Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

32 – Checking on Tali, Shepard and Liara


After Samael left Tevos's apartment, he sent a message to the crew to gather. When he arrived at the docks, he noticed everyone was already there and Miranda alongside Jack, Javik, and Wrex was waiting for him.

He approached Miranda and asked, '' How was your little vacation? Did you enjoy it?''

Jack said in a hurry, '' That's what she said.''

Mirada ignored her girlfriend, '' It was good, but I know we have a more pressing matter.''

Ever since finding out about the Reapers, she was a fraction more desperate. She knew, based on what she found, that the galaxy wasn't ready for the Reapers.

Based on what Javik showed them, the Reapers are almost indestructible.

On this trip to the Citadel, Miranda, while she did enjoy a little bit, thanks to Jack, she also acted as LD CEO. She sought out partnerships and bought a lot of things so they could study them and see if they could make them better.

All so they could try and be more prepared for the upcoming fight. The worst part for Miranda was that they didn't know when the Reapers would attack. That dread was worse than anything.

'' Relax. Now it's still not the time to despair. Trust me and yourself.'' Samael then whispered in Miranda's ear, '' Also, please tell Jack and the others who still don't know about the Reapers.''

While this trip to the Citadel was a vacation, Samael came to hire people. But, he only brought Wrex with him for a mission. The others he mentioned were the test subjects besides Jack. They already agreed to work with/for LD, keeping them in the loop was just normal.

'' Leave it to me.''

'' Also, you see that Krogan over there?'' Samael pointed at Wrex.

Miranda noticed the Krogan earlier on, as some of the Crew members were talking to him. They were the same group that had entered a fight with Samael, Garrus, Wrex, and Javik in the past when they were drunk. They seemed chill and were smiling while talking with Wrex.

'' What about him?'' Miranda asked.

'' He will work with us for a bit, but I want you to deal with the negotiation.''

Miranda was a little puzzled, as she didn't know what Samael was talking about, '' Which negotiation are we speaking of? A mercenary job?''

It didn't make sense to Miranda, as LD itself was a mercenary group. ' Only if he wants to recruit that Krogan.'

While Miranda was thinking that, Samael shook his head and then whispered, '' Don't tell anyone, but LD is making a cure for the Genophage. It's research is at the beginning, but it's showing progress.''

Miranda's mind went blank. The genophage was known by all species across the galaxy, as it almost crippled the entire Krogan species. And now, Samael just told her they are going to cure it.

The consequences of that would be unimaginable.

Before Miranda could say anything, Samael continued, '' We need the Krogan to fight the Reapers. No other way around that. And right now, they don't have the number to help us for good. We have no other choice.''

Miranda sighed, as while she didn't know if it was the correct decision, she also knew there was almost no other option.

'' I'll handle that too. Should I be forceful? Ask for a lot?''

'' No, please be reasonable. After all, while the money we might make from them might be good in the short term, in the long term they might resent us. So, focus on giving the cure rather than the price. I trust you.''

'' Thanks.''

Samael then left Miranda and went to talk to Wrex, '' Did you finish your deal here?''

'' Yes. I'll work for a week, then go to Tuchanka. You know, to gather my people under a single banner, so that we can pay for the cure.''

'' I trust you can do it. Also, don't go around talking about the cure. It's on the test phase, so please.''

'' I will do my best.''

Next, he came close to Javik, '' Did you buy everything I asked?''

'' Yes. I bought some other things for me, I hope you don't mind.''

''Javik, you're an LD asset. You can buy anything you want, we have more money than we can waste.''

Javik was grateful as he passed the ingredients to Samael.

Samael then embarked on the unnamed ship alongside the rest.

Veronica suddenly appeared in front of him, '' Where to now?''

Samael smiled at that question. '' I will go on a mission alone, while you guys will do something no one in this cycle has ever done.''

'' And what is that?''

'' Use the Mu Relay.''

Everyone who heard Samael paused, as the Mu Relay was considered just a myth, as it was lost a long time ago.

Samael just smiled seeing that reaction, '' Let's go.''



The last few weeks have been a dream for Liara. She was on a planet with other people, trying to find anything related to the Protheans, something she's been doing for years, with not so much luck.

So imagine her surprise when suddenly people claiming are from LD came to her while she was looking around.

