A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 26: Plans

I just realized that valentines day passed this morning, so here is a chapter overflowing with romance. To all the romance experts, please take it easy on me, I'm not the most informed when it comes to this stuff.

Chapter 26: Plans


“People are drawn to pride, they adore pride. Pride is what makes the ego, what makes the confidence and what makes the person. Without it, you are all nothing but empty shells, with just a conscious, in a vessel. Truly the incarnation of emptiness.”



Devil Lucifer, Sin of Pride

Year ???


 --POV: Clarissa Chamberlayne—

--Place: Chamberlayne Residence/ Time:13:05—

“-and that’s what happened” Laurence recounts to me what happened between him and my father last night, as I sit on his lap, buck naked with his dick inside of me……but to think he actually said all those things to the head of this house.

“Are you trying to kill my father with your surprises?” I ask in a betrayed tone as I lean my head back on his chest, I have been known for my supreme acting.

“It wasn’t my fault though, I just said what was on my mind, he is the one who overreacted” Laurence takes the teasing too seriously, he doesn’t even notice I’m joking and he thinks I actually mean what I say.

“Haaah….never mind, but he knows you are a dragon now, right?” I have to confirm what my father currently knows about Laurence so I know how I should act around him, and I don't accidentally say something that can expose something Laurence is hiding.

“Yes…he does, he says I couldn’t be a demon due to my cruel attitude towards Stella, so that leaves only the dragon race left” He pauses for a moment before continuing “I also have to talk to you about our future”

“Our future?” That sounds vague, I can’t tell what he’s getting at.

“Yes, Clarissa…you know I’m immortal right?” He asks me with an emotionless voice.

“Ah…” I have a lifespan of a human….shit….

“There is an easy way to get around your lifespan problem, and that is freezing your body with time magic.”

“Then why don’t we do that?” why didn’t he do it before?

“It’s just…do you really want to become immortal? You will never age anymore….are you really happy with that?” From his tone, immortality doesn’t sound as good as humans think it is…

But still, I don’t want this to end.


“If I take your body out of the flow of time, you won’t be able to go back to it. This is a one-way ticket, however, it won’t harm you in any way..” It isn’t a continuous magic but a one time permanent thing? I don’t know much about time magic to begin with….so what are the actual limits?

“I still want to do it” I reply with a bit more vigour this time, showing my seriousness in this matter. How did he even reach this level in magic?….He must have lived a very long time.

“I’ll have to break the time barrier later then….” He says something I don’t understand, but I will trust him on this.

“Ahhh…yea what about Stella? you have plans for her, don’t you?” He puts both his hands around my waist as his chin rests on my head. He already saw through me…

“Yes, I do. I’m going to train her to become more loyal towards me.”

“Train her? Where is she anyway?” Ohhh….how would he react if I told him where she is?…..you know what….he will find out anyway, may as well rip the band-aid off now.

“Locked up in a basement at the bottom of this mansion that belongs to me”

“….” Is he contemplating something? He is probably processing what I just said.

“I see, so you are going to tortur- train her into becoming an obedient puppy?” He rephrases his words to make it seem nicer…

“Yes, well….you did give her to me….unless you want her back?” I just asked if my lover wanted another woman …..while this may be easily misunderstood as me testing him, I just wanted to see his reaction.

“Hahaha” He starts sarcastically laughing “Keep your perverted jokes to yourself, and no, I gave her to you as your personal maid, even if you cook and eat her, it is none of my business” While I do appreciate the meaning behind such a statement, the example he gave was a bit excessive.

“So, what type of training and is it effective?” Wow, I just got her yesterday and he is already looking for results…

“You are too much for me, dear. I can’t handle it” I try to sound as pitiful as possible.

He squeezes me tighter with his muscular arms and tells me how not funny I am.

“Well, she is currently getting tortured with extreme sexual arousal with no release, sleep deprivation, intensive pain, and internal bleeding” Just to name a few “oh, and when she listens and obeys me, the training is lessened or comepletely stopped, before I put her back to torture.”

Hearing no response, I continue “I am doing this while operating on the concept that she will involuntarily and subconsciously associate disobedience towards me with pain, giving her mind the mentality of a slave, and there is no need for a contract between me and her like some slaves have.” I came up with this on my own, so there may a bit of pride in my voice “Plus, in the future, if she were to be caught by the enemy, her current state will allow her to tolerate pain and torture, making sure she never reveals anything about us.”

“Very good planning, I am impressed” He nods his head as I hear him praising me with his cold voice.

I ignore the warm feeling in my chest as he praises me and continue “So, I already have few ideas on how to attack the church”

“Oh…share them then”

“There is many ways….but the most influential one would be the press”

“The printing press?”

“Yes…while the press isn’t very popular among the populace, we could change that….” I already set my sights on a small-time newspaper that recently started in Count Veran’s territory, a territory southward of Chamberlayne called….

“The Avalon Post”

“And the plan is?”

“We send one of Chamberlayne’s merchants that aren’t known to be affiliated with us, I already picked one by the way, to buy the small company producing these newspapers. So we gain control over the newspaper, but not directly, and we will use our information network to make sure that this newspaper can’t be traced back to us”


“We then start propagating the ruthlessness of the pope’s regime of the church, depicting how corrupted and unholy they are, turning both the average man and the devout believers against the pope and his cronies”

“This will be met with resistance from the church, I will deal with it however” He adds on his support, does he not like me doing this on my own? How nice of him….the priests definitely won’t sit idly while a paper that is read by the people is openly slandering them.

