A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

"A few things here. First, I do not believe prophecies are real and even if it is, it's practically impossible to tell who the prophecy speaks of. Second, if I do join you are you planning on killing your father and taking his place? Or do you plan on waiting for him to die naturally? When will this war take place? Finally, how do you plan on fighting these, 'White Walkers' and what even are they?" I say to Rhaegar who is giving me a complicated look.

"I understand your hesitation, as many before did not believe me as I told them about what I discovered. Though as old as you are and the things you have seen and done, can you still say you do not believe in gods or visions? As for my father… well the realm is becoming increasingly unhappy with the way he rules, I'm still not sure what to do in that regard," Rhaegar says to me with a heavy sigh before continuing.

"I have no idea when this 'war' will take place, but the sooner I prepare the better, right? As for the 'White Walkers', well I do not know much about them, only the things passed down in stories. Apparently that are these supernatural beings almost incapable of being killed and can bring back the dead to fight for them," Rhaegar says to me while giving me a look hoping for my help.

'They sound like 'Wights' and maybe the leader is a lich?' I think to myself hearing him tell me about these so-called 'White Walkers'.

"As for me, well I never said I do not believe in gods, just that they do not care enough to get involved in our world. The ones that do rarely have good intentions. As for visions, no I do not believe in something that could be falsy planted in one's mind. I'm more of a… practical person," I say to him and he sighs nodding his head not forcing his ideals on me, as that would only annoy me further.

"Can you atleast stay a month or two longer? My betrothed is supposed to show up in a week, from there a wedding will take place along with a tourney and other festivities. You can see more of how we live here, plus give me time to convince you to help me, please," Rhaegar says to me with a pleading look.

'Well this is the largest library I've come across and I'm interested in the books here…Though from the smell and the fact I can feel everyone's eyes on me at all times spying on me. Makes me feel otherwise and I have the feeling the mad King is plotting to assassinate me,' I think to myself considering this.

"On several conditions will I stay, first, make sure your father leaves me alone. As his presence alone annoys me greatly and if he tries anything with me, I will kill him. Second, do not pester me daily on joining you or I will leave, you can come to me atleast once a week in an attempt to convince me. Lastly, I want unrestricted access to this library and to not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary," I say to Rhaegar who nods his head immediately agreeing with my requests.

"My father places his trust in others very little these days. But I'm still one of the few he trusts and I will ensure he leaves you alone. As for the other two stipulations, I can easily agree to, every week from today I will be pestering you to help me. I will also make sure Pycelle understands you have complete access to the library and give you a key to the family-only section," Rhaegar says to me gesturing to the caged-off part of the library that his family makes sure only they have access to, along with the current 'Grand Maester' who is currently Pycelle.

"Then I will stay here for the wedding, plus the festivities afterward, and no longer than that," I say to Rhaegar who smiles and nods his head.

'That would explain why the activity in the castle has been increasing lately. Seems the entire realm or atleast the more 'important' people will be here soon. Gods, now I will be dealing with a large group of Nobles, at least this time they do not know me. I can just stay with the Lannisters, I missed my good friend Gerion and little Tyrion,' I think to myself as Rhaegar leaves with a happy smile on his face convincing me to stay longer than I originally intended.

Over the next few days, the castle servants and even the whole city were very active. As they all ran around preparing for the arrival of the Prince's betrothed and the soon wedding after her arrival. Many nobles that are closer to King's Landing have started to arrive. By the end of the week, a few ships were seen entering the harbor carrying the 'Martell' insignia which was the family that was marrying into the Targaryens. I looked from the tower watching the arrive.

The first few days after the talk with Rhaegar, I could still feel the eyes on me and the tense atmosphere like someone was going to attack me at a moment's notice. However at the end of the week after my talk with Rhaegar, he was able to convince his father from doing something that would end in his death. Though Rhaegar's mother did take notice of me, in a way like she wanted to speak with me but was too afraid to since her husband is crazed. Once the Martells arrived many other nobles started to show up in droves. I spent most of my time in the library to avoid the many new people entering the city. While Rhaegar did come to visit me to try to convince me to help him again.

I was still not convinced to help him, after locking myself in the library for almost two weeks I decided to get some fresh air in the garden outside. Even though it was early in the morning, I could see some nobles lingering in the gardens and mingling with one another. I stared at them all with indifference since all of this meant nothing to me and the longer I stay in this piss-covered city the more annoyed I'm becoming at the way humans currently live.

