A Broader World (Harry Potter/DC Universe)

Chapter 30: Raven

It was like an itch, constantly scratching at the back of his head. He’d never realized how hard it would be until it was happening to him. And yet, as Harry makes his way into the kitchen of Titans Tower, he has to admit… he’s really starting to miss his magic.
Oh, don’t get him wrong… he’d greatly enjoyed the last few weeks of living with the Titans. Training with them too. Physically, Harry felt stronger than he’d ever been before. And with the food on hand, he’d been filling out and sprouting upwards like no one’s business. It was only a couple of inches in extra height so far, but even that alone was kind of awesome. On top of that, his shoulders had broadened and he had actual muscles now.
He wasn’t some bodybuilder or anything like that. He couldn’t compare to the physique of someone like say, Superman. But he had a surprisingly easy time building up his body’s physical stature. Even with his magic locked away by Zatanna’s bracelet, Harry had to wonder if he’d been benefitting somehow from his true nature.
Was it possible that a wizard like him had more potential than your ordinary human? Or was it simply his circumstances that were truly extraordinary? After all, he’d been thrown into a training regimen designed by a bonafide group of superheroes. Was it at all surprising that they’d not only ran him ragged, but also made him more athletic than any wizard or witch that Harry had known in his entire life?
Unfortunately, that didn’t solve his problem. Namely, the fact that not using his magic was beginning to give him hives. Not literally, mind… but the itch was there. Maybe only in his mind, but it was there and it wasn’t going away.
Harry didn’t know what else to do other than try and ignore it though. As he opens the refrigerator and starts considering what he wants to make for breakfast, he frowns and his eyes instead drift down to the bracelet blocking his magic. Technically, he’s not a prisoner or anything like that. He can take off the bracelet at any time. However, if he uses his magic, he only hastens his own demise.
There’s still every chance that his girls will get back to him with answers that can solve his current predicament. It hasn’t been nearly long enough for him to give up hope. And yet… fuck, he feels like some sort of drug addict. Like he’s an alcoholic trying to go cold turkey, and hitting his first road blocks to sobriety.
It’s not the same thing. Harry isn’t sure what he would do if he had to go ‘sober’ for the rest of his life from his own damn magic. But still, the temptation is growing by the day and-
“Beast Boy, what have I told you about leaving the refrigerator door open?”
The sudden apathetic and altogether feminine drawl from the other side of the open fridge door makes Harry blink, taking him out of his inner thoughts. Feeling appropriately chastened but also far more curious, Harry closes the refrigerator, bringing him face to face with one of the only female Titans that he hasn’t gotten the chance to meet yet.
“Hey there. Sorry about that, I got lost in my own head.”
Raven’s eyes widen from where they’re peeking out under her blue hood, the floating grey-skinned half-demon clearly caught off guard by his presence. She’d wandered into the kitchen in a stupor just like he did more than likely, and accidentally mistaken him for someone else based off of their bad habits. Harry probably should have felt more chagrined, but honestly… he was too interested in Raven to spend too much time thinking about it.
After all, Raven was the Titans’ primary spellcaster. She was a witch of some sort, Harry had to imagine. A magic-user. Oh, and half-demon. He’d been told some things about her by the other Titans. Nothing too invasive, just enough so he had a pretty good idea of who she was. He also had a pretty good idea of WHY this was their first time meeting, and why she seemed to have been avoiding him up until this point.
“I’m Harry. Pleasure to meet you…”
He trails off, giving her a chance to introduce herself. Which, to her credit, she does after finally jolting out of her shocked state and frowning slightly.
“… Raven. Sorry, I didn’t know you were in here. Otherwise I would have-!”
“Continued avoiding me?”
Raven’s frown intensifies at that, and she finally floats down to the ground, ending her magic-assisted flight at long last. As she does so, he takes a moment to look at her… to REALLY look her over. After all, while he’s seen her from afar once or twice, this is his first chance to really get a good look at her.
She’s cute is his first impression. She hides it under that blue cloak of hers, but the leotard she’s wearing doesn’t do much to hide her exquisitely long, grey legs or her feminine hips. She also has a pretty face, for all that she tries to hide it under her hood as much as possible.
“No. I was going to say I wouldn’t have shown off my magic in such a blatant way. I understand that your current circumstances probably make it hard to be around other magic users at the moment. Having a part of yourself locked away… is difficult.”
