a certain scientific harry potter

Page 23

After all the classes on the first day were over, Harry followed Professor McGonagall's "Principal's Instructions" and voluntarily went to Filch's office to be locked up.

He even went back to Ravenclaw's boys' dormitory ahead of time this time, and under the astonished gazes of a few unimportant roommates, he packed his luggage and took it away!

After a day of contact, Harry felt that he was not suitable to live with Ravenclaw freshmen... No, to be precise, he didn't want to live with any students at all!

These children who have been or are about to start wizard education have obvious ideological differences with Harry. Except for Hermione, it is difficult for him to find a common language with others, and there is no need to always make do with them.

On the contrary, Harry felt that he could do something more meaningful before he found a chance to drop out.

For example, through reasonable breeding to restore Mrs. Norris to a healthy body shape, to relieve Filch's mania and hatred of the students through psychological counseling, and to convince people with (physical) physics to keep Peeves from continuing to come provoke yourself wait~

As for the fact that Professor McGonagall went to find Dumbledore, it was completely out of Harry's expectation, and of course it was nothing.

Dumbledore knew that Harry was an Obscure, so Professor McGonagall must have made the trip in vain, and the worry in her heart that she didn't want other students to know that Harry was an Obscure was useless.

A power as recognizable as Obscurity would be exposed sooner or later, so Harry hadn't planned to hide it from the start.

As for Scamander, he sold Harry the day after he met him at Highgrove Manor.

"Old Deng's thoughts are not simple. When he finds out that you are clearly pregnant but I am hiding something from him, he will definitely doubt our relationship~"

Scamander had said so, and Harry believed it.


Time slipped away in class, pissing off people, and raising cats. In the blink of an eye, Harry had been in school for almost a week.

It's a pity that in these days, apart from Hagrid, Professor Flitwick and a few people, he didn't agree with Hogwarts more.

And in the same way, when the freshness of the 'name-changed savior' passed, many questions followed.

For example, in Ravenclaw, Harry has been regarded as a special alien.

Because of the sorting ceremony and many subsequent reasons, Harry's popularity here is not good. People in the college basically don't talk to Harry, and sometimes even point at him behind his back.

'He's always causing trouble because he's the savior', 'It's only because Dean Flitwick spoils him that he can keep doing things like this', 'He lives with a guy like Filch'...

Harry didn't care about this kind of slander at all, and with his temperament, he might not like these so-called classmates at the moment~

Ravenclaw's "intellectuals" are not like the outside world and the Sorting Hat brag, they are all scholars who "keep their ears off the window and read only the books of sages". Light means.

Their minds are generally active, and while they secretly scold Harry for embarrassing the college, they are also dissatisfied with why he can get preferential treatment from Professor Flitwick; similarly, they often like to show off in class and can help the college get back a lot of points. Hermione, the hero of the movie, actually disapproved of it in private.

But even so, Harry still had to say that the students of the Eagle Academy were already doing just enough.

After all, they are just secretly thinking, not too superficial, but in contrast to them, the Gryffindor students are simply sour.

The Gripen and Lion Schools have to take three courses: Herbalism, History of Magic, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Among these courses, which mainly focus on identification and memory, the freshman from the Lion School is facing Hermione. none of them~

Coupled with the fact that Hermione was almost assigned to Gryffindor, this made many Lion House students even more angry.

This group of first-year lions resented Harry for cutting his beard halfway during the sorting ceremony, and at the same time looked down on Hermione's behavior of helping Ravenclaw to grab points with all his strength, so whenever Hermione was answering questions, there would always be something like that. A few bastards booed and booed.

The Lion House students even nicknamed Hermione Miss 'Know it All'.

Hehe, don't think that this is a compliment. You must know that in the English context, the meaning of "know-it-all" is someone who thinks he knows everything!

In short, among the students of the same grade in the Lion Academy, the only one Harry can look up to at present is Neville, who is gentle and honest, and Ron, who has only met once, is slightly better. .

As for Slytherin, Harry really doesn't have any conflicts with this house, it's just that Malfoy always likes to argue with him~

Of course, he only dared to speak up now, and he was beaten twice before and after. He already knew that Harry was a ruthless Malfoy, so he didn't dare to be particularly embarrassing now.

On Friday afternoon, Harry finally ushered in the class he was most interested in after entering school, Potions class.

Because he had worked in the same kind of work, Harry was very curious about the mechanism of action of potions, and he always wanted to see the actual effect of the medicinal materials described in the book, combined according to a specific formula.

So when other students kept complaining that Potions classes were cold because they were taught in the underground classroom, Harry's first thought was that the constant low temperature environment was conducive to better storage of specific samples, and a series of other A flood of theoretical concepts.

And those various animal specimens soaked in glass jars made him feel even more cordial.

Hmm, I just don't know if there is any part of dividing materials in Potions class. After all, Harry hasn't had a knife for so many years, and Harry really feels a little itchy~

By the way, Hufflepuff students are taking Potions with Ravenclaw, which is currently the only class that the two Houses of Eagle and Badger can take together.

