A strange new life


Naruto stabbed his own hand, cutting deep the injury already there. He had his back to us. His whole body trembled. “With this kunai,” the brat said, turned to face us, bleeding hand held in front of this face. His eyes were resolute. He had a fierce smirk. “I’ll protect the old man. We’re continuing the mission!”

I was caught between my wanting to fan-girl at the awesome Naruto moment, and face-palm at the brat gall. Kakashi-sensei beat me to any reaction.

“Naruto, it’s good you are releasing the poison, but anymore bleeding,” Kakashi stepped closer, crouched in front of the kid, “you’ll die from blood loss, seriously.”

“No! That’s bad! I can’t die from something like this! Save me sensei!!”

Kakashi dealt with Naruto’s hand. Tazuna, who had been silent for a while finally spoke up. “Sensei, I have to talk with you…"



Heavy mist blocked most of our vision. We were almost at our destination. Tazuna had spilled his sob story, and guilty tripped Naruto, who convinced Kakashi into following up with the mission, even if Tazuna had Gato’s thugs and hired ninja after his sorry drunkard ass.

“We’ll see the bridge soon. We’re almost in Wave territory now.” The boat guy whispered.

Introspection dominated my mind since the attack. I had never considered the whole Gato problem. Even after being placed on team seven, it had slipped my mind. I knew the mission was trouble, but never considered what I wanted to do with it. Even with my failing memory, I remember it was sad. Haku living to be a tool. Zabuza crying when his boy died. Gato mob trying to kill everyone at the end.

Many of the Naruto fanfiction I read often meddled with things to save Haku and Zabuza. But, did I want to? It was implied that Zabuza killed more than a hundred kids of his year’s cohort during his academy days. I didn’t know if the guy was really worth saving.

“Wow! It’s huge!” Naruto yelled.

“Hey, be quiet!” Boat guy chastised. “Why do you think we are hiding in the mist and not using the engine?”

I blinked, the interaction distracting me. I blinked again, thinking back on my own rationale. That was… surprisingly narcissistic of me. Out of context, it sounded like some wannabe villain with delusions of godhood, deciding to save or not some minor character. That raised a question I hadn’t considered yet. I doubt that on earth I’d be this callous about taking a life, or deciding other’s future. Was I still myself?

If nothing else, that decided it. I would do my best to keep both alive. Kakashi-sensei could take the lead on that one after, if the situation called for it.

“We’ll be there soon. Looks like we avoided detection so far. I’ll take the route that has vegetation. The enemy won’t be able to spot us.” Boat guy said.

Tazuna nodded. “Thanks.”

We passed through some tunnel, the vista opening to a water bound village. Wooden houses just barely water level. Strange, rooty trees grew up from the water. The boat sneaked around those, our passage hidden by the leaves. The small boat docked on a wooden platform attached to one of the houses.

“This is it for me. Good bye and good luck.” Boat guy said.

“Thank you so much.” Tazuna smiled. Boat guy turned on his engine, sailed away. Made no sense to me why he would bring attention like that. Guess he had a few loose screws.

“Ok! Get me home safely.” Drunk Tazuna demanded.

We walked the tight corridor. It twisted around the house, lead to a dirt path, which we followed. The mist soon cleared. Naruto’s head was on a swivel. Every small sound, imagined or not, he jumped at.

“There!” Naruto yelled, threw a shuriken. Silence followed his actions. “Heh, just a rat.” He said, posing.

“Naruto, please stop using shuriken. It’s dangerous.” Kakashi-sensei all but whined.

Tazuna wasn’t that gentle. “Hey, midget! Stop acting like a moron!”

I face-palmed, a loud smack to my own face. Sasuke and Kakashi glanced my way. My fingers tapped over my forehead. The code flowed. Southwest, trees, one shinobi, strong.

Naruto was ahead of the pack, already looking for the next bush. “Hey, I think I see a shadow—” He turned abruptly, threw another shuriken. A white rabbit jumped out of the bush.

A swishing sound of air being cut resounded from southwest. Thank god Sasuke understood my code. I flickered ahead. Tackled Naruto to the ground. Sasuke tackled Tazuna. Kakashi crouched down.

Momochi Zabuza’s sword flew above us. It hit a tree, got stuck there. The man soon appeared, posing on the handle of his weapon. His back to us, looking down on us. I kinda wanted to cheer him out. Edgy af. Cool af.

Naruto got up, a stupid smile on his face. I could see the dumb idea there.

“Well, well, if it isn’t Hidden Mist missing-nin Momochi Zabuza-kun.” Kakashi-sensei said. Naruto took a step forward. Kakashi’s hand stopped Naruto from going toward the enemy. “Everyone, get back. This one is on a whole other level.”

Zabuza kept looking down on us.

“It’ll be a little tough, unless I do this…” Kakashi said. Pulled his forehead protector up, red eye in full display.

“You are Sharingan Kakashi. Sorry but, the old man is mine.” Zabuza’s rough voice sounded out.

Naruto looked confused. Sasuke looked intense. Kakashi looked serious. “Surround and Protect Tazuna-san. Do not try to interfere with the fight. That is your teamwork.”

“What the hell is that eye?” The brat yelled.

Emosuke answered. His voice dark. “It’s said some have the ability to read and defeat all types of genjutsu, taijutsu and ninjutsu. The sharingan is one of type of pupil that gives you this power.”

Zabuza chuckled. Creepy. Edgy. I loved it. “Hehe, but that’s not all. What is even scarier is that you can copy your opponent jutsu once you see them. I kept this handbook before. It had information about you. The man who copied more than a thousand jutsu. Copy Ninja Kakashi. My orders were to kill you on sight.” Zabuza crouched on top of his sword handle. Finally facing us. “Enough talking. I have to kill that man.”

We moved as one, surrounded Tazuna drunk ass. Kakashi stood in front of us, facing the enemy.

“But seems I have to beat you first.” Zabuza said. Kicked the tree, removed his big ass sword. Flew above us. Fell on the river. He stood tall on top of the water, one hand up, other curled on a seal in front of his mouth. Water swirled around him. Mist blowed outward. Chakra spilled forward. Heavy, dense, suffocating. Like someone squeezed my heart. But not worse than that one time with Shimura fucking Danzo.

“Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu.” Zabuza’s voice echoed from inside the mist.


Edgy, cool...



Next chapter tomorrow.

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