A Date With Faet

35. Conspired

Liam pretty much answered every question Kelly and I had for him after his transformation. I think he was in shock for most of it, and once my anger faded I felt kind of bad about what I'd done. Still, even though he seemed willing to tell us everything, we knew there was a possibility he was still holding something back, or he could have been mixing some lies in with the truth.

That was almost two hours ago, now Siobhan and Kelly and me were back in the study with Maeve. Me and Kelly were telling my fae-mom what we'd learned from the prisoner, while Siobhan just stood there quietly next to the table. The guard captain still looked a little uneasy, and she hadn't said much since we'd left Liam in the cell.

Refreshments had been left on the table for us, and the study door was closed once again. No servants were present, so we could speak freely.

"If you hadn't left people guarding that meadow, Liam would have gone to Eileen and given her all the details," I told Maeve quietly. "Then when I was sixteen, she'd have had some people dressed up like your soldiers turn up and kill my human parents, while Liam 'rescued' me and brought me to Otherworld, to deliver me to her."

Kelly took over, "Liam said the plan was to tell Tegan that it was you and Connor who'd abandoned her on Earth as a human. Then Eileen would have trained Tegan in magic and swordplay, and Tegan would have been taught to hate you. Eileen wanted to turn her against you, and she'd have used mind-control magic on Tegan to ensure she loathed you. Then when Tegan was skilled enough to pose a threat, Eileen would have sent her here to challenge you."

I sighed, "Basically Eileen wanted to arrange it so you'd be forced to either kill me, or let me kill you. Same as the situation with Connor, she hoped you'd be forced to destroy him yourself."

Maeve was clenching and unclenching her jaw as she listened to Kelly and I. Finally she took a deep breath and sighed, "Thank the Gods my soldiers were there when he returned. I still regret not finding you sooner Tegan, but I'm grateful that Kelly and her family found you and helped you."

After a few moments she frowned again and asked, "Did you learn how Liam was able to work those spells? He's no more skilled at magic than I am."

I replied, "It was mostly Eileen's doing. She supplied him with an enchanted ring that allowed him to cross worlds, and an enchanted knife that he used to perform the changeling spell once he had me on Earth. And a cursed gemstone was used to deliver the hex to Connor. Liam said it was crushed and hidden in Connor's food at the Imbolc feast."

Kelly added, "Liam said he was stuck on Earth for two years because there's less magic there, so it took the ring that long to recharge before he could work the spell again and come back to Otherworld.

Maeve had a gulp of wine and sighed, "I knew Eileen was skilled with magic, but I didn't realize she was that talented. Although, I suppose she had a century to prepare."

She had a thoughtful frown on her face, then asked "Did you find out why Liam betrayed us? What hold Eileen has on him, that led him to conspire with her to destroy us?"

Kelly replied, "He did it for love." She sighed then explained, "Eileen knew Connor had no feelings for her. She tried to win him over, as you said they met several times over the years. Her efforts had no effect on Connor, but she wound up impressing his bodyguard instead. As she and Connor continued meeting regularly, she became less enamoured with him and more involved with his bodyguard, Liam."

I continued the tale, "They began to make plans. When Eileen and Connor were wed, like you said it'd be more like a business partnership. They'd be married in name only. But it would also allow Liam and Eileen to be together. Connor's and Eileen's families would be pleased with the union, Liam and Eileen would be happy together. It seemed like everything would be perfect."

Kelly sighed, "But then you and Connor fell in love, he broke his family's agreement and wed you instead. And suddenly Eileen was faced with the betrayal of her husband, and the loss of her lover. Their perfect plans were dashed. To Eileen it felt like a double-betrayal. Not only was her marriage cancelled, but her lover was taken from her as well. Liam was bound to Connor and forced to work here as one of your soldiers."

Maeve sighed deeply, "I see." She had another sip of wine, then glanced at the captain. "Where is the prisoner now?"

Siobhan replied "He...she...he is still in the interrogation cell. At Lady Tegan's request, I've had a cot placed in the room, and the prisoner has been provided bread and water. I have two guards posted outside the door, but they are under strict orders not to open it unless I am present."

My fae-mom looked back towards me and asked, "What you said about the magic you used on Liam, was that true?"

I sighed, "You mean, is it really permanent? Did I really make him a human girl?"

She nodded, and I answered "Sort of. It's not exactly what I told Liam, although the effect is the same. It won't reverse on its own, but I can undo it. And I will, I'm not going to leave him like that forever."

"I honestly didn't know such magic existed," Maeve said softly.

I grimaced slightly. "Like I said, I lied a little about how I made it work. I played on Taralynn's legend and let him believe I was as powerful as her. As for how I did it..."

I was about to mention something from computer scripting, like getting a function caught in an endless loop so it never returned. But I realized Maeve wouldn't understand any part of that reference, so instead I used something she would know.

"It's basically a curse where the revocation trigger is impossible. The spell becomes forever because the exit condition can never exist. I kind of intentionally broke magic slightly to make the spell effectively permanent."

Kelly added, "Speaking of curses... There's one other thing Liam told us. About Connor's condition."

I nodded, "He told us how to break the curse."

Maeve's eyes went wide and she gasped. She took a few deep breaths as a bunch of emotions flashed across her expression. Her voice sounded urgent, eager as she asked "What is it? How do we lift the curse?!"

