The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 209

Chapter 209: The absurd princess 5

After the third prince and Prince An were chained together by two shackles, Han Ye quickly pulled them to Xianghua Mountain.

There is a relatively simple courtyard between the army and the princess mansion. In this quiet environment, Murong Jun felt that the Princess Mansion was noisy, so he liked to come here to rest and change his taste.

Now, it is regarded as the place where the two of them are punished.

“Three meals a day will be delivered by a special person. At the same time, the daily necessities will be delivered. If you need anything, please mention it. As long as it is not excessive, there will be no shortage of two masters.” Duofu said with a smile: “Master knows, Your life will not be easy, so the less people see, the better.”

Han Chenghao and Murong Qi looked at each other, and they both understood that Duofu was lying. Princess Yongchen clearly transferred all the people who could help. Deliberately let them make Tiantian not call the earth to be dead.

On the first day in the small courtyard, the two also quarreled and fought, and their dinner was ruined because of the fight.

After a night of hunger, the two of them had breakfast the next morning. But on the third day they were obedient, and they decided to truce.

There is no way, in the case of being handcuffed, the basic physiological behaviors such as eating, drinking, sleeping, and so on need the cooperation of the other party.

Rather than continue to confront each other and make both of them miserable, it is better to temporarily truce, cooperate for three months, and confuse the eldest princess.

Murong Junxin threw his son and nephew into the small yard, but he didn’t just leave it alone and let them grow up naturally. She arranged for the two of them properly.

She made a detailed task list and asked them to follow the plan and assigned a lot of tasks.

One of the tasks, the two cooperated to transcribe the Four Books and Five Classics. Having so much energy to fight is worse than practicing calligraphy. The two characters are not good!

Murong Qi and Han Chenghao initially thought it was no big deal. Although both of them are locked with their right hands, the distance of one foot can be adjusted. Although life is a lot inconvenient, sitting quietly and writing will never be a problem!

Two people, thinking that taking turns to write tasks will be completed quickly and not even tired. He started with the male who completed the task as soon as possible, but was tortured to the point of collapse in the end.

“I told you not to move!” The third prince roared for the first time.

This is well written, but Han Chenghao moved his hand inadvertently, and his pen fell crookedly, pulling out a tragic ink mark, announcing that the entire work was destroyed.

“Come and try!” Han Chenghao growled.

He felt it was unfair, why was Murong Qi just being handcuffed while he was twisted into a twist? During the entire writing process, one arm was hanging in the air, and most of his body was twisted, which was very uncomfortable. His shackled feet and half of his buttocks were numb.

Wait for the two to take turns, switch roles, and quarrel again. Just like that, what they write can’t be read at all. The completion of the copying task is probably a long way off.

The second task is to collaborate on painting. What Murong Junxin asked for was not an ordinary painting, but a birthday gift for the emperor.

After the fiasco of copying books, neither of them touched painting, and they felt that they could die directly.

The third task was also the most difficult one. Murong Junxin asked them to go hunting in the back mountain of Xianghua Mountain in such a bound state. There are also mission indicators, which specify the number of different species of prey.

“Aunt, is this asking us to die?” The third prince shivered.

Not only is this mission dangerous, it’s also humiliating.

Let them go out hunting, what if people around them see their stupid appearance? !

He’s like nesting in this small yard and not going anywhere.

Murong Qi and Han Chenghao went through many tests in the small courtyard. They were thinking about how to complete the task every day, and they had to have fierce quarrels and debates with each other every day.

They didn’t realize that, although they were still complaining about each other and shouting at every turn to fight, they didn’t do it for many days.

Han Chenghao was injured all over, and when it was inconvenient to take medicine, Murong Qi still took care of it. Murong Qi didn’t know how to hunt at all, and Han Chenghao taught him how to set traps while disgusting.

In Duofu’s report, the relationship between the prince and the prince is getting better day by day. But when it comes out, the two will definitely deny it and express disgust for each other.

Half a month passed, and Murong Junxin looked at them with joy.

Neither of them remembered the source of their quarrel and fight – Liu Ruobing.

This person is still locked in the cell of Prince An’s mansion.


This is the second time that Murong Junxin has stepped into the dark dungeon.

The last time was to clean up his son, this was for Liu Ruobing.

“Liu Ruobing, what’s the matter? I’ve been in prison for almost two months, are you still used to it?” Murong Jun asked wickedly.

Liu Ruobing raised her eyes and looked at the still bright and beautiful Princess Yongchen.

Liu Ruobing has lost her expression.

Since King An and the third prince were taken away that day, she has never seen anyone other than those who come to clean and deliver meals at regular intervals every day, and she has hardly seen any light.

There was no light, no sound.

This closed room didn’t even have mice or mosquitoes, and it was so quiet that it was hair-raisingly quiet.

Both the prince and the prince have been let down by the eldest princess, what else can she gain as the culprit?

She has been waiting for the eldest princess to publicize her sentence, and vaguely expecting Xuanyuan Yi’s people to save her.

But no, nothing.

She did not wait for rescue, nor did she wait for the eldest princess to deal with her. It seemed that she was going to keep her like this for the rest of her life.

Liu Ruobing is not a person who likes to be quiet.

The master asked her to escape from the world, but she chose to follow Xuanyuan Yi to stir up the storm, because she was not a person who could stand loneliness.

Now, after being completely quiet for two months, there is something wrong with her whole person.

In fact, Liu Ruobing understood that she should have been exposed. If the eldest princess just treats her as an ordinary dusty woman, she will let her go if she is kind, and if she is cruel, she will kill her who sows discord. Don’t let her go, don’t kill her, just keep her locked up, take her to fish and lure her comrades into devotion.

Maybe Xuanyuan Yi was also exposed, maybe they knew it was a trap, so they didn’t come? Liu Ruobing thought of a reason for Xuanyuan Yi.

But she couldn’t help being disappointed.

She knew Xuanyuan Yi’s martial arts, and it was no problem to break into Prince An’s mansion. But why didn’t he come?

Liu Ruobing’s heart was very cold.

“Duiyuelou was already empty when we were in action. I thought, they evacuated first, maybe they would rescue you later. But after waiting for two months, except for those who remembered the new top brand of Zuiyuelou. Man, no one remembers you. They didn’t plan to save you at all.” Murong Junxin stated.

Telling someone waiting to be rescued that her companions had no intention of rescuing her would be cruel.

Liu Ruobing, who is good at pretending to cry, really wants to cry, she choked and retorted: “You lied!”

“What’s the benefit of lying to you?” Murong Junxin smiled sarcastically.

Liu Ruobing was speechless.

Her heart was completely cold and she lost hope.

“You kill me!” Liu Ruobing gave up on himself.

The identity was exposed, and it fell into the hands of the enemy, begging for a happy death.

Murong Jun shook his head and said regretfully, “I also really want to cut you down, but keeping you is a scourge after all.”

When the tiger returns to the mountain, it is not only her and Junyan who will harm her, but also the people of Dayan.

The female protagonist silently makes plans for the male protagonist behind the scenes. It was her credit that finally made the hero a legend.

This kind of story, although correct, but no one loves it.

According to the investigation records of the Dark Guard, the senior who adopted Liu Ruobing was related to them.

Liu Ruobing’s master was actually their uncle. Murong Jun couldn’t have imagined that things would take such a **** turn.


one day off thursday


Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-03-1702:10:58~2020-03-1802:35:13~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of cute lazy sheep; 2 bottles of Ai Wu and aisling; 1 bottle of LOliver;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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