A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 74. Kidnapping Situation (3)

The atmosphere inside the room had turned tense, all of us excluding the little ones had no idea over what to do at all, the little ones didn’t know what was happening and only continued to play with their stuff while Kayla and Mana looked at me in patience.


“What do you think we should do?” I questioned in a heavy tone.


The decision was too heavy for me alone to decide as this not only includes the life of someone but also the future of the Queenshelm, this decision could change the entirety of what will happen in the future… that is why this decision is a heavy one.


“I think we should consult the headmaster and the vice headmaster first… after all, if the other party is strong enough to take Leisha away without us detecting then this is definitely something we cannot handle by ourselves…” Mana answered while looking at Kayla who was also nodding.


“That is true… but would the two of them be awake at this time?” Kayla looked at the grandfather clock with slight hesitation.


The clock pointed at the eighth hour of the night, a time where most normal civilians would head to sleep and also the time where illegal night clubs, crime rates, and death would rise. It is a dangerous time to go outside without any skills, or bodyguards of some sort.


Not to mention, the two of them are one of the high-ranking people in the city, and their residences would definitely be protected heavily. As far as I can remember, both Aurora and Estelle live inside the high-nobility prefecture which stops us from entering without any valid authentication.


The three of us soon fell to a standstill, deciding on a different plan before more time passed as a heavy sigh left my mouth as I stood up and looked at the elderly lady and the little girl who came along with us to cook.


“As the two of you have noticed, there is kind of a difficult issue… for now, the two of you can occupy the guest rooms and utilize the facilities here… we will pay you handsomely, is that fine?”


The two looked a bit hesitant but nodded as I turned towards Mana and Kayla who were both still waiting for my decision. It was a tough decision, but I had to decide on one path, a path that will adhere to my goals in this world and that is.


“Mana, can you escort the two to the guest rooms and also keep the little ones company while I discuss with Kayla about the plan…?”


Mana didn’t hesitate, nodding as she stood up from the couch and looked at the elderly lady and the little girl with a nod as they went upstairs. After the two were now out of range, I looked at Kayla with a wry smile.


“Kayla, can you head to Aurora’s residence and tell her about the situation in a cryptic way while I try to search for some leads of Leisha?”


In response, Kayla looked at me with a nod as she asked, “I can do that but how are you going to find her whereabouts when we don’t even have any traces… not to mention, what would we do if you wouldn’t come back before the deadline?”


“If I don’t come back within eleven hours, tell Aurora to make an announcement on my behalf that I will be forfeiting the event. I can’t afford to lose anyone close to me anymore, Leisha is an important person not only here but to a lot of us…” I answered with a wrier smile before she sighed with a smile.


“Okay then, be sure to come back safely otherwise I won’t know how to explain everything to both Mana and Flora… especially that little chibi who might go wild and kill all of us later,” Kayla joked.


“No worries, I know what to do… also, be sure to hide your tracks well… if the opponent is strong enough to escape any of our detection and also take Leisha who is supposedly one of the strongest in the city then this person will definitely have followers looking at us…” I said while looking at the windows with suspicion.


“I understand… take care, little Ayumi,” Kayla said as the two of us shook our hands before she walked towards Flora and her friends, explaining that she has to buy something before the three nodded as Kayla looked at me straight at the eye, nodding.


The two of us soon separated as I went upstairs where Mana and I met up with one another, she looked at me with a gaze that wanted me to explain the plan.


“I will go find Leisha myself, in the meantime, Kayla will head to the headmaster’s place and explain to her the details and all those other kinds of stuff…” I explained before she looked at me with an angry expression on her face as she opened her mouth only for me to interrupt.


“No, you will be staying here… You have to look after Flora and make sure she doesn’t know anything about this entire situation, not a single bit. I don’t want her to worry at all…”




“Listen to me… I don’t want anything to happen to either one of you, the opponent is possibly someone stronger than the two of us, and if both of us were to be defeated then what will happen to Flora…” I said before she hesitated.


The two of us stared at each other for a few moments, her eyes turned a bit moist as she looked down a bit with her eyes brimming with hesitation. My body moved by itself, hugging her tight as I kissed her forehead with a smile.


“You don’t have to worry… I am more than capable for this,” I reassured her before she closed her eyes for a few moments, hugging me back as she looked at me with a smile.


“I trust you… come back safely, okay?” she said before kissing me on the lips as I nodded before a loud shout came from Flora, interrupting us.


“Mwama! Flowa is hungry!”


The two of us soon separated from another as Mana responded to the little glutton, “Yes, yes… I will be coming there,” before she looked at me once more with a smile as her lips formed a ‘Goodluck’ which made me happy.


“I don’t want to have any more regrets in this lifetime…” I mumbled to myself before looking at the mini-map at the top right corner of my eye before smiling to myself as the mini-map shone bright blue for a second.


After a few seconds, I walked inside our room and opened up a drawer where a matte black dagger could be seen, resting. The dagger was completely dark with its edges being super sharp that the sides of the drawer had scratches despite only slightly touching the edge of the dagger.


It was the same dagger I bought from the earlier days, it was a dagger that even to this day, I could not manage to see through even the system could not detail much about it other than the dagger being mysterious and powerful. The full capabilities are unknown but from what I know, the dagger is one of my strongest weapons as of this moment.


“Please take care of me…” I held the dagger’s handle as a blue outline covered it for a second, surprising me a bit but I decided to take it as another approval before walking towards the wardrobe where I took out my battle suit which was the one Aurora handed down to me.


And after a few moments of dressing up, I soon left the room with my lightest setup. The suit was already the lightest one I had which meant I didn’t need to change that but as for my weapons, it was a different story. I couldn’t bring any other weapon other than this dark dagger which forbids me to use throwing skills without wasting plenty of mana.


“I will be heading off now,” I said before Mana nodded as I walked towards the door, holding the handle with a deep breath as I looked at the map which is now displaying the entire city’s geography.


There were thousands of different circles placed all around the map, all of which signifies citizens. It was hard to find a single person with only the map but if that was all the mini map was capable of, then it would definitely be useless.


“I want to see only the ones linked in the relationship system…” I ordered the system before a blue window popped up, telling me that my order has been accepted as almost all of the circles inside the map vanished, leaving only Flora’s and Mana’s circle together with another one that was located at the other side of the city.


“You truly aren’t that useless…” I looked at the mini map with a smile as the map shone red for a second as if angry at me but I laughed it off, twisting the door handle as it opened.


After opening the door, I soon took a few steps forward while closing the door gently before taking another deep breath, concentrating a lot of mana down towards my foot as I counted one to three before releasing the concentration as my body flew up in the air like a bird.


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