A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

43. Yeeted to another universe

While Monarch was preoccupied with the discovery of a new Titan and what should be done, Caelicetus was more or less doing whatever was on his minds, and there always was a lot.

Every second that passed without doing anything was a bore to him, first, it might be a second for a human but for him, it might as well be hours with how fast his minds worked in comparison. 

Sleeping to pass the time was out of the question because he can't fully fall into it. He has three brains, but he didn't sleep like humans. At max half of his brain will be asleep, so he will be at roughly half capacity in calculation power but he will still be fully conscious and cognizant. 

Or when he overdone himself and his brains need to cool down. And at that point, their temperature will be hot enough to melt rock.

Speaking of… He was currently playing with matters. He could make diamonds with carbon, maybe he does that with relative ease when unperturbed but it's the case because he trained to do it and understand exactly what he is doing.

He couldn't see atoms with his eyesight, none of his twelve could at most he could see cells, he could see the millions and millions of microscopic lifeforms living on human skin for example.

But even then he could hear them through the graviton if he concentrated and each had its own 'tune' indicating its mass, making it possible for him to differentiate one from another, and also tell what molecules there are without needing tools or tests. 

His ears could essentially hear matter through gravity to an insanely accurate degree. His ears were good enough to do tasks like this.

Just a single 1-carat of pure diamond has 10 septillion atoms of carbon, a 10 followed by thirty-six 0, a number not even humanity as a whole since its existence could count to if they dedicated all of their life to it. A 1-carat diamond is 0.2 grams. That's how many atoms there are for one teeny, tiny piece of pure carbon that cost way too much for what it is 

How much carat was the truck he made? Yes. And how many atoms? The same response is multiplied by a number with too many zeros to be comprehended by the human mind.

Making diamonds was one of the simplest things to do for him, it was only 8 carbons arranged in a certain way to make a molecule that was arranged with other similar molecules in a repeated pattern to make the precious gemstone. The rest was basically sculpting. 

Noting that atoms were hard to control because they were EXTREMELY light and so not affected by gravity as much, and for the electrons orbiting around they were even lighter, and thus even harder to influence with gravity, without a lot of power and fine control. He can't do his magic trick on matters in the middle of a fight.

His power over gravity would be utterly useless if he didn't have the brains' power or understood what he was doing to back it up. It did come instinctively but it was for the basics, such as warping and levitating, not something like a very limited imitation of matter manipulation. 

This logic applied to other powers such as biokinesis, without near-perfect knowledge of biology and training most of its life the one having this power is trash and will likely kill itself or others by mistake.

Anyway, back to the space whale.

He was trying to do something even more difficult. Tearing apart and adding neutrons, protons, and electrons from an atom, can destroy it or transform it into another one. It was hard, took a long time, and needed him to expand a third of his attention, all of this for one measly atom.

'Not like this… yes… no… a bit more power here and there and bam! Gold shall now be lead.', with those thoughts as if a puzzle was finished the gold atom became a lead atom.

Opening a wormhole to the largest storage of gold in the country of guns and freedom and not free healthcare, he permanently 'borrowed' three fourth of it. The multiple hundred billion worths of gold evaporating into thin air didn't go unnoticed and sent the country's government into a state of panic.

He needed resources to improve his craft, preferably not from his stash. The 1% of 1% humans that are rich enough to care and their little tantrum about their gold money vanishing be damned. It's just gold. Gold that was lying here uselessly and they can easily live without it. The potential consequences he had already predicted were none of his interest either.

'Maybe also change the petrol and other of this kind into diamonds and helium… yea that's a good idea.', he thought, patting himself on the back with his left flippers through a portal. Portals/wormholes were extremely versatile and one of the best tools to troll in his opinion.

On a warm Sunny morning in the south of Caelum, in a dense forest growing above a swallow sea, a biome blends between an Earth's mangrove forest and a redwood forest.

Trees with sequoia-like trunks easily going higher than fifteen stories tall were everywhere, their twisting roots going five times deeper in the soft soil and spreading just as far in a circle around them to give them a powerful anchor against the powerful current of the weekly high tide that could nearly touch their whipping willow-like flamboyant crowns full of Azur bioluminescent leaves.

Human-sized crustaceans-like animals of all shapes, some flying with their iridescent membranous wings or jumping from tree to tree, the flying one often diving in the shallow water and hastily flying back up with bird-like fish in their mandible and chelicerae.

Amid this alien forest, a gigantic axolotl the size of a big blue whale, he has marine blue skin, a long goldfish tail, and stumpy legs covered in scales that supported a ragged lavender-colored turtle-like shell. His chubby face was adorned with two fleshy horns and three sets of feathery gills on each side, two deep black beady eyes, while he sported an angry simpleton smile.

It was the one and only Poyo, and he was currently very busy smashing his head against a particularly reflective stone that produced out of sea floor. The stone wasn't what bothered him but his reflection.

He couldn't understand that the creature of the reflection that dared to invade his territorial and cowardly from his might was his own reflection. Oh, he was fully sapient, it's one of the conditions for being considered one of the children of the space whale, and it's also needed to be born out of his direct action or Caelum energy. Poyo was just special. Unique.

"It's your reflection, not some mighty enemy here to defy your hold over this area… in case you didn't notice.", the overwhelming and exasperated voices of Caelicetus echoed through the whole forest like a thunderclap as he warped here.

"Popoyo…? Poyo!? Poyo! Yo…", the salamander protested those outrageous claims by pointing his left paw at the stone to only stop moving when he saw the reflection do the exact same thing.

"Huh… you're in desperate need of new sceneries. Does inter-universal travel with your sibling and fighting big humanoid humps of metals piloted by hairless apes, does sound like a plan to you? No objection. Good, then that's settled.", with words Poyo the big dog, Olaf the titan of ive, Peach the psychic starfish, and Tic and Tac the twin beetle were sent to another universe, some with or without their accords. 

A squadron of Astrodelphii would also be sent immediately after to watch over them. They needed experience. Peace was but an illusion.

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