Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Chapter 182: The Curtain Rises

Zommari clearly remembered the plan, which was quite easy to follow. He also knew that Kazuya was meant to engage Ulquiorra during their part in the power plant. To defeat Ulquiorra, who was currently the strongest Espada, in a short period proved Kazuya’s strength. Understanding the limits of his own abilities, Zommari harbored no illusions of defeating Kazuya in a direct combat.

However, his Resurrección could massively shift tides in his favor.

He stretched his palm towards Kazuya. The golden eye on his palm shimmered ominously, and the black dot in the eye’s center rapidly expanded. “Your end is nigh.”

Kazuya was well aware of Zommari’s Zanpakutō Brujeria’s ability dubbed ‘Amor’. The ability took full control over one object, which could even be a living being’s limb. With each eye capable of dominating a single target, Zommari could manipulate up to fifty objects simultaneously. Furthermore, there was no established rule that a massive difference in Reiatsu Class would negate the control effect.

The only downside to Amor was its inability to guard against large-scale attacks like Byakuya’s Senbonzakura. His own flames also had the power to purify effects.

Without further delay, he closed the distance with Shunpo and slashed the eye living in Zommari’s palm. His boldness in confronting an enemy with unfamiliar powers momentarily caught Zommari unprepared.

However, Zommari was no rookie and had countless years of battle experience as an Adjuchas. He immediately blinked a distance away with Sonído, eyes glaring at Kazuya with a crazed look. “The insolence,” Zommari growled like a beast, and the eye in his palm glowed purple with his Reiatsu. “You’ll pay for your arrogance by losing your right arm.”

A black sun-shaped tattoo bloomed on the back of Kazuya’s hand — the mark of Amor.

{The ability works like a Kidō spell. It must be why it’s working on you… that said, how dare he mark my beloved’s perfect body with his taint! Let me out, Partner. I shall slaughter this man… starting with burning every eye on his body then incinerating his pumpkin body.}

Nami turned extremely passionate and hostile when it involved him or his body. She’d undoubtedly devour Zommari if he let her out.

“Your right arm is under my dominion,” Zommari, on the other side, boasted pridefully and pointed up at the sky. “Like the subordinates are the subject to their superiors. The clouds are subject to the wind. People are subject to their kings. With my Brujeria, I can overrule any established authority and grant it my dominion.”

Kazuya’s ability, ‘Oppression,’ mirrored the mechanics of Zommari’s Brujeria in some ways, yet its effects were less convoluted. Engaging Zommari in his Hollow form promised a more exhilarating duel, one Kazuya might have relished under different circumstances.

Zommari took Kazuya’s silence as him being lost and confused. “It must be difficult to understand the concept of sovereignty for an arrogant man such as yourself. You have my sympathy. Many things in this universe are incomprehensible for those who lack wisdom.”

“A sophisticated way to call someone an idiot. Well, aren’t you also stupid for preaching knowledge to someone you consider an idiot?”

“Pitiful creature, your arrogance has blinded you. I shall open your eyes.” Zommari slowly raised his hand and beckoned. “Right arm… cut off his left arm. Punish his imprudence.”

Kazuya looked at his arm, which suddenly moved against his will. Although he could feel every sensation in his limb, he had lost command over it. Swiftly, he transformed his whip sword into twin muskets, firing a shot at point-blank range at the mark of Amor. The radiant flames covered his right arm and erased the mark of Amor.

He easily extinguished the dominion of Zommari’s Zanpakutō.

Zommari looked on, utterly befuddled, as if unable to comprehend the ridiculous move Kazuya just pulled. He maintained the silence for longer than a moment, as though awaiting an explanation from Kazuya.

“When in doubt, burn things down.” Kazuya assumed his whip sword and pointed at Zommari. “I’ll wrap it up fast, pumpkin man.”

Clenching his jaw, Zommari glowered. The many thin slits on his forehead opened in a snap, revealing eight more eyes hidden underneath. “You think you overcame my Amor with that? I’ll make you witness your glorious death.”

A black sun mark appeared on every part of Kazuya’s body. He extended his whip sword and let the flames engulf him. Every mark was cleansed in an instance.

“Nonsense!” Zommari growled. “Take it, take it, take my Amor! Take it!!!”

Every attempt ended in the same way — Kazuya cleansing the mark almost immediately. Stripped of his control ability, Zommari was even weaker than his base Hollow form. His movements were quite impaired as a glorified pumpkin.

Kazuya arrived before Zommari, who seemed hopeless.


“Nothing for you.”

He straight away plunged his blazing sword into the heart of the Espada. The searing tip of his weapon, engulfed in flames, tore through Zommari’s pristine white garb and impaled him. Simultaneously, a sinister black tattoo emerged on the back of Kazuya’s hand, wresting control of his arm away from him. However, Kazuya’s flames were swift and relentless, consuming the mark of Amor in moments.

This brief lapse, though fleeting, was a substantial advantage in a battle between Captain-Class individuals.

Zommari seized the chance and vanished using Sonído, reappearing hundreds of meters away.

Kazuya gave chase, but the Espada evaded him again in the same manner, clinging to hopes of survival. Despite having the speed and power advantage, Kazuya couldn’t swiftly dispatch Zommari. The small moment of control allowed Zommari to run endless interferences with his body and continuously avoid a fatal attack. Nevertheless, Kazuya inflicted significant damage — his flames scorched Zommari’s face, riddled his attire with holes, and even maimed parts of his lower half. Gradually, the accumulation of injuries began to take their toll on Zommari.

“Man, stop being annoying. Just die already.”

Zommari huffed, beads of sweat covering his forehead. Out of choices, he turned to the corpses of his dead comrades, and his purple Reiatsu filled his eyes.

The black sun tattoo appeared on Loly’s forehead, whereas it was present on Ggio’s limbs. Loly rose up stiffly, as if she was a mannequin, and stared at Kazuya with lifeless eyes. Ggio’s headless body, standing up with a katana in hand, was a scene straight from a nightmare.

Misinterpreting Kazuya’s reaction as fear, Zommari’s confidence returned. “You fake god of death, learn the life of a vermin and become one.”

Loly lunged at Kazuya with her one poisonous centipede arm. Ggio also dashed at Kazuya. The fallen Espada pincered him from both sides, their speed no less than the time they were alive.

Yet, unexpectedly, they halted mere inches from striking Kazuya and retreated to Zommari’s side.

They both turned their attention to an area where Rangiku’s blood stained the ground. The space fluctuated akin to a Garganta opening but was far more stable. Then, a massive eastern-style door materialized out of nowhere. From the Senkaimon, many familiar figures walked out — Captain Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain Isshin Shiba, and Vice-Captain Isane Kotetsu arrived with her squad as medical staff.

A host of lower-ranking Shinigami trailed behind them.

Zommari’s mouth split in a disturbing grin. He joined his palm in a praying gesture. Every eye on Zommari’s body expanded, filled with violet, miasma-like Reiatsu.

{Fuck this timing.}

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