They had armor on and asked directly to her after looking around the area, ignoring the others, '' Are you Doctor Liara T'soni?''

While skeptical about all of this but feeling safe because of the other people with her, Liara responded, '' Yes, it's me. How can I help you?''

'' We are from LD.'' The soldier looked around and saw that a lot of people were paying attention to their conversation, so he whispered, '' Can we talk privately?''

Liara found the whole situation weird but before she could say anything, the soldier continued, '' I think you still haven't heard the news but LD has found a Prothean base... and a Living Prothean.''

Immediately Liara changed her posture and gestured them to follow her. After making sure no one was listening, she said, '' Continue.''

'' LD keeps an eye on certain individuals across the galaxy, with certain types of skills. We find you to be the best Prothean expert around the area and decided to get you to go get a look at the Prothean base so that you can study it and see if there's anything LD missed.''

'' Only me?''

'' Yes. LD has no intention of revealing the location of said Prothean base for at least one more month.'' The soldier was saying Samael's instance on this matter.

While he did say to the Council he would reveal the location soon after their meeting, he lied.

'' When do we leave?''

Liara didn't hesitate to accept the offer, as she had been on this planet for some time now and the search didn't have any results. She knew it was probably just another dead end.

'' Righ now if you want.''

Liara then gathered her things, said goodbye to the people who stayed behind, and left with the LD soldier towards Eden Prime.

She was excited to see what she could learn there.


The things Liara learned on that base alone were more than what she did in the past two decades.

Of course, time did its job and corroded a few things here and there around the base, but what she found was good enough for her research.

She also felt it was a shame only one specimen survived, and when she asked if she could meet Javik, the Prothean she saw on the interview that was making waves across the galaxy, which she had watched too, the answer was yes.

Liara was confused, as LD was giving her too much leverage on all of this. '' Can I ask why are you guys so lenient and nice to me? Of course, I'm not complaining, just curious.''

'' I said before, LD likes people with potential and generally supports them with money or other things they need. You are one of those people.''

'' Even if I don't join you guys later?''

'' Yes. LD cares for the greater good of the galaxy.''

Safe to say, Liara had a good opinion on LD. After all, she was treated with respect even though she did almost nothing but study every day. 


There were also a lot of soldiers protecting her, but she had no idea why she would need 5 people to protect her. But hey, free protection never hurts anyone.

Then, after a few more days passed, and Liara had finished looking around the base. She had found everything she needed and wanted and now was just compiling what she discovered, then she would leave.


It was then that someone came to speak with her. '' Liara, LD has an offer to you.''

'' What is it?''

'' Do you want to meet Javik?''

Again, by this point in time, the interview was out for a day and a few hours, so everyone already knew about Javik.

'' Of course!'' 

It would be the realization of a dream for Liara, meeting a living Prothean, the species she dedicated her entire life studying.

'' Then, we have to leave Eden Prime now.''

Liara accepted. She had done her best to study the base, and she was sure there wasn't much more she could find here.

After tidying up her things, Liara left with LD to meet Javik.



My name is Jane Shepard. I was raised in the streets from a young age, as I didn't have a family. I stole, I beat other kids up, I made a small gang and we had an operation to steal so we could eat and didn't die of hunger.


It worked well until I met my match when I tried to steal from an older man.

I was 12 and he looked like 30. When I tried to steal from him I learned that he was a good fighter, way better than anyone I faced before.

Of course, he had more strength than me as he was an adult, but I thought I could handle him. 

I was wrong. 

He was military and subdued me after a small fight. But, rather than give me to authorities, he said he saw potential in me and said he didn't want me to waste my talent on the streets.

I knew he was right, and didn't hesitate to accept the offer. While I was the leader of a small group of kids like me, I knew it wasn't enough for me to live comfortably.

Of course, I struck a deal with the man, Anderson, so that he could help the one under me. He accepted and put them into an Alliance Program to train them while taking me under his wing.

So, for the next few years, until I turned 18, I studied under Anderson while making connections with Alliance personnel. When I hit 18, I finally entered the Alliance officially and now could go on missions around.

But, something had been weird. I noticed some people looking after me for some time now, like a stalker. It got on my nerves so I started to ask around and learned from their mouths who they were.

