A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 164. Infinity Boss Room.


The little brown-haired girl who was supposedly Fiona didn’t resemble her at all, she doesn’t have any features that make her look like a succubus. She only looked like a child which surprised me greatly as she hid behind Kaori as if afraid of me.


“Fiona, is that you?” I tried communicating with her through telepathy but there was no reply. It was almost like the connection was sliced off before my message got to reach her which confused me even more as I heaved a sigh, “This is a bit troublesome…”


“Well—it’s not really that troublesome since I can clear the last boss myself, but the issue is how to bring her back to her original state,” I smiled bitterly as Kaori tilted her head.


“Isn’t it fine if she stays like that? Just think of her as another Flora who popped up temporarily. You can even ask a maid to take care of her, you should have a few trusted maids on your side if I remember correctly,” she replied.


“What do you mean another Flora?!” Flora pouted all of a sudden.


“I mean exactly as I said. Another Flora to bring with you to feed and spoil for a little while,” Kaori looked at Flora with a smirk, “Though there is a chance that she should turn back naturally once we finish this dungeon, after all, this world is not the same Solis we know.”


“Abnormalities are bound to happen considering that this is a real world and not a random makeshift game world like Solis,” she said as both Mana and I nodded at the same time.


It could be a debuff effect from the dungeon which would make a lot of sense since instead of dying, you would most likely return to a child for the entire duration though—if I was soloing it, dying is probably a better choice than experiencing horror twice, one as the adult fighting the boss and the other being the powerless child in front of the boss.


“Let’s go clear the last boss then, right, how much orichalcum have you collected?” I looked at Kaori who took out her spatial sword and sliced open a spatial crack before piles of orichalcum escaped from the crack.


“Around fifty ores which should be enough for a lot of swords, though I would really love to have around a thousand to make swords for the knights as well and slowly strengthen the entire arsenal of the kingdom since I know you will start conquering kingdoms soon after conquering towns and cities,” she laughed.


“Are you planning on using those orichalcum swords to stop me?” I smirked before she shook her head.


“I can tell by that time, your powers would most likely exceed ours by ten folds though I have to remind you, your current level is around thousands of times lower than Mo—your mom…” she started blushing which I can understand.


“You are quite lucky to see Ayumi’s mom…” Mana suddenly puffed her cheeks on the side as Kaori chuckled.


“Anyhow, your mom told me last time her level is around forty thousand which compared to the Evil Goddess on world restriction form is near equal footing. According to her, the Evil Goddess is around forty-five thousand levels which is still a long way for you to catch up,” Kaori bitterly spoke.


I had always known Mom was pretty strong but hearing her level right now made me understand that she was actually going super easy on me back then…. To think that she is around forty-thousand levels though, that’s super insane.


Not to mention, the Goddess despite being restricted by the laws of the world is also around forty-five thousand levels… which is pretty horrifying to hear. You can only imagine how many levels her minions on the other continent has… I could only hope that I can grow more levels before the war begins in the future…


“So troublesome… whatever, let’s quickly finish this dungeon up, shall we?” I looked at them who all nodded.


Crystal was looking around at little Fiona with a disappointed gaze, she most likely wanted to see the succubus tail and horns again. She seems to have liked mine but for some reason, she quickly grew tired of mine and went back to Fiona’s which kind of made me jealous.


“Mana, can you clear the monsters on the path towards the boss room?” I turned my attention towards Mana whose aura was slowly regenerating. From what I can see, her near-empty aura back then was now half-full which is indeed slower than mana but compared to mana, Aura is superior in firepower.


Aura is more natural, condensed, and purer than mana which makes it more powerful. For example, Blood Magic from what I can tell after using it many times utilizes Aura to form phenomena though some spells on the category do use mana or a mix but most of the time, it’s mainly aura.


It is also taught early in schools, but it is only helpful for the people who can use it, for example, Mana and I back then couldn’t use aura at all. There was only one person in the entire school who could use aura and that was Hannah—if you can even remember her, she was the golden-haired sleepy girl back then.


“I can try but I can’t guarantee though since my aura storage is decently low but I am confident in clearing most of them though,” she answered.


“Half is enough, I don’t want Blood Consumption to activate on unnecessary monsters…. You can also have Flora and Crystal assist but make sure that the two of them don’t go too wild that they get hit by a monster,” I looked at the two who, like matches, suddenly sparked.


Crystal was especially sparkling as she looked at me with her glittering eyes that indicated she was extremely excited to go battling. This girl who I thought would be better than Flora is crazier than I thought… hahaha… are all of my daughters naturally crazy?


“Hey, don’t leave me out as well,” Kaori laughed as she summoned her black sword with a smile, “I also want to compete with my Crystal… after all, I can’t let her get beaten by that auntie’s daughter, right?”


“Who are you calling an auntie?! You weak spined, vile animal!” Mana suddenly fired back like a machine gun as the two of them looked at each other with sparks around them before Mana looked at Flora with a serious gaze, “Flora, let’s not get beaten by those weaklings, okay?”


“Mwama really hates Kaori,” Flora looked away before turning towards Crystal with a similar serious gaze, “I don’t want to be beaten by my little sister anyway…”


“Who wants to be beaten by you?” the black-haired girl suddenly shouted as she looked at Flora with her cheeks puffed up before she grabbed onto Kaori’s dress while saying, “Mama, let’s beat those two right now!”


