Chapter 45: Taste of a battle
-Ruby's POV two days later-
Ruby was happy to admit that Beacon was as awesome as she thought it would be! The campus was awesome and the forge was like a dream come true with all the materials and functions it had! Sure she would need to pay out of her own pocket for some Dust or metals if she needed them, but that was what missions were for! And sure it was too early in the year to do missions, they had to pass the first semester before they were allowed to take any, but the option would undoubtedly be there! She'd have to make sure she passed everything. She had to show she belonged here after all.
So far there weren't any issues with their schedules, which were subject to change in the event a Professor was called away for a mission, though Ruby wasn't looking forward to History. Even back in Signal it was hard for her to stay awake in that class, she didn't want to think about how it would be here in Beacon. Especially after she skipped two years because of the 'protective custody' arrangement.
Though the same couldn't be said for her team.
Yang was her Big Sister, and she loved her with all of her heart, but Ruby wasn't sure if being on the same team was going to be a good thing. Back home Yang would purposefully do things to embarrass Ruby, and while that was back home it would be fine... But this was Beacon, and she was supposed to be the team leader. What kind of team leader could she be if one of her team members actively went out of their way to embarrass her?
Ruby didn't know if Yang would do it now since they were at Beacon, or would actually do it more often because this was Beacon... But she hoped she didn't. Ruby wanted to be a good leader, and she couldn't do that if her Big Sister was undermining her authority. She couldn't let it happen, she had to be good at this, she had to prove she deserved to be here.
Blake... Blake was fine actually. She wasn't really outgoing, which Ruby could understand since, ugh, people, but she did listen if they were talking... Well, not so much when Weiss talked, maybe to say something to rile up the Atlas high born girl, but she and Yang had only had to de-escalate one minor argument so far! Outside of that little incident she was fine.
And then there was her Partner, Weiss... Weiss... Was difficult. She didn't like Ruby, didn't like Blake, tolerated Yang, and was kind of mean. She wasn't a bully or anything, and even if she was then Yang would probably deal with her quickly, but Weiss didn't like Ruby more then she didn't like Blake. She wasn't that bad, and Ruby hoped she and the Atlesian girl could be friends since they were going to be Partners for years... Though that was still in progress.
Still together they were Team RWBY! Future Best and Brightest team Beacon would ever see!
But first they had to actually figure out how to actually be a good team. Easy... Atleast she was able to work with Yang and Blake, so that was 3/4ths of the team done, and she only had to work on Weiss. She could do that.
Especially after Akiza had a talk with Weiss when she came over during their free day. For a bit it looked like it worked since Weiss did try to get to know her... But then the whole thing in Port's class happened... She tried to ignore what she heard the Atlesian said to the Headmaster. It was only their first day of classes, things would get better... Right? But things were looking up since next was Combat class and she'd get to see Akiza again!
And speaking of Akiza!
Ruby knew Akiza was watching Initiation and even when they became a team, but Ruby didn't know how to feel about that. She remembered when she'd killed that massive Nevermore doing the coolest combo move she'd ever done, even if it was the only one she'd ever done, and being the happiest she'd ever been. Ruby and her Partner did that, they did it! And then she heard Akiza cheering for her at the top of her lungs. She was so embarrassed by it that she wanted to hide away, though her heart was filled with the fuzzy feeling she was starting to match to the older redhead caring for her, but she was still happy about it.
It was nice to know that she had someone other then Yang on her side at Beacon.
Especially someone that offered to help her study and catch up with what she missed... Though she didn't take her up on that offer yet. She wanted to do it herself! She had too.
And even without those two she was making friends! Their sister team was nice, and Nora was really fun! Though Ruby kinda wanted to get to know Pyrrha too despite the whole 'Mistral Champion The Invincible Girl' thing. She was a tall redhead with a braid, so she had to be friendly too right? Though that was a work in progress.
But no one on their team was mean, so maybe Team RWBY and Team JNPR would be Partners? She could hope right?
