7th Demon Prince Jilbagias' Chronicle of Demon Kingdom Toppling

Chapter 90: Abnormality And Decision

Chapter 90: Abnormality And Decision

Abnormality And Decision

Recently, Jilbagias' state was a bit off.

Lyla wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Jilbagias who read the book by window side would suddenly gaze at the spectacle outside of the window.

He looked at the horizon and yet, his mind seemed to be thinking about something else.

It hadn't been that Long since Lyla had known Jilbagias, alas, even she noticed his abnormal condition.

While it wasn't unusual for Jilbagias to suddenly worry or ponder about something, it usually resolved within a matter of minutes.

Being absentminded without doing anything was an unusual situation for him Said Vigne and Sofia who had been looking after him since he was a child Wait a minute, he's still a child, right?

He started showing this Strange habit a few days ago after he was invited to the undead's base.

This is just a possibility but, could it be that the reason for his abnormal state is because some sort of necromancy was used on his mind? That or those undead might have done something to him?

Archduchess Platyfia was worrying about her son.

Alas, that notion was denied by Jilbagias' contracted devil, Ante and Sofia who escorted him.

No one can meddle with his soul due to my influence, and there is nothing strange with his mind either. I can vouch for that.

I've been keeping watch most of the time too but, I don't see suspicious movement like some sort of curse used on him.

Sofia left her seat for a while to see the book collection of the Lich alas, since Ante had always been inside Jilbagias, she reassured everyone that no mind interference or curse was used on Jilbagias.

Since you're in his soul, you should know what he is thinking about right?

Platyfia tried to ask about what Jilbagias was thinking about right now alas, Ante countered with My contractor is my top priority.

Thus, they had no choice but to wait until Jilbagias himself told them. Platyfia wanted an explanation from her wise son like usual.

There's one or two things that I can't tell you, Dear Mother.

And Jilbagias was strangely secretive even to his mother.

I'll tell you after I sorted out my feelings, so don't worry about me for now.

He looks like someone desperate.

Though Platyfia respected her son's decision and backed off for now, the situation didn't change even after one week had elapsed.

Rather than improving, he became more and more depressed.

Strangely enough, though Jilbagias had always been absent-minded during his study, he was completely focused even more than usual during his training.

The usual him was already stoic enough considering his age but, the current Jilbagias was completely focused on blood-stained training to the bitter end.

Lately, he challenged Platyfia with a menacing look on his face to the point of putting pressure on her.

My body might have stiffened on the spot if he glared at me with those eyes. Said the timid Lyla, which was pretty convincing since she hadn't dared to look at him during the training for the last week.

You must be enjoying it.

Platyfia seems to be delighted by this development. A five-year-old boy could overwhelm the archduchess, and his mother to boot with his spirit alone.

Moreover, he even started to overcome magical interference such as hexing pain with sheer willpower. Jilbagias' combat prowess which was already high to begin with, started to grow explosively surpassing that of a demon race warrior.

And yet, that looks more like an escapism, his attempt to forget his pain and suffering to completely discard worthless things in his body.

Calling it single-minded pursuit was too horrible, and sorrowful.

There was a glint of fierceness and madness in his eyes when he lunged forward with his spear aimed at his own mother.

And it was really strange for the conversation between mother and son to be covered by a soundproof barrier.

Alas, once the short conversation had ended, Platyfia left the barrier with a dumbfounded look on her face. She didn't even respond when her aide called out to her, as if she got infected by Jilbagias' new antic.

In the end What was that?

That's me~ow

When Lyla tried to ask Garounya for an explanation in the bathroom, the latter looked around as if making sure that no one was around them first before whispering to the former.

Meow only hears this from hearsay but, I do have the basics for this.


Young Master, might have got smitten by undead.


Even Lyla was really dumbfounded upon hearing a completely unexpected answer.

According to the story.

He was introduced to Enma's subordinate.

He felt as if his entire world turned pure white the moment he saw her.

His soul was shaken to the core, he felt as if this wasn't their first meeting.

Before he noticed, he ended up always thinking about her and couldn't focus on anything else.

Since he never had this kind of experience, he ended up wondering if this is the so-called first love.

That was what Jilbagias said to Platyfia.

That's why even Master himself is bewildered by this fact meow.