“Let’s go then!” Kaori said enthusiastically before she looked towards the staircase down before she looked at Mana with a wink, “May the winner receives the best reward tonight!”


After which, she soon vanished from the spot as Mana showed an unsatisfied gaze as she looked at Flora with a nod before the two of them immediately chased after Kaori together with Crystal who was running at a similar speed.


I could only watch the four compete as Fiona looked at me with a bit of a scared look which made me smile wryly as I walked over to her and patted her head, “You don’t have to be that scared. I won’t bite little children… I spoil them.”


“Spoil?” she asked in an adorable voice that was as if arrows piercing your heart.


“Yes, spoil… I will feed little children with breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner, snacks,” I laughed before picking her up on my shoulders like I used to do with both Crystal and Flora. It made me a bit nostalgic since the two little children have grown up enough to be embarrassed to be carried around by me.


“You won’t hurt me?” she asked as I nodded before walking down the stairs casually while the sound of loud crashes and explosions echoed from deep down


The entire cave was shaking as the competitive voices of Mana and Kaori firing insults at one another echoed throughout the cave. You can already tell what is causing the entire cave to shake… the two of them are pretty competitive ever since I formally introduced them to each other… that was even before I accepted Kaori.


It has only been a little over four months or maybe more since I introduced them to each other, but it does feel like years have passed. A lot has happened in this world from my initial meeting with Mana, Flora… I can still remember that durian drink I had on my first day in school. Everything feels super nostalgic to me.


After a few minutes, I soon reached the layer where they were as the sight of all of them going wild against poor darkish purple slimes came to sight. The last boss if nothing has changed is an orichalcum evolved slime which kind of reminds me of that stinky slime back then.


“Haa… good times,” I muttered with a smile.


Flora and Crystal didn’t have much of a hard time though since they were only taking care of the ones that Kaori and Mana deliberately left. The two would deliberately stealthily attack the slimes in a way that the two children wouldn’t notice.


It may be a bit disappointing to them if they ever realize it but to be fair, the two little girls wouldn’t have a chance at those monsters alone. Even though Flora is a Great Spirit, her powers are still weak… she still doesn’t hold a candle to her ‘older sister’ which was that Great Spirit of Fire… that person is quite powerful.


Mana and Kaori were both rampaging around though. The two of them are even trying to hit each other “unintentionally” which I can see clearly. If the two of them somehow manage to see an opponent near one another, they would strike it in a matter that it would miss the other party by inches.


Their attacks against each other are extremely weak though, it’d feel more like a push than anything else but that still doesn’t change the fact that the two of them are fighting each other… well, it’s not like the two are on bad terms, it’s more like the two of them sees each other as rivals.


“Are you okay?” I looked at little Fiona who nodded as she continued to watch the battle in front of us.


“I can’t see their movements…” she replied which was very adorable.


My hands patted her hair as I looked upfront with a smile, “You will be able to see them once you grow older…”


“Really?” she asked as I nodded.


I wasn’t lying though, Fiona is very strong though that is because of her experiences and her power growth since she became the Succubus Queen… from what I can remember on her lore, she was an extremely weak child, but she trained herself hard enough.


After what seemed like another twenty minutes of constant cave shaking attacks, the entire path to the boss room was completely clear as Mana and Kaori looked at each other with sparks. The two of them did well defending themselves against each other’s attacks.


Kaori would block Mana’s attacks head-on with a summoned sword while Mana would cancel out Kaori’s attacks through Aura that uses the same amount of force. Their reaction speed and control are pretty impressive, as for Flora and Crystal, the two of them are growing fast after defeating the leftover slimes.


From what I can tell, the two of them must have leveled up at least a few dozens since those slimes were around five times more levels than two of them. As long as the two of them get even stronger, then I am happy since I can’t be sure I protect them once the war against the other continent ensues.


“The four of you did well,” I smiled before walking over to the boss door as I handed over little Fiona to Kaori who she seems to trust more, “I will solo the boss myself. The five of you can watch if you want but I can’t guarantee that no debris will hit any of you…”


“No worries… we can defend ourselves from debris,” Mana answered as Kaori nodded as well.


“Okay then, be sure to prioritize each other. Flora and Crystal are already well protected with the defensive array we made for them but Fiona isn’t well protected, so make sure she is within your protection range,” I looked at Kaori and Mana who both nodded as I materialized my scythe which looked different this time.


The scythe’s blade which unlike before was now a phantom but the aura it carried was even crueler… it felt sharper and feels like it could slice through the dragon in half with a single slice which kind of surprised me.


After getting myself comfortable with the scythe grip, I soon walked over to the boss door which had the symbol of a slime before pushing it open as a magnificent boss room awaited us. The entire boss room was floating mid-air.


The platform consisted of a circular platform that was floating in the middle, four different straight pathways led towards the circular platform. In the platform, itself were four pillars with four crystal shards floating on top of them.


“How nostalgic… the Infinity Boss Room,” Kaori looked at the boss room with nostalgia before a window appeared in front of us.


Infinity Boss Room.

You have reached the Infinity Boss Room, to clear, please destroy all four shards before they regenerate. After all four shards are defeated, you are able to defeat the boss. The shards all each regenerates the health of the boss by twenty-five percent each minute.


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