A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 7

"I miss having a 3D printer," I mused one morning, once I was recovered enough to get out of bed without help.

"A... what now?" Haruna asked, putting a buttery bowl of oatmeal in front of me.

"A 3D printer was a complex device that, by moving an extruder around, could extrude melted plastic into specific places, where it'd cool down and form a usable plastic part," I said. "And plastic was... hrm... Sort of like wax, if wax was a bit stronger, harder, and melted at higher temperatures. I guess it was more like a cheap pot metal that wasn't actually metallic, really? But..." I frowned. "Wow, I am not explaining myself to you very well, am I?"

"Not very, but I did understand the first part of your explanation," Haruna said. "You once owned a machine that would make things on your behalf, without you needing to be capable of making those things yourself, by hand. Now that you do not have such a machine, you wish you still did, because you miss being able to make complicated things on your own."

"Pretty much," I admitted. "With a 3D printer and the right files, I would've been able to print off a desk clamp, some hinged arms, and a phone clamp that would've held my phone up in front of my face without needing to keep my arms up for hours on end."

"That does sound like a nice thing to have," Haruna said. "Although, given how you described plastic..."

"Okay, yeah, plastic isn't the strongest thing in the world, but for a lot of things, it's strong enough," I said.

"It reminds me a little of some of the machines I've built," Usagi said, setting her spoon down in her now-empty bowl.

"Oh?" I asked, turning my full attention to the (unfairly attractive) bunnygirl. I'd asked Akane once, and apparently, Usagi simply didn't talk very much in general; the fact that she so rarely talked to me wasn't any slight against me, it was simply who she was.

"The Familiar bond between me and Haruna," Usagi began. "It means we're basically the same person, in some ways. I can't do Rancher or Blacksmith things myself, but I can do Farmer and Mystic Artificer things like I was a Rancher or Blacksmith. One of those things is making machines that, when you give them enough magic, do a thing that, normally, only Ranchers or Blacksmiths can do. One time, I was paid to enchant a loom so that, when it was given magic and raw materials, it'd instantly turn those into fabric, instead of having to weave it the hard way."

"Blacksmiths can do that?" I asked. "Then why does Haruna still weave by hand?"

"It costs a lot of magic to do that," Haruna said simply. "Besides that... I do find the weaving to be... relaxing, at times. The spinning, however, I absolutely spend the magic to do instantly."

"I see, I see," I said, nodding. "Oh, that reminds me!" I reached into my inventory, and pulled out my phone, before printing off a set of the schematics I'd been working on for the past few days out of sheer boredom. "These are some machines from my world that you might be interested in, that are specifically for automating the process of turning fiber into fabric."

I set the stack of papers in Haruna's hands, and she hummed thoughtfully, observing the table of contents- because I had been really bored, and did, ultimately, intend for her to actually read all this shit.

"...You are missing a step," she noted. "There is no machine for taking the processed fiber from the carding machine and turning it into the roving needed for the spinning machine."

"I don't actually know how that bit is done," I admitted. "But, well. You seem to actually know some things about the production of textiles, so..."

"It's not an unsolvable problem," Haruna said, nodding. "I don't think I'll be constructing the automated loom anytime soon, but the carding machine does interest me greatly, especially if it can be made to separate the seeds from cotton. The only strictly magical part I'd need is something enchanted to spin, and Usagi can do that quite easily."

"Yeah, that was pretty much how mechanical stuff worked back where I'm from," I said. "Everything, well, revolved around a source of rotary motion. Even if the desired output was linear motion, you just used some method of turning rotary motion into linear motion because the known methods of directly producing linear motion kinda sucked."

Haruna simply nodded, and I started actually eating.

"Oh, a knitting machine?" Haruna muttered, before flipping to that particular section. "Hrm... Oh, ohhhh, that is clever. Hrm... I might actually be able to justify making that."

"Please do, I would love to go back to wearing actual socks instead of footwraps," I pleaded.

Akane woke up not long after us, and so got to reheat her breakfast with magic while I "helped" Haruna with the building of a circular knitting machine, which seemed to mostly consist of "please saw this board into squares so I can more efficiently turn them into gears."

"Huh," Akane said, reviewing my schematics while I explained. "Clever. Most people just use magic potions, or stat boosts, to speed up the crafting process. But... you didn't have magic back home, did you?"

"We did not," I said. "And, if I'm being honest, I'm not convinced that this is actually going to be anywhere near revolutionary, in terms of production. People seem to be making plenty of fabric just fine without my machines. Still... it's something to do."

