A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 101. Who Did You Offend?

Amidst the darkness, it felt like the entire galaxy was shaking as I frowned my eyebrows before a sudden bite struck my shoulders, forcing me awake as I looked towards my side where Crystal could be seen looking at me with her glimmering curious eyes.


“What are you doing, Crystal?” I asked before she tilted her head as she pointed at the door.


Turning my attention towards the door, Kaori could be seen leaning on the wall with her eyes closed. It seems like she decided to lean to the wall instead of leaning on my shoulders… which kind of irritates me but I didn’t take it to heart as I looked at Crystal and patted her head.


“Are you worried about Kaori?” I questioned before she nodded shyly.


In a sense, Crystal was similar to Flora in the way that they care less about me rather than the other partner, which is a bit depressing to know but, then again, inside I am happier knowing that the two of them have someone they trust and care about especially in the case of Crystal who despite Kaori and I meeting her less than a day, managed to open her heart towards Kaori which is a sign that she has not yet frozen her heart towards outsiders.


“Are you two awake already?” Kaori’s voice entered my ears from behind before a sudden heavy weight slammed down towards my shoulder, knocking me back down to the sofa as Kaori’s smile could be seen before me.


Her smile was beautiful as always, but the beautiful glance short-lived as she took Crystal away from the sofa while giggling before she added, “How about we have lunch for now? The headmaster whose name I forgot again has prepared lunch for us, not to mention, Crystal hasn’t eaten for nearly a day now which makes me worried… or are you going to continue looking at my face like a wolf?”


“Who is looking at your face?” I pouted while sitting straight as she chuckled before reaching a hand towards me while smiling.


Without hesitation, I grabbed her hand before the three of us walked out of the room and walking out of the other room before reaching the hallway where a maid could be seen waiting. The maid had this professional aura, her hair was tied in a ponytail and her posture was like that of someone in the military.


“Morning future madam, do you want to have lunch first or do you wish to talk with the madam first?” the maid inquired.


“The three of us will take lunch first, if you may…” I replied before the maid bowed down with professionalism as she led us upstairs towards a door, unlocking the door as she pushed it open before a spacious noble room came to sight.


It was a room that had quartz walls, a gigantic chandelier at the center that was the entire light source of the room, and carpets of red. At the center of the room was a large roundtable filled with many dishes covered in cloches. Maids of similar or lesser professionalism as the one beside us lined up around the tables as if they were entertaining a high-level guest.


The entire scene before me was a spectacular scene that I wouldn’t imagine seeing back in my previous world, it was a scene that only the rich could see which made me a bit nervous as two hands suddenly grabbed both of mine taking me by surprise as I looked at the origins of both who were none other than Kaori and Crystal who were both smiling despite Crystal being more nervous than me.


“Let’s go have a meal, shall we?” I smiled at the two of them who both nodded as we walked towards the table before all the maids synchronously grabbed the cloches and opened them one after another, revealing delicacies after delicacies.


From shrimp, salmon, and octopus to the most expensive beef and soup, all kinds of meals were before us that if Flora the glutton was suddenly invited to this place, she would tear up from the intense number of meals before her.


“I don’t think I can eat this much…” Kaori mumbled as she looked at the delicious food before her, it was like a feast, and to think that Aurora managed to enjoy this much is shocking.


“Is there any problem with the food, future madam?” the maid who accompanied us inquired as she looked at us with expressionless eyes.


“There isn’t any problem at all, rather it would be nice if the rest of you would also accompany us to eat as well since this is too much for us to eat…” I replied before the maid shook her head as she smiled.


“You don’t have to worry about the excess meals, future madam! All the excess will be handed down to us after and for any other excess remaining after us will be handed down to the people of the slums as part of the tradition of the Queenshelm,” the maid reassured while looking at the others who were also nodding with smiles.


“Is that so then that is good to know, though are you sure you don’t want to dine with us?” I inquired one more as the three of us took a seat down on our seats as a maid covered Crystal’s neck with a cloth taking into consideration of Crystal who was someone younger.


“It is beyond our privileges to dine with the masters, please don’t mind us and eat first, future madam!” a maid responded making me smile wryly, they were solid on their beliefs and unbending which, in reality, is a good thing but I feel bad as I am not a person who really likes to treat others as servants.


I like to think of everyone as equals… well except for opponents, that’s another story. I am not as kind as an angel to forgive my opponents unless the reason they provide is honest and within the ranges of what I can consider forgivable.


“Then we will eat ahead,” I said before looking at Kaori who nodded the same time as me as the two of us bowed down before the meal for a second while saying simultaneously, “Thanks for the meal!” as Crystal looked at confused for a second before following after in a cute voice.


Afterward, the three of us soon started eating as Kaori fed Crystal at times to which the girl would avert her gaze embarrassingly as if telling Kaori not to feed her since she could feed herself but Kaori being someone sensitive could tell the girl was nervous from the trembling of her hand which is why she decided to ignore her wishes and continued feeding her.


The meals could only be described in a single word, heaven; the beef was cooked at the right medium, the shrimp had this super juicy taste, the chicken was outright crispylicious while the soup had this amusing, wondrous savory taste to it that made you feel warm.


It was a meal equivalent to five-star to six-star hotels in my honest opinion, the beef could be said as something considerably better than an A6 Wagyu Beef which I had once tried in the past, everything that was before us was simply too delicious for words to describe.


And after an entire hour of enjoyment in heaven, the three of us sat down on a sofa with our stomachs full as Aurora could be seen walking down from the stairway with a smile on her face, holding the short Estelle’s hand as the two of them walked side by side with a suspicious feeling around them.


“How was the bed?” I teased before the two of them blushed.


“What do you mean, we didn’t do anything?” Aurora tried to defend herself but ended up leaking out what they were doing as I smiled.


“I was asking how was the bed, it seems like the two of you did something indeed,” I showed a smug before Aurora turned super red as she pouted.


“You brat!” she screamed as Kaori laughed super loud before she soon went into rant mode, venting all her embarrassment towards me as Crystal looked at her with confusion before another thirty minutes passed by as she sat down on the other sofa with a tired expression.

After sitting down on the sofa, she soon looked up before turning towards me with a frown as she made a circular gesture before a large spell circle appeared above us, covering all sides as she looked at me with a serious expression.


“I have one question regarding your incident, I know as my student you are someone powerful which is why I don’t believe someone in this city would have the strength to cause you to go into a coma for nearly an entire month, so I have one question…” she said before looking straight into my eyes as Crystal held my hand nervously, “Did you offend someone you shouldn’t offend?”


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