Harry takes that in, as well as the look in Raven’s eyes. You know… he thinks she truly does understand. That’s kind of rare. And pretty nice of her. So she’d been avoiding him all this time, not because she hated him or feared him or distrusted him… but out of pity for his circumstances. Heh, Harry had to admit, he wasn’t used to being pitied. It was kind of a strange feeling.
“Well, I appreciate the thought, but you don’t need to worry about hurting my feelings. As much as it sucks to be without my magic, I would never begrudge you yours in comparison. Besides… I was thinking about taking the bracelet off for the day, just to scratch the itch.”
… He was sort of lying to Raven here. In a roundabout way. Because… he hadn’t actually been thinking about scratching the itch in the back of his mind until Raven had shown up and thrown her magic in his face. So even though he’d just said he would never begrudge her the magic she held within her… he had just made this decision purely based on his one single interaction with her. But then, she didn’t need to know that.
Of course, her eyes go wide all the same, and she becomes the most emotive he’s seen so far.
“What? You can’t do that. It’ll kill you, won’t it?”
Harry throws the half-demon witch a carefree sort of grin at that.
“We’re all dying, Raven. No helping that. It won’t kill me today, no. It’ll kill me several decades down the road, based on how much it’s cut my natural lifespan short. But hey, my people live into our hundreds, so who can say how long my lifespan will truly be, one way or the other? A little bit of magic won’t mean much, one way or another.”
Raven’s eyes narrow at his cavalier explanation, and Harry can tell she’s really not buying it. So he decides to throw her a bone, so to speak.
“Hey, how about I stick with you, yeah? We’ll practice magic together. What do you normally do, in that regard?”
Lips pressing tightly together, it’s obvious Raven’s first inclination is to say no. She’s a total introvert, Harry quickly recognizes. Whether that’s by nature or by nurture is impossible for him to say without more information. But the fact is, she’s an introvert who probably hasn’t ever ‘practiced’ magic with another person in her entire life. If he had to guess, she spends all her time in her room, training her magic on her lonesome.
However, Raven… is also a hero, even if she might deny the label if someone called her one. But it was true. She was a hero, and she had a hero’s self-sacrificing mentality. She had a conscience, one that wouldn’t allow her to just let him practice his magic unsupervised and without restrictions, not when she knew it would quite literally be slowly killing him to do so.
“… I meditate. You may join me, on the condition that you only take that bracelet off for an hour at most. Then, you must put it back on. Am I understood?”
Part of Harry wants to chuckle at her dictating terms to him. Part of him wants to snap a salute and say ‘Yes Ma’am’. Raven gives off… interesting vibes compared to all of the other women he’s been with. He honestly can’t tell whether she’s a top, a bottom, or somewhere in between. But that’s probably because she herself doesn’t know, isn’t it? Rather… she doesn’t seem like the type to have been able to engage in much in the way of carnal delights. She’s quite… monotone, isn’t she? And that feels like it’s by design.
Putting aside his curiosity regarding that however, Harry gives Raven an amicable nod, smiling as he readily agrees to her terms.
“Sounds good to me. An hour of meditation. Sounds like… a pleasure.”
Truth be told, meditation is not what Harry would normally want to do when it came to practicing magic. However, it wasn’t like he’d be able to do much beyond that, even after he took the bracelet off. Because… as much as he wasn’t a prisoner, and as much as Zatanna had no intention of locking Harry off from his magic without him having a say in things… they’d still taken certain precautions.
Yes, Harry could remove the bracelet at any time he wanted. However, in return, he’d handed over his wand to Zatanna, leaving him without a magical focus through which to cast his magic in the first place. This limited him to only wandless magic, which Harry was… okay at, but not incredibly good at, especially not without the Dark Potion to augment his power.
That was fine though. Meditation was… fine. Anything to scratch the itch at this point. Anything to be able to take the bracelet off and greet his magic like an old friend.
Judging by the dry look Raven gives him, she’s not so convinced by Harry’s words. However, she nevertheless moves from the kitchen into the Titans’ living space, striding past the couches as she pulls back her hood and reveals dark purple hair. Harry follows after her, and when she turns to face him, he can’t help but enjoy the unobstructed view of her face. She’s just as beautiful as his glimpses up to this point made her seem, plus there’s an interesting red gemstone in the middle of her forehead, glittering and gleaming in the room’s artificial light.