For Harry, going to class with the students at Badger is by far the most depressing classroom experience.

Hufflepuff students are generally down-to-earth and low-key, and like to be kind to others. Although their attitude towards Harry is not very good, it is definitely not bad.

Hufflepuff is the most sympathetic house, compared to the other three houses, this is worthy of its name.

However, although the students are good, the teacher in this class is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Potter... no, Granger, are you using that crucible that is clearly out of specification, are you trying to impress the public?"

Severus Snape, the hook-nosed professor with a thin body, sallow complexion, and dressed like a bat, was examining Harry with gloomy eyes at the moment.

"Professor Snape, the cauldron Harry and I used was..."

"Miss Granger, I'm not asking you." Snape's voice was as cold as a Potions classroom, completely freezing what Hermione wanted to say.

"Harry Evans P. Granger, our new... big name."

Snape stared at Harry with empty, dark eyes, and when he said Harry's middle name, his hands trembled undetectably, and his originally smooth tone also faltered a bit.

"Because of the laissez-faire of other professors, you have gained a lot of privileges in this school, so you can ignore the rules and act recklessly... Granger, you may think this is very handsome, but I have to tell you that potion preparation is not the same as yours. It's completely different from the usual courses that can be easily passed by just waving a magic wand stupidly!"

(ps The nickname of Hermione's know-it-all first comes from Chapter 47 of "The Chamber of Secrets". Snape's evaluation of Hermione is "the unbearable know-it-all", and the other students are "everyone knows it at least once Hermione called it a know-it-all', and Ron said it was 'at least twice a week'. In addition, in other translations, the attitude of other students towards Hermione was simply translated as 'everyone scolded at least once Once Hermione knows it all'... So, it can be seen that the know-it-all is definitely a purely pejorative nickname.)

Chapter 41 Snape also needs to be popularized

Although he hated Harry's face, after learning his current full name, Snape originally didn't want to trouble Harry.

The Potions class also started off very smoothly. Snape didn't play tricks, and soon got to the main topic - potion configuration.

It's just that when Harry and Hermione put out the experimental equipment that was not up to standard in Snape's view at the same time, his face darkened instantly.

Sure enough, he is just like the guy he used to be, a jerk who always likes to show off...

"Professor Snape... I feel that I really need to discuss with you about the purpose of the experimental instruments in front of me and some details of the production of this potion today."

Facing Snape's intimidation, Harry slowly stood up and confronted him without fear.

The other party made it clear that they were here to find fault, and of course Harry couldn't afford to be polite to him, not to mention that the current problem had already involved Harry's previous life's major, so it was even more impossible to give in half a point!

Next, it's Science Popularization Time·Second Bomb! !

"First of all, the sensitivity of the balances sold in Wieseac's magic supply store can only barely be less than one tenth. However, the mechanical analytical balance used by Hermione and I can reach one thousandth of the sensitivity, which is completely ok. Accurately weighed to a mass of 0.001g! Therefore, we are already a hundred times more accurate than others in terms of weighing medicinal materials!"

"Hmm..." Snape's mouth twitched undetectably.

"Secondly, you instructed us that the medicine we are brewing is used to treat boils. Boils are acute suppurative inflammations of hair follicles and their deep surrounding tissues. Using slugs... or slugs can indeed be used for good treatment The effect. The treatment method you taught us is to put the slugs into water and boil them, the essence of which is to eliminate the pharmacological effects of animal protein denaturation in the slug fluid.”

"However, overcooking may also lead to the loss of the medicinal properties of the slug itself. Therefore, a more appropriate way to deal with it should be to wash the slug repeatedly, dry it in an evaporating dish, and finally grind it into powder with snake teeth, so as to maximize the Guarantee the full efficacy of the medicine!"

"Finally, let's talk about the cauldron you are most concerned about." Harry paused for a moment, and after giving Snape some time to digest his face, which was gradually sluggish, he continued, "The pewter cauldron required by the freshmen , it is true that the safety can be ensured by sacrificing the cooking speed, but the material of this kind of crucible is tin alloy, and the corrosion resistance of tin alloy is not particularly outstanding. The reason why we can add the last medicinal material—the porcupine thorn!"

"Because porcupine quills and the liquid medicine being boiled are both acidic, once they dissolve, they will mix with the liquid medicine to form a mixed acid with amazing corrosiveness. Melt through!!"


As soon as Harry finished speaking, a puff of miserable green smoke suddenly rose from a corner of the classroom, followed by a burst of screams.

Anthony Goldstein from Eagle Academy, the cauldron in front of him suddenly burst a big hole for some reason!

A large puddle of thick potion was poured down, and the whole classroom was filled with a pungent smell, and Goldstein's legs and feet were gradually covered with red and swollen boils.

"It seems that there have been some unlucky ones who failed for the sake of convenience~" Harry raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face.


