A Gamer Into Trails

Chapter 371: Chapter 368: Return


Valflame Palace.


Inside Princess Alfin's private quarters, a sole figure could be seen sleeping away. They were already tucked in for the night. Many stuffed animals and pillows could be seen around the grandiose and circular bed. The drapes surrounding it were mostly closed too. Yet one may ask, if Princess Alfin was currently out and about to retrieve Naoto's group, then who was it that was presently resting inside Princess Alfin's bed? It was one of her guests, and one of her closest friends at that. Just like how Musse and Elise were among Princess Alfin's inner circle, this girl was more or less in the same situation. She was quite young, and appeared around Princess Alfin's age. Princess Alfin was one year older, making this girl more around Tio's age. She had long, platinum-blonde hair and was already dressed in nightwear for the evening. Peaceful snoring currently escaped from her lips.

Amongst the original trio though, this girl was the last to join Princess Alfin's inner circle of friends. She went by the name Lifthrasir von Bartholomeus, and was the first princess of the Principality of Remiferia.

Principalities were not like other countries.

To put that into context, Crossbell State was an autonomous city-state with its own governors. It was up to them to govern Crossbell City. Crossbell State was heavily influenced by cultures of its surrounding countries, and in bygone times, it has seen the act of war on multiple occasions.

Erebonia was an entire Empire, with a ruling Emperor and Empress, which included an Imperial Diet that carried out their orders. The Empire is also big enough to hire a Chancellor to carry out the duties of the Imperial Diet. To which that Chancellor is presently Giliath Osborne.

Liberl, on the other hand, was a monarchy. At the very top was the King or Queen. Several mayors watched over the individual cities, while the ruling party enacted laws. All military and political policies went through them. Presently it was Queen Alicia II who was ruling over Liberl. Eventually, in the games, that role would pass onto Kloe, or Klaudia von Auslese. Right now, Kloe is just a princess.

But with Naoto in the picture now, that role of the Crown Princess shifted onto him, making him the Crown Prince. He is set to ascend the throne in the coming future. Whether that happens when Naoto turns fifteen, eighteen, or even twenty years old, that remains to be seen. After all, it was up to the current ruler, Queen Alicia II, to determine whether Naoto is ready to take that position. It's not like Naoto could do that proactively, unless he used force. Just like how Sky FC went down with Richard enacting a Coup'de'tat. Naoto had zero desire to follow Richard's footsteps in that regard.

And then there was the Republic of Calvard. To put it in simple terms from an outward glance, the Republic of Calvard is like the United States. Calvard has a Constitution it upholds, and laws are passed based on it. Every so often, a new President will be elected. Calvard even has two parties, just like the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Senators are also involved in governing the land. But that was just from an outward glance. Calvard in its heart, behaves more like France. And that is because it is split up into provinces. It is not one entire state, nor composed of states like the United States.

And while it would be nice to go into the entire history of Calvard due to Naoto's present interest in the country because of the Daybreak games, that would take ages. Unlike other countries, Calvard was one of the older ones! Not as old as Erebonia, but it was still rich in its history. It even used to have a political structure of nobles, mirroring the Empire, before that crumbled over more than a century ago.

That topic was the Holy Iskan Empire, which Naoto brought up during his discussion with Heiyue. But that history lesson would be a story for another time.

With the present interest at hand, the "Princess" currently resting in Princess Alfin's room belonged to a Principality.

Principalities were led by the reigning Crown Prince or Crown Princess. Lifthrasir von Bartholomeus had every right to the throne, but she had zero interest in it. Instead, she left that seat to her brother, who went by the name Albert von Bartholomeus.

At the time, Prince Albert was the second Prince in line to the throne. He actually had an older brother, Remiferia's Crown Prince and the reigning Prince at the time, to whom Naoto both met during his first trip to Calvard on his way to Paradise. It wasn't even a year ago that this Crown Prince suffered an attack at the hands of Jaegers, poisoning him to death. Remiferia spiraled out, creating a bunch of chaos, and eventually triumphed against the attack. Its entire political structure shifted thanks to the death of the Crown Prince, causing Prince Albert to ascend the throne.

Unlike the Crown Prince however, Prince Albert was a much more grounded fellow, and knew right from wrong. He was one of the more likeable characters in the Trailsverse. Especially considering the fact that Prince Albert shared a personal connection with one of Naoto's soon-to-be maids, Sherryl Sky. Sherryl's family used to be under the employment of the royal maids of Remiferia. Naoto couldn't help but feel somewhat connected to Prince Albert because of that. He hadn't had any time to venture off into Remiferia to extend his greetings, but it might be something he will do once the Vermillion Trials are over.

Then again, that might not take place until the height of Trails of Azure, where the Western Zemurian Trade Conference will take place. Naoto plans to play a role in that summit, so he will not be able to mingle with the SSS much during that.

Perhaps it was a good thing that the girl here, Lifthrasir, didn't vie for the Remiferian throne. It was because of that she was able to make some friends, and even study abroad at St. Astraia, eventually coming across Princess Alfin, and even joined her inner circle!

Lifthrasir has come across Naoto only through passing, but Princess Alfin holds interest in introducing her to him. That meeting will likely be held tomorrow, considering how late it is into the night already. It was past 10PM now, and most of those inside the Palace, except those on duty, were already fast asleep.

Yet, this girl wasn't the only one present in Princess Alfin's room. Another girl could be seen lazing around. She has silver hair, and two fluffy ears stuck outward from their head. A large, single bushy tail poked out from her butt. This tail is presently wrapped around the girl's body. She seemed no older than Lifthrasir. Beside this girl was a much smaller figure, who was a black cat with a cute ribbon tied at the tip of their tail.

It was hard to say whether this girl was already sleeping, or was just beginning to sleep. Either way, her ears started to twitch all of a sudden, prompting the girl's eyes to turn wide awake. A big smile appeared on her lips, ending her previous sleep-like state.

"Master's back!", Tamamo happily said, feeling a wave of energy sweep across her entire body. Even her bushy tail started thumping in happiness. Meanwhile, as for the black cat beside her, she let out a groan.

"It's past 10PM you dumb fox. Just go to bed already. You can see your Master in the morning.", Celine retorted, feeling annoyed that her sleep was interrupted.

"But, Master hasn't seen this new look of mine...", Tamamo pouted. She had just attained her human form, and Naoto wasn't there to witness it. Unlike Celine's

"Your Master...?", A gentle voice called out to the two. It belonged to the platinum-blonde haired girl sleeping further inside.

"Great, you just had to wake up Her Highness's guest.", Celine retorted again.

"Hehe, sorry. Was I too loud?", Tamamo replied, feeling more guilty now. She saw the eyelids of the girl slowly flutter open, only to gaze upon the silver-haired girl near the edge of the bed, whose ears were perked all the way up.

At the same time, the three heard the door at the room's entrance slowly creak open. A single individual entered the room. Tamamo's gaze grew in curiosity, seeing it was only Princess Alfin who entered her private quarters. Naoto was nowhere to be seen.

"I didn't take you two to still be awake. I could say the same to you, Lif.", Princess Alfin said, greeting the three before her.

"Well, if the dumb fox didn't cause a ruckus just now, we would all still be sleeping. I'm going back to bed. This is your mess to deal with.", Celine retorted, before looking back at the silver-haired girl beside her.

Celine curled back up into a ball, and proceeded to ignore everyone. She was just like that. Tamamo just stared at the cat who was already falling back asleep with a blank stare in her eyes.

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