That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE]

Chapter 17 Court

So yeah, punching a government official in the face is not a good idea.

HAHAHA Who knew, right?

Anyway, I'm back in a cosy cell, this one different from the last. I mean, it’s more of an apartment room than a jail cell. Well, a medieval apartment room, but you get the idea.

Thank god I don’t need to shit with this body cos these toilets are a nightmare.

We spent 2 days here, waiting for the upcoming court trial. We mostly spent our time talking to each other and messing around. If not for the fact that we couldn't leave, we didn’t “look” detained.

I contacted the goblins and wolves waiting outside about my delay with [Thought Transmission]. They told me it was fine and that they had enough supplies to last another week at worst, so a couple of days is easy.

But I didn’t tell them WHY I was delayed. If I did, I'm nearly certain they would stage some sort of mission impossible breakout plan and we’d be wanted criminals.

And I'm already a wanted man in several countries for the war crimes I have committed.

Not really, but I did steal a lollipop once.

*Gangster music starts playing in the background*

(A/N: This is a true story. Man, I was such a badass.)

Anyway, it’s finally time for court. We were all brought out of our cell and lead to where our trial would be held. Sitting there high above us all is the King of Dwargon himself, Gazel Dwargo.

I read about him but holy damn he has an amazing aura. “The Aura of a King” is the only way I could describe it. An “authority” that demands respect. It’s very awe-inspiring… Well, I couldn't give a shit though. My [Lord’s Ambition] is completely offsetting all of these feelings. I mean, you don’t see a king bowing to another king, do you?

And although I'm not a king right now, eventually, if I keep on this path…

But, this guy has his eyes closed. Is he ok? Does he need sleep or something?

Vester is also sitting here and as expected he’s completely wrapped up in bandages. He even has cast over his arm and leg with multiple band-aid patches all over his body. Kaijin looks ready to walk up and make those things necessary instead of just for decoration, but he can't.

???- “We will now begin the trial! Silence bitches!”

A man walked forward and began the trial. The rules of the trial were already explained beforehand, like how my group, as the suspects, couldn't speak up without permission and the moment we do could mean execution, innocent or not.

Instead, we had to have a lawyer of some sorts speak for us, but I know that Vester already bought him out to paint us in a bad light. And since we can't speak up ourselves…

???- “So there Sir Vester was, sitting back at this club and enjoying an alcoholic beverage when this gang pushed their way into the place and exposed him to dreadful violence! This is not the kind of behaviour that should ever be forgiven!”

Yeah, as expected, our lawyer immediately started spouting lies.

???- “The slime even threw garbage at his face!”

Yeah ok, this guy is taking this too far, what the fuck. No one calls meat buns garbage!

I wanna kill this guy. I mean, even if I do nothing, getting caught lying in court is punishable by hanging.

And spoilers, he gets caught!

I'm tempted to just play a video recording of what happened last night. I set up a hidden camera to record the things going on inside.

You know, just in case… no, really.

Well, unfortunately, I don’t need to because we were being watched by one of Gazel’s spies. He was pretty good too, if it wasn’t for [Universal Sense] I wouldn’t have detected him. I'm assuming the spy was sent for me, because of the full potion I gave Kaido, but he definitely told Gazel what exactly happened that night.

So we’re safe.

???- “Order! I will now give the verdict! Kaijin, the mastermind behind this crime, is sentenced to 20 years of labour in the mines. His accomplices are sentenced to 10 years-“

Gazel- “Wait.”

Right on queue. And yeah, everything just went on as usual. He asks Kaijin to return to service, to which Kaijin declines and in the end, we all got yeeted out of Dwargon.

Well, they gave us time to get our shit, and THEN they yeeted us out. Not that I had any shit to get.

While we (and by we, I mean they) packed, Gazel and Vester were having a little chat back in the courtroom after everyone left.

He told Vester that he is no longer required to offer his services before showing the full potion and magisteel swords I made. The full potion is made in higher quality than Dwargon’s high potion. Furthermore, the magisteel sword I made adapts to the wielder far faster than any other sword.

Gazel- “Both of these items are brought to us by that slime, and your actions have cost us our connection to it. Do you have anything to say?”

Vester- “I… I… do not, my liege…”

Vester became devastated. And like that, he was fired, and thus, unemployed.

Welcome to the club.

The spy device I placed into the room times out and turns to dust, so I can't listen in any more.

We get kicked out of Dwargon and I bring the dwarves over to where Ranga, Gobta, Rigur and the rest are located.

Rimuru- “Hej hej.”

Ranga- “Master, you have returned!”

Ranga runs up to me with his tail, once again, creating a local gale. Kaijin and the other’s are scared stiff. I mean, disregarding how fluffy and cute Ranga and the other wolves normally look, they also look menacing as fuck to anyone else who’s not used to them.

So after spending some time to convince them they’re harmless, or at least they won't kill them, we finally get ready to set off.

Ranga lowers his body so I can hop onto his back, but I decline. I wanted to take this chance to show all the wolves something.

[Universal Shapeshift]!

Spatium Star Wolf!

I transform into my wolf form and Ranga and the other wolves start fangirling over me.

Ranga- “Master, you look even more dazzling!”

Ranga’s golden eyes are shining. Like, they literally have stars in them. Anime logic?

Well, we set off. Along the way I also sense someone following us through the shadows with [Universal Perception]. It should be Gazel’s spy that he sent to keep an eye on me…

Oh well, it’s not like this changes anything. I’ll ignore it.

Kaijin and the other dwarves are on the verge of passing out from the speed we’re all going at. I feel a little bad for them, so I help them out a bit.

[Limited Creation].

Here, have a meat bun.

Once the meat buns fly into their mouths, they no longer had any problems. More people have joined the cult, it seems…


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense]

Unique Skills: [Great Sage] [Predator] [Limited Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Control Water] [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Shadow Motion]

Common Skills: [Poisonous Breath] [Paralysis Breath] [Sticky Thread] [Steel Thread] [Drain] [Ultrasonic Wave] [Body Armour] [Keen Smell]

Tolerances: [Resist Temperature] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Pain] [Resist Electricity] [Resist Paralysis]


A/N: Should I change [Lord’s Ambition] to [Heroic Aura]? I think it fits better. 

MC: Ya mum gey

AN: Well fuck you

MC: Fuck you too

Let me know if I missed anything

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