A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 175: Battle with three witches (1)

The girls nodded their heads when Helena said that.

Then they began to move again at really high speeds to a particular distance after casting Quick Movement spells on themselves.


Few hours later, they finally got to the building that the hairpin showed them.

Helena then said with an high-pitched voice from where she stood "Witch, you have been surrounded. If you know what is good for you, you will come out to face us"

The witches who were in couldn't help but furrow their brows in surprise and shock at what they just heard.

Then they looked through the tinted windows of the building to see who that was.

When they saw Helena standing out there with a aura of confidence exuding from her body, they couldn't help but be amazed and terrified at the same time.

"So she even has helpers? We are doomed! But how was she able to track us down here? Did someone give away our position. This is bad. We are finished" One of the three witches began to say with a gloomy expression in her face.

"I don't understand too. However, since we are three here and not one, we should be able to fight her for sometime and then flee to places we can see as safe zones. One witch said.

"Even though we are three in numbers, I don't think all of us would be able to escape from them, since she has friends or helpers who could be nearly or equally strong as her." The oldest in this group of witches said.

"Hmm you are right." A witch said.

She then continued "So, what do we do then?"

"Let's contact old sir James. He can quickly come down here with the others to repel the girls and even kill them."

Just as they decided on what to do, Helena's voice rang out again "Cannibals, this is the last time I will say this. You all should come out and face punishments for what you have been doing so far."

When Helena said that, one of the witches said to the others, "Quickly try and contact old man James. Let me appear before this girl and face her so that I will give you time to establish communication with old man James and ask him to come down here with the others."

"Alright. But be very careful. The girl is very powerful as she has killed many of our friends. So, try to evade her magical attacks instead of facing her head-on. That will buy us more time to establish communication with old man James and request that he quickly comes down with our other friends."

"Alright" The witch spoken to said.


Not long, Helena who was preparing to barge in since none of the witches had shown themselves, stopped when one of them came out of the door.

"I see you are very brazen to come here alone with your young friends and not with some older expert. Have you and your friends come here to die?" The witch asked.

"Well, why don't you ask your friends that I have sent into the underworld about that?" Helena asked back.


The witch laughed raucously.

"Well, they were careless in handling you. Perhaps because they saw you as a child, then they tried to treat you as one. But they were wrong to underestimate you, which then caused their deaths" The witch said.

"Nope. You are way wrong about that." Helena said.

"Anyways, I am not here to discuss with you. Where are your colleagues? Tell them to come out." Helena commanded.

"Child, what's it that you rely on that's making you so bold before me? I am certain that you possess some magical treasure of great power which you have great confidence in. It must be that treasure that's making you so audacious and fearless before witches like us, right?" The witch asked with one of her brows furrowed.

"Well, that's your thought, which is absolutely wrong. I am that treasure that you spoke about myself." Helena responded.

"You are that treasure? Haha! Sounds like some treasure was sent into your body when you were little, which is now giving you great power to do all these things that you are doing now" The witch said.

"Still, that thought is wrong. Anyways, I am done discussing with you. Now, tell your friends or fellow cannibals to come out, or I will go in to drag them out." Helena said in a threatening tone.

"Child, I will love to see you try." The witch said and then suddenly aimed at Helena, shooting off a huge fireball at Helena.

Seeing the fireball shooting towards her, Helena quickly aimed her palm at the fireball and thought of an ice-based magical spell.

Then as soon as she did so, a powerful, raging blast of ice suddenly erupted from her palms and collided into the fireball traveling towards her at a great speed.

Then without making any form of noise or explosive sound, the two attacks canceled out in the next instant.

Then seeing that the witch had taken the initiative to attack, Helena proceeded to quickly subdue her and kill her before going in to get the others who might sneakily escape from the old building that they were in.

With a thought of a magical spell, Helena aimed at the witch and a large stream of scarlet fire discharged from her hands before it surprisingly transformed into a solid flaming pillar that shot towards the witch at a great speed.

But at the same time that Helena released her attack, the witch also discharged hers.

Then her attack which were hundreds of glowing blades that materialized from the Thousand Radiant Steel Blades spell that she thought within herself, shot at a great speed towards her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Their attacks smashed into each other with many of the blades, hundreds of them reducing into bits of magical energies in the next instant that then dissipated away.

However, Helena's attack had also grown dim in brilliance, as the several collisions that occurred between it and the numerous powerful blades caused it to lose it luster and denseness.

Then after many more ripple-generating collisions, the pillar-shaped magical attack that Helena sent out, shattered apart into thousands of bits before turning into magical energy that rapidly dispersed away.

But, some of the glowing blades that materialized from the spell which the witch casted, still remained and shot towards Helena at a great speed.

Helena quickly casted a protective spell which turned into a copper-colored shield before her that blocked the remaining blades shooting towards her.

Then when the last blade struck it, it shattered apart into fragments with an explosive sound.

However, the coppery magical shield completely protected her from being pierced by the several lethal magical blades that furiously shot towards her to impale her.

After the blast of her shield into smithereens calmed, she stood to her feet with a smile in her face.

The witch looked at Helena and said with a sly smile appearing in her face "You seem kinda weak, child. Why don't you bring out the treasure that you used to kill my friends and use it to magically fight me. Or you will only die, seeing as you are really struggling to block and deflect my deadly magical attacks that will eventually destroy you soon"

Helena only shook her head at what the witch said.

She then said with a solemn gaze "Your underestimation of my abilities will only result in your sad death, witch"

Then she continued "Anyways, as for what you said that I am struggling to keep up with your deadly attacks, I am only warming up to kill you. Be ready to be slain by me soon."


"I would love to see that." The witch said.

Although she was saying all these without fear in her tone, she was however scared, because after witnessing their small magical attack exchanges, she was able to come to a conclusion that Helena was powerful, as she could expertly and adeptly attack and defend, just like how an highly skilled magical warrior will do when engaged in battle with another magical warrior. Then she felt that perhaps Helena was a tremendously gifted girl that was extremely proficient at casting magical spells like it was really nothing to her. She was simply, really amazed at how Helena could duel with her.

'What are those guys still doing in that place? Haven't they been able to establish a means of communication with old man James and the rest our colleagues yet? They better be fast about it, or i will simply transform into my dragon-tailed eagle form and swiftly fly away from here.' She said inwardly with a sense of urgency in her tone.


At the moment, a sphere of light that floated before two of the witches in the room, could be heard old man James voice ringing out from it.

"What? The girl is here in this place? How was she able to track you women down here?" Old man James asked with absolute shock in his tone.

"Yes, old man James. We ourselves can't fathom how she was able trace us down here. Anyways, she is here already, and with a few helpers who look as young as her. So, we implore you and the others to quickly come down to help us. We urgently need your help. We would be going out now to support our friend, and we would try our best to stall for time so that you and the others can arrive." One of the two witches in the room said.

"Alright. Try to stall for time. I and the others would be there very soon." Old man James replied.

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