'' Wait, are you saying you're from LD? That LD?'' I asked incredulously.

LD was enormous on Earth. Every human knew about it. Hell, almost every product that is launched on the planet comes from them. They were even expanding their reaches into the galaxy.

'' Yes.''

'' And you saw my potential and decided to 'invest' in me?''

'' Yes. We will give you resources and men, to help you reach your full potential.''

'' No strings attached?''

'' Well, we would love it if you joined LD down the line, but for now, we are happy as long as you accept our help.''

I find that whole situation weird. They were following me for a week straight, saying nothing to me, and now they want to help.

Anyway, she would want to see their bottom line now.

'' I need 100.000 credits for a project of mine. Can LD provide that free of charge?''

'' Of course. Give me your bank information.''

After I gave my info expecting nothing, I received a message from my bank saying 100.000 credits had been deposited.

I now got serious, '' Why?''

'' I told you, we saw potential. We will help you along the way.''

'' Sigh... Ok. I'll accept the help.''

'' Also, we will follow you and your squad from the shadows, to help you in case you guys need. Do you mind?''

'' Not a bit. We are on the way to an alien planet right now.''

While I was a newbie, thanks to my results in the Alliance system, and a little help from Anderson, I was granted a small squad to lead from the get-go.

Our first mission was to check a missing pioneer team in Akuze, a planet in the earlier stages of colonization. We are still on Earth right now but will leave for the planet today. 


'Also, while I do have some good names on my squad, like Ashley Willians, Kaidan Alenko, James Vega, Steve Cortez, an almost retiring Doctor Karin Chakwas, Jacob Taylor, and a newbie pilot who calls himself Joker, I will take any help I can get, we have no idea what we will find there.'

Besides, LD was trustworthy, based on the Alliance's intelligence and had many deals with them too. While a little shady, they are good.

'' A pleasure doing business with you.''

'' Likewise.''


On a place near the Terminus System. While the Citadel was the most known space station, there are others scattered across the galaxy, with Omega being the second most known.

Right now, Tali was on an unnamed space station, selling the things she found on her trips.



She was on her Pilgrimage, something all Quarians who reached a certain age must go through to prove themselves. They leave the Migrant Fleet ( their home), search around the galaxy for something of value, and then try to join a new crew ( home), giving the thing of value they had found.


As all Quarians live in the Migrant Fleet, the Pilgrimage is a necessity, to not let inbreding happen on the ship. 


She had started her Pilgrimage just a few weeks ago, but in this sector of the galaxy, her skills were already recognized as one of the best. She didn't have difficulty finding jobs, but because she was Quarian, the pay wasn't good, she had to resort to selling scraps too and no one wanted her on their crew.


In the middle of one of those sales of hers, she had found a peculiar vendor, who was saying something outrageous to the young Quarian.

'' Are you saying you're going to pay 100% above the Market rate for whatever I sell you?'' Tali was confused about the whole situation around her.


Based on what she knew and heard about others Pilgrimage, it was always difficult. The other quarians usually sell their things around to fund their travel expenses and hope they find a crew before they die.

The problem was, that almost everyone treated the Quarian like garbage. Who could blame them, as they were the reason a threat like the Geth existed.

Even Tali was okay with it and prepared herself for the difficulties ahead of her. So imagine her shock when she went to sell the things she had found on her trips and the vendor said he liked her spirits and decided to sponsor her from her on out, all while paying way more than the market price for the things she bought to him.

'' Yes.''

'' ... Can I ask why?'' While confusing, Tali didn't see any malicious intent from the other part. It made no sense for others to help her, as she was a Quarian.

' I doubt anyone in the galaxy would want my body, so why?' That was what was on Tali's mind.

The vendor smiled mysteriously, '' I saw your potential. You can reach incredible heights if you have the support. I decide to be that support.''

'' Besides, it will not put a dent in my finances, so please accept it.''

Tali had no reason not to accept it, '' Thank you then.''

'' No problem. Do you need better guns and other things? Here's a supply of med gel, an armor, this pistol too.''

Tali's hands were getting heavy as the vendor put more and more things on it.

'' Phew, I think that's enough.''

Tali now was almost suffocated by the weight of the thing she received.

'' Where are you going now by the way?'' The vendor suddenly asked.

