A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 588:

Chapter 588:

I returned to Kamar-Taj, in no real hurry. It's not like various deposits of Vibranium that undoubtedly landed in the ocean are suddenly going to disappear.

Realistically, if no one found them yet, my little mocking wasn't going to get them revealed in the next day or so.

I had plenty of time.

Though, I popped back in, and I saw a lot of the sorcerers running around in a tizzy. No one really paid attention to me, and I followed the commotion until I found what I thought was the medical wing.

I doubt that's the name, but that's about what I would describe it as. It's not like they had people dressed as doctors or nurses, but there were some hints here or there.

Stepping inside, I barely moved out of the way as a group quickly shuffled out, nearly running me over, but otherwise not caring about my presence.

There were about a dozen sorcerers lying on specially prepared stone beds. I say specially prepared because there were symbols and all sorts of magical inscriptions carved on them, glowing.

There was the normal commotion you would expect in a place like this: panicked shouts, urgent arguing, screams of pain.

A cursory glance at the problem, and it seemed like something was corroding the Sorcerers from the inside out.

It felt…familiar too.

"It's unfortunate, isn't it?" The Ancient One popped up right behind me. She didn't really sneak up on me since she was holding both Sir Wiggles and Lady Wiggles still.

"What happened?" I asked.

"An actual Demonic invader this time." She emphasized the point as if to explain her previous actions.

"Ancient One." Mordo bowed, walking towards her, quickly grabbing some cloth and wiping his hands. He glanced my way but didn't say anything to me. "We've stabilized them as best as we could."

"Very well, let us begin the process of removing the demonic taint from their bodies and pray that they survive." She said with a rather somber tone.

I looked at her and then at Mordo, furrowing my brow. "Is this normal?"

"For a demon in particular or an incident such as this?" The Ancient One asked as Sir Wiggles gently hopped out of her arms and onto my shoulder while Lady Wiggles joined him. 

I could vaguely feel that they wanted to go back home, so I helped them go back inside.

"Both, either?"

The Ancient One hummed noncommittally. "We don't usually have this many incursions happening within such a short time frame. Unfortunately, the Convergence is approaching in a few years, and as a result, the natural barriers around our world have been weakening by the day. Particularly this time of the month, with a full moon tomorrow, it's more inevitable than anything."

"What's the Convergence?"

"It's an event that happens roughly every 5,000 years. Certain cosmic bodies align, both from our reality and outside. You're familiar with the Norse, considering your admittance to rune knowledge. They have a history with it as well, and all Nine of the Realms also align, making travel between realms as easy as walking down the street."

Huh, interesting.

"And demons in particular?" I was also a bit interested in the fact that they have demons here and that I got mistaken for one.

"Not rare, but also not common." She said simply, walking towards the first 'patient, as I followed. "The most difficult thing is dealing with the demonic corruption that they often leave behind. It's like poison to humans, and it begins to devour them from the inside out like a corrosive poison." ɌáΝộ𝐛È𝐒

That's why it felt familiar; it's not too far off from my own Demonic Energy.

It felt far more…malevolent? It's like if my Demonic Energy was objectively on the 'dark' side of the spectrum, this felt more…evil in existence.

It was hard to explain different flavors.

"Something tells me the survival rate isn't that great." More like her early pessimism was rather noticeable.

"It is admittedly not great. Perhaps half…if we are lucky." She said rather bluntly, probably because the patients were not awake.

"Why not ask the Church for help? Their Holy Power restricts Demonic Power."

She blinked, looking at me in surprise. "Not many know about the Church's hidden organizations. But they are unlikely to help. They are aware of our existence and keep out of our way, but we are sorcerers."

"Ah." Right, they wouldn't help 'witches' and all that nonsense. Even back home, both the Clock Tower and the Church would quickly put aside their differences if something related to a demon was running amok. Likewise, they would ignore any pleas for help if it was just the other side having their people die in the aftermath of such an incident.

I took out my kaleidophone and sent a quick message. A moment later it buzzed, a message returned, and I smiled softly. "Would you like some help?'

The Ancient One looked at me for a moment. "I would not reject help that could save the lives of my sorcerers. If you have expertise, I would listen to your input at a minimum."

I wouldn't blame her for her stance of basically saying, 'I'll hear what you have to say, but I'm not going to blindly agree. However, there was a bit of a misunderstanding. "I wasn't referring to myself. If you're willing, I can bring an…expert at this kind of thing."

"An expert?" She repeated, seemingly confused by what I meant by that. "You wish to bring someone here?"

"If you're okay with it." I basically had permission to come and go from Kamar-Taj as I wanted, but I wasn't going to invite my own guests over without a heads-up.

I had more decorum than that.

"Master Mordo, your thoughts?" She looked to him.

Mordo, who had been silent this whole time, had finally opened his mouth. "I would not reject any advice on how to save our fellow Sorcerers." He spoke plainly.

Hmm, the fact that he didn't tell me to fuck off after our first meeting was...telling.

In fact, he wasn't looking at me like he wanted to quite literally stab me in the back if given the chance. Oh, he obviously wasn't my biggest fan, but he had been quiet and…observant, mostly.

