, and I can almost see my life flashing before my eyes. The punch she's sending my way could probably level a building. In a frantic move, I concentrate all my aura into my arms. With every ounce of my strength, I redirect her blow.

The sheer force of her own attack catches Lysandra off guard, and with a horrified expression that I'll probably remember for the rest of my life, she punches herself straight in the face. The impact was enough to push herself a bit back.

"Damn, why are you hitting yourself?"

Lysandra stumbles back up, spitting out a mouthful of blood, eyes glinting with a mix of pain and thrill. The dust and aura around us swirl, but nothing distracts from the sheer tension of the situation.

"Why'd you have to go all Hulk on me?" I mumble to myself. "I miss the good ol' days when duels didn't mean becoming a human pancake." Damn it, what changed? She wasn't this quiet before.

Before I can so much as blink, she's charging straight at me, her fist cocked back, eyes locked onto mine. The blow connects with a loud thud, my arms barely managing to absorb the brunt of it. And just when I think I can counter, she's suddenly above me.

"Damn, since when did she get wings?" I quip sarcastically, though she has none. But her speed sure suggests it. Fuck I'm too slow, this is gonna hurt.

Without a moment's warning, she sends a fist hammering down at my chest, knocking the wind right out of me. My vision blurs, pain surging from my chest to every corner of my body as I smash into the ground. The impact creates a miniature crater around me. I taste the metallic tang of blood on my lips. "Uugh...fuck, jus why did she decide to increase her mana output?" I groan. How could I let my guard down like some dumbass?

The ground gives a terrifying quiver. And as if the heavens are playing some sick joke, it caves beneath us, sending us spiraling into a ravine. Adrenaline pumps through me, and in a swift reflex, I yank a dagger from my belt, stabbing it into the wall to slow my descent. Beside me, Lysandra, ever the show-off, uses those deadly claws of hers, scraping against the walls.

By the time we hit the bottom, the space is tight, the walls stretching long on either side. My grin widens. I can feel the comfort of the shadows embracing me, empowering me. Oh, the joy of dueling in the dark. It looks like I'll be winning this duel, heh, thanks for this Lysandra~

Before Lysandra can so much as strategize an escape, I'm on her. She braces for a punch, but I feint, switching it to a hefty kick. She's sent flying, crashing against the wall on the opposite side. My chuckle echoes in the confined space. "Oi, come on, don't zone out like that."

When she pulls herself up, I notice a subtle shift. Lysandra reaches towards her hip where my kick connected, rubbing it for a moment, and then, to my utter bafflement, grinning like a child.

"What's with the grin, lizard? Are you some type of masochist?"

In a split second, Lysandra rockets forward, attempting to drive her fist into my chest. With a surge of adrenaline, I deftly twist my body to the side, barely evading the impact of her blow. The ground where I stood cracks from the sheer force, leaving an indent in the shape of her clenched fist. Before she can recover, I quickly slide my foot behind her ankle and push. She stumbles, and seizing the opportunity, I land a solid punch into her gut, sending her crashing into the ground below with a resounding thud.

"Whew," I pant, trying to catch my breath. "Hehe, I'm way stronger now than I was up there~." I'm genuinely proud of how I handled that. While it's true that her raw power is formidable, I've picked up on her most glaring weakness: stamina. The longer this fight drags on, the more evident it becomes that she's tiring out. I'll bet she's never had an opponent that's managed to last this long. I genuinely thought she would last way longer but I guess she has never trained her body.

However, my self-congratulatory moment is short-lived. As I look down, Lysandra is lying on the ground, laughing hysterically. "Hahahaha!" Her chuckles echo within the confines of the ravine, mixing with the sounds of our heavy breathing. It's eerie. Her entire demeanor has shifted, and it leaves me unsettled.

Before I can even question her sudden outburst, she's back on her feet and lunging at me once more. I sidestep, redirecting her momentum and countering with a knee to her side. She barely flinches, retaliating with a backhand that grazes my cheek. Stinging pain shoots through, but I grit my teeth and block her next strike.

We move in a deadly rhythm, a dance of feints, punches, and kicks. Every blow is calculated, every move precise. But the more we exchange, the more baffled I become. Why is she laughing? It's as if the pain, the blows, and the battle itself are amusing to her.

With every strike she lands, her chuckles intensify. And as the blows land, pain pulses throughout my body, exacerbated by my dwindling mana reserves. I'm starting to feel the burn, and it's not looking good.

"Shit, shit, shit," I think to myself. I've already borrowed some power from Umbra, and I'm at my limit. But I can't give in, not when I'm so close. Sure, she's a powerhouse, but her laughter betrays her diminishing stamina.

