A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 141: Nine-Horned Heaven-Burning Dragonbird

A few seconds later, the flying ship fully restored to it former pristine state before it was burned down to become a ruined waste.

Helena who still had blood oozing out of her nostrils heaved a sigh of relief and said "Finally!"

She then canceled off her Hrithika form to revert to a human. 

Then when she wiped off the blood running down from her nostrils which had also stopped bleeding, she turned her head to look at everyone behind her. 

She then said "Into the ship, everyone. We are going to the place where Sylla chose as the battleground against other kingdoms."

Everyone nodded their heads and then rushed into the massive ship that should be able to easily contain hundreds of people, and still have more accommodation space for a few hundred people more.

As everyone rushed into the flying ship with readiness for battle exuding from their bodies, Lydia and the rest walked to where Helena stood with Lydia saying in a concerned tone to her "Helena, you look so tired to be able to do anything in there. I mean, you seem too fatigued to be able to change the tide of the battle if it's not in the favour of this Fey race that you are supporting. What I think is that you need to rest well to regain some of your mental energy. You have been forcing yourself really hard lately to use your inborn, unmatched colossal powers, which definitely shouldn't be available to you yet. Don't you think there might be repercussions for this?"

"I know, Lydia. I have also thought of this too. But my friend and her mom are in grave danger, so I have no choice than to force my body to unleash the immense destructive powers that it possesses to tyrannically destroy the formidable enemies that have allied together to kill everyone from this seriously weakened kingdom and swallow it up." 

"Without me, this kingdom, my friend, her mom, and everyone else that belong to this race will certainly die. So, it's my job to to look out for them, if I don't want them to suddenly become extinct." 

"And as a deputy chief of this kingdom, I won't look on as the kingdom which I also preside over, become consumed by the flames unleashed by my enemies and then reduce to rubbles or dust. Therefore, I will use every shred of power, and basically everything available at my disposal to fight the foes of this kingdom and vanquish them, just so that this serious threat of total annihilation to my kingdom won't ever rise again."

Immediately after she said this, she spoke further "You girls should go into the ship now. We have no time to waste here."

The girls obediently nodded their heads and then went into the ship with Helena following behind them with hint of urgency in her eyes.

Once they all got in, a few people of the Fey race who knew how to operate the flying ship, went to the pilot area to start it and move the ship. While that male Fey who told Helena that he knew where the battle between their kingdom and many allied kingdoms were taking place, went in with the pilots of the ship to describe to them where the battle was taking place so that they could fly the ship towards there.

Immediately everyone settled down in the flying ship, Helena sat in the cross-legged position in a room that was shown to her by some Feys so she could rest.

Now, she began to breathe in to increase the Aetha energy flowing in her veins. Although she didn't need to do this since she was using the near-unlimited magical power granted to her by her cosmically powerful Hrithika form, she however did so to calm her mind and still it so that she could recover her mental energy which of course from what she has done so far, can't be slightly matched by the mental power of Eden's daughters, Lauren and Deborah.

After doing mind-stilling and deep inhalation exercises for a pretty long time, her eyes abruptly snapped open when a thought came to her mind.

"Why didn't I think of this earlier? But would it work? It should. I am sure of that. Everything that I have thought of doing in my Hrithika form has worked. So, it would definitely work." She answered herself with a contemplative gaze in her eyes as questions flashed in her head. 

"Alright then. Let's do it." She said with an unbreakable resolve in her tone.

She then brought out her beast bag from her artifact storage sack.

Then when she laid it on the floor, she opened it and allowed Vinna, her Horned Devil Fiery Bird as she named it to come out.

The bird looked at her and chirped delightedly, while Helena nodded her head with a bright smile surfacing on her lips.

"Vinna, I want to transform you into something bigger and more ferocious. Do you want it?" Helena asked.


The intelligent, fearsome-looking horned bird before her chirped which Helena took as a yes.

She then smiled and said with a light chuckle "Get ready then. But let's hope it would work. Haha!"

Then all of a sudden, her form changed again. 

Now, her hair became golden once again while her eyes began to glow brightly in intense purple like they were two small purple suns. 

Then with a resolute and determined gaze appearing in her sharp eyes which shone with intense purple, she pointed at the bird and began to utter a Mage-level Growth/Transformation spell which was quite long in length. 

Then coupled with her clear and powerful mental visualization of what she wants her bird to really look like now, once she finished uttering the long spell, a dazzling power of transformation suddenly erupted from her body and strongly inundated the bird. 