“There will be a lot to do in the coming weeks, I just hope we can deal with this before the new semester starts…”

“Don’t worry, I will make sure it will” How dependable……just those couple of words coming from his lips, and my worries are all gone, what kind of sorcery is this?

“However, before we start this political attack, I want to enjoy myself with you for a while…”

“…” If I turned my head towards him right now, he would definitely be raising an eyebrow.

“How about we use some illusion magic on ourselves and go on a date, Laurence?” I’ve brought my suggestion, a suggestion I’ve been dreaming about for a while now…

“Okay, okay…A date with you sounds…..nice….and peaceful..”

He leans his head back into the chair, pulling me back with him…


His dick that’s covered in both sperm and my juices comes out, standing hard with veins, pulsating with vitality…..d-damn I can feel myself contracting down there from just staring at it…

m-maybe if we do it one more time….i-it wouldn’t hurt, w-would it?

“Your eyes are going to pop out at this rate from how intently you’re staring” His voice brings me out of the trance I was in while staring at t-that…

“We will continue this…” He growls as he lifts me in a princess carry “….in the bathroom”

I have never been so enthusiastic about going to the bathroom, more than right now.

--POV: Laurence—

--Place: Rosewood Street/ Time:12:45—

“I don’t understand why we needed to disguise ourselves for going out to eat?” I Put both illusion magic on me and her, giving us both brown hair and brown eyes, and making our faces as average as possible.

The only people that can see our true faces are each other currently, and while I do understand that it would be brow-raising if Clarissa were to be seen with only her butler, eating and enjoying brunch with him, I still don’t get the idea behind using magic for this.

“In case I have the sudden urge to kiss you, it wouldn’t be scandalous”

What did I expect from this nympho? Did I actually think she would say something that isn’t perverted?

“Plus” She continues “My beauty exists solely for you, knowing that only you can see it, makes me feel joy” Even though she just flaunted that her looks are top notch, I can tell she actually means it, and it isn’t just arrogance, however, I should start seriously worrying about her provocative remarks in public, like what she is saying is normal. There isn’t even a tiny wisp of awkwardness around her when she says such things….

But in all seriousness, I will create a society and a future where I can kiss Clarissa whenever I want to, that, would be a great future.

But back to the present, Clarissa is already eyeing every cake shop with predatory eyes “You are a glutton, however, I don’t mind because I will make sure you train so hard, you will have no choice but to eat as much as you can to avoid malnutrition” I accidentally voice my future planning for Clarissa’s diet.

She looks at me shaking slightly, trying to act to the best of her ability, too bad I can see the anticipation in her eyes.

“I’m picking the shop this time” Given how there is no Volitaire Grand library here, and I read every archive in Chamberlayne’s study, I have been having a lot of time to explore this part of the capital, and when I mean explore, I mean look for the best menus this place can offer.

She nods and follows my lead, taking my left hand into her own, I feel her warmth, because even though I’m regulating my body temperature, it isn’t set to the degree Clarissa’s natural body heat is emmiting.

She holds tightly, not saying a word as she walks next to me.


The door bell announces our entry into a quiet, comfortable small shop I found a while ago.

--POV: Clarissa Chamberlayne—

--Place: Mary’s Bakery / Time:15:09—

As we take our seat in this bakery, a waiter comes forward. “How may I help you?” The waiter asks as he puts the bread and butter on our table, is this stuff complementary?

How did Laurence find this shop anyway? He never showed interest in any food before….why would he suddenly start looking for these shops……?!

Is it because of me? Is it because of my sweet tooth that he has been searching for this….

The same warm feeling from earlier fills my consciousness as I stare at Laurence while he talks with the waitress, I don’t know why this is so blissful, why this is so ecstatic, why this is so arousing?!

Fuck, a lovely romantic thought just got ruined by my carnal desires again, haah….

“…what about you Suzy?” He turns towards me and uses a name that I think is to keep our cover as hidden as possible.

“Yea…I’ll have what you’re having…” I didn’t hear the menu….I need to stop distracting myself all the time with Laurence.

He furrows his brows at my words “What I’m having? Were you even listening? I doubt you want a peanut butter cookie”

No offense, Laurence. But no matter how powerful and amazing you are, your tastes in food are horrible.

I turn towards the waiter “I’ll have raspberry cake please” After also ordering some drinks to go with the deserts, the waiter nods and goes into the kitchen.

“What are you daydreaming about?” Laurence turns towards me after the waiter is out of earshot.

“Nothing” I lie. I’m not going to say I was thinking about how sweet he is when he interacts with me, compared to others which he treats very coldly, I’m considered an object of his affection, something I couldn’t be more grateful for.

If I were to tell him such things, he would nod his head and say something about how great he is, and how my awe in him is natural, that I shouldn’t feel ashamed of my admiration for him.

One things the myths got right about dragons, it is their ridiculous pride…..I have Laurence as proof for this.

As the smell of the food we ordered fills my nose, I can tell, this is going to be a great day.

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