Ultimate Man [JJK X SOL]: Loading Golden Entries at The Start

Chapter 57: Resentment

"I really didn't mean to abandon you Hana," Miko apologized sincerely.

"It's fine! I forgive you," Hana said with a smile. She wasn't one to hold grudges. However, her curiosity remained piqued.

"Is love really that magical? You seem completely different from before!" Hana asked, her eyes wide with wonder. She had never experienced love, and seeing how much Miko had changed made her even more curious.

Miko could only offer an awkward smile, not sure how to respond.  

Hana's gaze then shifted to Ryuji, curiosity still gleaming in her eyes.

"If you're so curious, why don't I reluctantly go out with you and let you experience it yourself?" Ryuji said with a smirk.

"Eh?!" Yukino, who had been quietly sitting to the side, suddenly stiffened. After the dream she had about Ryuji the previous night, she didn't know how to act around him. She couldn't help but wonder if her feelings for him were the reason she had such a vivid dream. She'd been trying to avoid drawing attention to herself, but Ryuji's words made her look over involuntarily. Is he serious?

She expected Hana to blush or laugh it off. But, surprisingly, Hana seriously considered it, looking a bit embarrassed.

"But… wouldn't that be bad? You already have a girlfriend," Hana said thoughtfully.

You know it's wrong, but you're still saying it!Yukino thought, feeling her heart race in frustration. What is wrong with this woman? Yukino wanted to yell.

Clearly, Yukino didn't understand Hana's carefree and easy-going nature.

Miko, standing beside them, chuckled. "If it's Hana, I don't mind."

"Really?" Hana asked, genuinely surprised.

She's joking, right? Yukino was too overwhelmed to even react. Her mind was filled with complaints, but she didn't know where to start. Was Hana serious? (T/N: Nah this is killing me hahaha)

"But you know, I'm kind of envious of you two," Yukino thought quietly, though she didn't say it out loud.

Ryuji, seeing Hana's eagerness, nodded. "Sure."

"Then…" Hana moved right in front of Ryuji. "Ah!" she exclaimed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ryuji asked, confused.

Hana pointed at the bento box in his hand. "Didn't you just feed Miko? I'm your girlfriend now too, so you have to feed me as well!" she demanded, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"…" Ryuji was speechless for a moment. What she said made sense, but it was still a little strange.

"Alright," he said, laughing a bit. He picked up some food and brought it to Hana. Miko watched, amused, while Ryuji felt a little awkward about how casual this had become.

As soon as Hana took a bite, her face turned red. Even someone as naturally carefree as her realized how intimate this act was. She quickly lowered her head and ate quietly.

Ryuji didn't think much of it, but as he fed Hana, he noticed Yukino glancing at him again. Her conflicted expression caught his attention, and he decided to tease her a bit.

"Why, Yukino? Do you want me to feed you too? I don't mind," Ryuji said with a grin, pointing to the bento box.

Yukino snapped out of her daze, blushing deeply. "No, I'm fine!" she replied hastily, turning her head away.  

Miko could sense something was off with Yukino too. "Are you sure you're alright, Yukino? You've been acting a little strange," Miko asked with genuine concern.

"I-I'm fine! Really," Yukino stammered. There's no way I can tell them I dreamt about… that, she thought, flustered.

Fortunately, the awkwardness didn't last long. The door to the Service Club burst open, and two energetic figures rushed in.

"Sir Knight!"  

"Mr. Knight, we're here to see you!"  

It was Rikka and Sanae, the two girls Ryuji had helped the day before. Despite their terrifying experience, they seemed to have already forgotten about it and were back to their usual lively selves.

Hana, who had no idea what was going on, looked confused. "Knight?"

"That's right! This is the Holy Knight who signed a contract with me. He's also my uardian knight!" Rikka said proudly, her eyes shining with excitement.

Ryuji sighed and flicked Rikka's forehead. "I never agreed to any contract."

Hana, still confused, scratched her head. Miko leaned in and quietly explained the situation to her.

After listening to Miko, Hana's expression softened with sympathy. "How sad…"

"No, no! Dad's not gone! He's just in the Invisible Boundary, and I'll be training under My Guardian Knight so that I'd be able to open the boundary and bring Dad back someday!" Rikka shouted, clutching Ryuji's arm, her eyes full of hope.

Ryuji looked at the eager expression on her face and sighed. How did I get myself into this? But seeing how much it meant to her, he couldn't say no.

"Well, I did say I'd try. So I will," Ryuji said with a small smile.

"Really?!" Rikka's face lit up, her eyes brimming with tears of joy.

Sanae, standing next to her, cheered as well. "I knew Sir Knight would come through!"

Hana, still unsure, leaned toward Ryuji and whispered, "Can you really bring someone back from the dead? That sounds… impossible."

"Well, in our world, there are ways to do it," Ryuji explained cryptically.

"Wait… what?" Hana was stunned, feeling as if her understanding of reality had just been shattered.

Miko, seeing Hana's confusion, explained further. Hana's disbelief turned into stunned silence as she listened.

After the explanation, Rikka and Sanae were more excited than ever, thrilled by the possibilities of this strange new world.

"You don't need to worry," Ryuji said, noticing Hana's dazed expression. "Even though you can't see spirits or curses, you have a special kind of spiritual energy that helps protect you."

"Really? Am I special?" Hana asked, surprised.

"Well, your spiritual energy is unique. It attracts spirits, but it also keeps them from hurting you," Ryuji explained.

Hana was amazed, her eyes wide. "So… can I become a sorcerer too?"

Ryuji shrugged. "Maybe. If we find the right techniques, you could try learning them."

"Wow!" Hana's excitement grew. "Then Miko can learn too, right?"

Miko, who had already accepted her Yin-Yang Eyes, nodded calmly. She didn't have any grand ambitions to become a powerful sorcerer, but if Ryuji thought it was a good idea, she would give it a shot.

"Can we do it too?" Rikka and Sanae suddenly chimed in, looking hopeful.

Although Yukino hadn't said anything, she also looked intrigued. The thought of gaining power to fight off the strange dreams she'd been having was certainly appealing.

Ryuji smiled wryly. "Becoming a sorcerer depends on your talent. And it's clear that you two don't have that kind of talent."

The girls' faces fell instantly, their dreams crushed.

Seeing their disappointment, Ryuji chuckled. "But hey, who knows? Maybe in the future, we'll find a way for even ordinary people to gain sorcery powers."

Their eyes lit up again with hope. "Really? We could have powers too?" Rikka asked, her excitement returning.

"Well, there are ways to make it happen," Ryuji said with a mysterious smile. "But we'll need time."

The girls, now reinvigorated, began excitedly discussing what kinds of powers they might have.  

Meanwhile, in a dark, isolated room, Tomoya sat alone, his body weak and gaunt. His once bright eyes were now filled with nothing but resentment and hatred.

"Damn them… Damn them all…" he muttered, his voice barely a whisper.

His fists clenched tightly, even though he barely had the strength left to move. He felt abandoned, and his bitterness only grew stronger with every passing moment.

"No one… no one even cares about me anymore…" he gasped, his breathing shallow.

With one final, anguished cry, Tomoya's life slipped away. But the intense hatred and negativity he had nurtured in his final moments didn't dissipate. Instead, it condensed, forming a powerful cursed energy that began to envelop his lifeless body. 

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