Giving him a single, stoic nod, the half-demon witch floats back up into the air again, taking up a cross-legged pose. Doing so reveals even more of her gorgeous body from under her blue cloak as it’s pushed to the side, but Harry does his best not to stare. Her skintight dark blue leotard leaves almost nothing to the imagination, while the gold belt and its dark red gemstones don’t seem to actually do anything but hang off her hips in a way that’s designed to draw the eye down to her crotch.
Her eyes drifting shut, her wrists touching her knees as her fingers press together, it’s obvious she’s meditating now, especially as a small aura of dark power begins wafting off of her. Harry stares at it hungrily for a moment before realizing he’s staring at her magic like he wants to fuck IT instead of her. Yeah… he might have a problem.
But then, that was what today was going to be about alleviating. Sitting down on the crouch cross-legged as well just across from the floating Titan, Harry reaches for his wrist and after one last moment of hesitation… he takes off Zatanna’s bracelet. He half-expects the American witch to pop into view a moment after to yell at him for daring to do so… but no. There’s no indication that Zatanna knows he’s removed the bracelet, at least not immediately.
Setting it aside, Harry lets out a slow breath as he feels his magic starting to well up from within him. Held back and restrained for weeks now, it finally begins to flow freely. Of course, even as good as that feels, Harry knows it’s also bad. He knows he’s quite literally killing himself by inches here, doing this. Still… the euphoria he feels from just being able to touch his magic again is amazing.
That said, he only has an hour. He fully expects Raven to hold him to that, and so he settles in to get something DONE with his magic in that time. Sure, he could spend the entire hour just playing around… but what would be the point of that? He would only have wasted more of his remaining lifespan on nothing at all. Instead… he might as well turn a shorter life into something worthwhile.
Focusing inward, Harry grapples with his magic, forcing it to reshape how he wants internally. He also checks on a couple things… and has his suspicions confirmed. He is a wizard. This isn’t just a classification or a title… it’s literally a subspecies of humanity. Wizards and witches are born with magic, while the VAST majority of humankind are not. They aren’t JUST born with magic however… they’re also structurally different, in order to process magic.
So yes, while the training regimen that Harry had been going through since he ended up in Titans Tower was hellish and clearly designed to turn normal people into world-class vigilantes, or keep said world-class vigilantes at their prime and able to hold their own against metahumans… Harry’s very own biology was also giving him a leg up on the competition.

Even without magic, his body was more susceptible to the training methods that the Titans had used on him than your average human would be. It had soaked up all of the abuse like a sponge, turning it into something worthwhile. And Harry… Harry could see how he could expand on that. How he could improve even further, even after the bracelet was back on.
Meditation, it turned out… really was the best possible use of his time with his magic, Harry is surprised to discover.
Breathing in and then out… Harry slowly begins cycling his magic through his body. It takes a little while to do what he wants it to do, but eventually, he’s got a good thing going. Namely, by spreading his restrained magic out through his new physicality, he’s supercharging his gains and increasing what he might manage in the future.
After all, it wasn’t like he had anything better to do here in the Tower, so he might as well keep up his exercising and training, right? And if he was going to continue putting himself through that hellish regimen… then he might as well get something from it too. What he’s doing now would make sure of that. He was essentially putting down the foundation to become even stronger. He might even go beyond human potential, even with his magic once more restrained.
As the minutes pass by, as Harry cycles his magic through his body, he continues to breathe in and out. It’s not really meditation, but it probably looks like it from the outside. He does find himself wondering what Raven thinks, but he’s too focused on his internals at the moment to really pay her any mind. As such… he’s a little caught off guard when she finally decides to ‘comment’.
What are you doing?
Her ‘tone’ if it can be called that is perfectly cordial to be fair. But Harry isn’t expecting to hear her voice in his head. He startles badly… and reacts quite swiftly. You see, nothing good has ever come from having others in his head. First there was his connection to Voldemort… and then there was how Dumbledore had tried to solve that, namely by having Snape attack his mind night after night for hours at a time.
Raven’s own telepathic probe is in no way an attack… but Harry doesn’t recognize that, not at first. Instead, he snarls and reaches out with his magic almost instinctively. And though he doesn’t have a wand, it leaps to his call, having languished in disuse for weeks now.
Harry’s emerald eyes fly open just in time to realize what he’s done, as he wandlessly and wordlessly casts Incarcerous and magical rope spins itself into existence around Raven, binding her in an instant. The restraints take the form of complex rope bondage purely by accident, drawing on Harry’s subconscious. Raven ends up with her arms pulled behind her back and her breasts tightly squeezed within her leotard. Her legs are bound at the knee, specifically at the thigh and shin so that her movement is completely restricted.