Snape waved his wand sullenly, and wiped away the potion that was spilled on the ground, but ignored Goldstein who was wailing beside him.

"Professor Snape, although the accident just now was caused by Goldstein's cleverness and improper operation, the real cause of the accident was the limitation of the material of the pewter crucible itself."

While speaking, Harry lifted the lid of his cauldron, and threw all the porcupine quills that had been processed into it!

"However, Hermione and I's graphite crucible is made of natural graphite flakes. It not only has excellent corrosion resistance, but also can withstand high temperatures exceeding [-] degrees! Using it to brew potions can completely Omit the step of leaving the fire in the middle, without worrying about any danger!!"

Snape looked down at the crucible in front of him, and found that things were exactly as Harry said, the light green liquid was boiling and rolling in the graphite crucible, but the inner wall of the crucible did not change at all!

And because the heating was not interrupted during the cooking process, the heat control of this potion is also perfect.

At this very moment, the light blue potion was forming in Harry's cauldron at an extremely fast speed!

When the materials in the crucible were finally boiled into a light blue transparent liquid, Snape finally couldn't help but nodded slightly.

He knew that Harry's potion had been brewed successfully, and the degree of completion was even better than that of many senior students!

"That idiot just now, you should be glad that Granger managed to brew the potion!" Snape turned around and shouted with a cold face.

He tapped Harry's potion with his wand, and the slightly boiling potion began to cool down rapidly, and at the same time, a puff of pale pink smoke that seemed real and unreal suddenly rose from above the potion.

Seeing this, Harry's mind moved slightly. He felt that Snape's last slap represented the essential difference between potions and ordinary potions!

Potions, like ordinary medicines, are the product of various medicinal materials combined according to the laws of the monarch, ministers and envoys, but because they are infused with magic power, they have some special properties that are different from ordinary medicines.

"Give that idiot the potion Granger brewed, he doesn't need to go to the hospital with his injuries!"

Hearing Snape's order, two of Goldstein's roommates rushed forward, and after obtaining Harry's consent, they carefully took some potion from a glass bottle.

The effect was very good, almost as soon as Goldstein blew on a bottle of boil potion, the redness and swelling on his body gradually disappeared.

"Because of Mr. Granger's wonderful performance, Ravenclaw will be awarded five points!" Snape announced gloomyly that he was rewarding Harry, but his eyes were still aggressive, "Mr. Isn't it good... In front of the public, such a flamboyant contradicting professor, showing off his talent in such an infamous way?"

"On the contrary!" Harry shook his head noncommittally, "I thought that potions should be a subject of life that brings together countless knowledge and at the same time has a spirit of exploration! But so far in this class, what I have seen is Just a professor full of prejudice, and a stubborn attitude that refuses to accept new things!"

"Granger...do you know what you're talking about?" Snape's dark pupils gradually narrowed into needles.

"Of course I know, because I'm talking about you, Professor Snape!" Harry retorted unceremoniously.

Anyway, he was sure that Snape couldn't do anything to him, and the matter involved a professional, so Harry would not weaken his momentum!

"You said I was showing off my talent, but I have to say, what I just showed was not talent at all, but... science!!"

(ps The part about the slug and the crucible has some scientific basis. As for the porcupine thorn, it is just deduced by Sanmiao based on the original text. You don’t need to take it seriously~)

Chapter 42 Absent Regrets Can't Be Conveyed

Science...shit science!

Snape almost got his nose twisted by Harry's anger. In his opinion, Harry was showing off his talent on purpose!

Did he think that he could successfully bluff himself by just talking about a bunch of things like 'sensitivity' and 'protein transition'?

But stop kidding!

Isn't the reason why he can be so arrogant in class because he inherited Lily's good talent in the field of potions? !


Suddenly remembering the name of the old man, a certain part of Snape's heart softened unconsciously.

At the same time, his gaze towards Harry gradually softened a lot.

I have to say that apart from his pleasing eyes, this kid also has some merits in his name.

There is more pleasing Evans, and the annoying Porter only has a P!

I really want to add [-] points to Ravenclaw~

"Great, Mr. Granger...you are great~" Snape hovered in front of Harry like a bat, "It seems that our Mr. Granger really has a deep understanding of Potions. It’s already so ambitious that even my professor doesn’t pay attention to it! So... the content of "A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms" is no longer difficult for you, so can you answer... If I ask you to find A piece of bezoar, where should I find it?"

Although he saw the 'only' a little bit of light in Harry, Snape would not let him go easily for this reason.

This little bastard definitely inherited the personality of the bastard Potter. He dared to contradict the professor with a little cleverness in the first class. If he is not strictly disciplined, he will be in trouble in the future?

"Oh...you should look for it in the goat's stomach, okay?" Harry sighed and gave the answer.

Cut, the words are so high-sounding, but in the end, because you feel that you will lose face if you don't get off stage, you just throw out questions to make things difficult for yourself?

But Harry was not afraid of it at all. He memorized the whole book on the third day after he got it, and even made a series of corrections and annotations~

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