A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 155. Back Home!


We flew our way back towards the town which was a short route that spanned only a few moments, stopping on a tiny spot where there were little to no people before we hid any features that made us look unhuman; Fiona hid her wings, aura, and horns which was also what I did except I kept my aura.


Without her wings, aura, and horns, Fiona simply looks like a beautiful gothic noblewoman which surprised me a bit. It reminded me of a certain line on Silvia’s written works which said: ‘Fiona, a once beautiful lady was thrown into the depths of hell by the people she trusted.’


“Are you seduced by my beauty?” she teased as I shook my head.


“I was a little impressed since there were little to no portraits or images of ‘Fiona’ as a human in existence these days,” I replied before she giggled.


“Then should that count as me passing your test for looks?” she inquired.


“You indeed qualify for looks—enough of the talks though, let’s head to the town now,” I said before she nodded as we walked towards the gate where four guards awaited us with suspicion.


One of them approached us with his spear on hand, asking: “May we see your identification?”


Taking out the Windsor badge from my pocket, the guards immediately paled as the rest of them quickly bowed down with the guard himself moving to the side with a gesture that told us to enter. There was no exchange of words between us, it was an immediate entry that most likely stemmed from the fear of the family or because of my influence on the town.


We didn’t waste any time and entered inside where we were greeted by the beautiful scenery of the town with all houses modernized; the streetlamps were replaced with mana crystals that floated on top of a pole, the streets were of cobble and bricks which made the entire town look like modern medieval times, a mix of the two eras.


“This is so much different than the towns I lived in my past…” she looked around with shock, her eyes sparkled as she looked at the beauty of the town, “Is this the standard for all cities now, isn’t this too beautiful?!”


“It’s only the standard for my town currently. I have plans on expanding it to a wider range once I take over all the twenty-six villages near the town,” I smiled before she looked at me with her jaws dropping to the floor, “Remember—my plans are not just this town but the entire continent.”


“I remember… also, you seem to be someone of a high ranking to be respected that much. Aren’t you afraid of being called out for treason by saying such words?” she chuckled.


“If you count being a Duke’s daughter as high ranking then sure. Anyhow, I am not afraid of being called treason since I might be the first person to sit on a Queen’s throne with another Queen being the King,” my lips curled.


“You mean the current King is a woman and that ‘King’ is taking you in as her wife? You have to be joking for that to happen right?” she looked at me with disbelief, making me chuckle.


The only reason I am confident is because of Kaori, the two of us have already planted plans for the future which involves migrating Mana and the others to the kingdom once everything is ready to go then once they are migrated to the kingdom, we will head to the other kingdom and form a merger which would give us a large military, land, and wealth.


“It’s up to you to believe what you want to believe. Anyhow, we need to find an alleyway that won’t be seen by many, so I can transform to my other form,” my eyes lingered around with a bitter smile as we continued walking around.


“You have another form?!” her eyes widened; despite her voice being loud, it wasn’t heard by anyone other than me which meant our noise-canceling magic was functioning as intended.


“Mhm,” I nodded with a giggle, “I have both this Vampire form and a Human form which if I remember is from a Divine Human race.”


“Are you for real?! If you have both forms then wouldn’t you classify as a demigod?! The heck!” she screamed, “If I knew about that then I would have never dared to fight against you in the first place since that would mean instant defeat for me!”


Demigods—that’s a word that my ears never catch; that last time that word was mentioned was about Kaori who is said to be on a demigod tier… but what qualifies someone to be a demigod?


From her words, it doesn’t seem like being strong as a Vampire Empress makes one a demigod but if paired with another form like a Divine Human somehow makes me qualified as a demigod which is strange as Divine Human is weaker than Vampire Empress.


“What makes an entit—human a demigod, anyway?” my eyes glanced at her confused.


“Right! You wouldn’t know about that since that information is buried deep into history and even back in my days, I only heard about it because of an ancient dungeon. To make it short, a demigod is someone who can control both the elements of evil and good simultaneously,” she replied before adding, “According to the dungeon, there has only been one demigod and she was someone who not a single person could fight against.”


That makes more sense; if the qualification of a demigod on this world is to be able to control both evil and good then that would make sense why I would qualify if we added Divine Human into the view but even then, wouldn’t that make a demigod pretty weak since I can’t utilize any of my Divine Human skills while being in vampiric form.


Also what about Kaori—I don’t know much about her abilities other than she can summon any swords she wanted, which part of her turns her into a demigod? Is it her multiple personalities or does it have to do with something else in her?


“There is also another way other than that, a demigod could also be someone who can violate the rules of the universe is what they said but that one hasn’t been confirmed since it is more than impossible to break the laws of the universe,” she added which ended up answering my question.