And, as this Form Transmutation power did so, it penetrated into the bird's body and permeated it entire being. Like, right from the smallest components that composed it beastly body to the largest, were completely saturated by this power. And it was so much that this power which had completely spread throughout it entire body, began to flow out. 

Once Helena noticed this, she had to abruptly cease the flow of the Form Changing power rushing out excessively from her body by quickly reverting back to her usual human form. However, she felt instantly drained as the Silhouette Transformation spell that she casted upon the bird, immediately sucked her dry of all her Aetha energy and then inflicted her with a massive headache that felt to her that her brain was being impacted hard with something that was wielded by a tyrant giant.

At the moment, the spell which she casted didn't immediately become noticeable as it was rapidly changing the bird from within. Like, it was changing the whole make-up, the entire configuration of the bird at the structural unit level.

Feeling that the bird might suddenly become so massive in size and then cause the ship to divide into two, which would then cause the strewn ship to crash back to the earth and cause the death of many Feys and even her friends, quickly ordered the bird to fly out of the ship through the large window that she quickly opened for it and closed back.

Once the bird came out of the ship, the transformation spell that she casted upon it became instantly obvious in it working.

Now, Vinna's body rapidly grew from the size of many times that of an eagle to the size of a really large rock, then finally to the size of a mountain.

Yes, a mountain. That was the actual size that Mage-level magical beasts could reach in this world. But unfortunately, they couldn't grow to that level as they were searched for and killed, or have Growth-Retardation or Development-Deceleration magical spells casted upon them when they were young so that they wouldn't grow to this shocking mighty size that Helena's bird had magically attained. Then the reason for this was because of the fear of magical warriors that beasts that grow to this level of power, would certainly be able to unbridledly wreak havoc in the world. And since beasts possessed extremely thick and tough skins, they would be too difficult to overwhelm and kill. Then coupled with the terrific, high-level magical powers that they will possess, this made them extremely dangerous and highly formidable to both Summoners and magical warriors. Hence, they were sought for to have their growths seriously slowed down or completely stopped, or instantly killed without their killer thinking twice about what he wanted to do.

So, using the unquantifiable, alarming arcane power of Transformation that emitted from her body, her birdy beast had grown from a low-level magical beast to a fearsome, high-level magical beast; it now really resembled a dragon in appearance, and had many wooden horns that actually shone like steel at the sides of it head. Then burning ferociously around the tips of those metal-like wooden horns, were luminous blue flames that shockingly burned away air and every other form of matter around them to create a vacuum zone to appear around each of the horn. 

Seeing the new powerful and tyrannical form of her bird, Helena gave a wide, delighted smile.

Her effort paid off in the end.

She then said to the bird who had drawn the attention of everyone in the flying ship and greatly horrified them "I will call you Nine-Horned Heaven-Burning Dragonbird."

Then in the next instant, Helena could hear loud, frightened cries of her name.

"Deputy Chief Helena!"... 

"Deputy Chief Helena, come see what has appeared before our ship!!..."

She then quickly hurried out of the large, private relaxation room that she was in to go see what was wrong that made the Fey race people call out her name in fear and terror.

Then when she came out and saw what they fearfully pointed at from the window, Helena bursted into laughter, causing the Fey people and her friends to be seriously shocked at why she was grinning.

When Helena stopped laughing a short while later because she was greatly amused by the shit-scared looks in their faces and the paleness of their fair skins, she said to them "Folks, relax. Untwist your contorted nerves. That's my bird, the Nine-Horned Heaven-Burning Dragonbird. I summoned it from the Great Godbeast Realm."

Helena said, making up things to them so she could get a good laugh again from their facial expressions. And she sure achieved what she wanted as the people before her, including her friends, looked at her with intense awe and veneration in their eyes. At this moment, if a True Deity stood beside Helena, the divine entity won't get much respect as they had for Helena. That was how much reverence had set into their hearts because of what she said.

Helena who had bursted into unbridled laughter then retreated to her private room to relax, and recover her fully expended Aetha energy.

Not long, since the ship flew at a high speed but at a low altitude, they got to where the battle between the Fey race and many other races were seriously fighting it out to see who would come out victorious and then absorb the other. 

Helena who suddenly felt that they had gotten there, had her eyes suddenly glow with with unmatched ferocity, and a type of coldness that caused the temperature of the air in the room to suddenly plummet to sub-zero degrees, rapidly resulting in the formation of numerous, tall ice crystals around her. 

"These bastards better not have harmed Sylla or they would greatly regret it." She said with ferociousness in her tone.

She then opened the large window of her room in the ship and jumped out of it towards the back of her massive beast which then thunderously roared like an actual dragon and shot at a furious speed to appear just above the battleground in the next second.

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