A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

47. Consequence

It was as if time stopped. One second the yautjas prepared themselves to risk their lives, fight bravely and die honorably to defend their home planet against the incoming monster that suddenly appeared. 

The sudden appearance of a new one, viably more powerful shook them to their very core but its appearance sent them into a state of rage and bloodlust. They must kill it. 

Giant turrets on the wall encasing yhe capital turned and fired plasma bullets at both of the giant monsters, but had very little effectiveness beyond causing superficial burns.

'It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. I hurt.', Caelicetus thought like a broken record, his many eyes spasming and unable to see he was in the dark with only his hearing to count on as it's not connected to the pierced brain.

These waves of thought are spread in every corner of the tge hive mind, and every creature tied to it froze, in mind and body. Then a 'pre-programmed' order was sent and unfroze,  then all were forcefully warped by using every individual brain as a makeshift processor, warping them to the deepest part of the Abyss in a giant bunker. 

On Earth, Madison was eating with her Mother when suddenly her eyes became golden as the other rolled back and she was herself warped away with a part of the table, floor, and chair she was sitting on. Vanishing from Earth.

Her mother stared at where her daughter was, her mind catching up to what just happened she felt her heart stop and she cried out, horrified, frightened, worried, and many more emotions in one word.


Back on the home planet of the yautja.

The Xenomorph Progenitor's three mouths each elapsed alongside the space whale's spine, digging right through the skin, blubber, and muscle meter away from the spine, and the sudden sensation of imminent death snapped Caelicetus to the real world.

Immediately trying to warp away he stopped midway as the pain, loss of a brain and general chaos in his two remaining minds made nigh impossible without essentially committing suicide. The brain that was shredded also played an important part in self-warping, which wouldn't have been a real problem without the above.

Bellow, the planet shook, and lava flowed out in abandon between cracks that divided the earth defying gravity mountain size piece of stone escaped the crust, spaceships on the ground in the air lost all control and floated one by one, and numerous yautja started to float,  skyscrapers were torn off their foundation and, entire city blocks crumbled and flew. 

Inside the capital, the hundreds of millions of noncombatants yautja of all ages and sex felt the apocalypse dawning upon them and hysteria was setting in.

Gravity inverted for the biggest tower where the elder council took place in the center of the city. The tower then was shot at the Xenomorph Ghidorah, a shock wave in its wake as its speed broke the sound barrier not once not twice but thrice. The structure didn't survive such force and crumbled on itself with only the tips and half of the metal skeleton 'surviving'.

The three-headed alien dragon immediately sensed the incoming projectiles and took the risk of letting go of its prey. The brunt force of a  projectile this size was capable of seriously injuring them, it wasn't only the tower that was sent at them by Caelicetus.

The barbs and spikes of their two tail scrapped flesh on their way out, unlocking their jaws with a chunk of whale meat they flew away, dodging by an air breath the equivalent of half of the capital. 

Caelicetus howled in agony and stopped all projectiles from touching him by nullifying their weight and making them float around him.

Forming a field of debris. That was soon enriched by other debris, alive or not directly from the ground. At this point, more than three percent of the planet's total mass was in the sky. Multiple times the total mass of the Moon. All of it spinning faster ans faster with him at the epicenter.

The three-headed xenomorphs flickered in being out of the space whale hearing and feeling them slip away he forcefully bend gravity at their location, and the thunderclap-like sound was heard followed by a crunch and an ungodly piercing shriek of pain. 

Municipal pools worth of toxic blood fell on the ground, melting it and everything in between on contact.

"Where are you, cowards!?", Caelicetus taunted, instead of three voices it was two, one of a kid and the other of an old man, both weaker. He was not fine. 

He fucked up, was grievously injured, lost a brain, and an untold amount of neon blue blood escaped the five giant wounds, of two showing his internals. None were mortal but they easily could have.

It was as if they escaped gravity, but it was impossible, if they could do that he would already be dead and would not have been able to injure them at all, unless they played with him, so unlikely and he will not abandon either way. 

You can't escape from something omnipresent… Particularly something like gravity.

This means they somehow hid from his senses, and it terrified him, his sight was gone and his hearing was the only thing left for him to explore the world, and everything that happened enraged him. 

He felt stupid, he was angry at the three-headed xenomorph but it was a small percentage compared to the one directed at himself, he was very disappointed in himself, everything up until the death of the astrodelphis calf, and even before could have been avoided if he didn't any way he did. All of it was his fault.

He continued to tear the ground apart and bring up debris to him, invisible from his senses they might be but they are still there. He formed a shield of gravity around his body but it was likely too weak to hold against his foe, and he knew it. That's why he didn't count on it.

The Xenomorph Progenitore's three pairs of eyes studied the changing battlefield, snorting in contempt at the desperate trick of the Astrocetus and rushing in. The calf still manages to crush their back leg. impressive for his age, and even more, that he didn't abandon. 

This one was strong. It excited them.

Their massive bulk flew through the field of stone, building, yautja, lava, and more. Each thing they hit was followed by a small black hole appearing right at the same place, and where they will likely be.

If it was all the whale got he needed to do better. It did injure them but they healed just as fast. They rapidly approached the calf and in the same manner, they engaged the fighter. Attacking from bellow, one tail aimed at the brain in the back and the other a the heart.

There was resistance against the thin shield, but they ignored it. Not taking this as a threat, they stabbed, and at that exact moment, their tails impossibly twisted, they felt the grip on them and instantly responded by snapping them off, very much how a lizard would. Once an Astrocetus take a hold of you, death is inevitable.


Both then exploded in toxic green acidic maelstrom on Caelicetus's skin, melting and forcing him to tear it off his back with even some of his flesh. 

He was starting to see red even though he currently was blind. This repeated one more times, tails snapping and exploding and he snapped, this was not going well. Predicting where the Xenomorph Ghidorah would be was not effective 

He was starting to feel lightheaded. He couldn't feel his tail anymore, and nearly all of his back was a  horrifying sigh of chemical burn. He was truly realizing that if he doesn't do something fast he will die.

The Xenomorph Progenitor tails having already halfway regenerated, dived again. Bloodlust emanated from their body, jaws salivating and endless hunger festering for billion of years needing to be satiated.

The gravity holding the field suddenly became back to normal, all falling to the planet in an apocalyptic rain of death. A mountain-sized rock fell where the Ghidorah were this forced them to fly backward, wasting time.

Right above Caelicetus's head, a small black hole formed, the size of a needle head. All of his concentration went on it. There was only him and gravity that mattered at that exact moment. Desperate time call for desperate measure. 

The planet will suffer and likely die, possibly even risking the existence of this solar system. All of this because of his own ego. They never were consequences until now.

"I'm sorry this is selfish but this is for my own survival…", he said firmly to the planet, and it shook in response then everything froze except him and the horrified Xenomorph Progenitor. 

They couldn't believe what the space whale was going to do.

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