"Then if you would be so kind, I would quite like to meet this 'expert' of yours." She gave tacit permission.

I quickly sent a message on my kaleidophone, waiting a few seconds before opening a portal back home.

"Will." Jeanne walked through, ignoring everything else, and I was enveloped in a big hug.

Jeanne hugs always made me happy. 

Combined with getting to talk with Kunou for the first time in a while, it felt like all the stress I had was just washing away now.

Not even those idiots from before could dampen my mood!

Of course, I didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward, and there were people in need of help.

Jeanne looked at the others in the room. While the Ancient One and Mordo were the only ones I was talking to, there were plenty of actual sorcerers doing their best to help the patients inside as well.

"And who would this young lady be?" The Ancient One asked politely.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jeanne D'Arc." Jeanne introduced herself without any hesitation and with a warm smile.

"...Are you now?" The Ancient One's eyes widened.

(Line Break)

I watched as Jeanne was helping the Sorcerers draw out the Demonic Energy using her own Holy Power. 

Being a literal Saintess blessed by Big G himself, she could do it significantly easier and with much greater care.

There had yet to be a single death.

And she was wearing her booty shorts, so I watched her quite thoroughly.

Truthfully, I could have probably helped in some manner, and it would have been sufficient. But I didn't want to cause any issues when I'm so very close to the actual source of the pain and potential death.

It was just better to bring Jeanne here.

And why not have an excuse to spend more time with Jeanne?

It's a win-win.

"I'm curious about something." I said as I rested my chin on a nearby table, sitting down and happily watching Jeanne work.

I felt somewhat bad about asking her to come over and help after only getting back home recently. But she also kind of thrives in these kinds of situations and genuinely enjoys doing it.

"And what would that be?" The Ancient One asked, watching by my side.

"Couldn't you have handled things? Ancient One, Sorcerer Supreme, and all that." 

She pursed her lips. "Your belief that I am an omnipotent sorcerer is flattering, but incorrect. I am a deft hand at the healing arts, but even I have trouble removing the demonic corruption in people. Frankly, it's just not something easily manageable."

"Has it always been this bad?" Demonic Power wasn't this…corrosive even back home.

"There is a misconception. It's not as if we lose nearly a dozen Sorcerers every time a Demonic entity appears. This one in particular was on the stronger end of the spectrum compared to the normal sort."

"Ah." I understood what she was saying.

"I admit, I did not expect you to bring a living saint to assist." She finally said. "I am awed and rather frightened by the casualness of it."

"I'm actually on very good terms with Heaven."

She looked at me, raising her eyebrow.

"I've met Big G too."

".....Are you just trying to make me react?"

"Actually, Jeanne's rather friendly with an Archangel. She comes around often these days to see Jeanne."

"I really can't tell if you're lying or not, and it's very concerning."

"I have a pair of angel wings stored away if you want to see." I offered. "Though, they're fallen angel wings." I didn't give her a chance to answer as I set one of Kokabiel's wings on the table.


"He tried to kill someone I cared about, so I ripped them off." I explained.


"After I invoked the power of Big G to metaphysically neuter him."


"It might be helpful in the future. They still got a bit of Holy Juice in them." I said again.

I still had nine more wings, so I didn't mind giving one out. She had been nice and helpful, and I wasn't without sympathy for their situation.

She stared at me for a long while.

"...Why is there a hole in your hat?" She finally opened her mouth to speak. "You've had that relic for a few days, and it's already nearly destroyed.

I reached up and felt that I was still wearing the hat and felt another flurry of anger that it was blasted. "It's not like I did it on purpose!" I threw my hands up with a huff. "Stupid Wakandans."

"I had wondered what possessed you to erect giant phalluses around their border, but I suppose I understand now. As petty as I believe your reasoning is."

"It's a nice hat." I defended. "And you saw?" I perked up a little.

"Do you think I wouldn't check in when you were so blatantly casting magic around the border of that country?" She looked at me, yet funny enough, she refused to look at the Angel Wing on the table.

"If you wanted to sneak a peek at me—"

"No." She cut me off. "You don't get to shamelessly flirt like that while staring so intensely at the young woman's behind." She shot me a rather dry look.

Alright, that's fair.

"How's the spell going?"

"Nearly complete, I'd imagine. The ritual had been going on by itself, but it should be a few more hours. And yourself?"

"I barely got anywhere." I admitted. "Got a little…sidetracked."

Still no regrets.

Her lips quirked up. "Oh my, and what do I win then?"

"Another Angel Wing?" I offered.

Without a word, she flicked her hand, and the Angel Wing disappeared into a portal. "That is going into the vault, and I will not speak of it again."

Hmm, she seems really frightened of it for some reason.

"Going back to my hat, can you fix it?" I set it on the table.

She picked it up, giving it a once-over. "It's not impossible, but it would require more time and resources than it's worth."

"I'll pay?" I offered.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not mundane currency I'm talking about."

"I can trade?" I said. "I got a lot of things, not just Angel Wings." I took out some potions, setting them on the table.

She immediately perked up and started inspecting them. "What are these?"

