A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Things are Happening

Meanwhile, back at the village, Amelia was working on a sewing project. Since yesterday, she’d been thinking on ways to improve her wardrobe; with her dresses, she’d need to take them all the way off to reach her nipples for milking, and when she wanted to have sex the bottom of the dress got in the way. Earlier this morning, she had an idea, and she’d spent the past few hours making it a reality. As she finished the last stitch, she appraised the finished prototype.

She’d made two pieces; the first, a simple shirt, with one main change. In order to make it easier to milk herself, she’d added a V-cut down the center that could be tied up with a cris-crossing string. It’d make milking easier, and she had a feeling Lilith would like the way it looked.

The second piece was the result of her taking one of her dresses and more or less taking off the top. It was still around the same length, but since it was held in place in a fashion similar to Kass’s baggier pants, she could untie it when necessary.

The other benefit of the rope belt was she could adjust the width, which was especially useful considering her pregnancy was getting harder to hide. She could still pass it off as having gained a bit of weight, but tomorrow would probably be a different story. 

Still, she felt she should get someone else’s opinion on the outfit, so she had resolved to go visit Julia, as Lilith and Kass most likely wouldn’t be back for a while. So, bundling up the clothes, she went off to go talk to her friend.


As Amelia walked through the village, she saw a few children playing in the town square. With their fathers out at the raid, it seemed a few of the kids had taken the opportunity to mess around. 

Soon, Amelia reached Julia’s house. Knocking on the door, her friend soon answered.

“Hey, Amelia. What’s the occasion?"

“I was wondering if I could get your opinion on something.”

“Oh, sure!” After quickly looking around, Julia continued in a lower voice. “Is this a sex thing?”

“It might be.”

“Well, then you’d better come inside right now,” Julia said, opening the door and motioning for Amelia to follow her.

“Is that an innuendo?”

“It might be.”


Inside Julia’s house, Amelia unbundled the clothes. “So, here’s what I wanted to talk to you about. After our… transaction yesterday, I realized that this dress is kind of inconvenient. It makes it hard for me to milk myself, and it gets in my way a lot since if I want to do some quick sex, like yesterday, since the bottom of the dress is annoying to move around.”

Unfolding the shirt, she continued. “So here was my solution. This shirt’s got enough space that I could reach my nipples easily, and there’s a string to tie it up for when I don’t need to milk myself.”

Setting that down, she picked up the skirt. “This is still the same length as a normal dress, but since it’s only the bottom half and it’s kept in place by a rope belt, I can untie it and drop it for easier access to my… lower body.”

“Hm. That does seem like a good setup. I’ll probably want something similar if Lilith makes me a… what did you call it, an Acolyte?”

“Yeah, good point. I might get more than a few people wanting new clothes if Lilith’s plan goes well.”

“What plan?”

“Oh, right, I never told you. One of Lilith’s spells allows her to turn the entire town into futanari, if a large enough portion consents.”

“The entire town?”

“Yeah. They’ll get access to some magic, too, I’m pretty sure. Although Acolytes will still get the most magical ability.”

“Huh. Yeah, if the entire town gets transformed, that’s a lot of people who’d want new clothes.”

“Speaking of new clothes, would you mind if I changed into the clothes I brought here today and ask your opinion?”

“I was hoping you’d ask that. Sure, go ahead.”

“Thanks. Which room would you like me to go change in?”

“This one.” 

“You mean-”

“You mentioned yesterday you wear something to help keep your breasts in place,” Julia said, smirking. “I want to see it.”

- - -


“I see you’ve got your pants back,” Lilith said, seeing Kass approach re-clothed.

“Yup. Did the knight leave?”

“About a minute ago. He’s going to investigate the goblins, he said.”

“Probably a good move on his part. Do you think he’s going to be a problem later?”

“Good question. He seems like a good guy, but I don’t know what he’s going to do with the information I gave him. At the very least, I think I convinced him that I don’t have any, like, nefarious scheme planned.”

“Well, that’s a kind of low bar.”

“True. Still, small steps. Now, let’s clear out the rest of these goblins and-”


“Wait for what?”

“You don’t hear it?”

“I don’t hear anything unusual. If you are, it’s probably because of, like, bunny hearing.”

“Do rabbits have good hearing?”

“I mean, if they don’t, those big ears are more or less useless.”

“I don’t have rabbit ears, though.”

“We’re getting off topic. What did you hear?”

“Oh right.” Closing his eyes to refocus, Kass strained to pick up the noise he heard a few moments ago, when a guttural roar, loud enough that Lilith could hear it, sent a wracking pain through Kass’s ears.

“Are you all right?” Lilith turned to Kass, who was almost bent double from the sound.

“No. But anyone close to whatever’s making that noise is probably doing a lot worse.” After a quick fumbling, Kass pulled the bottle of Amelia’s milk out and proffered it to Lilith. “Here you go. I had left it in my pants. I’m going to go figure out whatever that was.” After Lilith took the bottle, Kass leapt off towards the source of the noise.

Uncorking the bottle, Lilith drank the milk in one go and made to follow Kass, before having a realization.

If we just leave Gorse here, something bad could happen to her. <Hey, Gorse, are you- Oh shit!> Turning around, Gorse was lying on the ground, black blood pouring out from her eyes like tears, her face twisted in an expression of pain. <Gorse, what happened?>

<It… is awakening,> Gorse said, her voice choked with pain. <Go. Please. I will try to persist.>

<I- I’ll get you somewhere safe.>

<Go. If you cannot defeat it, where I am does not matter.>

<I- Okay. I’ll be back.> With one final look back at Gorse, Lilith ran off towards the source of the noise as another monstrous scream rang out.

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