A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 156: Building the fence

Helena looked at Sylla with an indescribable gaze in her eyes when she asked her that question.

She then replied with a naughty smile appearing in her face "It will cost you five hundred million golden coins"

She then continued by asking "Can you afford me to pay me that?"

Sylla smiled, then she said "Of course, but you will get your payment in ten thousand years time."

Everyone around them had smiles on their faces, especially the people of the Fey race. They understood that their chiefs were having fun with one another.

"Alright. I should still be alive by that time I guess." Helena said with a silly smile hanging down from her brightly colored lips, while Sylla only shook her head.

Helena then continued with a serious expression surfacing in her face "I will start here and take it to the other kingdoms to encircle them"

"Alright." Sylla said with a slight nod of her head.

At first, the professionals thought that they were plying with one another, but when they saw how the two chiefs of the Fey race had become, they couldn't help but be overwhelmed with shock.

'Don't tell me that the younger chief of the Fey race can cause an extremely huge and thick fence to appear and circle round ten kingdoms? Isn't that an unimaginable level of power?' One asked within. Then he looked on to see if she can actually put off that feat that she mentioned to Sylla.

The same he thought also appeared in the minds of the other bricklayers, carpenters and every other experts present here. They were greatly astonished that this chief of the Fey race wanted to produce a fence that will envelop then kingdoms, thereby making their kingdoms the largest.

'No wonder she was given the title of deputy chief. She would be damn powerful if she can actually execute that feat which I will be extremely glad to see. I have never seen firsthand when dreadfully powerful people carry out earth-shaking feats with their marveling powers. I have only heard in rumors. But I might probably see one today. Then I will gladly wither to death if I am to immediately die after seeing it. Haha!' One said within himself and grinned delightedly.

Helena nodded her head at Sylla and worked forward to do what she wanted to do, while all her eyes trailed her with strong expressions of intense awe and astonishment present in them.

When she got to the gate of the kingdom, her long, raven-black hair abruptly turned golden, then intense purple light began to emanate from her eyes, giving the feeling that they were actually really small purple suns, due to the extreme purple-colored luminosity that they both gave out which illuminated the area before her.

Then immediately utilizing that transformation spell that would turn her into a marauding Earth Goddess, unseen rippling waves of power that caused the vast earth that the kingdom of the Fey race was upon to begin to tremble, and then the stones, debris and sands on the ground to begin to float in the air and gently swirl, began to unceasingly emanate from her transformed body.

Seeing this phenomenon that was taking place, the experts had the astonishment in their glowing eyes fire up to extreme levels.

"Wow!!!" They couldn't help but scream within themselves.

What they were seeing at the moment brought intense delight to their hearts, then as well as dread and astonishment.

So this girl who was the deputy chief of the Fey race was this powerful?

They just couldn't believe it. It was simply unimaginable. But reality was right in front of them, that Helena was causing the entire kingdom to begin to intensely tremble from her formless power that had possibly enveloped the entire kingdom. Then due to the trembling which also caused them to tremble, their minds received strong feelings that some frenzied, massive primordial beasts wanted to break out from deep with the earth.

Not long, a six-feet thick rectangular area of the earth many meters in front of her suddenly sprung up and shot to a height of forty feet before immediately stopping.

"What?!" One of the professionals bellowed with great shock in his tone.

However, he was just starting to see things, since Helena wasn't done yet.

Then in the next instant, more of that size of earth that shot from the ground to a height of forty feet to form an actual, really thick and towering fence, began to swiftly appear and then rapidly extend to where the other kingdoms of their nine Kingdom Protectors were, then to that kingdom whose members were entirely slain by Vinna who caused them to spontaneously combust in exceedingly hot mysterious flames that quickly burnt them to cinders.

If one was wondering how Helena was able to guide the wide, tall fence rapidly jutting out from the ground on where to go, it was simply because of the earth-imaging power that Helena could possess due to her Marauding Earth Goddess form that she had magically transformed into, and was constantly being powered by her seemingly boundless, Hrithika magical energy that she could really do this. Then this power which was called 'Terra Vision', enabled her to see within herself, the massive expanse of land that the Fey kingdom, then the kingdoms of the nine races that had now become their kingdom protectors were on. She could certainly see more kingdoms with this peculiar ability, but she restricted herself to only the ones that were paramount to her.

Then not long after creating a thick fence that stretched to all the kingdoms that they had swallowed up, the fence, under the earth-controlling influence of Helena's extreme power over earth in her transformed godly state, suddenly made a curve and then went on to encircle all the kingdoms to give only kingdom.

Very soon, the fence became completed as one end connected to the other end. Then once this happened, an enormously-sized expanse of land was presented to everyone within the merged kingdoms, or more precisely, the expanded Fey kingdom.

Helena who had greatly struggled to finish what she set out to do, quickly transformed back to her human state, which then caused the intense purple brilliance emitting from her eyes to rapidly dim and then vanish totally, then her golden hair to return to raven black.

Once all this happened, with a serious, unbearable headache now starting to afflict her, Helena turned around and began to staggeringly walk towards where her friends stood. But they had also started walking towards her to catch her from falling to the ground simply because of the way that she was walking towards them.

Then when they got to where she had reached since they increased their walking pace towards her, Sylla asked with a really concerned expression in her face "Helena, are you okay?"

Helena tried to nod her head, but the severely painful ache that continuously struck within her head prevented her from doing so, since any movement of her head doubled the excruciating aching pain that she was being afflicted with. Then in the end, she decided against it and only opened her mouth to weakly say that 'she would be fine, and all that she needed at the moment was to deeply rest, or perhaps have a long hour of soothing sleep so that she could bounce back to previous exuberant self.'

"I have told you in the past to stop using your bloodline powers too much, but you naughty and stubborn girl won't listen to me. Can you see your body's state? Those extreme powers that you are exhibiting are starting to overly stress your delicate body. Now, I will beg you for the very last time to never use it again, unless you have grown to a stage where you can easily deploy those phenomenal powers and not be afflicted by any form of pain." Lydia said angrily and with deep concern on her tone.

Sylla nodded her head and said "Yea. She has heard you, Lydia. She won't be using her exceedingly great powers in her heritage form for anything again. Now, let's take her away to go rest."

Lydia nodded her head and said "Yea, she has not rested a bit since we got here. And she has been using her overbearing powers a lot, like a lot in all the battles that we have fought. That could also be one of the reasons why she is so stressed out and racked with torturous pains. She needs to rest for a long time. Let me take her away now to go rest or sleep."

Sylla nodded her head.

Then Lydia produced her knife that phased in and out of substantiality and threw it towards one of the really distant buildings in the Fey's expanded kingdom.


A few seconds after she hurled the blade in her hand towards that building which was exceedingly far from where they stood, she instantly disappeared with Helena's pale-skinned body and appeared where the blade had gotten to, which was directly in front of that building, that actually belonged to one of their kingdom protectors.

Then she quickly carried Helena's weak and feverish body in to put her on a bed to rest, and then burned many incense sticks that she found in there which would emit relaxing and sweet-smelling aromas that would help her to deeply rest and recover from her pains, while possibly filling her with energy.

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