'' I'll go looking around for some Geth. I want to study them a bit more.''

Yes, Tali was a huge nerd and liked studying the Geth. She wanted to see if she could understand them better and try to find their weaknesses.

She, like every other Quarian, wanted to clean their reputation and take back Rannoch, the home planet of the Quarian which was taken over by the Geth.

'' Do you mind if I send some people with you?''

If that was not clear, the vendor was from LD. He was under strict orders from Samael.

Tali really didn't understand the situation she was in. It was almost like fate itself was moving around, helping her. 


And she would not reject its help.


'' ... Of course, no problem.''


The vendor smiled mysteriously, '' Also, are you looking for a crew? I assume you're on your Pilgrimage.''


'' Yes and yes.''


Tali was only 19 years old. Some Quarians don't complete their Pilgrimage until they hit 40 and some never manage to complete it before they die, so she wanted to get that out of the way. If she could find a home soon, things would get easier.


She didn't even mind if they were poor or anything along those lines, she just wanted a home so that she could focus on getting more intel on the Geth.


''OK, I'll pass my boss's contact info and you should give him a call. He would love to have a Quarian on the crew.'' 


The vendor knew he would gain a huge bonus if he managed to get this exact Quarian to contact the boss, as it was a special mission Samael himself delegated. It wasn't just him who received the mission, a lot of other LD agents were also on other space stations, looking for this specific Quarian.


They had no idea why and they also didn't care, as they just wanted to pay back LD and the boss for what he did for them in the past.


Remember that the majority of LD personnel ( the mercenary group) were from the slums and were saved from a life of crime because of Samael's actions.


While the vendor was happy he completed the secret mission Tali was left confused as she just managed to break a record. The fastest Quarian complete her Pilgrimage.


Then it hit her. She still didn't have a 'gift' to give her new captain. She also said that to the vendor, '' I have nothing of value to give ... your boss.''


The vendor dismissed her, '' Our boss. And you don't need to worry about that, your skill is more than enough for him.''


Tali didn't have a reason to not believe him, as she had managed to make a good reputation for herself in the past few weeks, as she did the best she could to show everyone her skills. All in hopes she could find a crew, but for some time, no one said anything to her.


But now, she got lucky. She would accept anyone who accepted her.


Tali left the shop with a lot of things and a new crew, though she still hadn't met them. The vendor said she should give the number a call and in at most one week they would come get her.

But Tali never forgot her goal to study the Geth, so no vacation for her, at least not now.


Tali left the unnamed space station looking forward to meeting her new crew/family, promising the vendor to give the boss a call as soon as possible.


Alas, if she knew the crew that was just recruited was from Samael, her lover for other cycles, and subsequently LD, she would probably faint.



By the way, this approach wasn't just happening with those 3. Remember that Samael already poached/recruited the people from Earth, who he knew would be good in the future, to LD ( both). 

Now, as they had more than enough power and money, he sent LD agents to poach/recruit very specific people, but instead of just Earth, it was from the whole galaxy.

Of course, not all of them got the preferential treatment he was giving to his family, but it was more than enough to get them under LD and ensure they would reach their full potential.

You would be surprised by how many aliens didn't have support. What LD/ Samael was doing for them was more than enough to warrant their future support.

When the species of said people realized the potential they had, it would be too late. They would be already under LD.

Slowly but surely, LD was growing more and more, with almost unlimited potential.


By the time others noticed the huge net LD put over the galaxy, it would be too late.

Samael just helped Shepard regarding her background, she will not lose her squad this time. Remember, her background is mentioned in the Prologue.

Also, this chapter is the way I choose to show how I will introduce the trio to Samael in this Cycle. Liara is going to meet with Javik, Tali will join the crew WAY WAY earlier than Cannon, and LD will have a connection with Shepard, but will only help her from the shadows so that she can grow into her most powerful form.

It was a little forceful in terms of plot but I just realized we are in chapter 32 and I hadn't introduced the Harem yet, so I had to do something about that. After all, I need to develop their relationship and it's better to have more chapters to do that than rush things... so I rushed their introduction ( LOL).


Anyway, I think I did a pretty good job with it... Also, can you guys guess who put almost all humans companions from the game on Shepard's squad?


Thanks for the support!

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