"You like crafting, huh?" Akane asked.

"Mhm," I said.

"Well, I've got some good news for you, then," Akane continued. "Nicky-"


"Veronica," Akane said. "I call her Nicky. Anyway, she told me there's this class being held that uses some fancy magic to let you temporarily be a Blacksmith, or a Mystic Artificer, or an Alchemist, so you can try out all three of them for a few hours, do some simple projects, and see which one you like best. She was thinking about getting some tickets, and I managed to sweet-talk her into getting a ticket for you, so you can figure out which crafting class you want!"

"Oh, nice," I said. "Given my love for artifice and mechanism, I'm pretty willing to bet I'll end up picking Blacksmith, but who knows, maybe I'll end up picking one of the others."

"If you pick Alchemist, I'll accept rent in potions instead of coin," Haruna said.

"See, I'm already finding things to like about the others," I said. "I'm guessing you want magic potions so you can craft more things in less time?"

"Precisely correct."

"Well, Akane, let me know when the class is. Hopefully I'll be fully recovered by then."

"Will do!"

"Alright," I said, shutting my bedroom door. "Here's hoping you still like me."

The cowgirl currently rubbing herself against me like a housecat probably liked me, but... well. I still worried about these things, you know? Kinda had to be, when you had a dominant personality and understood that not everyone was into that.

"Thank god for Incubus class abilities," I muttered, as I slipped out of my clothes. I knew for a fact that human/monstergirl pregnancies were possible- Akane was evidence of that much- and, while Haruna had assured me that unawakened monstergirls only had a slim chance of giving birth to awakened monstergirls, I still didn't feel like either becoming a father with an actual person-daughter or a ranchworker who had to milk seventeen cowgirls a day, one of which looked like herself. Thankfully, having a class that dealt with sex stuff meant that I could, among other things, simply disable my ability to impregnate others.

Despite being a LitRPG protagonist and trans, I wasn't that interested in character creation.

The cowgirl's affectionate, full-body rubbing got more insistent as I undressed, until finally, I was naked, and could devote my attention to stoking that fire of neediness with a nice, long kiss. My mouth now occupied, I turned my attention to my hands, beginning to work my way up a sort of tiered checklist. Rub her ears, caress her cheeks, rub her shoulders, and then spend a good few minutes groping her boobs. Yes, I could do this for just long enough to work her up even further and then move on, but what was the point of foreplay if you weren't going to savor your favorite parts?

Alas, I couldn't just get her ready by playing with her tits- although if it was possible at all then by god I would've done it happily- and so I did have to reach down between her legs, slipping past her iron-hard cock and balls, and trace gentle circles around her pussy. Already, even now, she was noticeably wet, but... well. I could do better than that.

I slipped a single long, thin, dextrous finger inside her, marveling at the softness I was feeling. Controversial opinion incoming, but I think the inside of a vagina feels pretty nice. Slowly, gently working it around, I felt for any interesting landmarks, as well as anywhere that felt especially sensitive. If I recalled correctly, the G-spot should be somewhere around...

...oh wow that was sensitive, what the hell did I touch? I knew that the anterior wall of her vagina would be especially sensitive, what with the thick bundles of clitoral nerves running through it, but what the hell was inside or behind the ventral walls for me to- ah. I understood, now, as her cock leaked a thin, watery smear. That was her prostate. I wondered... yep, she did in fact have a G-spot as well, and if the way she clenched down and melted into the kiss was any indication, she liked that just as much as the prostate stuff.

I decided that, for today, I didn't need to go too much farther; besides, I did have a debt to repay before the two of us were even once more.

So, I just kept fingering the cowgirl, one finger stroking her G-spot and another milking her prostate, kissing her to keep the moaning contained, and my other hand still on one of her exquisitely fat milkers. I kept this up until, with a full-body shudder that clenched every muscle and curled her toes, she came like a freighter, her head thrown back to release a full-throated moan- thank god for magical soundproofing. Her cock, sandwiched between the two of us, ended up painting both of our stomachs, as well as the underside of her tits, with the thicker sort of milk, and I sighed contentedly as my Incubus class filled up with Reified Lust. It wasn't quite so much as I got from the blowjob and titfuck the other day, but... well. I did, at least, have the satisfaction of knowing that I'd definitely pleased my lover, this time.

I sighed, and cast a spell to clean up the mess. I should probably put this cowgirl back where I found her before I started inventing a weird romance with her that only existed in my own head; a social animal she may be, but a person with the attendant complexity she was not.

I just... didn't want to get into bad habits for when I did eventually move on to a real person.

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