A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 68. The Capital Tournament (5)

We soon reached the inside of the residence where Flora immediately ran up to the second floor without waiting, coming back down a few moments later while carrying her little doll house that she usually plays.


“What do you want to talk about?” I sat down on the couch and asked while looking at Aurora and Estelle who also sat on the other side with Mana sitting on my side together with Leisha. The mood inside the room turned serious in an instant as we stared at one another.


“There are two topics I want to talk about, both are bad news. Heads or tails?” she questioned.


“I’ll pick heads,” I answered before she nodded as she took out a papyrus, placing it on the table as she released a strand of mana that looked like a foggy white line. The strand soon touched the papyrus paper as engravings lit up similar to the air conditioning method she showed us back then.


After the strand reached the end, all lines were properly lit. The lines resembled handwritings that I couldn’t understand since the only translations I have from the system are minimal handwritten translation and full voice translation and the minimal handwritten doesn’t involve these kinds of handwriting which makes it impossible for me to read without learning.


“For our initial news, it has been decided by the council that the tournament will be held in the capital. His Majesty tried to revert the order, but it was already too late since most contestants have reached the capital as such we have decided to enable the portal to the capital once as an exception; the portal can carry five people at maximum excluding both Estelle and me,” she said while tracing the papyrus paper before looking at me as she questioned.


“Have you picked the people who will come along with you for this?”


I see, the capital is decently far away from here, and since the tournament starts in a few more days from now. It makes sense why they have decided to use some kind of teleportation method but that’s not the part that I am more surprised about. The part that surprises me the most is the fact that His Majesty which should have the highest order in the kingdom as of now, couldn’t revert the order.


“I haven’t decided yet, but for sure, Mana, Flora will come along. As for Leisha, that depends on her…” I looked at Leisha and answered as she shook her head.


“A week from now is my next concert…” she smiled wryly, replying back to me as I turned back to Aurora who seems to be nodding.


“I didn’t know you do concerts, what band are you from?” Aurora looked at Leisha who might have leaked her other identity.


“Well… I don’t want to tell, for now, it’s a bit embarrassing,” Leisha averted her gaze, blushing as Aurora smiled at her like a mother looking at her daughter growing up. She didn’t find her having different identities weird but instead, she is supportive of her… that’s what I can see.


“I see… if you are ready to tell then feel free to do. I wouldn’t be weirded out but rather would be prouder seeing that my student in the past blooms like no one else,” Aurora looked at Leisha with the gentlest atmosphere before being elbowed by Estelle who looked at her as if telling her to keep on track with the topic.


Aurora was a bit disappointed at Estelle’s actions but coughed as she looked at me and said, “There are only three of you?” before I nodded as she looked at us and smiled before taking out three badges from her pocket, placing them on the table.


The badges were of crystals, they were transparent and had the engraving of a rose, a lily, and a dahlia flower which were the significant symbol of flowers of the country. The rose is the symbol of the Great Spirit of Fire because of the color, the lily is in remembrance of the late Princess who died during that time and the Dahlia represents the King who brought the kingdom back from ruins.


“These will be the badges the three of you will be using, remember to not lose them since they will be important. Ayumi will wear the Dahlia badge, little Flora will take the rose and Mana… well, even though the meaning of the symbol is a bit ominous, the lily badge will be handed to you. The lily badge has the most protective enhancements among the two and since there is an inheritance battle within the Fragaria family happening, it is better for you to use it,” Aurora said as Mana nodded without hesitation before Aurora laid back on the couch as she looked at us and coughed.


“As for the next topic, we will talk about the issues with the Fragaria family right now. As it stands, the current situation is at a standstill. There are five factions inside the family, two wishes for little Mana’s elder sister to take over while the other two wants little Mana to take over as for the last one, they are mainly neutral and desires to have anyone take control of the family.”


It seems like the situation spiraled in an instant, especially considering that her father’s will was to leave Mana a lot of inheritance to compensate for what she had been to in the past but since Mana rejected all, the situation has gone into an unexpected route added to the fact that Mana has siblings and the Fragaria family being a large noble family, it wouldn’t be weird to see it not spiral.


“My stance stays the same no matter what, I will not take part in any inheritance whatsoever. If that is what you want to talk about then you can feel free to take my answers as all no since I don’t want anything to interfere with my current lifestyle anymore…” Mana said with a serious and angry face, standing up as she walks towards Flora, sitting beside her as the two of them started playing with one another.


It seems like she was angry, I still do not know why she is adamant over not taking part in any inheritance whatsoever, but I do agree with the fact that taking part in those will most likely disrupt our current lifestyle. We are already happy with where we are, and I definitely don’t want anything else breaking this happy and peaceful life we have right now.


“I will follow what she says, don’t even try telling me to convince her…” I declared after seeing Aurora look at me before she sighed as she stood up with a wry smile.


“No worries, I will relay this message to the factions. I cannot guarantee that no one will bother the two of you about it though but well… Ayumi is here, she can always repel them off. Isn’t that right, my little cute disciple?” she looked at me with a wink as I sighed.


“Anyhow, we will be leaving first. Kayla and her little sister are already coming here, the two dropped at the school a few moments ago together with another girl who I think should be her friends, be sure to leave us some leftovers after! Also, we will leave in two days, so don’t take too long!” she said, waving her hand as she dragged Estelle along with her, leaving the residence.


After the two of them exited, Mana soon came back to the couch, grasping my hand as Leisha looked at us with a wry smile. The strawberry haired girl rested her head on my shoulder as a heavy sigh left her mouth as she looked at me and asked, “Was my decision okay…?”


Her eyes were filled with worry, I could see the questions inside her mind: ‘Will this affect our happy life?’, ‘Did I do the right thing?’, ‘Will this protect my happiness…?’, her eyes carried the weight of someone who genuinely wishes to live a simple yet happy life.


“Your decision was not okay…” I answered looking at her who looked a bit surprised as I smiled before looking at Leisha as I said, “It wasn’t okay at all… it was perfect. I also don’t like people disrupting this happiness we have right now, this simple yet peaceful life… isn’t that correct?”


Leisha was a bit surprised as well but nodded as fast as she could, replying: “The decision you made was not bad at all, if I were in your position, I would make the same choice no matter how many times I was asked…”


All of a sudden, a drop of water fell on my hand, causing me to be a bit surprised as I looked towards Mana who had tears in her eyes. A smile on her face as she looked at me and asked, “Did you know what my father wrote on his note…?”


I was the one surprised this time as I looked at her and shook my head before she smiled, “He wrote in bold, ‘If ever you find the right people, then never let go of them… don’t let anything affect the happiness you are in, for it is something that you may never find again…’”


“He told me that taking the inheritance was all optional… what is more important is that the happiness I find may live on for eternity… I felt like all those days of torment were like a façade created by him to teach me the cruelty of the world… I don’t know at all whether my decision is correct… but what I know is I don’t want to leave this happiness I have…” she looked at us with a bright smile as Flora walked up to her and wiped the tears on her eyes as she asked.


“Mwama is crying?”


In response, Mana looked at Flora for a second before shaking her head as she lifted the little doll carrying girl from the floor, hugging her tightly as she responded, “Mama isn’t crying…” which surprised me greatly, but I could only keep it to myself as their atmosphere was one that shouldn’t be touched at all.


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