A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 97: Game of shadows

Both the ladies present there were shocked by the ongoing conversation. 

Melanie was shocked because she had never seen anyone talking like that with Maverick. Even the dead Severus never defied or rebuked to Maverick. No matter how much he was dissatisfied with any decision he never denied anything that Maverick asked him. However, the Severus present in front of her not only rebuked but even mocked him. Since Maverick didn't lash out on him it was clear to her how much important Severus was to Maverick. Various doubts started rising inside her head which only made her more flustered. 

Desella on the other hand was shocked with Severus and his countenance. 

Maverick stood up with a smile and left the room.

"Good night everyone."

Everyone else too stood up and bowed their heads. 

After Maverick left, Severus too left the hall. Only Desella and Melanie remained present. 

"I guess it's farewell then. Good night Miss Song"

"Well well. Good night Miss Desella. Thanks for taking great care of my Savy"

Veins popped on Desella's head. She very well understood what Melanie meant." I think Miss Song has again misunderstood. It's not Savy it's Severus and yeah, he isn't your Savy but mine Severus. You don't need to thank me for taking care of something that is already mine Miss Song" Desella said sweetly and left the hall with a smug face but as soon as she soon as he turned around her expressions turned ugly.

Melanie too left felt the same and thus she too vacated the hall.

Severus went inside his room and sat on his bed. He was in deep contemplation when Noworry came inside and perched on his shoulder.

[Oye Severus. What happened? What are you thinking?]

Severus smiled when he noticed that Noworry came inside and perched on himself. 

"Nothing but You missed a lot of information and drama today."

Noworry looked stared at him as he started blabbering.

[What do you mean? Don't tell me we have more conspiracies to solve? Aya tell me what happened?]

"Before I tell you anything you tell me first. Did you deliver the letter?"

[Of course. Everything is ready only you are missing]


Severus told everything to Noworry about Desella and what happened today.

[HAHAHAHAH. Daym. So much happened today. Tch, you stole my entertainment, Severus. I won't forgive you]


"Noworry, I am serious here"


[What makes you think I am not?]

Severus "..." 

Well, he shouldn't quibble with Noworry. He can never win against his glib tongue.

[So now what? What are we going to do]

Severus laughed devilishly as he grinned. 

[Why are you laughing? Geez you making me feel creeped out Severus]

"Noworry, haven't you always wanted to know what I read inside those scrolls?"

[Yea you bastard. You still haven't told me what was there inside the scrolls. Now, are we keeping secrets? You sure have grown some wings lil birdy]

"Calm down Noworry. Listen."

[I am all ears]

"The first time I went inside the chamber of secrets I read about me and a skill"

[Huh about yourself. What skills did you acquire?"

"What if I told you that I wasn't assassinated but murdered?"

[Arent both same? Eventually, you died]


Severus ignored Noworry blabbering and explained. " Those scrolls mentioned about necromantic skills. It tells about a skill through which I can read memories from Objects. It's like psychometry. However, to use this skill, I need to consume a potion. I don't know any concoction artist thus I need to concoct a potion for myself"

[Psycometry you say? Fair enough. What are the ingredients of potions? Although I can't concoct a potion but I do have some knowledge on it. I can help you with it but I doubt my accuracy and then I doubt your skills too]

"Yea. Even I doubt myself. Never mind this isn't the shocking thing that I wanted to tell you"

[So what is it?]

Severus sneered in disdain when Noworry asked this question.

"You remember you once asked about my existence and about my parents. That day I told you that I don't care who they are and even today I don't care about them however, I can't disregard them when I know them. It's right Noworry. I finally got to know who is my mother"

This news came like a shock to noworry. 

[Quick. Tell me the name. Who is it?]

"Noworry, my mother is no one else but the head of Frost Legion, Cynthia"


Complete silence premature inside the room. The dark and silent room gave noworry chills. Although he once doubted that Severus wasn't an ordinary kid and so he was aware that his parents will also won't be ordinary but to think that this entanglement will be more perilous. It gave him a headache. According to this logic, Maverick turned into his brother. Blood-related. Can Severus fight with his brother? After all, it's a saying that, Blood runs thicker than water.

[Oof that is depressing. Somehow you are tangled in this royal web.]

"So I am"

[So what are your plans then? Are you going to fight despite all this?]

"Of course. I don't know whether I would kill him or not but mercy. Not a chance."

Noworry was proud when he heard Severus. Like a proud parent, he patted Severus with his wings.


"Stp it. Let's go and play in shadows"

[ Aye Aye Severus]

Severus stood up from the bed and wore his black trenchcoat whereas Noworry snuggled inside his trench coat.

"Are you ready"


Severus quickly jumped down from his window as he landed on the ground and his behind the wall. Very easily he evaded every guard on his way and broke out from the palace and in no time he was walking freely on the commoner's road.

[Feesl great to breathe fresh air]

"Yea it does"

Severus walked quietly in the darkness. He followed the darkness and took the advantages of shadow and finally reached near the alley. He saw a wagon was parked near a tree. It was a pretty lonesome are but was suspicion free since many vagabonds and homeless peoples used to sleep inside such wagons. 

Severus came and stood in front of the wagon and slowly knocked on the door as he spoke the password. 

"Arise O raven"

As soon as Severus said the word the door was opened from the inside. Without any further delay, Severus went inside. He was satisfied with the arrangements. From the outside, it appeared as if the wagon belonged to a poor person but from the inside, it was nicely decorated. Although it wasn't the best but its seats were well cushioned without any dust.

"Your wagon has a pretty good disguise"

Two-man who was inside the wagon chuckled as one of them replied," It's all because of you lord"

"Oh my Shenni, don't call me a lord" Severus smiled.

The man named Shenni didn't refute him and quietly chuckled. 

"Why did you call us again? Are we going to be rich again?"

No doubt. It was Gemmi.

Shenni smacked Gemmi when he finished his sentence as he glared him.

[This bastard always thinking about money. Useless mortals]

"Don't worry. You will be paid nicely

Gemmi who was smacked earlier didn't care about the beating and asked excitedly," Will there be any danger? I just don't want to do so if there is a danger of life I hope you can double the payment"




Everyone present there became speechless.

Severus smiled slightly as he explained. "Gemmi a pro tip for you. A man shouldn't be hasty. Even if you want more money you should at least know the type of work you would be getting. Several times you will be paid for the work that you wouldn't be interested in. I hope you can understand my point. Nevermind let's leave this topic and discuss for what I have called both of you"

Gemmi and Shenni stared at Severus curiously. It was evident that they didn't want to miss any details on the task.

" I want both of you to remove the traces of my existence"

As soon as Severus said this a bomb dropped on both of them. They had a strange expression on their face and looked at Severus incredulously. For a second both of them thought that they heard him wrong but when they looked at each other, the shock was same thus they both didn't hear wrong.



Both of them asked curiously.

Severus expected this reaction thus he didn't flinch when they both shouted simultaneously "You both don't need to know about that. Do as I say."

Gemmi was in complete shock and it was Shenni who came to present and nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Don't worry I am not dying. Don't make such incredulous expression. Soon winds will take a new turn for Reseen. You better be prepared and take advantage of chaos if you want to live a leisure life"


Severus dropped another bomb.

This time Severus didn't explain anything but just threw a heavy pouch towards them and left the wagon.

"What the hell does he mean by it Shenni?"

"Who knows?", Gemmi replied in a daze.

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