A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

49. Let’s survive

Caelicetus started to warp, taking around a minute to do so. Between his state of mind and grievously injured body, it was hard. Now that the fight was over the only thing taking place was the buzzing of the hive mind.

Ignoring he finished his calculus and warped back into the Milky Way, where every Astrodelphii and one very confused and scared 'human' was. 

Maybe it's not good for the morale of the pod with what he was going to do but the sight of what happened to him will only help in the long run. An inverted crack of space resonated in the giant bunker and Caelicetus appeared.

No one could believe what their eyes showed them, it was a sight of horror, nightmare, insanity, an impossibility of the highest order. Neon blue blood trickled down on the grass down below. Each droplet instantly froze patches of it.

No sound could be heard besides the blood raining down.

"What happened to him?", Maddison said, voice quiet, barely a whisper. Her earlier worry and fear for what just happened were replaced with strange mutual feelings of great sadness, despair, and a burning fury.

[This is what happens when you act as I did, this is what happens when you only think to satisfy your amusement and satisfaction for your ego, this is what happens when you act on your emotions, this is what happens when you are short-sighted, reckless, and weak. Thinking it was all a game and I was above. I-I, I fucked up… badly.

I should have done better, be better, smarter, wiser, stronger, but I wasn't and only paid a small part of the price for it. There is no excuse, no pity is deserved for my current state, I don't have the right to regret any of my actions. I don't even feel a shred of guilt for what I did.

And the worst… is that I didn't change. I'm the same selfish, nihilistic, asshole of an Astrocetus that will keep on acting the same as before. 

And what a shame I'm to my species for the last of its members…. I'm only telling you all, my children, if you want, for me to feel better about myself.]

Images, feeling, pains, and sounds, were transmitted throughout the hive mind. Every being was silent, trying to comprehend what happened, trying to understand their God. 

Caelicetus was honest about all of it, his was unlike before, it was not three speaking in synch but two. It was majestic, godly, and alien but didn't carry the same tone as before.

"Mister Sparkling Whale, everyone makes mistakes, even god. And everyone can grow from them.", Maddison, the first to snap back to reality said. As smart as she is, she couldn't realize the real magnitude of those actions but that wouldn't have changed her words if she did.

'That cute but I'm no god… and I don't… arg. And fuck that also warped her here… She really is getting integrated into the hive.', the space whale thought, his many golden eyes stopped uncontrollably spasming. 

His head-brain amidst fixing itself already, tons and tons of nervous tissue knitted themselves back together at unreal speed.

The small white crystal on his rostrum and ventral pleats reduced in size, their energy drained by the whale and directed to his damaged brain and other major injuries.

He possessed great regenerative capability, in particular for nervous tissue. It was not rare when he exerted himself too much for neurons or entire parts of his three brains to fry. Also, it made his three brains all the better, nervous tissue in a never-ending cycle of growth.

After those words Maddison started to feel strange, she looked at her hands, and could only but wide-eyed at the scene unfolding before her. 

Her skin glows and emits light particles, some parts of it also become transparent and she would see her muscles and veins full of blue blood flowing in them.

At the same time, Caelicetus felt the hitch on the pair of golden orbs behind his third pair of eyes, this time fully conscious and having deduced what was happening. The hitch grew stronger and stronger until the two orbs exploded and a new pair of eyes could be seen.

Contrary to the other six eyes this two were not directly connected to the head brain but to the one fused with his ribcage. He could see an infinite amount of streams, some in negative blue, red, white, and many more flowing through the air in what seemed to be another dimension.

'They connect everything together…', the whale remarked in awe and wonder. Sometimes one of the streams will make waves as if something was swimming inside. 

'And… My body feels lighter… no, I'm lighter. By half but my mass didn't change. That doesn't make any sense. It's like part of my body is here but not here at the same time.'

Outside the Astrodelphii put themselves in a perfect sphere around Caelicetus, blocking any possibility for any creature to see him. 

All of their emotions in synchronization, going down a very dangerous path, mixed with bubbling rage, anger, at what harmed their creator, their God, and at themselves for not being here when it counted. The words of Caelicetus echoed down their very being.

Something needed to change. Feeling the building eruption, Caelicetus stopped it before it was too late.

[We are at war, soon, I do not know when, something drastic will happen to this universe. We will not flee. We will not cower. We will fight. It was such a being who harmed me and nearly killed me if I didn't choose to selfishly erase an entire solar system with every living creature inside of it for my survival.

Drive your emotion to something, a goal, a dream, a person you hold dear for many, will die. Luckily We are not alone and one of them, as you know is our ally and a member of this family. We will change our strategy. We will act and not react, unlike what I have been doing until now. 

Every calf Astrodelphii and Madison will be kept on the astral bodies deemed safe, no more meaningless death under me. The Ghidorah are spread across the universe and likely beyond, extensive and extreme measures will be taken. Mistakes were made, but with each mistake, We will only grow, stronger, and better!

We will use any means necessary for your survival, my survival, and our survival against total extinction. We are one, you are me and I'm every one of you and beyond. Let's survive the incoming war, shall We?!]

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