Naturally, even His Highness himself realized that it really couldn't be helped that his first love is an undead, that's why he tried to sort out his feelings, and completely focused on his combat training as if trying to forget that.

"That was" Lyla thought.

"The reason why even madam looks dumbfounded"

She could understand Jilbagias' Abnormal Situation to some extent. Even if he didn't tell his mother about this, the latter would eventually notice what was happening.

Since Garounya was aware of this matter, it was only natural for Jilbagias' subordinate and his attendant to be aware of this situation too, thus it takes no time for this information to be known by everyone.

It was truly an unexpected situation alas, since Jilbagias himself was an oddball-Even by the Demon Race's standard- himself, everyone just said That might be the case with a dumbfounded face.

The fact that he kept Liliana-A high elf- as his pet dog-due to the situation- was a testament that Jilbagias himself had no prejudice against the other race, a rare attitude among the Demon Race. No one could Really Stop him from falling in love with an undead, former human on top of that.

Some even called him The Second Coming of Diagias behind his back. But different from the sex maniac Diagias, Jilbagias properly understands his feelings, thus Platyfia and the people around him decide to watch over him without needless intervention.

Many people only know half of the truth of what Jilbagias' said.

But Is that the case?

Alas, Lyla doubted that.

That forlorn look in his eyes.

Was his feeling Really that of first love?

If Jilbagias was telling the truth, it would match the forlorn look on his face since he knew that his first love was destined to end.

But, Lyla doubted that fact.

She felt as if that matter was more Dangerous than something like love,

It was resignation and sorrow

It felt like a drop of ink spilled into clean water, and spread out

Rage and hatred.

Yes, Lyla intuitively felt it was more like those emotions than something as simple as love.

As for the reason why she realized that It might be simply because Lyla had been constantly tormented by those emotions before coming to Jilbagias' side.

And Lyla was different from the other people around.

She differed from the night elves and Garounya who were loyal to their excellent master or Platyfia who trusted her wise son.

She had no blind acceptance of Jilbagias.

Some days later after the flight training.

Lyla already grasped the knack of flying in the air. Now she could take off without having to run and could accelerate. Alas, her flapping wings weren't stable enough for a continuous long flight.

And yet, she believed that she would be able to fly freely with a bit more training.

And then, Jilbagias suddenly told her I want to talk alone with you.

He erected a soundproof barrier after clearing everyone from the room.

Jilbagias sat on the sofa and looked at Lyla straight in the eyes.


"Thump", Lyla felt her heartbeat rise a notch.

That day.

Everyone misunderstood, but only Lyla realized his eyes might be Only looking at Lyla.

This might become an unpleasant conversation for you.

Jilbagias leaned forward as he spoke.

But, I want to speak frankly About your father.

Lyla gasped. She had realized that the prince before her Never once did he mention this topic.

As you already know, I learned necromancy.

Yes, no need to say that.

But What is the relationship between necromancy and my father?

Could it be?


Jilbagias frowned, he spun his words carefully as if spilling his blood.

Do You want to meet your father?

"Even if you have to use dark arts for that," Asked Jilbagias as he looked at Lyla, whose eyes opened wide in shock.

The current me Can summon

Her father, Faravugi's soul.

If you wish for it.

===TN: Those Who Can't-Wait For more Jil-kun's, I've Uploaded Advance chapters in Fox<HERE and in PATREON(cheaper) with a paywall of course===



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He erected soundproof barrier after clearing everyone from the room.

Jilbagias sit in the sofa, and then looked at Lyla straight in the eyes.


"Thump", Lyla felt her heartbeat quickened.

That day.

Everyone misunderstood, but only Lyla realized that his eyes might be Only looking at Lyla.

This might become unpleasant conversation for you.

Jilbagias leaning forward as he spoke.

But, I want to speak frankly About your father.

Lyla gasped. She did realized that the prince before him Never once did he mentioned this topic.

As you already know, I learnt necromancy.

Yes, no need to say that.

But What is the relationship between necromancy and my father?

Could it be.


Jilbagias frowned, he spun his words carefully as if spilling his own blood.

Do You want to meet your father?

"Even if you have to use dark arts for that" Asked Jilbagias as he looked at Lyla whose eyes opened wide in shock.

The current me Can summon

Her father, Faravugi's soul.

If you wish for it.

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