Anyway it was time for Combat! They entered the room and started looking around... Because something was weird here. "Uh, is it me or it it bigger then it was yesterday?" Yang's question was valid considering yeah, the room looked way bigger then it did yesterday when they were shown it. It was bigger, the ceiling higher, and the seats more far apart... So totally bigger. Like, professional arena kind of big.
While they were looking around Ruby heard Nora's voice. "Whoa Pyrrha, did you have a big sister you didn't tell us about? Cause damn!" Though Ruby didn't know why she wanted to frown at what she said. She got that this was the first time they were meeting Akiza, so Nora was allowed to say that, but it still rubbed her the wrong way.
They all turned to see Akiza sitting close to Ms. Goodwitch, but far away enough for both of them to be comfortable. Pyrrha just looked at Akiza, who was sitting on a throne of... Ruby blinked, were those roses and vines? The whole thing looked like it was made of wood with greenery all over it, including the roses and even some leaves. "I'm an only child, but I will admit that she has taste?" Ruby wasn't entirely sure why that was a question?
"Are we going to ignore the chair?" Blake had a good question, and Ruby, again, wasn't entirely sure how to answer that. It was cool, yeah, but how did it in here?!
Both Teams shared a look at the question, but before anyone could answer the bell rang and they had to scramble to the closest seats. As soon as they did Ms. Goodwitch stood up from her ordinary chair and looked at Akiza, which made Akiza give off a smug smile for some reason, then huffed and turned back to the rest of the class. "Greetings students. Once again I am Professor Goodwitch, your primary Combat Instructor. Normally my classes would see you sparring against each other in order to improve one another, yet as you should know from yesterday's orientation we'll be doing things differently this year. Ms. Rhodonite?"
She gestured at Akiza, who nodded and stood up, heels clacking onto the floor as she did. "As you've heard yesterday I'll be your Secondary Combat Instructor, Akiza Rhodonite. You may call me Ms. Rhodonite." Ruby had looked up what that was after yesterday's orientation and felt like it really fit Akiza. It also made her happy that it was a gemstone like her name too.
"More like Mommy." Ruby had no idea who said that but it made her twitch for some reason. She wasn't the only one since she saw Blake and Yang look around too, but they didn't find whoever it was. Weiss was just focused on Akiza, a frown on her face as she looked at the older woman.
Probably not hearing that she went on. "Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will see me leading the class and helping you refine your fighting styles. To do so I will be providing you opponents that your chosen fighting style will do poorly against, while on Wednesdays you will be fighting as a team against a superior opponent of my choosing. Any questions?" Ruby was tempted to ask one but Weiss beat her to it. "Yes Ms. Schnee?"
"By 'providing opponents' for us to fight do you mean Grimm?" Well, that was what Ruby was going to ask, so she guessed it was fine for Weiss to ask first.
Akiza smiled at that. "Wonderful question Ms. Schnee." Weiss preened at that while Ruby rolled her eyes. Though she focused back on Akiza when she waved her hand at her chair, a bunch of trunks appearing and floating around her like shields. Then they opened up and started spitting out a veritable wall of... Cards?
""Cards?"" Ruby was pretty sure that was both her and their sister team, as well as everyone else in the room. Ruby was pretty sure Akiza's Semblance was something like telekinesis, so what were the cards about? And why were there so many?
Akiza ignored that and plucked a card from the air besides her, the rest of the cards returning to the trunks like someone hit the rewind button. With it in hand she gave them a smile and threw it towards the arena, the card glowing the moment it hit the floor. "Stand at attention, Ancient Gear Knight." Then the ground exploded as something burst through it, the card returning to Akiza's hand as it did.
Ruby felt her jaw drop as a old mechanical knight rose out of the ground and set itself up on the arena. She could see gears whirring as it moved, watched as its arm spear and shield spun for a moment before stopping as it stood at attention like Akiza told it too. Her eyes roamed all over it, taking in the rustic yet still functional feel of the machine in front of her. It was old, Ancient Akiza had called it, and Ruby could see that... But still... It... It was so "COOL!" The rest of the room practically erupted into sound too, so she didn't even have to be embarrassed.