Immediately, he feels bad… however, Raven hasn’t even properly noticed her bound state just yet. No, she’s still in her mind… and judging by the red spreading across her grey face and the way her jaw is dropping open, she’s been distracted by his most recent memories. Namely, those of the sexual escapades he’s recently had with her teammates and the Birds of Prey.
Harry flushes and pushes with all his might, his magic once again responding instinctively to him. A moment later, Raven’s head rocks back as she’s thrown out of his mind. Then, time stops being so damn slow, and they both catch up with what’s happened and the things they’ve done.
Immediately, Harry pulls the ropes back, unbinding Raven in an instant. He had no intention of… well, no. He would happily fuck her if that’s what she wanted, but he didn’t think that was what she wanted. The girl was the least emotional person he’d ever met, he wasn’t even sure if Raven HAD a sex drive.
Dropping to the floor on her ass, Raven looks at him with wide eyes for a moment… before shaking her head.
“N-No… it is I who must apologize. I did not…”
She trails off, clearly still… struggling to clear her mind of the memories she’d purloined from his head. The images of her teammates getting wrecked on his cock and begging for more are probably putting her through the ringer. Harry flushes and clears his throat.
“Still, my reaction was… somewhat over the top. I didn’t… well, suffice to say, I have bad experiences with telepaths I guess. So yeah… sorry.”
And with that, feeling more self-conscious than he has in a long time, Harry grabs up his bracelet and snaps it back onto his wrist, locking away his magic once more even though he’s only had it off for a half-hour. Then, he gets to his feet and flees the room as fast as humanly possible.
As it turns out, he does so right on time, because the moment he steps out into the hall, he runs into an unexpected face.
For a moment, Harry freezes like a deer caught in headlights as Zatanna Zatara beams at him. Briefly, he assumes she’s here because he removed the bracelet, and he tenses in preparation for her ire. However, that doesn’t explain why she’s smiling so brightly. In fact, the American witch doesn’t even look at his bracelet. She just grabs him by the hand and begins pulling him along.
“We just got back from treating with Morgaine le Fay. I have a lot to tell you about! C’mon!”
As the American witch drags him towards his room, Harry lets her, still reeling somewhat. But at least Zatanna and that lustful look she’d given him are more familiar territory. He can… handle this much at least. It’ll help him take his mind off of Raven, no doubt…
Even as Harry is having his mind taken off of Raven, Raven finds it impossible to take her mind off of him. She knew it was a bad idea. She knew she should just let it be… but the truth was, she couldn’t stay away. Oh, the half-demon dressed it up in her own head in a way that allowed her to justify her actions. She was only doing this because she HAD to. Because… because Harry Potter was dangerous. Yes, that was why she was spying on him and Zatanna.
For you see, while Raven hadn’t MEANT to uncover the truth about Harry, that didn’t change the fact that she had. All she’d wanted was to get a better idea of what he was doing with his magic. The way he’d been cycling it internally within his body had seemed rather interesting. However, when she’d tried to take a peek into his mind to get an idea of what he was thinking, she’d gotten more than she bargained for. Much more.
Harry James Potter… was a predator. He was a veritable wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’d fucked pretty much every single one of her female teammates at this point. Almost all of them in fact. And then some. The Birds of Prey… well, she wasn’t as close to all of them, but she knew OF them. She knew they were all stalwart heroines and defenders of justice in their own rights.
And yet… and yet, when they got with Harry, they became such l-lewd, unrecognizable woman. So did her teammates. It was just… incredibly hard for Raven to wrap her head around. Especially when the things she’d seen in Harry’s mind came with the most powerful taste of lust that Raven had EVER experienced before.
She should have gone straight to her room and sequestered herself until she could purge her mind of what she’d seen and how it was making her feel. That would have been the safe option. Instead… instead she was here, hovering just above Harry Potter’s quarters and using her magic to peer through the ceiling into the room below… where Zatanna was spending a lot less time ‘talking’ then she probably should have.
“Yes! HARDER! Nnngh, fuck me, Harry! Fuck me harder! FUCK YES, I LOVE YOUR BIG FAT COCK!”
