Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 393

Chapter 389: Tree Man And Beast

The first group of scientists from various countries who came aboard the starship “Pioneer” will start an investigation of this new planet of life from all aspects of human needs.

Along with the starship was one of the leading members of the Pioneer Alliance, one of the greatest scientists of our time, Dr. Bruce Banner.

Having chosen the nine members of the Eternals to live in, Icaris, Zhuke and Gilgamesh took Tina, Macari and Spike to the depths of the universe to find other Eternals.

By the way, in order to solve the trouble that Spike always doesn’t grow up, Oaks uses the Emerald Dream to help her solve this problem.

Ginger continued to be his Bollywood star, while Circe, who remained on Earth, joined Festos in the Trailblazers program.

At the same time, members of the Guardians of the Galaxy will also be stationed here for a short period of time to help the Trailblazers open up the game.

Before human technology encounters troubles that cannot be solved, they will not help—

Humans must rely on their own strength to build a new home for themselves. The Space Warp Engine is already a leap forward in technological progress. Too many things like this are not a good thing.

“I’m Groot!”

Tree Groot is undoubtedly the most interesting creature on the planet right now.

Before going to Titan to help the Guardians of the Galaxy, Ox used Groot’s power to quickly strengthen the coordinates of the spiritual species, and was able to open the portal to this place.

Now the power of the Emerald Dream can reach here, and the greatly strengthened Groot has become a good helper for Oaks to build the ecological dome.

“Okay Groot, harmless to us here doesn’t mean harmless to those vulnerable earthlings.”

The rocket, which has evolved into a natural spirit beast, has seen the graceful appearance of the Tarot Guardian Dragon in the previous Infinity War.

However, he is also very clear that he is almost at his limit now, but Groot’s limit is not here.

“Actually, Groot, you should stay with Oaks.”

The rocket put away the instruments in his hand, and he and Groot, as individuals with the highest affinity for nature, undertook part of the mission to explore this planet.

Of course, there are commissions. Although Oaks does not have a universal currency, he has powerful recovery potions that are useful in the entire universe.

Sometimes this stuff is priceless.

But since Oakes helped the Guardians of the Galaxy, especially Groot and Rocket, even if there was no commission, the two of them didn’t mind helping.

“I’m Groot!”

Groot shook his head slowly, he slowly touched his chest, and then reached out and touched Rocket’s head.

“Hey! You bastard!”

Rocket instinctively wanted to squint, but the next moment he reacted, and slapped Groot’s hand off angrily——

This little thing was slowly planted from a branch, how come he looks like a pet now? !

“What I said is true! With Ox’s, um… it seems to be called ‘natural magic’, if you follow him, you might have a chance to revive your race!”

Rocket coughed. He could understand part of Groot’s meaning before. After becoming a natural spirit beast, there was basically no obstacle to communication with Groot.

The Colossus of the Flower God was destroyed by the Kree “accuser” Ronan, leaving Groot alone in the entire group.

But Oaks said when he “ripened” Groot that it was no coincidence that Groot could grow back from a twig.

In Groot’s body, there is a very powerful imprint of life.

Rocket knows that it is the origin of life of the flower **** colossus family recorded in units of billions of years——

Groot’s home planet, the ‘seed of the world” of Planet X.

All the flower **** colossus clan, that is, the entire clan of Groot, were born from this world seed.

But after the current little Groot experienced Nirvana and rebirth, he obviously doesn’t remember these things at all.

“Groot, before you died… Well, that’s probably what you meant. You told me in your last life that the seed of the world is the source of your race’s life,

Although it was ruined by the slaughter of that **** Ronan, it was fully integrated into your body before that, so you can come back again…”

Rocket shook his ears, grabbed his crotch subconsciously, and wiped it on Groot’s shoulder:

“Uh, I asked Oaks, you are the last of the race, the seed of the world and your entire race are alive in you, you are capable, and you should revive the entire race.”

“…I’m Groot.”

“I know you are reluctant to leave us, and we are reluctant to leave you, but are you going to give up this opportunity?”

While talking, they had already returned to the side of the flight cabin, and the rocket shook his head gently:

“Ox has many such planets in his hands, but Quill said that the number of Eagle’s spirit species is very large…

Even if he only gets a tiny fraction of those connections, it’s going to be three figures, right? ”

Well, no matter how bold the Rockets are, they don’t dare to guess at four figures.

“I’m Groot…”


A portal opened beside them, and Oaks stepped out.

“Ah, have you two finished?”