I can't help but question, though, as we lock hands, trying to overpower one another, "Why the hell is she enjoying this!? She wasn't laughing earlier!" Sweat drips down my brow, mixing with the dust and blood on my face.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The world seems to blur around me, an intoxicating blend of light and shadow, pain and pleasure. I feel... alive. A vibrancy courses through me that I've never felt before, a kind of elation I can't put words to.

The audacity of this human, Kael, to challenge me was infuriating at first. To suggest something so comical and disrespectful as becoming my blood brother? It was laughable, the ramblings of an overconfident fool. But now, as our fists clash and energy crackles between us, I can't help but be lost in this newfound sensation.

Ah, what is this feeling? My heart hammers in my chest, blood surges hot and fast through my veins. It's... exhilarating.

I remember being a child, innocent and unaware of the disparities between me and other creatures. My father would take me on his trips to a quaint village, and there, amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, I made friends. I didn't see them as different, merely beings I could share my time with. Until that day. The day I forgot my strength, played a bit too rough, and hurt one of them. The terror in their eyes, the distance they kept from me afterward—it shattered me. They were just children, but they came to fear me, the very essence of my being. I never attempted to train, what's the point? I don't plan on starting a war and my raw strength alone scares everyone.

It became clear: I lived in a different realm of existence. And while the older folks visiting my father intrigued me, befriending someone from my own generation remained an elusive dream. That's why Kael, despite all his impertinence, intrigues me. He's young, he's brash, and he's resilient.

Was he hiding this power? My thoughts scatter as a sharp pain radiates from my shoulders. He's gotten stronger since we descended into this ravine. This close combat, it suits him. And strangely enough, it feels right for me too.

My blood is boiling, and every instinct tells me to continue, to revel in this newfound sensation. Father never told me about this. I've faced opponents, sure, but none of them were a human like Kael. And never someone my own age. Were all humans capable of this, or is he an anomaly?

The adrenaline, the rush, the sheer thrill of it all—it's almost maddening. It's like I've tapped into a side of myself I never knew existed. A primal, raw side that doesn't care about judgments or prejudices, but simply wants to...fight. To feel.

"Come on, Kael," I whisper, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. Even amidst the chaos and the exhilaration, one thing remains constant: I still find him insufferable. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't appreciate the challenge he posed.

He darts forward again, his attacks quick and precise. We're in sync, a twisted dance of aggression and evasion. It's like a song, and we're both trying to find our rhythm.

Memories flood back—those children, those hurt eyes. They couldn't withstand my strength. They couldn't challenge me, play with me, without fear. But Kael? He's different. He doesn't flinch, doesn't back down, even when the odds are stacked against him.

The pain, the hits, the sheer force of it all—it's addictive. But why? Why does it make me feel so... complete? I don't know the answers. All I know is that I don't want this feeling to end. The feeling of being on par with someone, of not holding back. It feels right.

The grin on my face widens, teeth bared in a wild display of exhilaration. This... This is fun. When, in all my life, have I ever felt this good? The sheer euphoria of matching blows, of feeling alive, is intoxicating. Faster! Stronger! I want to scream at him not to stop, to keep coming at me with everything he's got.

A thought crosses my mind, one that makes me chuckle. I'm honestly glad I never trained. Had I honed my abilities further, I doubt I'd be experiencing this sheer ecstasy. To be perfectly matched, to dance on the knife's edge of victory and defeat, is a feeling I wouldn't trade for anything.

My memories taunt me, those old texts filled with human arrogance, claiming their superiority despite their fragility. They're weak, they scare easily, and yet they have this ridiculous bravado. But Kael... he's proving to be an exception, and it's irritatingly fascinating.

Mana pulses within me, surging through my veins like liquid fire. With a wild laugh, I concentrate that raw energy into my hands. "Hahaha, Kael!" I shout, flames licking at my fingertips, "This is all my power! Can you handle it?" The flames grow brighter, hotter, coalescing into an inferno that's a pure extension of my very being.

But then, out of the corner of my eye, I see him reaching for that odd toy he used earlier. That thing that made a loud noise and spat out... something. I'm not worried. After all, I've seen it before. One little trick up his sleeve won't be enough to deter me.

But what comes next... I wasn't prepared for. The gun discharges, but instead of the usual projectile, it releases a strange fire, unlike anything I've ever seen. It's not just the sight that's baffling, but the sensation. Warmth spreads through me as the flames near, a stark contrast to the raging cold of my own fiery aura. Is this his affinity?

His flames hit me square in the chest. They don't burn, not in the way I expected. Instead, they envelop me, filling me with an overwhelming warmth and drowsiness. My limbs feel heavy, and the world starts to spin.

I can't defend against it. Not this.

A fog envelops my mind, and the last thing I hear is Kael's relieved sigh. The ground rushes up to meet me as darkness claims my vision. The fight, the thrill, the laughter—all of it fades, replaced by a peaceful, enveloping silence.

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