… Raven had always admired Zatanna. She didn’t really see the older spellcaster as a mentor necessarily. They weren’t that close. But she respected and admired Zatanna Zatara as the undisputed Mistress of Magic that she undeniably was. However, right now there was no sign of that normally proud woman that Raven had thought she knew. Instead, Zatanna is on her hands and knees on Harry’s bed, squealing up a storm and creaming herself again and again on Harry’s cock as he fucks her from behind.
The green-eyed, black-haired man is unrelenting as he fucks her. He’s in his element, in fact. Looking completely at ease, he just grins and chuckles as he spanks Zatanna’s ass with one hand while pulling her hair back with his other.
“You like that, Zatanna? Who am I kidding… of course you do~”
He all but coos at her, so readily and easily taking the position of control and dominant. And Zatanna? Zatanna gives it to him. She lets him fuck her. She begs him to plow her silly, to make her his bitch. Raven’s heart pounds harshly in her chest as she watches all of this. She struggles against her own urges, wholly demonic in nature, even as she watches the Mistress of Magic slavishly beg and scream and squeal like… like a stuck p-pig.
It's overwhelming. It’s painful, even. Raven can’t be in contact with such STRONG emotions. She normally hates it in fact. And yet here she is, unable to look away. Forcing herself to watch for… for some reason that even she doesn’t know.
Down in the room beneath her, Harry groans as he fists Zatanna’s hair and forces her spine to arch. In response, Zatanna moans quite throatily, her pussy walls no doubt flexing and clenching around his cock. Until finally, he spills his essence inside of her. The spike of arousal from Zatanna Zatara as she creams herself yet again is like a damn ice pick taken right to Raven’s brain meats. And yet… her pussy clenches at the same time, for all that she’s giving herself a migraine.
And then… much to Raven’s shock, something else happens. Or rather, some-ONE else happens.
The unfamiliar blonde girl who comes skipping into Harry’s guest quarters doesn’t bother with knocking or anything like that. One moment, Harry is leaning over Zatanna who is panting on the bed while feeling like she’s ready to go another round. The next? The next, there’s a blonde who’s entered the room and distracted both of them.
“Luna, what… what are you doing?”
The now-named Luna skips forward and beams at both of them… before looking at the ceiling. Raven freezes for a moment, because it looks like the blonde is staring right at her. However, that can’t possibly be true, can it? No, more than that… there’s this somewhat empty-look in the blonde’s eyes. As if she’s not all there. She doesn’t see Raven. She can’t see Raven. It’s not p-possible.
“Saving the world~”
Even Luna’s voice is somewhat daydreamy and whimsical. She lowers her gaze from the ceiling to Harry and Zatanna again, watching them both as they disentangle themselves to peer curiously at her.
“Saving the world? Luna, what does that mean?”
Rather than answer with words, the diminutive blonde moves forward, crawling onto the bed past Harry and somewhat unceremoniously sticks three fingers right into Zatanna’s twat. Raven’s eyes go wide at this, even as Zatanna squeals at the unexpected intrusion. Of course, with Harry’s sizable member having been in her before, it’s not like Luna is stretching her out too much as she scoops Harry’s cum out upon her fingers.
“You both need to take more precautions when you have sex. You’re letting the nargles run rampant. Normally, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Nargle infestations CAN be bad, but they usually go away on their own, given enough time. However, this is a bad place to let nargles go crazy. They might wake up something much worse.”
Nargles? What is this girl talking about? Raven can only watch on, as Luna flips Zatanna over onto her front and begins using Harry’s cum to… draw on the other woman?! She’s literally drawing circles all over Zatanna’s front, leaving the older witch to moan a little bit as Luna touches her in some sensitive areas. But to the shock of all three watchers, Luna’s efforts bear fruit. Harry’s cum glows… and then flashes as Zatanna shudders.
A moment later, and something happens. Raven doesn’t know how to describe it, only that… it’s quite nice? That’s not good, is her first reaction. Nothing nice is every good, not where she’s concerned. She’s not allowed to have nice things. She’s not even allowed to have emotions. And yet… and yet, the pain that’s been blanketing her thoughts slowly begins to recede. She’s still able to sense Zatanna’s arousal, but it’s somewhat muted now.
“There we go. The nargles have been suppressed now. Please Harry, I would very much like your penis in my vagina now, if that’s alright.”
Looking as bewildered as Raven feels, Harry just shakes his head after a moment and lets out a soft chuckle.
“Sure, Luna… but you’re slightly over-dressed for it.”