While Ruby and whoever else were gushing at the cool machine in front of them, the stone and steel from the arena glowed purple and started filling back into the ground around the knight. "While Ms. Rhodonite's summon is indeed impressive," Ruby saw Akiza's smug grin again, as well as saw how Ms. Goodwitch scoffed but almost smiled. "I would like to remind you all that this is a classroom, so behave yourselves." The way she said it made them calm down, though Ruby really didn't want to be calm.
There was a cool machine knight in front of her, she wanted to take it apart! (Gotta ask Akiza about that!) Then she mentally gasped as another thought hit her. (There were so many cards though, so how many other cool machines can she summon?!) Ruby almost started salivating at the thought of cool things to take apart.
Thankfully Akiza spoke up and snapped her out of it before anyone noticed. "As you can see, and most likely guess after the small show I put on earlier, I can summon and control creatures by using cards as a medium. You've all seen a few of the cards at my disposal," That was a few?! "So you can assume I will have something for all of you. Any other questions?" Ruby looked at Weiss, expecting another question, but her Partner was just looking between the knight and Akiza, frowning and tapping the table with a finger as she did.
While she was looking at Weiss she noticed the way team JNPR was reacting to the knight's appearance.
Jaune was wearily looking at it, looking like he was scared of it or something. She didn't know why, he did great against the Deathstalker so the knight shouldn't be that scary.
Pyrrha looked excited, eyes darting between the knight and Akiza with a growing smile on her face. Considering it had a spear and shield like her own main weapons Ruby could guess she wanted to test herself against it. And considering Akiza summoned it she probably wanted to fight her too so she could bring out more things.
Nora had a toothy grin on her face and was practically vibrating in her seat. Ruby didn't even need to know the girl for long to know she wanted to smash it.
Then there was Ren... Ruby couldn't really read Ren. He was calm like Blake, but like, more calm, somehow. (Wonder what he's thinking.)
She was curious about both Weiss and JNPR's reactions, but then Yang spoke up, raising her hand as she did. "Yeah teach," Something about the way Yang said that made Ruby frown. She didn't know what, but it did. "What happens when we win?" Ruby saw Blake frown at Yang for a second but then it was gone. Weiss was still just frowning in general, while Ruby was looking at her Sister's cocky grin and not knowing what to think about it.
Then she saw Akiza raise a brow at Yang and start humming. "While it would be polite to wait for me to call on you Ms. Xiao-Long," Yang's smile twitched but it stayed on her face. "I will humor you." The metallic looking trunk closest to her opened again, a card shooting out and appearing in her hand. Akiza threw the card, and she could swear she saw Ms. Goodwitch sigh as it hit the ground besides the knight. "Bear your fangs, Ancient Gear Beast." The arena exploded again but the debris was caught by Ms. Goodwitch's Semblance while the card went back to Akiza's hand.
Though no one was looking at the floating debris considering an Ursa Major sized mechanical hound was bursting through the ground, gears whirring as the beast prowled the arena for a moment, paws lightly cracking the ground as it moved before eventually coming to a stop right besides the knight.
Ruby felt like an old childhood dream was coming true right in front of her eyes and felt herself vibrating in her seat. There was an awesome looking robot dog thing in front of her and she wanted it! (Oh, I could polish it and maybe give it a new coat of black and red, maybe even add something to the shoulders to make them have a better range of motion!) She wanted it so baaad!
The moment it stopped besides the knight Ms. Goodwitch repaired the floor again, shooting Akiza an annoyed look as she did. "Are you done destroying my classroom yet Ms. Rhodonite?"
Akiza just innocently smiled at her despite the obviously annoyed tone she used. "Hmm? Oh, yeah." That said she ignored the twitching teacher and turned back to Yang, who was staring at the mechanical good boy with a more normal grin on her face. "When, because I will be using different creatures for individual students throughout the year, you defeat your chosen opponent then I will summon something stronger until you then defeat that creature. Any other questions?" This time no one said anything, making Akiza nod. "Good."