"Red ones are health potions. Green ones are Stamina Potions. Blue ones are Mana Potions." I said briefly, knowing she had the presence of mind to decipher enough from just their names.

"Alchemy?" She replied.

"Yup, I'm decent at it, but I got a supplier."

"Alchemy has been on the steep decline for centuries. I can count on one hand the number of Sorcerers who have a deep understanding of the art still." She said softly. "You have a steady supply of these, you said?"

"I do; the materials aren't too difficult to grow." Even the Youkai have made significant progress and have started producing their own so they don't' have to rely solely on the Yggmillennium family or Whiterun for supply.

"I would happily accept this trade. And if you're willing, we'd also like to purchase more."

"I don't see any reason to refuse." I mean, regardless of who they're selling to, the Yggmillenia family intends to sell a certain amount, so I can divert some this way and make everyone happy. "I can get the going rate for you. But it'll probably have to be paid in precious metals or gems." 

I've said it once, and I'll say it a thousand times: using paper money from one world to another is just asking for trouble.

"I'm sorry, did you say gold and gems?" She asked, looking confused.

"....yes? Is there a problem?" I blinked, looking at her. ".....Are you guys poor?"

She choked at my question. "I assure you, we are most certainly not poor."

"I mean, ascetic monks living in the mountains…."

"We have prime real estate in some of the biggest cities in the world that we have to pay taxes on. We have thousands of sorcerers that require accommodations daily. Our order has been active for thousands of years. I assure you, we are more than capable of handling some expenses."

That's true, I suppose. "Then why did you react that way?"

"I'm just surprised you want something so mundane. Kamar-Taj used to have large fields full of magical and spiritual herbs and plants in the distant past. Now, we have a few acres in various places that barely manage to produce a piddling amount that could never satiate our needs."

"What happened?"

"Humanity." She said without any true disdain. "I believe where our fields once covered as far as the eye could see, now parking garages and high-rise apartments blanket the horizon."

"That's sad."

"It's the inevitability of progress." She said with a somewhat aged tone. "So if it merely costs gold or jewels for access to a plethora of alchemically created potions, we would be more than willing to pay the cost."

"Alright, I'll make sure to talk to my suppliers and set something up." I saw no reason to refuse, literally no detriment to me.

Besides, we already had a smaller 'trade agreement' going on with regards to knowledge that I had yet to cash in on. But it was more of the same in that regard.

And it was good to have a 'base' I could drop in at any time when visiting this world.

I like to have somewhere I could come with allies and people I could trust.

I felt a pair of hands wrap around me from behind, Jeanne's head pressed against my shoulder. "All done?" I tilted my head so I could see her face.

"Mhmm." She seemed really happy for some reason. 

The Ancient One stood up as the others approached, and they very politely bowed towards her.

"Thank you for your help, Miss Arc." Mordo said rather…warmly. "You are forever welcome within these halls."

"It was nothing." Jeanne smiled in return. "If you need help again, you can just ask!"

I think I saw him crack a smile.

"If you're willing, we always welcome new students." He also offered.

I blinked, looking at him, then at Jeanne. "Want to be a sorcerer?"

To be completely honest, I can't picture Jeanne shouting incantations while flinging spells.

"Ah…?" Jeanne seemed surprised by the sudden offer. "Well…I appreciate the offer, but I don't think I have much talent for this sort of thing. But…well, I am learning something already…."

"You're learning magic?" I reoriented myself in my seat so I could pull Jeanne in front of me. "Who, what, where, when, and why?"

"Jinn was teaching me a little bit of healing." She said with a bit of embarrassment. "I'm not very good at it."

"Regardless, the offer is forever open, and even so, please enjoy your stay in Kamar-Taj and know that the doors will open for you if you desire to come back at any time." Mordo bowed again, paying respect to her even if he retained that stiff demeanor of his. 

We watched him walk away before the Ancient One spoke up. "His offer was genuine." She said. "Master Mordo is the type of person to not express himself much emotionally, but he is genuinely appreciative of your help. We all are."

"Well, I do think she would fill out the robes nicely…"

"Neh!" She smacked my shoulder. 

I smacked her butt in return, earning another yelp from her.

Seeing her puff up was always so cute.

"You weren't busy with anything, were you?" I asked her.

Jeanne shook her head. "I'm happy that you sent me a message." She seemed to unconsciously grab at her long braid, fiddling with it. "We haven't spent much time together lately, so I'm glad to come and help you with anything."


I decided not to ask who she got to read the message for her.

"Well, why don't you just stay with me for a while then?" I pulled her in close. "I have a few things I need to take care of. I got a boat trip I need to make and fish some things out of the ocean."

"Still needs a few hours, more than likely." The Ancient One clarified.


"I would always love to go to the ocean." Jeanne said warmly. "I don't mind waiting."

"Well, there is something else. I believe someone mentioned something about New Mexico and some strange happenings going on there."

"...oh dear." The Ancient One said softly.

"How about it, Jeanne? Wanna take a short trip over to the states?"

Jeanne's eyes brightened up excitedly.

Though for some reason, the Ancient One didn't share the same enthusiasm. 

(Line Break)


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