"Oh! A Lannister… no your hair seems like a mix of Lannister and Targaryen… who are you?... Damn, you are very beautiful, maybe we could get to know each other better?" I hear a voice with an accent I'm not familiar with and say in my direction. At first, I thought they were talking to a servant, but then I realized I was alone, so I turned to the voice.

I see a young man around Jamie Lannister's age, with tanned olive skin, dark brown eyes, short black hair, and a well-trimmed beard. He was wearing fine yellow dyed silk robes, that had golden suns embroidered into the robes. He was staring at me with a lust-filled gaze, which is not the first time I'd received from a male human. From his appearance, it seems he is part of the Martell family.

"I am neither Lannister nor Targaryen. My Name is Lord Valtaris," I say to him with the same indifference I feel for most of the humans that reside in the capital.

"Well Lord Valtaris, you are a very beautiful man. I am Prince Oberyn of House Martell, it a pleasure to meet your acquaintance," Oberyn says to me with a full bow and hand out to his side as one would give to someone they are courting according to humans.

'This young man is very open and does not appear to have hidden agendas that I've come to notice all nobles have in the human lands,' I think to myself seeing him trying to seduce me.

"Good to make your acquaintance as well, Prince Oberyn. Though I'm afraid I do not enjoy the company of the same sex," I say to him letting him down easily as he is the first human here that does not infuriate me immediately.

"Well, you can not say I did not try! Though Lord Valtaris, I'm not familiar with that name. Where do you come from?" Oberyn says to me walking to my side as I overlook the gardens and see the idiotic nobles mingling with one another.

"I come from Essos. I was here as a guest of the Lannisters, but then the Prince took me as his guest since he wants my help with a project of his. Though I'm still unsure I want to help him, as I'd rather explore this world knowing that my home is well protected now and does not need me to watch over them all the time now," I say to Oberyn honestly as I know either way if he really wants he can figure out who I am and why I'm here. Plus it's no secret anyway, other than what exactly the Prince wants me to help him with.

"I can respect a man who wants to explore the world! I have the same dream and was about to head out on a journey myself, but then my sister was to be married. I decided to postpone my trip to see my sister off one last time before I head out on my own journey," Oberyn says to me with a smile that shows he is excited to see the world and what it has to offer. Like a true adventure from my old world.

"Yes, the world is too large to not be explored. Which is why I am most likely going to still deny the Prince help in his endeavor. Though he keeps trying to convince me, I doubt he will be able to by the end of this next month. Then I will head out on my journey," I say to Oberyn who nods his head in understanding.

"It is nice to meet someone who does not play the games of these other idiots all the time. I could get used to your company, I will be here just as long. If you really are going on a journey by the end of next month, then if you want we can journey together," Oberyn says to me and I chuckle at his attempts to seduce me still.

"Maybe… though I feel I could cover more distance traveling alone," I say to him as I was going to fly around from place to place.

"Maybe you could, but having company is always good. Plus I know all the good places to visit and who knows maybe we can become closer if we journey together…," Oberyn says to me still suggestively.

"Tell you what, I hear there is going to be a tourney for this wedding. If you win the tourney, then I will accompany you on this journey, only accompany you as I said I do not find other men attractive," I say to him and he smiles at me nodding his head, probably still thinking of ways to seduce me. Though something about his personality I find enjoyable and entertaining to be around.

"I understand… then we have a deal! I will show you why they call me 'the Red Viper'. Plus if I win we will journey to Essos together and see the world!" Oberyn says to me with excitement in his voice.

"You are very trusting of someone you just met," I say with a chuckle seeing his excitement, which is a nice change of pace for this deary shit hole.

"If you do not give someone the benefit of the doubt, then how will you ever make friends? Though I'm good at telling when someone is a liar and so far you have been honest, maybe not completely, though who ever is? It was nice meeting you, I hope you are ready to travel together!" Oberyn says to me with a smile waving me goodbye as he walks away.

'Maybe traveling with someone would be more fun… I do have time, time is something I do not lack and I can always leave whenever I want' I think to myself watching him leave.

By the end of the month, all the important Nobles arrived, from the furthest south to the furthest north. A day after all of them arrived, the wedding was held between Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell. The ceremony I witnessed this time was different than the ones I saw in Valyria. I sat with the Lannisters as I was closest with them, though it appears not all of them came. As only Jamie and Cersei came the others were left at their home.

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