After that she flipped the cards towards the cool robot dog that Ruby wanted 10 of, and the knight, making them glow before they both faded away. "Aww the dog's gone." She liked the knight too, but it was a robot dog! Blake snorted. "Good riddance." Both Teams looked at her at that, making the black haired girl rolling her eyes at them. "I said what I said."
Ruby mentally made a note to keep Zwei away from Blake. Just in case. "Now then." They turned back to Akiza. "Do we have any voluntee...-"
"Me!" Pyrrha's hand shot up so fast Ruby was sure she heard the air crack. Akiza blinked, Teams RWBY and JNPR blinked, gosh Ruby was sure everyone blinked. The silence was enough to make Pyrrha realize what she did and start blushing, slowly dropping her hand as she did. "Um, I mean, me. Please?"
Akiza's lips twitched at that, Ruby thought Pyrrha's reaction was cute, but she nodded. "Adorable." Pyrrha fidgeted at that but Akiza went on. "Very well, go get your gear Ms. Nikos." The red haired champion beamed at Akiza and went to get her equipment. Everyone watched her go, though Ruby looked between Pyrrha and Akiza.
She felt something weird when Akiza called her adorable, though she agreed with it, and didn't know what it was. It wasn't all bad, but she just wasn't sure what she felt. She did. While Pyrrha was going to get her weapons and armor the Teams talked to each other, mainly about what they saw. "There's no way all those cards can be summons, we would've heard about her before if that was the case." Blake sort of had a point about that.
Though Weiss scoffed at it. "And yet we've seen examples of it. She summoned a pair of mechanical creatures right before our eyes through those cards of hers. We may not have seen them all, but it stands to reason that most of them are creatures she can summon."
"And maybe its not just things either!" They both looked at her at that, making Ruby blush a bit before she pointed at the chair Akiza sat on. "Maybe there are things like that too?" Weiss and Blake blinked and seemed to actually think about it. Which was a good thing, she contributed to the conversation!
"But uhh..." Jaune was looking worried again, and Ruby still wasn't sure why. "If she does have a bunch of monsters she could summon then does that mean she's walking around with an army in her pocket?" That... Huh, that was a good question. There were a lot of cards she showed off, and those trunks of hers were biiig, so there could still be a bunch of cards they haven't seen... And if she could summon all of them?
Akiza could be a walking army... And that just made Ruby's eyes sparkle. (That'd be so cool!) She wasn't sure if Akiza could actually summon an army, but it was an awesome idea to think about.
Then Nora shrugged and Ruby was brought out of her thoughts. "So super hot redhead lady," Ruby twitched. "Has a bunch of monsters in her back pocket, so what? Just means we get options on what to fight! Ooh, oh, what if she has a dragon! Or maybe some super sized Ursa or something!" Ren sighed and shook his head at Nora, but didn't actually say anything against it.
"Could you imagine?!" Yang laughed, smashing her fists together as she did. "Mano a mano with a dragon sounds like something right up my alley!" And now Ruby was thinking about her Sister fighting a dragon. "Though... Wasn't her Semblance telekinesis or something?" Her question confused both Teams since Yang and Ruby were probably the only ones that had seen her do that. And again this was really the first time they were meeting Akiza.
While they kept talking and she thought about that, Pyrrha eventually came back, her weapons and armor on as she made her way to the arena. Seeing her come out with her armor on really made Ruby remember that her potential friend was a super awesome tournament champion, and looked like one too.
With her on the arena the class quieted down, Akiza giving her a once over before speaking. "Now then Ms. Nikos, since you're the first to volunteer you have a choice. Humanoid or Monster."
Pyrrha took a moment to think about it, visibly looking towards the spots the knight and the beast had been, then turned back to Akiza. "Monster please." That said she got into stance, twirling her spear for a moment before pointing it to the ground.
"Good choice." Akiza smiled at her and a trunk opened, cards rotating around her for a second before she plucked one out of the air. She turned to look at the monitors to see Pyrrha's Aura levels, which Ms. Goodwitch set up, then turned back to her. "Prepare yourself Ms. Nikos." Akiza threw the card above the arena, the card glowing an earthen yellow as she did. "Come and face your challenger," For just a split second Ruby swore Akiza looked up to and winked and Yang and Nora. "Alexandrite Dragon!" Oh she definitely did.
