Chapter 41: Chapter 41: When The Past Comes Back To Haunt You!: The Not So Silent Party! (Part 3)
Okay, so proceeding forward a little bit from the last chapter. Things currently were...well...
"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Now, before we proceed forward with the the chapter..."
"Hey Keiko?...Just do away with the fourth wall break for now, alright?...We have a bit of stuff in the following chapter to get to here...*Misaka says this to me with a somewhat weary looking pretty much let me know, that in this case, it is better to have the viewers, read the chapter for themselves, rather then me, doing another immense fourth wall break, like back in the last chapter*"
"Oh...right Misaka, my bad...*I say this while giving a close eyed sheepish grin, with one of my hands behind my head, in a somewhat embarrassing manner*...Anyway viewers, by Misaka's request...what do you all say, that we get on with the chapter now...hmm?...*I say this, while now smiling with eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
Okay, so going off from the last chapter, only a bit further forward, after the whole run-in withe Misaka #10032. Me and Misaka, were currently walking down, one of the busy streets, of Academy City. Only thing was, that I was sort of divided regarding my attention. As I was currently, using my Telepath Ability, to sort of peer in, to Misaka's thoughts. And when I say that, I mean what she was thinking about at this very moment, and not, anything else.
"So viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. So, just don't be going, and making any sort of unecessary assumptions, alright?...Anyway, back to the story."
So, as I was listening in, to what Misaka was currently thinking about. This was her current line of thought.
"She may or may not be involved...But now I need to focus on the information that me and Keiko do have...According to what Kongo said...the people behind the robot attack, were upset...because they had failed to retrieve Febrie...'retrieve,' implies getting her back...So does that mean...that Febrie...may have runaway from them at some point?...Whatever the case, the best way to obtain more to find out who these people are, and ask them questions...and if it turns out that The Underworld, really is involved...we can't drag Kuroko, or any of the others into this..." Misaka thought to herself, while I listened in with my Telepath Ability.
And once I had cut the connection, and had stopped listening into Misaka's thoughts. It was then, that a thought of my own, then made its way into my mind.
" I now get the sinking suspicion, that when Misaka was thinking, that 'she may or may not be involved'...why do I get the obvious realization, that she is talking about a certain someone...and that 'she,' implies to a certain former leader of MAR...*I sigh deeply*...Well viewers, it would appear, that if I am in fact right about Misaka thinking what I think she is...then we may...or may not...being paying 'her,' a little visit...very soon," I thought to myself, while I had turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.
And as for why I was able to do my fourth wall break in this manner? Well, that was because partway through me, listening into Misaka's thoughts, she had stopped walking down the street. And as for me, I had followed suit.
"Which was why viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. Anyway that was how, I was then able to address all of know...without running any sort of risk, of possibly running into something...or something else along those lines. Now then viewers, what do you say, that we get back to the story now...hmm?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
Anyway a little later on. After me, Misaka, and everyone else, had had a sort of in...yea..let's call it that...with one Mitsuko Kongo...and her...massive Boa constrictor.
"And yes viewers...sorry, Keiko here again...and in the words of one Indiana Jones...'snakes, why'd it have to be snakes?'...see what I did there viewers...*I now clear my throat*...Now then, what do you say...that we get back to the story now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side in a cute manner*"
Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the moment. After the in...with Kongo and her Boa constrictor. We were both, at the current moment, entering into a prison complex of sorts.
And as for the reason as to why? Well, about an hour or so back, during a quick talk with Heaven Canceller. After wanting to figure out more about 'The Underworld,' as Misaka, had said. The tail end, of the conversation, went as follows...
"If you want to learn more about The Underworld, then you will need to talk to someone who knows about it. And if that is what the both of you wish, then I will setup your meeting. There is however, something you both should know. The person whom you are both meeting, is already someone, to whom you are already well acquainted," Heaven Canceller had said.
And, upon walking into the complex, past the many vault like prison doors, and finally, through a sliding metal prison door, at the end of the long hallway in question. We both, then came up, to a much larger cell. And as for who was inside? Well...
"Well, it is so nice to see the both of you again...Railgun...Lucky Strike?" One Therestina Kihara Lifeline, said to both me and Misaka, in what was quite possibly, one of the most disdainful sounding, and yet, also smug sounding, tones.
And upon letting out a somewhat depressed sounding, and yet also, frustrated sounding sigh. I then decided to try and speak up. The only thing was, Misaka, sort of beat me to it...
"Well the feeling isn't mutual...Especially not after the pain that you caused to the both of us," Misaka said, with a sort of disdainful sounding tone, that even I, wasn't expecting from her.
And to be perfectly honest, I didn't blame Misaka in the slightest, for responding in such a manner. However, that didn't mean that it was any less surprising, when she had spoken up in such a manner.
"Okay viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. So, this now marks the end, of this particular episode. Which, now brings us one chapter closer. To yet another encounter, with the rest of The Four Aces. So viewers, with that in mind, I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head titled to one side, in a cute manner*"