
Chapter 10: tournament of the Elites:

Next morning, the alarm goes off, ryuusei forces himself to wake up. Gets ready and goes to school. School was 20 minutes walk from the home. He reached school and goes to his class. Today in all over the school there was lot of commotion. Apparently the tournament of elites was coming up soon. Tournament of elites was an event that happens every year. In the tournament of elites, schools from all around the country get together and fights with each other, and whoever wins the fight will become One of the Elites. For now there are 11 elites and only one seat is left.The matches in the tournament can take upto a month or more to complete. In this tournament students fight their own school students and students from the other school .Only the top students can pass. First they go through the qualifications for the tournament, whoever manages to pass that will go on to compete in the tournament. These qualifications matches usually happens in their on school.The elites represents the strongest students from all around the county. In this tournament many people come to watch. And the big power houses of the country get invited.

Everyone is eager to join in the tournament, some student are excited and some are nervous. Some wanted to compete the most and some don't want anything to do with that, where Ryuusei is also included. He didn't want to compete in anything, for him things like these are too much work.

Ryuusei: tournament of the elites.... I forgot about that...do I also have to do that?.. I don't really want to though .... But this could be my only chance to find something about them..... I need to find something that could lead me to them. I can't expect to find them in front my of eyes...but when I will find them.....

Ryuusei was deep in thought, the teacher came in the class.

Teacher: okay, settle down everyone, go to your seats..... As you all know, the tournament is coming up very soon, I came here to explain some rules for it. First, only high school will compete in the tournament. Second, every student will have to at least 3 matches in order to get qualified for the tournament and lastly there will be no teams, you have to do it on your own and everyone will complete. Last year you had a choice but not this year and the next one. If someone can't make it this year , next year you still will have a chance. And now for the next week you all will be training in the school from the teachers.

Student : yessss, no classes,baby.

Teacher: And also , the principal might personally test some of you, so be ready, okay... Dismissed.

Student : The principal himself? Man that's tough.

Student : This year is mine, bro.

Student : yeah? You can't even beat me... How are you gonna make it to the tournament, huh?

The teacher went outside and all the students started making noises.

Ryuusei: Train at the school,....fwooo.... that's tough indeed.

With that the day passes by quick. The routine of ryuusei was the same, work, train and sleep.

It was the next day,at school, every student was called to the training ground. The training ground was very larger easily fitting every student there. Seniors and juniors were all there. Looking down on each other as always.

Teacher: okay, now that everyone is here, you should find yourself a pair and start training with them.

Everyone started choosing each other and then there was ryuusei. Standing cluelessly there.

Ryuusei: .....pairs?... you got to be fucking with me. How am I supposed to find myself a pair? This is why I gate training in the school... Fucking bitches... Why did they have to do it like that? Well actual how else were they supposed to do it? But now what ? Imagine no one coming in my way....oh God that's gonna be so embarrassing...

Ryuusei was standing at the same place while cursing that someone approached him.

??? : hello , are you single?

Ryuusei turns back , and Sees q girl standing behind him.

Ryuusei: A girl?? And why did she ask me like that?

??? : I mean , do you have any partner?

Ryuusei: Why the fuck is she asking me like that?

Ryuusei thought to himself again.

??? : I mean , for training.

Ryuusei: "...can you believe this shit, a girl his asking me for sparring... Well someone is asking,so....."

Ryuusei: .... No, I don't...

???: oh really, I guessed, because your looking lonely--

Ryuusei: "lonely???"

???: so I thought you might need someone....

???: btw my name is Jushiro Kanoko, I'm a third year. You?

Ryuusei: " so she's a senior"

Ryuusei: ....Ryuusei... second year.

Kanoko: Ah, so you're a junior. I see,I see.

Ryuusei: " The fuck did you see? "

Kanoko: anyways, so should we start training?

Ryuusei:....Yes, go ahead....

Kanoko: okay, let's find a good place , let's go.

Both of them started finding a place where they can practice but the ground was very full with everyone one around. Some of them were just sitting down watching other and some were actually fighting instead of training together.

Kanoko: Well, looks like we have to wait till some people left. You don't have any thing to do right?

Ryuusei: Not really...

Kanoko: that's good then...

Both of them just waited for few minutes. After some time Kanoko couldn't handle the silence and started asking ryuusei some questions.

Kanoko: So, how are you feeling?

Ryuusei: ??

Kanoko: about the tournament, do you think you can make it there.

Ryuusei:.... Can't say... we'll see.....

Kanoko: Why's that? Are you not confident?

Ryuusei: well , honestly I'm not..

Kanoko: you're honest, that's good.

Ryuusei: it's look like you're here to test me rather then training.

Kanoko: No, no... I'm just saying that it's nice to for bit lying to yourself. Giving yourself a false hope won't take you anywhere.

Ryuusei looks at her without saying anything.

Kanoko: wait here, I'm gonna be back.

Kanoko walks off somewhere leaving ryuusei behind. Ryuusei there was keep looking around at other students that were fighting with each other. Ryuusei was a bit jealous of how they can show their emotions so easily. Thinking to himself that if he will be able to do that.After few minutes Kanoko comes back.

Kanoko: let's go, I found ourselves an empty fighty room.

Both of them walked in the other training ground inside the one side

Of the school. There was one empty room and both of them went inside that room.

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