""WHAT?!"" And there went Nora and Yang.
Not like Ruby could blame them when a real life dragon shot out of the card and slammed into the arena below them. Her eyes took in the massive frame of the Dragon, it had to be 5ms tall at the least, saw the glittering of unearthed jewels, the massive wings and draconic head and understood what she was looking at. (Yeah... Yeah that's a dragon. A pretty one with gemstones in its scales, but still a pretty Dragon.)
Then Ruby's mind caught up and she turned to stare at Yang. Ruby knew her Sister, knew that this was probably going to be the best day of her life, and had to see the look on her face. And just as she thought she would she saw Yang light up like the day Dad bought her Bumblebee all over again. Her Aura was flashing like crazy and her hair was glowing even though she hadn't absorbed any damage. Yang was really really excited. "I gotta fight that!"
Meanwhile everyone el...- "I was joking BUT NOW I'M SO JEALOUS!" Everyone aside from Nora was just staring up at the dragon, eyes wide as they just took it in. Sure draconic Grimm existed and were documented, but this wasn't a Grimm. This was something else and it was amazing!
While they were awed at the sight of an actual Dragon being among them Ruby noticed Pyrrha looking like Brother's Day came early. "Best of luck to you Ms. Nikos." She looked up to the Dragon, and Ruby was probably not ever going to get over the fact Akiza summoned a fricking Dragon! "Alexandrite Dragon, ravage her."
"▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!" The roar rattled their ears but they didn't look away, eyes focused on the Dragon shooting towards Pyrrha, who dug into the ground and raised her shield up to block the hit... Only for the Dragon to open its hand and grab Pyrrha by the shoulder and toss her in the air.
Without giving Pyrrha a moment to process what just happened it flapped its wings, taking to the air and aiming its claws at Pyrrha. But before it could reach her Pyrrha threw her shield at the Dragon's head, the collision knocking it off course and almost making it slam into the ceiling. The Dragon managed to stop that from happening but to do that it gave Pyrrha a moment to respond by stabbing her spear into its side, making her descent slow down as if she stabbed into a cliff side.
One that bleeds, but a cliff side all the same.
"▄▄▅▅!" It didn't like that though so it spun and tried to throw Pyrrha off of it, though the redhead used its momentum to kick off of its body and jump down towards the ground where her shield was. She managed to roll and reequip her shield without much issue, though she had to quickly jump away when the Dragon dove towards the ground and slammed a hand into the arena, cracks appearing all over it and making the room shake as debris shot into the air, some of it even hitting Pyrrha and making her Aura flare. It wasn't by much, but it was still damage.
Before it could take its hand out of the ground Pyrrha dashed forward, Aura flaring as she turned into a blur and shot towards it. Had Ruby not had a Speed Semblance or blinked then she would've missed Pyrrha jumping onto the Dragon's arm and running up it towards its head. She was getting close but then the Dragon flapped its wings, a powerful buffet of wind making Pyrrha stumble just long enough for it to snap its jaws towards her.
Ruby held her breath as she watched its maw close in on Pyrrha, but let it out after she abandoned the arm and chose to roll off of it, her shield somehow detaching from her arm and moving to her her front to protect her from the Dragon's maw. As soon as she hit the ground she got up and jumped back, shield returning to her arm as she narrowly avoided a tail swipe from the Dragon which had managed to free its arm from to ground. Then she started changing her spear to its rifle form and tried to get some distance, firing off shots and dodging the Dragon's swipes and slams...
But then it let out a growl and took to the air again, head rearing back as its chest inflated. "Oh shit." No one bothered to say anything to Yang's curse, they all what was about to happen. Pyrrha seemed to see it too since she froze for a moment before flaring and sacrificing some of her Aura... And throwing her re-shifting spear at the Dragon? For a moment Ruby wondered what the point of it was, especially since she wasn't at the right angle to hit anything vital, but then her spear visibly glowed black and changed direction towards the Dragon's neck, even if it sacrificed some momentum to do so.
