A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

What to do…

In the tent, Kass had been roughly penetrating the goblin shamaness for a while now, deep in the throes of his [Blood Lust]. However, as he came once more, the goblin’s squirming almost seeming to intentionally milk his erect dick, he regained his mental faculties.

Standing up, his dick still hard enough to keep the priestess upright, he surveyed his surroundings and opened up his menu.








Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level



















Noticing that both his Combat and Sexual levels had increased, he checked to see what skills he had gained..


Extend Claws

Type: Swordplay/Passive

Level: 1

Allows you to extend and retract a set of sharp claws from your hands or feet.


Type: Penis/Passive

Level: 1

When penetrating someone, their body becomes 5% more elastic and they feel 5% less pain from the penetration.


As Kass looked at the menus, he noticed that the hair on his forearms had thickened, now a deep-red fur, going up to his fingertips. Turning over his hand, he saw that his palms had changed to look more like the paws of an animal, too.

Figuring he didn’t need the gauntlet if he had the [Extend Claws] skill, Kass began to unfasten the straps when the priestess made him cum again. Something strange Kass noted, however, was that a small spurt of cum actually came out of the priestess’s mouth, implying that either he’d filled her with so much cum it had nowhere else to go, or the [Deformation] skill had made it a clear path from one end of her to the other.

Fully removing the glove, and getting rid of an itch he didn’t know he felt, Kass had to decide what to do next. Waiting in the tent until [Blood Lust] expired wasn’t an option; he’d be out of the fight for too long, and he’d never forgive himself if something happened that he could have prevented. However, if he were to put his pants back on and get back to fighting, he’d probably be immobilized by lust too soon, and be equally useless. And if he were to try to fight as he was now, the goblin would probably flop around too much and impair his fighting ability.

What to do, what to do…

- - -

After the cage was opened, and the women had been clothed and freed, the knight came up to Lilith.

“Are your wounds healed?”

“Yeah. Are you heading back to the village?”

“Yes. When you return, I’ll be asking you some questions.”

“Got it. See you back there.”

“See you.” Calling out to the rest of the group, the knight began to head back to the village, the rest of group two and the caged womenfolk following him. 

“So, what now?” 

Turning around, Lilith saw one of the other villagers facing her. “You’re asking me?”

“Well, we don’t have much of a leader, since Kassander went off who-knows-where and the knights are gone. We talked about it, and we figured, since you’re the one with the magic, you might have a better idea of what to do for now.”

“Thanks. That means a lot. As for what to do next, I’m going to see if I can contact Kass, and then make a plan around that.”

“How do you plan to contact him?”

“I can use telepathy to talk to him over a long distance. Gimme a minute.”

Using [Telepathy], Lilith soon felt Kass’s mind.


Oh! Lilith. Great timing.


Yeah. I’ve got a kind of weird problem, and I was hoping you could help me.

Does this have anything to do with that [Deformation] skill you got?

Oh. I forgot you got pop-ups whenever I got a new skill. Yeah, so here’s what happened. I was trying to find where they were holding my sister and the others, but I ended up jumping into this tent with, like, five of those strange transformed goblins and one who looked like a goblin woman.

Nice. Oh right- We found the women. They’re headed back to the village right now.

That’s a weight off my shoulders. So, I figured that it’d be best for me to fight them right then.

You fought five goblins and a priestess? Wow.

Well, not exactly. I was initially having trouble, but I ended up using the [Blood Lust] skill, and that’s how I beat them.

Ah. Let me guess. The increased SP gain made you fuck the shamaness instead of killing her?

Yeah. I just recently got control back over my body. 

So, what’s the problem?

Well, I can’t actually cancel the [Blood Lust] skill, and I’m afraid that if I go out and fight again, I might overload my SP again.

Ah. So, you’re trying to find a way to fight while keeping the goblin attached to your dick?

That is a crass yet apt description of the situation, yes.

Well, I do have a suggestion. I’m going to assume you took your pants off, because otherwise I don’t want to imagine how you’ve got a goblin on your dick, but if my assumption is correct, then you can use the rope you used to hold up your pants to tie the goblin in place. You will be fighting with your pants off, but considering you’re having sex with a goblin I feel that’s the least of your issues.

Thanks. I’ll head further west and try to avoid anyone else. I don’t want to have to explain what I’m doing to anyone.

Okay. I’ll contact you later so we can decide what to do with the goblin.

Got it.

“Alright, we’re going to be circling around the east, doing what we can to assist any other groups in trouble, and see who needs healing afterwards. Kass’ll be staying in the central area, taking down as many goblins as he can before they make it to the other groups.”

“Got it. Alright, everyone! Let’s move!”

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