Seeing that the rocket was jumping off Groot’s shoulder and preparing to open the flight cabin, Oaks greeted them with a smile:

“Rocket, Groot, I need your help with something…”


The rocket jumped into the air, levitated and flew in front of Oaks – his natural spirit beast talent “Rocket” was so convenient:

“Dude, those humans are so curious, I don’t want to meet them!”


“Hey Groot, their research on you is as good as mine!”

Rocket waved his small paw angrily, and the look in a scientist’s eyes made him unhappy. What the **** are 10,000 scientists? !

“Don’t worry, it’s not what’s inside the dome.”

Oaks shook his head with a wry smile. In terms of curiosity, he did a lot of research when he was treating rockets and “ripening” Groot, not to mention those geoscientists.

“I need Groot’s help to conduct a, um, all-round exploration of this planet.”

Oaks touched his chin, his face a little weird:

“It wasn’t until humans officially settled in the dome that I discovered that the planet’s ecosystem actually has the will of the world… Although it is very weak, it does exist, and I didn’t notice it before.”

The planetary ecosystem has the will of the world, which is a good thing for Oaks personally.

But for humans who are “invasive alien species”, it’s not necessarily a good thing.

But if the power of Ox and Emerald Dream is adjusted, the will of the world can undoubtedly provide great help to the pioneers like the “mirror image of Gaia”.

No way, humans are really a fragile race.

Just exploring or traveling is of course not so troublesome, but if you want to build this planet as a second earth, you must be careful.

Although Oaks had come here as early as two years ago, the will of the world here should have been absent at that time.

After some investigation, Oaks found that it was likely that when he used Groot’s power to quickly locate here, he stimulated the will of the world here.

“So, Groot, the Planet X ‘seed of the world’ in your body may be the reason for ‘generating’ the will of the world. I need to confirm it further.”

Oaks looked at Groot with an inexplicable face as if he were looking at rare treasures, and he was in a good mood:

“If this is the case, then Groot, combining your abilities with mine, we may be able to increase its favorability to humans extremely quickly.”

Oaks never thought of asking Groot to help him “give up” the will of the world on hundreds of other ecological planets without the will of the world.

Joke, so many planets, he can’t give them all to humans.

Moreover, these planets occupied by the Eagles have existed for so long without intelligent life, not all of them can not breed intelligent life.

Some of them either developed intelligent life to the limit of the surface and killed themselves, or were in the budding stage of intelligent life.

More are alien forces invading and plundering resources, like Ronan’s invasion of Groot’s Planet X, exterminating the original intelligent race.

Most of the ecological planets that have the will of the world are of several types.

Orcs will only use their natural powers to augment the Emerald Dream’s powers and build teleportation networks.

Maybe he will play some kind of behind-the-scenes God trick when he is in the mood, but at least he hasn’t done that yet.

“Well, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me.”

Rocket pricked his ears and listened for a long time, a hint of cunning flashed in his big eyes.

He wiped his nose and approached Oaks:

“Dude, speaking of which we have today, we are very grateful to you.”

“……speak English!”

“…Cough, that, since my brother has this ability, why don’t we give him a planet to reproduce the race for him?”

The rocket landed directly on Oaks’ shoulders, looking like he was holding a local tyrant’s thigh:

“Anyway, you don’t lack such a planet, big landlord, eh?”

“…’There is no shortage of such a planet’, why do I think you are much more generous than me!”

Oakes expressed for the Rockets’ generosity of others … but that’s it.

“Yes, that’s right, I’m the big landowner… Well, there are only seven planets that I can teleport, so wait for you to pick one.”

The rich and powerful Oaks waved his hand, and the Rockets immediately smiled.

However, his next sentence surprised Rocket for a moment, and the hair on his back was wet in an instant:

“This is also to thank you for your help to the earth… But the seeds of the world are comparable to high-level natural demigods, and it’s totally fine for Groot to create a race by himself.

But you have such a good relationship with him, why don’t I introduce a girlfriend to you, and you will also breed a spirit beast race? ”

Oakes remembered the absurd days of his own spirit beast Corgi in the Queen’s palace~www.readwn.com~ looked at the rocket, which was already stupid, with a solemn expression:

“Well…it is necessary, you are on the same planet, you don’t need to be separated, the tree and the spirit beast raccoon… No, it’s just that the raccoon is too narrow.

At the level of spirit beasts, reproductive isolation is not a problem, but a problem of chance. You can always work harder.

Hiss… In terms of appearance, how is the red panda, how cute… or do you like pandas?

It doesn’t matter if you’re bigger, as a serious biologist, I’ll take care of it for you…”


Groot was relieved that he didn’t need a girlfriend.

Rocket’s cold sweat began to drip from the fur, and he was as lawless as him, and he also had a sincere awe for the guy in front of him:

“Can I have it all?”

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