Chapter 17: Afterwords 1
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Wrine faintly remembers the majority of his future after dreaming about it, but he cannot recall the specifics.
The genre is urban fantasy.
When you eat 1 shadow core, you can create up to 10 to 20 shadows; this is why Wrine is impressed with Hanzo's owner, as he assumed his owner only ate 1.
Ashford Academy is a private school, and Wrine attended thanks to a scholarship.
Wrine and Rhealyn never met again after high school, despite the fact that she is still in love with him.
After graduating from college, Wrine married Ashley and they had their first child a year later.
Ashley and Wrine have three children: Hanz, June, and Hazel.
The shadow core became available in the market.
The near extinction of humanity occurred.
The emergence of a new era.
Ashley and Wrine had a relationship in high school, but it did not last long because Ashley decided to follow her family.
Wrine became a mage soldier and met Rhealyn during one of the monster sieges, which is how their love story began.
They have a son called Michael.
Ashley did not marry anyone after becoming the head of her family.
(Spoiler starts here).
The creator of the shadow core was killed before she could create it.
The world was almost destroyed by what they called "The Great Siege," which killed half of humanity.
The dawn of a new era arrives.