A on the Opposite Floor Always Feels I’m Pretending to be a B

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Translator: mengmeng

In some cases, an Omega may experience heat disturbances under certain stressful conditions. This was the case with Xu Yusheng. He thought the wounds he had received prior to his fight with Ning An wasn’t a big deal. Even when he found purple and green blotches on his body while taking a bath, he would only brush it off and applied for medicine on it.

How could he be beaten by the end of a crane till he was sent to the infirmary? He would never allow his ability to be questioned, appearing on the training ground the next day as if nothing ever happened.

But today’s state was obviously different. The sweat the Alphas were pouring in the training ground like □□, although it was only a shallow pheromone taste, he felt the air pressing onto him from all sides– it was hard for him to even breathe.

He knew what this feeling was and hurriedly bid farewell to his friends before leaving the training ground. The heat suppressor that he had stocked up for this month had run out, but fortunately, he always prepared a spare in case of emergencies.

Now, he just needed to find a place where no one will be passing by. Xu Yusheng was panicking and didn’t pay much attention to what was ahead of him. He bumped into a person while rushing from the corner of the teacher’s building.

“Sorry…” Xu Yusheng tried to recognize the people with narrow eyes, wishing to pull away from the group as soon as possible, but the people wouldn’t leave him alone.

“Yo, if it isn’t the Beta, the first in our grade.” he recognized the Alpha’s voice from his ‘brotherhood’ group, and his heart sank. “How did it happen? How does it feel to lose to a crane’s tail?”

“…Please get out of the way, I have an urgent matter to attend to.” Xu Yusheng tried to cross past them and leave, but he was pulled back and pushed to the ground.

“You can’t just run into someone if there’s an urgent matter.”

“I apologized.”

“You think an apology is enough?”

“Whenever I meet kids who don’t greet me in the hall, I beat them up.”

“I see now, so you did this intentionally?”

Xu Yusheng was a wild person, and the people in the “brotherhood ” had been unhappy with him for the longest time. How could they easily let go of him when they finally have the opportunity?

Seeing the group of people surrounding him, Xu Yusheng knew that he couldn’t made it today. He wasn’t usually scared at all in normal times, but today’s situation was exceptional…

Someone found something strange circulating around them and sniffed the air doubtfully, “Why do I keep smelling…”

Ning An suddenly rushed out from his hiding place and sprayed the large bottle of moisturizing spray given by Ning Meng towards the group of people, grabbed Xu Yusheng who was sitting on the ground in a daze and ran out.

Qin Zhao’s overcast move was really good. Ning An held the parcel box in one hand and ran into the teaching building with Xu Yusheng. He ran into an empty classroom with the lights turned off and shut it close. Leaning against the door, he listened to the group of people cursing and running past the classroom with a sigh of relief. Just when Ning An was planning to open the door and leave, he was suddenly pulled back.

“…Ning An…” Xu Yusheng’s vision was a little blurry, and he can only see Ning An’s face when he leaned close to him. He quickly shoved him away. “You go quickly, even you will…”

“What about me?” Ning An was confused, he felt that Xu Yusheng’s situation was not right. He lowered the box in his hand and went to see his condition.

“Don’t come here, you…” Xu Yusheng didn’t even have the strength to take a step back and leaned his head against the wall weakly, panting. “They- they should be coming back soon… You go.”

“Heat period.” Ning An was surprised by this, but it was obviously not the time to ask why. He squatted down in front of Xu Yusheng, “Where’s your heat suppressor? Did you bring your inhibitor?

“Here…” Xu Yusheng took out a tube of injection from the bag next to him, his hands were shaking so badly that it almost fell to the ground. Ning An quickly caught it before it fell.

Xu Yusheng’s arm was not well built at all, it’s difficult to imagine how he managed to land such a powerful punch. Ning An didn’t take time to find his vein and pushed the entire needle in.

Xu Yusheng leaned against the wall to wait for the heat suppressor to take effect, while Ning An shook the bottle of moisturizing spray to determine how much he had just used back then, it felt too wasteful.