Ruby had no idea how it did it, that seemed like a Semblance but they didn't know Pyrrha's Semblance, but before the spear could tear into the Dragon's throat it lashed out with its tail, the limb cracking the air as it deflected her spear and made it crash into the ground beneath it. Pyrrha only had a moment to widen her eyes at the failure before the Dragon's brought its head back and unleashed a river of flames down towards Pyrrha.
To everyone not her or Weiss they would've lost sight of Pyrrha under the flames, but Ruby managed to catch her flaring and sacrificing more of her Aura to dash away from the flames. "Pyrrha!" Jaune was her Partner, he was allowed to interrupt the moment.
"She's fine you dolt, now stay quiet." Well apparently Weiss didn't think so, but whatever. Weiss would Weiss.
That interruption aside the Dragon cut off its flames, wings flapping once as it dove towards Pyrrha's spear, where she appeared at! Pyrrha got ready to mo...- "▄▄▅▅!" The Dragon's roar made Pyrrha, and from the corner of her eye Blake, flinch. That was what it needed to slam its fist straight into her, sending the redhead right into a wall, her Aura flashing dangerously on impact.
Before anything else can happen Ms. Goodwitch's voice rings out. "And that's the match!" Ruby, and the rest of her Team, looked over to the Aura monitor and saw Pyrrha's Aura was in the red... Which was a first since Pyrrha had never even dropped to yellow in her tournaments! (Well she never fought a Dragon now did she?) Ruby had to admit that thought was right.
As soon as she said that the Dragon reared its head back and roared again. "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!"
They covered their ears at that, though Ruby noticed Blake reflexively moved her hands to her head before bringing them down to the side of her head. Ruby wasn't dumb, she'd noticed Blake's reactions whenever the Dragon roared were similar to a Faunus friend with ear traits she had back at Signal, so she could tell Blake was probably a Faunus. (But why is she keeping it secret?) Ruby knew people were horrible to Faunus for no reason, but it wasn't that bad, was it?
"Yes yes you big lug you beat up a teenager, want a cookie or something?" That made Ruby shelve the thought for later, because what did she just hear?
She looked over to see Akiza with... "OHMYGOSHTHOSEARETHECUTESTTHINGSI'VEEVERSEEN!" She didn't notice when it happened but Akiza had two little Dragons on her, but they had roses on them! No, they looked like they were part rose! Then she saw the blue and white rose ones around/on Ms. Goodwitch and almost used her Semblance to get pet them. She wanted one, no, she wanted five of each!
"...- ou a cow later, yeah?" She blinked and realized she'd missed some of what Akiza was saying to the Dragon. She looked back just in time to see the Dragon huff out some smoke before glowing like the cool machines did before it faded away.
After the Dragon was gone Ms. Goodwitch used her Semblance to start fixing the arena, while Akiza helped Pyrrha up. Ruby couldn't hear what they were saying, but she could see the smile on Pyrrha's face, even though her hair and armor was sort of singed, and tell that even though she lost she must've really enjoyed the fight. (Which, duh, she fought a Dragon!) Ruby was really looking forward to seeing what else would come out, and what she would fight.
When they finished talking Pyrrha left the arena, a skip in her step despite the fact she just got slammed into a wall. Ruby had no idea how she could deal with that but eh, Pyrrha was still cool.
-Akiza's POV-
(She'd get along well with the Amazons.) That was really all Akiza could think after that display of combat prowess. It was a good eye opener on how good the people she'd face her could be. She knew she'd need to get her weapon created soon, and made a mental note to summon her regular crew for that whole thing.
"Akiza." She peered at Glynda, who was still fixing the arena somehow. "I would like a warning the next time you decide to summon a fire breathing Dragon in my classroom."
Akiza blinked, but decided she couldn't really play that off since she was right. "My bad." Glynda hummed and accepted that, her free hand idly scritching White Rose Dragon as she did. "Want me to show you what I pick and why before I summon them or?"