Siobhan sighed and shook her head slightly as I replied softly, "It's me. That was Eileen's back-up plan. If Connor tastes my blood, his curse will be broken and he'll be freed."

Kelly added in a sad tone, "According to Liam, Eileen figured if all else failed that might drive Connor mad, when he realized he'd killed his own child."

Maeve looked stunned, her face pale again. I'm sure she was feeling some emotional whiplash, one moment thinking she could have her husband back, the next moment realizing what that reunion would cost her. Then her eyes flashed with anger and she growled, "That's beyond evil!"

She was grinding her teeth again, and from the angry look in her eyes I began to worry she was ready to start a war after all.

I said to her, "Try not to get too upset, ok? We can find a way to fix this."

"How?!" Maeve demanded, the outrage in her eyes was reflected by the tone of her voice.

I tried to sound calm as I replied, "From the sound of it, breaking the curse doesn't actually require me to die. Liam said he just needs to taste my blood, not that he has to have it all. We just have to figure out a way to get him to 'taste it' without letting him actually kill me."

All three of them were frowning at me know, Kelly and Maeve both looked worried.

I added, "I don't know yet how we'll do it, I'm just saying there's got to be a way. We'll figure it out."

Maeve was quiet again for a few minutes as she let all this sink in. She sipped her wine as she stared thoughtfully at the fire.

Finally she looked to me and asked, "What course of action would you recommend, for the architects of our family's misery? What would fate would you choose for Liam, and for Eileen? You could leave Liam in his current state, that seems like a just reward for everything he's done to you. As for Eileen... Right now I'd like to see her head on a pike for what she had planned for us all. But perhaps you have a more devious end in mind for her?"

I sighed. I had a feeling she wouldn't like what I was about to suggest.

After a brief hesitation, I took a deep breath and said "Before passing judgement on Liam or Eileen, I want to try and restore Connor. Once he's back and you two are reunited, then I'll reverse my magic on Liam and restore him to normal. I would release Liam, and send him to Eileen. I'd also send a letter to Eileen, either before or after freeing Liam. I'd tell Eileen that we're prepared to forgive and forget, if she agrees to do the same."

The next few moments, all four of us were completely silent. Maeve stared at me, looking stunned. Kelly looked nervous but proud. And Siobhan's expression was slightly pensive.

Finally Maeve shook her head, she sounded incredulous as she asked "After everything they've done to us? After all the suffering and pain Liam caused you? You'd release him? You'd forgive Eileen?"

"Yes," I nodded. "They've suffered as well. They've been kept from each other for over a hundred years. And Liam's spent the last twenty years in chains, and worse. I'm not taking one side over another, but from how you explained it, the rift was originally caused because Connor broke his family's agreement. If we can get Connor back for you, then I think we need to send Liam to Eileen."

Maeve sat back in her chair and stared at the table. She appeared to be lost in thought again, as she considered my words.

Finally, in a quiet voice she commented "I never met my grandmother. Taralynn died before I was born. All I have of her are the stories my mother told me, and the tales I've heard from others who spoke of her."

She looked at me and stated softly, "I think she'd have liked you, Tegan. I've already told you she was a powerful mage and an expert swordswoman. She was also kind and just, and fair. She's the reason our family has power and wealth, but she's also the reason we're popular and well-liked."

She sighed once more, then finally stated "I need to think about everything you two have told me. I need a few days to process all of this, before I can make any decisions."

"Ok," I nodded. I didn't now what else to say.

Kelly added, "Thank you for listening, and for considering what Tegan's suggested."

Maeve drank the last of her wine then set the empty glass on the table. She stood and moved to the door, but paused there. Looking toward the guard captain, she said "Siobhan, please see that the prisoner is well-treated. If we are ultimately to release him, let's ensure that his remaining time here is not so unpleasant."

"Yes m'lady," the captain bowed slightly.

I watched as Maeve opened the door then quietly left the study. Siobhan followed, I assumed she was going to pass on the orders about looking after Liam.

For the next few minutes, Kelly and I sat quietly together. I was still thinking about the possibility of saving Connor, reversing his curse so he and my fae-mom could be reunited.

I wasn't sure what was on Kelly's mind. I hoped she hadn't been too freaked out by any of this stuff. I knew it was a lot, between confronting Liam then using magic on him, to the answers he gave us, and finally our discussion about what to do next.

Eventually she broke the silence as she quietly asked "Hey, babe?"

"Yeah Kelly?" I looked up at her. She didn't sound upset or shocked, just quiet.

She was watching me closely as she said, "When we were with Liam, just after you put that spell on him? You called yourself Tegan Brádaigh. Not Tegan Vale. And you said you were Taralynn's grand-daughter. You sounded really... I don't know, you sounded almost proud about it."

She paused, still watching me. "Does that mean you're starting to embrace your fae heritage, or accept your fae family?"

I frowned as I thought it through. "When I said that, I was making the point to Liam that I wasn't just some changeling brat. And I wanted him to believe I had Taralynn's gift, to play up the legend."

After a second or two I added, "I'm not turning my back on my folks back home. And I'm not planning on staying here. This isn't my home, Maeve and Connor aren't my parents. But I suppose they are family... Maybe I'll start calling myself Tegan Vale Brádaigh? Or Tegan Vale of the Clann Brádaigh? I don't really know."

Kelly smiled and said, "I think 'Lady Tegan Vale of Clann Brádaigh' has a nice ring to it."

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