Luna smiles and nods and vanishes her clothes a moment later. The pixie-like blonde then leans forward and places a hand on Harry’s chest, slowly guiding the still-bewildered wizard down onto his back. He watches her curiously, even as Luna climbs on top of him.
“I think it’s best if we take things more slowly, Harry. Otherwise, you might wake it up even with the nargles suppressed.”
At that, Luna impales herself upon Harry’s cock. As she does so, as she slides down his length, her head tilts back and Raven freezes again. Those eyes… the eyes that Raven had initially assumed were empty and vapid… they’re staring right at her. And this time… this time Raven isn’t so sure that she can pretend she’s not being seen.
Somehow, Luna knows she’s there. Somehow, Luna knows some of Raven’s circumstances. Raven might not know what the fuck nargles are… but she can guess what the ‘something worse’ is. SHE is the something worse that Luna wants to avoid waking up.
Whatever the blonde has done, it’s muted the pain. Raven flushes, as Luna slowly begins to ride Harry right there on the spot. Even knowing that they have an audience, the blonde doesn’t seem to care. She moans, even as she slides up and down Harry’s cock at her own pace.
Emerald eyes flashing, it certainly looks like Harry is tempted to grab Luna by the hips and start pounding up into her from below… but he holds back. He could do it easily, of course. He HAS done it before; Raven knows that from what she saw in his mind. But he holds back all the same. He restrains himself.
… Does he even know how much of a wolf he truly is? Does he know the darkness that lurks within him? Raven bites her lower lip… and realizes with a start that her hands have descended betwixt her thighs. She blushes at the realization that she’s pulled the crotch of her leotard aside and exposed her cunt to her fingers. She’s playing with herself… and yet, the end of the world hasn’t come. She’s masturbating and the apocalypse hasn’t started.
It’s all thanks to the blonde. To this ‘Luna’. Raven stares down at Luna in wonder, even as the other girl stares up at her through the ceiling, a dreamy smile on her face. Vapid though the young witch might look… she’s anything but. Instead, she sees more than Raven could ever imagine. Harry clearly doesn’t realize that… but from the way Zatanna is laying back and watching the exchange, she knows something about Luna. She knows some of what the girl is capable of.
Luckily, she hasn’t read between the lines or realized that Luna’s constant looks up at the ceiling are anything to worry about. Luna could definitely have exposed Raven, but she’s choosing not to. She’s choosing to be kind… more than kind, she’s giving Raven more freedom than she’s had in a long, long time.
Raven isn’t sure how to feel about that. It feels like a trap, in all honesty. It feels like she’s being set-up, only to have the rug pulled out from under her. And yet, for all that she knows Harry is dangerous, it’s clear he’s ignorant of just what the blonde currently bouncing up and down on his cock can do. Just as he’s ignorant of the voyeur he has watching him right this moment.
Blushing profusely, Raven nevertheless can’t help but take advantage of the moment for what it is. Her fingers dance across her slit, and she fingers herself towards a climax she never thought she would get to have. Whatever Luna had done… it was working for now at least. As for what happened when Luna’s magic wore off… well, Raven would be forced to cross that bridge when she got to it, she supposed…
Luna Lovegood was as incomprehensible as ever; Harry couldn’t help but think. On the one hand, Luna had always been somewhat flighty and a little bit dreamy. Or as Ron would have put it, absolutely barmy. But Harry had never subscribed to the idea of ‘Looney Lovegood’. Even if Luna wasn’t like everyone else, she was still interesting. He’d always liked how unique she was.
That all said… he wasn’t sure what she’d been going on about before impaling herself on his cock. All that talk about nargles and ‘something worse’ had left him more than a little confused. And yet… and yet, whatever she’d used his cum to do with Zatanna had actually produced a noticeable, tangible effect. As Luna slowly rides Harry, taking her time and keeping things almost gentle and calm in how she fucks herself upon his cock, Harry glances over at the American witch in question.
They’d talked for a few short minutes upon moving things to his room. Zatanna had told him all about Morgaine le Fay while also stripping naked right in front of him, and then stripping HIM naked as well. Then, she’d all but demanded he fuck her… and Harry had gone ahead and done exactly that.
Now, he was fucking Luna… and more than a little baffled. Luckily, Zatanna had some answers for him.
