A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

33. Welcoming the Astrodelphii.

[Caelicetus POV]

I was concentrating on the rebirth of thousands of cetaceans all around Earth. It was a long and tedious process. 

It only worked on them because they must be the descendants of Astrodelphii, they had the same feel but were extremely diluted. 

Also, the cause of my outburst of violence toward the handler that was using them as circus animals, was it was the first time I truly killed sapient being and it was just a very unpleasant sensation and experience. 

For me they were like a human will see an ant, they were the 'ants' and I was the 'human' in nearly every aspect. 

And I was at one point part of these 'ants', it put things into perspective of how much I have changed and will continue to do so. 

Hypocritical but everyone is to varying degrees. I might be on the higher end and I don't care if I'm.

And it also sends a very clear message to humanity as a whole, don't touch cetaceans to use them against their will. No one in the center that helped wounded cetaceans, rescued them, etc, died or was injured by me for that matter.

I'm grateful for what they do, but that mostly ended here.

My new ability to see 'souls' affirmed my earlier supposition, which could have been totally wrong for all I know. I'm not omniscient and can be wrong.

This discovery meant that at some point in time Astrodelphii were on Earth and went extinct, maybe they were in such a low number that their only option was inbreeding or they were seeing negative effects and they chose the next best solution…

 It must be more complicated than that but that is one possibility. Or one individual simply fucked around… literally.


I needed to kill them all, which I did by stopping their heart again. I didn't like doing it but that didn't stop me. It was necessary to access the 'core' as far as I know.

Then I quickly 'reincarnated' them into the form of Astrodelphii, which was showing great success.

If I don't do it fast the 'core' of their 'soul' will be damaged, it's not instantaneous and might take between 30 seconds and 1 hour. It also depends on the species but limiting every damage possible when I can is always a plus.

The newly revived Astrodelphii bodies sported similarities to their prior form, I more or less forced the 'blueprint' of the Astrodelphis in them, thereupon changing their very being.

Some looked like the mix of both even if the Astrodelphis was dominant, it was homogenous and none looked like the spawn of an elder god.

At the moment they were all in a deep sleep, protected by me. Every human and threat approach will have their gravity inverted and start to get attracted to the sky. 

Of course, they will go down at some point, but in a way that they won't become a bloody stain of guts and bones on the pavement.

The entire process took me two hours. Surprisingly, nearly no humans interfered. When I finished I made all the revived Astrodelphii pass through wormholes that led to the Moon, where I currently am.

I made a clicking sound followed by a short whistle and one by one they all started to wake up, confused, scared, and full of wonder.

Then in the same order, they woke up and instinctively looked in my direction, my body glowing and illuminating the whole area below. 

They knew my location because all of them were connected to me and I let them know I was here, I was used to thinking like this. 

After all, it's similar to the Flock, in a way that I could transfer data and they could send data back but not revive it if they died.

I waited until they were all awake, the last one being awakened by the one next to him. A heavy sleeper.

No sound found was made, total silence. Good.

"Hope you all sleep well, you are currently on the Moon. I'm Caelicetus, the last Astrocetus and the one responsible for your current state of existence.", I said calmly. Even if I was excited like the calf I was by their presence.

"As you can see your body is different, you may come from all around the world, originally from different species, have different languages, have different cultures, have different lives, and be of all age sex, and orientations. 

I tell you this simply to inform you that any action to INTENTIONALLY harm in any way shape or form one of your brethren, one of my children, or subordinates with malicious intention, will be severely punished.

I killed you all one time, don't waste this second chance I gave you by forcing me to do it a second time.", I added gravely with a loud click that made the mossy ground of the Moon shake. I flapped my flippers and swam in the air downwards.

They didn't fear me or what I told them, far from it. It only stirred the entire pod of nearly two and half a thousand to be happy, incredibly so. 

It was also mixed with a borderline outrageous level of respect and fanatical worship, it was overwhelming. All 'fangirl' but hundredfold.

'Damn… is this level of worship even necessary?', I thought pretty much caught off guard, toning down the empathic link. 

I could tell a mother to eat her own newborn calf alive and they will joyfully do it as if it was the greatest of honor.

Brainwashing seems cute in comparison and it was just from their genes, it was their instinct that placed me and what I said above everything else. But they still maintained a personality and everything with it.

They aren't brainless automatons.

The nameless one that died must have felt that she was the worst thing in existence for 'failing' Mom's mission, poor thing. It wasn't her fault.

They didn't need a debriefing since most of the information was directly sent to their brains by me. I will let them do as they please, with certain rules obviously, such as not going to Earth unless I authorize it.

Astrodelphii were made in the Astrocetus image. The best description of them will be a lesser version of an Astrocetus in all points.

They even have a certain level of control over gravity, there was also a lesser version of an Astrocetus' heart its power was only a ridiculously small fraction of mine.

One Astrodelphis couldn't make a black hole or go into hyperspace but I presume an entire pod of ten or so could if I gave them the exact coordinates and important detail.

Yeah, now I can see why they have this level of fanatical loyalty. It's quality versus quantity. And in the past, there must have been billions of Astrodelphii. 

With this power, they could have made the artificial black at the center of the Milky Way for example.

And yes 'artificial', because there was no way it wasn't one or the entire Galaxy would get sucked in with its power, I don't know how dense it is but it sure is more than Sagittarius A* from my past life. 

Also, artificial is a word I don't really like since everything is essentially part of nature, nature is the closest thing to GOD for me it's not the Mother Nature or something that I found silly like this. 

The direct meaning of nature is to put it simply, technically everything is natural.

But one of the other definitions will insinuate that I, humans, or other sapients being are above or separated altogether from nature. As if.

That means that even humans and what they do is completely natural. 

The expansion of the universe, it's natural. Every kink of humanity, it's natural.

Politicians, murder, r@pe, war, poverty, etc, it's natural.

Pollution even from humans and GMOs is ironically enough, completely natural.

The Ghidorah species is natural.

Being billions of times stronger than me, it's natural.

Potential people seeing my reality as something fictional will also be a part of nature.

Natural doesn't always mean it's good as if it was righteous in the first place or wanted to do good for whatever something that subjective truly means. 

It's something that greatly angered me in my past life, it's not because it's 'natural' that it's fucking good! It's not hard to understand.

Nature isn't, oh the pretty little forest with little birdies singing on them and everything inside living in complete peace and freaking harmony! However, humans, oh human, they are unnatural monstrosities and should all die and burn in hell!

Nature is neither ultimately good nor it is ultimately bad, it is both of them while also being neither and more. What matter at my scale is living how I want.

I established my perception of nature in every Astrodelphii, they will interpret it themselves. 

"Welcome to your new life as an Astrodelphis!", I declared while pushing water out of my blowholes to add a dramatic effect. It even made a rainbow.

Then I spacejumped to Caelum, it will take more time to teach my children not to eat the Astrodelphii.

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