Kaori is indeed someone who breaks the laws of the universe, her dimensional swords is an example since it breaks the laws of space and time and who knows how many other swords she has that would completely shatter the laws of the universe.


“You might be more surprised to hear about another demigod other than me later,” I smiled before her face paled.


“HUH?!” she screamed, “You mean there is another demigod other than you?! What the heck happened to this world while I was hiding under a rock?! The f#@#!”


I chuckled a bit from hearing her rant but sighed as I remembered another thing to do before I transform into my human form, “We’ll head to the adventurer’s guild first, do you perhaps have any way to verify that the dungeon you created is broken?”


“You mean a dungeon core?” she asked to which I nodded, “You can show them one of this and they should take it without flinching.”


As she spoke, she handed a beautiful pink crystal that looked like the core of a dungeon. It was round and smooth; the entire surface was reflective which made it look beautiful but what convinced me more was the aura that it radiated… it was filled with evil and pressure.


Taking the crystal from her and hiding inside my pocket with a smile, my eyes turned back towards the distance, “That’s more than enough to convince them, we will head to the guild first since I want to take the rewards from crushing the dungeon.”


“You mean crushing my home?” she replied as a smirk appeared on my face.


In addition to the thousand gold coins on my waist bag from the quest, the guild reward should be more tremendous since the guild is pretty rich after their recent money resupply from the capital, once the money is received, we can immediately pay off the town’s entire debt and start major changes.


After our short exchange, we went towards the guild which was a bit quiet since it was still early in the morning. The receptions were both active though as we walked over to them where a beautiful blond-hair lady in a beautiful white dress awaited, “Let me talk with your guild master.”


The lady looked at me a bit surprised but quickly regained her composure as she asked, “Are you perhaps Rosalia from the Windsor family?”


Taking out the badge from my pocket, the lady quickly understood and nodded as she replied to me, “Please follow me to the master’s office.”


There wasn’t a single time wasted as she quickly led us to the guild master’s office where the man himself could be seen buried under a giant pile of paperwork. His fat butt was on the ground as he looked at the paperwork while sipping on some cold juice.


“Guild Master, Rosalia from the Windsor family has arrived.”


He quickly turned towards our direction from the announcement before his eyes widened as he said, “Ah! The little girl who went to the Dungeon of Fiona!”


“The fact that you are standing here means you have some good news for me and the guild, is that correct?” he stood up and asked with an enthusiastic look while hiding all the paperwork around him behind the couches.


Well, why bother hiding the mess if we can already see them from here… my entire body felt like sighing from the sight of him hiding his paperwork as I closed my eyes and leaned on the door, “The dungeon is successfully conquered.”


“Is that so—what was inside?!” he inquired.


“The bosses of the dungeon were: one Cerberus, one Dark Knight, one Mutated Zombie, one Arachne before an Ancient dragon that was followed with the final boss which was a Succubus Queen,” I answered while opening my eyes as the sight of their jaws dropping to the floor came to view.


Both the receptionist’s and the guild master’s eyes looked like they were about to pop as the guild master shook his head in denial, “You must be joking around, right?!”


“I wish I was though then again, they weren’t that strong for me,” I smiled bitterly before taking out the dungeon core that Fiona handed and throwing it straight to him, “That’s the dungeon core, by the way, be careful not to eat it.”


“And also, hand me the reward that I wanted. I don’t want to waste time since my lady would wake up anytime soon.”


He looked at the dungeon core with a bit of surprise but regained his composure like any professional worker would as he replied, “Ah! Yes—the reward would be around two platinum coins for defeating a dungeon with a death rate of one hundred percent that even a high-ranking adventurer couldn’t.”


“That reward can also rise up to ten platinum coins as long as you have evidence of the bosses that were killed were as you mentioned, do you want to prove them?” he asked.


Thankfully, I did not forget to grab some pieces of the bosses before leaving their boss rooms—well with the exception of Fiona since I didn’t kill her but as for the rest, their armors, scales, and all those other stuff were more than enough as I handed them over to the guild master before he took a look at them and collapsed on the floor, foaming with bubbles on his mouth.


“It seems like you killed him from shock,” Fiona’s voice echoed inside my head which surprised me a bit.


“You can talk inside my head?” I inquired by thinking.


“It’s natural. We are bound by the contract which allows us to telepathically talk to each other regardless of the distance,” she replied.


That’s a pretty convenient feature to have, though how did she know about that—unless she had another person that managed to contract her before me which would make sense.


“Ehem…” the dead man stood up, shrugging off the dust from his shoulders as he looked at me in the eye, “You have shown more than enough evidence, the bosses alone would place you in SSSS Rank which I will have to send an application to the guild masters in the capital.”


“In addition to SSSS Rank, the reward would also be increased to seven platinum coins once the central guild at the capital approves. Do you want me to send the application?” he asked.