“Why is it that you seem to not be affected even a little?” from the way he had inserted the heat suppressor to him, Xu Yusheng had almost suspected that Ning An was an Omega with a hidden identity just like him. “By my pheromones… anything.”

“Why would I be affected?” Ning An took out a packet of chocolate biscuits from the box and handed it over to him, “I’m a real Beta. If you don’t believe me, I’ll take off my clothes in front of you right now. Ah, now I’m starting to behave like a hooligan.”

Xu Yusheng chuckled.

“It’s true that many people think I’m Omega, but it’s not easy to cheat a doctor to pass the school examination…” Ning An rambled on before shutting his mouth. Wasn’t there already a ready-made doctor who cheated the physical examination doctor in front of him? “How did you get in here?”

“An illicit drug can make my physical indicators look the same as a Beta’s, but there’s also a connection.” Xu Yusheng felt the heat on his body gradually subsiding before standing up against the wall and looked at Ning An with complicated eyes. After all, yesterday, the two men were still unbeatable rivals. Xu Yusheng spoke with some uncertainty.

“This thing about my Omega identity, can you help me keep it secret?” If his secret was exposed, all his efforts so far will be in vain, “You can offer me any conditions.”

“Why do you sound like you’re dying? Ready to die so bravely already?” Ning An who was munching biscuits looked puzzled, “About that, you can keep your secret to yourself. Just don’t bother Class Six anymore after this.

“Are you all right now? Then I better get going.” The group of the ‘brotherhood’ was also gone, and Ning An also planned to leave bringing his box with him. “By the way, remember to open the window for ventilation before leaving the classroom to release your pheromones from getting trapped.”

Couldn’t he smell it? Although Beta’s senses of pheromones are not very keen, Ning An couldn’t even smell how dull the pheromones were in the air. Xu Yusheng’s continued to doubt until Ning An had left, staring at the open door in a daze and thought.

‘Keep my secret to myself? What an interesting person.’ He opened the terminal and wanted to send a message to Ning An, only to remember that he was not friends with him online. Wang Yi and his roommate should have his contact information, forget it.

Xu Yusheng closed the terminal and did not forget Ning An’s reminder before leaving and opened the windows. To thank the other for this kind of thing, it is better to do it face-to-face.


Although Ning An was determined that the group of “brotherhood” did not see his face clearly, they did see Xu Yusheng’s. Ning An also paid special attention to whether they had come to find trouble, and of course, it was better to find Chen Siyu when it comes to these kinds of things.

“The ‘brotherhoods’ gang were beaten, you didn’t know?” Chen Siyu said in the cafeteria. Several people turned their heads at him. He glanced at them regretfully, lowered his voice and said Ning An. “They had a fight during class and were beaten up by Fu Ke.”

“Why did Fu Ke hit them?”

“I don’t know, maybe they had a personal feud.” Chen Siyu wiped his mouth with a napkin, “Anyway, they can be so crazy sometimes. Many people don’t like them so student Fu is doing well to eliminate the evil for the people.”

Many Betas had been subjected to oppression by the “Brotherhood”, but the physical gap cannot be overcome and they can only swallow the insults and humiliation silently. Many said that other students had clapped their hands when they were taught a lesson and Fu Ke’s popularity among the students had also increased rapidly.

“They’re much quieter now, and they’re acting more low-key.” Chen Siyu threw the used napkin into the trash can. “Before, it felt like anyone has to give way to the underworld and collect protection fees for the criminals.”

“Hahaha!” Hearing this metaphor, Ning An cracked up. “You’re a real talent.”

Chen Siyu shrugged. “I think my description is very accurate.”

“Student Ning An.” the voice was like a knife being inserted obliquely. Chen Siyu and Ning An’s laughter stopped abruptly upon hearing him. Looking up, they saw Xu Yusheng. “Can you come with me?”


translator’s note:

hello, mengmeng here

i’ll be moving the translation to wattpad (username: @mengmountain )

the reason is because i can’t make edits to the published chapters and it’s really hard to contact FL to make edits~ TvT~ sorry for the inconvenience…

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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