Surprisingly Glynda shook her head. "No, I am willing to trust you know your monsters better then I do, and I do understand why you summoned a Dragon for Ms. Nikos. I would just prefer a warning in the event you bring out more destructive monsters." She knew why? Glynda probably knew she was surprised by that and huffed. "She is too used to fighting human opponents. She is also too used to a structured combat environment. Throwing her at a Dragon, as unorthodox as that sounds, forced her to think outside of the box and actually push herself far more then a student would." Huh, so she did.
Akiza nodded, looking back out towards the students, who were just now starting to break into excited whispers or shouts. The arena was pretty much fixed now, something Akiza still didn't know how Glynda did, so she projected her voice to the students. "Now then, who thinks they can give a showing as good as Ms. Nikos?!" The class practically erupted into shouts as they all, with a few exceptions, raised their hands. Seeing that made Akiza grin. (Maybe this teaching thing won't be so bad after all.)
With that thought she cleared her throat, getting enough of them to quiet down for her to talk. "Alright then, I'll be picking the next four fighters." That got them all to quiet down, making her nod. Her eyes roamed the room, and after a bit of thought she spoke up. "Next will be Ms. Xiao-Long...-"
"Hell yeah!" She ignored that, even though Glynda rolled her eyes.
"...- Ms. Valkyrie...-"
"LOVE YA TEACH!" That was nice to hear.
"...- Mr. Winchester." The boy started flexing... Which, okay? "And Mr. Raon." The boy gave a calm nod, which was a good sign. (AN: Just an extra.) "Now then, go get ready!" She'd never seen teenagers haul ass as fast as Yang and Nora did, so she had to give them credit for enthusiasm if nothing else.
While they went to gear up she opened a few trunks, mainly the Machine, Warrior, Winged Beasts, and Spellcaster trunks. Nora and Yang were close quarters DPS and could be handled in the same way, but that would be lazy. So for Nora she had to pick something that could outlast her, something with defenses too strong to break by just whacking it hard enough... Thinking about that, she opened the Aqua trunk, searching for the monster she just thought of. (Ah, there you are.)
Yang had the same problem, but she also had another one that she could work with. A brawler like her was weak to people with high mobility, so she'd need a Ninja or some other monster with good speed, or something she couldn't fight just by punching. (Ignore the temptation to summon Sonic Chick, it'd be funny as hell but I'm on the clock.) Being responsible sucked sometimes.
"~Hah. They grow up so fast.~" Akiza ignored her Mother. Anyone that said she blushed at that was a liar! The laughing/giggling Spirits in her Soul weren't helping either, though that was because they were traitors.
Moving on from that, she needed something fast for Yang... So maybe a Harpie Lady? (Or maybe I should give her something tricky like the Dream Mirrors...) She frowned at that before discarding it. Dream Mirrors were a weird bunch and she just didn't want to deal with them, especially in a world with fairy tale influences. (Harpie Lady it is then.) She grabbed Dancer's card then moved on.
It took her a bit to get all the monsters she would need but she got them before the kids came back. When she did she showed them to Glynda, who looked at her in surprise for it. Seeing and feeling her surprise made Akiza roll her eyes. "Just because I don't have to show you doesn't mean I won't want too." Her blonde coworker stared at her for a bit before sprouting a small smile and nodding at her. It wasn't much but she could tell the action was appreciated.
That done she made contact with Dancer, who Glynda was iffy about but hadn't said no to, bargaining with her for her service. With a promise of premium sushi she got it. The others weren't sentient, so she could just bully them into compliance if they didn't agree to her terms.
Now all that was left was having her monsters beat up some brats. This was going to be fun.
Could you tell I like Pyrrha? Well I do. She won't be fawned over or made into some godly tier waifu, but she'll have her moments.
Anyway the first tier training partners.
Spoiler: Stone
Weiss: Dust will count as a Spell
Spoiler: Silent
Spoiler: Harpie Dancer
Spoiler: Gazelle
Spoiler: The OG
Nora: The only reason she has a non level 4 monster is because of Slime's ability.
Spoiler: Slime
Spoiler: Dragon
Spoiler: HERO