“Your friend is a natural caster of ancient, forgotten magics Harry. Specifically, ritual magics that went out of fashion in your little cut-off community when wands were first invented. Once you lot had wands to do all of the casting and make spells instant, you barely needed rituals anymore… so they fell to the wayside. But Luna here… Luna seems to know them automatically. It’s almost as though she’s befriended Magic itself.”
… Well now, that was interesting. Harry takes this all in, processing Zatanna’s words. Only, then Luna pipes up, forcing him to look up at her.
“I believe it was thanks to my mother.”
The chirpy way Luna speaks and the tender smile on her lips are belied by the unfathomable sadness in her eyes. Harry can only stare, having never seen the blonde so… aggrieved before. And yet, even as upset as she’s suddenly made herself, she’s still smiling somewhat fondly. She’s also still bouncing up and down on his cock, her slick wet insides tightly gripping along his length.
“Mama was… a researcher. She liked magic. She liked it so much that it took her away from Papa and me. But… like mama always said, something taken away must be replaced. Magic… took away mama but gave me something in return.”
Luna falls silent a moment later, and it’s clear she’s not going to talk about it anymore. Not that she needs to. Her confession, as short as it was, has already given both Harry and Zatanna a LOT to think about. Especially since they could both read between the lines and register the things Luna wasn’t saying alongside what she was saying.
Like for instance, the fact that Luna’s mother had clearly been killed in some sort of accident… and that Luna had likely been front and center for it. As well, there was the unspoken truth that Luna hadn’t voiced out loud… that she would much rather have her mother back, then to have whatever ‘gift’ she’d gotten in return from the accident.
Zatanna looks stricken, even as Harry, overcome with emotion, reaches up and grabs Luna, pulling her down to his chest. She doesn’t cry. She doesn’t shed a single tear. But she does snuggle in close, her movements atop his body slowing even further as she goes from riding him at a languid pace to barely sliding up and down his cock.
Harry doesn’t mind though. He just holds her and chooses to be there for her, even as his mind whirls with… everything. After what had happened between him and the Birds of Prey, and then him, Cassie, and Starfire, Harry had honestly been expecting a rather quiet morning in comparison. Instead, in very short order he’s found himself meeting Raven, getting into a meditation session with the half-demon witch, getting accosted by Zatanna… and now finding out some of Luna’s past.
It explained a lot about the blonde, but at the same time… well, it left Harry wondering exactly how far Luna’s gift extended. She could do instinctive ritual magic… but did that mean all of the things she claimed to see and interact with were real after all, or were they all just in her head?
Sighing, Harry looks over at Zatanna as Luna actually begins drifting off while still impaled on his cock.
“Alright. I’d say I’ve reached my limit for bullshit for the day, but let’s be honest… someone like me doesn’t get to have limits. Tell me, Zatanna… what does Morgaine le Fay want with me?”
Zatanna gives an apologetic smile, even as she shoots Luna a tender look.
“She’s agreed to a meeting, Harry. Whatever else… I couldn’t say. We need to be very careful, and tread lightly… but you know as well as I that she might be your best bet of fixing this mess.”
Harry nods, even as his face twists up into a grimace. He knows Zatanna is right of course, but he doesn’t like it. Morgaine le Fay is… well, she was said to be the nemesis of Merlin himself. The man so legendary and so revered in the Wizarding World that they swore by him to this day. Merlin was a big fucking deal. Anyone who was his contemporary would therefore also be a big fucking deal, but Morgaine wasn’t just his contemporary, now was she? She was his enemy.
That made Harry incredibly leery of meeting with her… but even so, he was living on borrowed time and he damn well knew it. There wasn’t much he could do, not really. His options were incredibly limited, so in the end…
“Alright. I guess we should set it up. Get ready to go… get moving…”
Zatanna shoots him a sympathetic smile, clearly recognizing his recalcitrance for what it is and even understanding it. Of course, Harry makes no move to get up. Luna remains on his chest, all but passed out as her hips make cute little unconscious gyrations upon his cock.
“… Of course, it would be bad to disturb Luna. So maybe we go tomorrow. First thing in the morning.”
Zatanna smirks at that, before shrugging her shoulders expressively.
“You’re not wrong. It would be so very rude to not let Luna get some much needed rest. She’s been a big help so far. She might be a big help yet.”
Harry nods seriously, and lays back with a sigh, more than happy to let Luna Lovegood be his excuse for why he’s not going right this moment to meet with a legendary villainess like le Fay. He’d have to get off his ass and do something eventually… but he could spare another day, right?


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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