“I’ll take the reward and the rank. Make sure to have it done quick, if it can’t be done immediately then deliver it to my lady’s manor with my name on it,” I said before he nodded without hesitation, “Also… I don’t have a guild card yet so please do that as well.”


“Ah! Your card is with us though we will have to make a new one after receiving approval from the capital which means we also have to show them evidence about the bosses. If you don’t mind, can you leave the materials with us?” he requested.


“The materials are useless to me,” I said while handing it to them as he looked at me with a bitter smile. Naturally, anyone who would say that materials like an ancient dragon’s scale as useless is something that would make people bitter about, “You can sell it after you are done, send the money to me as well.”


But what I am saying is true though, the materials are indeed useless for me since my body and scythe are more than enough on my vampiric form. Any armor or weapon would render useless with those two since even those monsters couldn’t even handle a beating against me for at least a minute if I went serious… I wonder how much those materials would make if I sold them.


“As you wish,” he said while placing the materials carefully on his table as I looked at Fiona and nodded before turning away with a wave.


“I will leave, for now, send me a letter on the manor if anything happens,” I said before he nodded as I looked at Fiona in the eye before the two of us left the guild while being escorted by the receptionist.


After leaving the guild, we searched for an alleyway as planned before I transformed into my human form where the disadvantages immediately started weighing down on me. The body felt heavier, slower, and weaker in terms of physical strength and mana… it was all disadvantages but what made this better was the fact that it didn’t make me hungry for blood or battles.


“You are indeed super weak in that form,” Fiona smiled bitterly, “How about training it a bit? A divine human would be far stronger than a dragon if trained enough, though they will still be inferior to a Vampire Empress which is unanimously considered as the strongest race in existence.”


I could understand where she is coming from, especially after seeing how I fought in my other form, this one is just weak, but I didn’t mind, “It’s fine… I will train it to become stronger once I have time but for now, all I care about is turning this kingdom into an empire that will lead the continental war in the future.”


“Continental war?!” she looked at me shocked, “You mean there is another continent here and we will have a literal war against them in the future?!”


“You must be feeling a bit tired from being shocked several times, aren’t you?” I giggled while the two of us left the alleyway, “And yes, there is another continent beside ours that is ruled by the Evil Goddess which is what I received from the prophecy. If the prophecy is correct then there will be a war against them soon.”


“F#@#! Just when I get to explore the outside world after a super long time underground!” she ranted which made me giggle.


“There was little time to play around though since we have some important guests coming this morning, we need to head back to the manor immediately before they arrive,” my eyes turned towards the manor with a bitter smile, “We need to prepare the meals and rooms for them.”


After saying that, we quickly walked towards the manor which wasn’t that far from where we were. The guards instantly recognized me and allowed us inside while some other guards ran towards another direction to maybe notify Raeliana and the others.


While walking towards the building, a sudden scream echoed from the balcony at my room which surprised us as a brown-haired lady with a tight brown coat came crashing down towards us, “MYYYYYYYYY LADDDDDDDDY!”


Fiona didn’t waste time with her reaction, casting a spell that covered the brown-haired lady who was none other than Sheena with a purple bubble that slowed her fall, allowing her to descend gracefully while Fiona’s voice echo inside my head, “You have quite the weird servants.”


“You seem used to it; did you also have servants like these?” I giggled inside before she averted with her gaze.


“My ladyyyy! Where have you been?!” Sheena who managed to escape from the bubble ran towards me with tears in her eyes which made me smile wryly.


“I only went on a short adventure, how is the town doing after two days of absence? Where is Raeliana and the others, especially Tanya?” I asked before she looked at me with a slightly worried face.


“My lady, welcome back,” Tanya’s voice echoed from the doorstep together with Raeliana and the others who were all wearing huge eyebags on their faces, “We have some pressing issues, my lady… one that really needs your intervention.”


“If it is about Her Majesty coming here, then don’t worry. I will handle it, let us first head inside,” I said before all of their eyes looked at Fiona who was unnecessarily attracting attention with her beauty, “Right—this is my newest addition to the family, you can call her Fiona.”


“She is someone who can use magic and fight against my other guard very well, not to mention, she is also smart and can strategize,” I said before Fiona averted her gaze.


“I felt like laughing from ‘fight against my other guard very well’ when I most likely wouldn’t last a single second in a battle with you if I was being taken seriously,” Fiona’s voice echoed inside my head as I looked at her with a wry smile, “Anyway, should I start calling you ‘my lady’ from now on?”

“Call me anything you like,” I answered before she nodded.


“Anyhow! Let’s head to the kitchen immediately, we need to start preparing the food for the guest! It is not only Her Majesty coming but also the Princess and some large figures from the neighboring kingdom!” I shouted before all of them quickly nodded as we rushed towards the kitchen.

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