MHA – Shoto Todoroki : Modern-day Terrorist

Chapter 200 – Summit Meeting 2/2

"I'd like some information concerning Hawks"

"Hawks ?", Shirai replied, surprised

"Hawks the hero," I explained.

Perhaps he didn't know who I was talking about.

Did soldiers give a damn about heroes, or were they, for them, merely idiots in tight suits ?

"I know who Hawks is"

"Do you ?"

I doubted it.

He looked annoyed.

"I've got a picture in my phone," I said. "It was when I was teaching him how to ride a bike for...."

I fumbled in my pocket.

Damn, seems I've lost my phone.

"You taught Hawks how to ride a bike ?"

Dad seemed stunned.

"I figured he had to learn how to, since no one would expect him to. Now he can go around town incognito. The Zodiac did the same thing in the '60s"

Everybody looked at me like I'd gone crazy.

"You know, the Zodiac, the murderer"

No reaction.

"Anyway," the General said, turning to my father. "I'll make inquiries about him and send you according information"

"I'd like to see him," I insisted. "To visit him, too"

The Commission had all but disappeared after soldiers took control of the city : it was impossible to know where Hawks had been taken or who had done so.

Even Jin Woo hadn't been able to answer my queries.

The only thing I knew was that in his condition, he was either in a bed or in a grave.

"We'll get your credentials," the general said. "What about you, Mr. Todoroki ?"

"I can't think of anything"

The general nodded.

"There's no time limit"

His clear eyes slid to mine.

"Why don't you tell us why you really brought us here ?"

His attention snapped to Dad.

"Doesn't the lure of lunch in the company of the two men who held the creatures' attention long enough for my army to sneak into the city seem like a good enough reason ?"

Dad didn't even bother answering.

Shirai chuckled, mouth hidden behind a cup of coffee.

"I knew you weren't as gullible as all those Heroes parading through the streets and taking selfies"

He made a mocking gesture ; to me, the compliment seemed backhanded.

"Told you so", Gunhee smiled.

Shirai took a sip, then slammed his cup as he put it down.

"I'll be frank with you : the yen is in free fall, the population is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and the Prime Minister wants radical and effective action. I've got a lot to do in a very short amount of time, and I think you can help me. As a matter of fact, Gunhee recommanded you to me"

Gunhee's gaze crossed with dad's : he modestly nodded.

"We did our military classes together a long time ago," he explained to Shirai. "He's a good man - his son's proving be made of the same stone"

The corner of my mouth quirked up unintentionally.

"It seems so, yes" Shirai said. "That's why I wanted to talk to you today - and obviously because of the major part you played last night. It is my intention to hold a court-martial in private. The results of the proceedings will be broadcast each evening at 8:00 p.m. to keep the public somewhat updated.

He poured himself another cup of coffee.

It was his third.

"I'd like the two of you to be there ceremionnaly " he explained. "Of course, you and several other heroes will fill the ranks of the court room, but you were recommended to me first. You will not have to attend the trials : they will be held in private, and the sentences will be carried out just as quickly. I only want you to be seen on camera during public announcements. Any objections ?"

Gunhee and I turned together to Dad.

"Aren't Heroes relieved of their duties ?"

"They are"

"And you want to use our notoriety to support your politics ?"

Shirai shot him a blank look.

"Are you going to ask me to pay for your image rights ?"

Dad shot back the same look.

"That would be a legitimate request"

Gunhee smiled.

My eyes darted between my father and Shirai.

"Should I take your answer as a refusal ?"

"We'll think about it," Dad replied, drinking the end of his tea in one gulp

"Which, of course, is your right, despite all of those who pretend martial law is a dictatorship"

Exactly what Dad believes.

Shirai's pale eyes darted towards me.

"Seeing how... tired you are, I won't keep you any longer. Again, thank you for your service to our country"

He dismissed us without further ado, keeping Gunhee with him to discuss 'strategy'.

If I'd been thinking clearly, I would have left a clone with them to listen to what they were saying.

And I'd be dead because I don't even have enough chakra to make a kawarimi.

"Come on, let's go home," Dad said. "I've got an extra bed in my tower. I'll take the sofa"

It took a few moments for my brain to register what he'd just said.

"Right, your headquarters. But weren't we supposed to check out the hospital first ?"

"The general has allowed us to get a check up at their sick bay"

That explained why the four soldiers escorting us were taking a different route.

"You'd know that if you'd listened instead of staring stupidly out the window"

I grunted in reply.

"Am tired"

Maybe after a good year's sleep I'd find the strength to be ashamed of this self-inflicted public humiliation.

"I know"

We walked down some stairs.

"Why did you refuse his request ?", I murmured.

"For the same reason I've never agreed to appear side to side with any campaigning politician" he replied in the same tone.

We arrived at the first floor.

"We're still going to be stuck in Tokyo for a while. Neither you nor I will have anything to do. At least it'll keep us busy"

He shot me a sidelong glance.

"You sound like you're keen to get involved. I didn't think you were much of a patriot"

I shrugged.

"I'm not really, no, but I thought it might be good for your public image"

"Shoto" he said, eyebrows furrowed. "I've told you many times that what happened wasn't your fault. You don't have to force yourself to do anything in order to-"

"I know", I cut him off. "I know. But the opportunity is too good to pass up. If I'm seen with you - if we're seen - among those who protected Tokyo, it will be a great PR success for your reputation"

I was one of the people who saved Tokyo.

I wasn't used to thanks nor praise - to be honest, I was accustomed to bringing chaos and sowing misery.

I may not have saved all of the civilians, but no one held that against me.

And now, because I'd helped, because I'd done something good, I could repay my father and ease his burden.

"We didn't talk about what happened on the roof," he said, "When we... found Hawks"

We turned a corner.

I didn't want to argue with him again, but I wasn't going to back down.

"I wouldn't have fought with you," I explained. "But I don't regret what I did, and if I had to, I'd do it all over again"

"I know," he said. "And I don't blame you. I'm actually quite proud"

I had to look at him twice to make sure he wasn't lying.

"Are you ?"

He scoffed.

"Of course I am. Why would I ever lie to you ? It takes courage to do what we believe is right, even when those closest to us are against us. I may not have agreed with the way you acted, but you stood your ground. That's a quality few men have"

My heart swelled with pride.

"But do me a favor : in the future, if you disagree with me, talk to me. Nothing is ever worth us fighting over"

When we got home, I slept for three days straight.


A/N : If you like the story and want to support it, go check the story's P@treon, Nar_cisseENG

And see you in the next update everyone !

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