A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 61 - 46 Uncle: I'm actually freaking out

Chapter 61: Chapter 46 Uncle: I’m actually freaking out

Translator: 549690339

The fight was over, very quickly, incredibly so.

“Was that just too amazing?”

Lu Anya’s mind was boggled, she had lost, and she couldn’t fathom why.


Lu Anya, naturally not willing to accept defeat, was stronger than her younger brother. The Tree Elves’ Descendants were genial by nature, but when it came to things they didn’t understand, they desired clarity.

So, Lu Anya lost again.

Neither used weapons, the senior sister merely engaged in close combat, but her moves, her speed, and strength completely overwhelmed Lu Anya.

“Feiya is invincible!!”

” Long live Yatun Big Sister!!”

“Feiya! Feiya!!”

Although the senior sister was somewhat aloof among the People of Yatun, everyone knew who was truly the number one master of Yatun.

Isefia was the uncle’s first disciple; he brought the two sisters to what was then Yatun Village before training and teaching the other People of Yatun began.

So, the senior sister might not be the eldest among the women of Yatun, but she was indeed the earliest to be initiated and truly is Yatun Big Sister.

“You’re really too strong.”

Having accepted her defeat, Lu Anya stood up and said with utmost respect, “I’ve never met someone as formidable as you.”

The Tree Elves’ Descendants did not compete fiercely nor did they brawl; they respected and revered the strong.

“Maybe it’s because I’ve been practicing a few more years.”


Lu Anya said awkwardly, “I, I’m actually over 260 years old.”

The senior sister’s mouth twitched, then she offered a polite smile, “Then it must be an issue with the techniques.”

“Who did you learn your skills from?”

“Family secret.”

The senior sister wasn’t being dismissive, because it truly was a secret technique from Bailuo’s family.

In his past life, Bailuo was just an ordinary person, but he had seen countless TV dramas and books and knew some close-quarters combat knowledge, which he told the uncle many years ago.

To this, the uncle commented, “The moves you speak of are mostly for show, but the theories they encompass, are profound and substantial.”

Therefore, instead of adopting Bailuo’s hybrid moves, the uncle, based on the theories provided, created a new set of Yatun close combat techniques.

Incorporating the strengths of many, they not only brought out the physical advantages of the People of Yatun but also adopted the finesse and intricacy of the Easterners.

Just like in Lu Anya’s recent fight with the senior sister, as soon as they got close, the senior sister identified Lu Anya’s power focal points, then struck at her vulnerabilities, swiftly gaining control.

Of course, not everyone could be as formidable as the senior sister, at least Inya could never learn it.

Inya: I believe in overpowering strength; all this talk about force application and technique is insignificant in the face of absolute power!

“They’re calling you Yatun Big Sister, you know.”

Lu Anya being an outsider, didn’t hold the same reverence for the senior sister as the People of Yatun, so she could afford to joke with her.


The senior sister nodded indifferently but said little else.

She sat there quietly, not cold like a block of ice, but not everyone would approach her readily either.

Isefia was like a piece of artwork; one could admire her from a distance, marveling at her beauty, but couldn’t get too near, let alone touch carelessly.

“I always thought I was the quiet one, but you’re even more reserved than me.”

Lu Anya joked, “They even call that—Ah yes, ‘aloof.’ They say you are very aloof.”


The senior sister neither confirmed nor denied; she wasn’t good at interacting with strangers, after all, nodding was just right.

However, Lu Anya wasn’t afraid of the senior sister, not even after being defeated by her. She held only admiration and respect, and even longed to get closer to and understand her.

Thus, besides Alaya, Yatun had another person who could leave the senior sister at a loss.


Bailuo stood on the high platform, “Everyone should be full by now, next, we are starting a new plan.”

“First off, we need to establish a village to the north of this lake, south against the central mountain.”

Bailuo’s plan was to build a castle on the mountain, then, facing from north to south, create a town at the middle and base of the mountain to accommodate people.

Eventually, they could even excavate the central mountain to a greater extent.

Thus, they could construct a round capital city, slowly encompassing the entire central mountain as the population grew.

“Our first step is to build houses.”

“The Tree Elves’ Descendants love living in tree hollows and tree-tops,” Bailuo pointed to the western woods, “so that dense forest won’t need to be touched.”

“Lu Anya.”


“From nowon, that’s where you’ll live,” Bailuo said, “The forest and village will be connected, so you won’t need to bother with construction.”

“However, I hope you can tidy up that forest, clean up the fallen leaves and mud, and then take care of the flowers and plants in the village.”

Although Lilith’s magic was versatile, she needed to focus on her own tasks.

If she had to take care of the maintenance subsequent to her initial assignment anytime someone called her, wouldn’t she be overwhelmed?

“In addition, I’ll open a road there, linking the two places.”

Bailuo envisioned turning the Tree Elves’ Descendants into an independent scenic area, akin to a small town within the forest.

A neat road would lead west from the village into the forest, flanked by green lawns and bright flower beds, branching out like tree limbs, connecting ancient trees.

The ancient trees were either turned into tree houses or topped with dwellings, exuding ceaseless elegance and picturesque beauty under the golden sunlight.

Such a village was straight out of a fairy tale found only in magical stories.

But paired with a race like the Tree Elves’ Descendants, calling it a fairy tale world was spot on.

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