A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 48 - 36 Meow Meow Meow (Seeking Recommendations)

Chapter 48: Chapter 36 Meow Meow Meow (Seeking Recommendations)

Translator: 549690339 |

“Get ready to haul in the nets!”

The next morning, Bailuo and the others, led by Uncle, used fishing nets to catch the delicious bounty of the sea.

Certainly, with pockets on hand, they were not short on food, but upon arriving at the island, they immediately had to start a planting plan, so the more seeds, the better.

Everyone was of the same mind and suggested living off the water by directly catching fish.

As for freshwater, there was already some on the ship, and the People of Yatun had also brought along some liquor and waterskins.

Moreover, since Bailuo’s pockets could produce fruits and there were many empty barrels on board, finding water from the islands along the way or from the heavens above was not a big issue.

Thus, the only one of the three ships with a fishing function, the medium- sized vessel, began its work.

The large ship was more military-use, and another medium ship was a civilian passenger ship, leaving only the third with the fishing function.

“Splash, splash, splash—–”

The nets were hauled in, and countless varieties of seafood were dumped onto the deck, piling up into a small mountain.

Although they carried a strong fishy smell, no one was displeased, instead bursting with joy over their catch.

In this world, food was precious, and no one complained about having too much.

The People of Yatun, who had suffered from hunger, naturally cherished their food even more.

“Meow, meow—”

Three little cats sprang out cheerfully, each holding a small fish in their mouths, and then looked at Bailuo with longing eyes.

They were Cat Lingling, Cat Yiyi, and Cat Erer, triplet cats from the Yatun Family.

Their names were given by Bailuo, taken from Zero One Two.


Bailuo secretly marveled at how clever these animals were, so he petted their heads and said, “You, too, are members of Yatun. Take as much as you can eat, but don’t waste it.”

“Meow   ”

The kittens hopped and jumped happily, and the White Eagles in the sky, hearing Bailuo’s words, promptly descended to pick their food.

But there was one White Eagle that particularly disdained raw fish:1 Raw fish is never as tasty as cooked.’

It looked at its master, Nors, with an expression that made Nors quite helpless: “I still have work to do, big guy. Can I grill it for you later?


Only then did the White Eagle proudly take flight, continuing to patrol the sea for the People of Yatun.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak.”

The mice whispered among themselves; they didn’t like fish but were very keen on the grains that Bailuo poured out.

Of course, they didn’t steal food indiscriminately and were fed by the children. In addition, the mice had jobs too, finding their kin and bugs on the ship to drive them away.

Mouse: Even if we are mice, we are Yatun Mice!

Miss Lilith’s Miracle Power was unable to bless most reptiles, although butterflies and bees had some hope.

“This, kind of looks like a king crab.”

Sorting through the fish, Bailuo spotted a strange creature among the catch. It greatly resembled king crab, but Bailuo knew they were not the same species.

“What is this?”

“Ew, it looks so weird, is this a Sea Beast? But it’s so small.

“That’s an Imitation Stone Crab, named for its shell that’s hard as stone; most people don’t eat it.”

Uncle, bare-chested at this time with a snowy white beard, flaunted a physique as robust as any young man and laughed: “However, I’ve cooked it before when I was out at sea with Brother Shan and had nothing else to eat.

Uncle’s fishing skills were nothing short of miraculous.

As they sailed the seas, Bailuo didn’t know how Uncle determined where to cast the nets, but wherever he suggested, they almost always had a rich harvest.

Bailuo: Uncle just got another cheat skill fishing.

“It’s quite delicious.”

Uncle, in his youth, had traveled the world with several good friends, and when hungry, he’d eat anything, from snakes and insects to rats and ants.

So, a mere king crab couldn’t escape ‘Sa Belled Ross’s’ menu.

“This can really be eaten?”

Compared to Uncle’s openness, Nors, Jiera, and others were skeptical.

“Dad actually said it’s tasty?! That’s incredible; it’s the first time I’ve heard dad say something’s delicious.”

When it came to eating, Inya should never be forgotten.

There she was, covered in fish scales from handling the fish, yet she happily picked up a hammer and shouted, “Step aside, let me smash it!

“Hey, hey, hey, hey!”

Bailuo quickly intervened: “That’s not howyou eat this thing.” He snatched the hammer from Inya and looked towards his senior sister, “Senior sister, it’s up to you.”


The senior sister’s knife skills were exceptional, perfect for preparing king crab.

A charcoal grill was set up with an iron net specially made by Lilith, and thick crab legs were placed on it. They didn’t use much seasoning, just sprinkled some white salt on top.

Even so, the flavor of the king crab was intoxicating.


“This, this texture, I’ve never tasted something so delicious!

Crab meat is different from beast meat; its texture and elasticity were entirely unlike anything the People of Yatun had eaten before.

Especially when chewed in the mouth, the briny flavor that gushed from the crab meat made its freshness more prominent, and even the senior sister tasted an extra one.

“Crack, crack, crunch!”

Inya gripped a thick crab pincer covered with crystalline white salt. The girl sucked on it, the salt grains combining with the fragrance of the crab dissolved in her mouth, a delicious explosion of flavors.

“So happy—”

Inya rocked her head in delight and continued her battle with the tough pincer. “Try this, the raw fish slices you mentioned, just processed by Miss Lilith with Magic.”

The senior sister brought over a plate of sashimi, adorned with beautifully arranged red flesh, and beside it, a little heap of green stuff-wasabi.

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